Thursday, October 31, 2013

No 509 "En mi opinion" Oct. 31, 2013

No 509  “En mi opinión”  Octubre 31, 2013  
“IN GOD WE TRUST”     Lázaro R González Miño  Editor

"EMO" No se porque la gente se disgusta de que obama les espie el telefono, el telegrafo, el internet, los ticket de la lotto, el cepillo de dientes y el papel de toiled usado, YUCK!!! y sabe DIOS cuantas cosas mas... Yo he encontrado camaras hasta en el tolilet... Pero eso en realidad me combiene, es propaganda gratis. Ademas todo lo que escribo sobre las burradas y estupideces de el desgobierno de obama, las escribo fundamentalmente para que llegue a los que cometen esas burradas-estupidupilas y si el mismo despresidente obama se encarga de que mis escritos y opiniones les lleguen a los cretinopulos y estupidulilos miembros de su desgobierno, incluyendolo a el, para que esten al tanto de todas sus propias estupidupilas burradas. Pues eso a mi me combiene. Asi que me sigan espiandome y que me sigan contando los pelos y la talla, con la camara que me intalaron en el toilet. MUCHAS GRACIAS, AL QUE SE PREOCUPE, AL MENOS A MI ME COMBIENE, ASI LES LLEGA DE PRIMERA MANO "EN MI OPINION" LRGM.

Tom Coburn: Harry Reid is an ‘absolute asshole’
By GJWHG / 30 October 2013
Oklahoma Republican Sen. Tom Coburn called Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid an “asshole” on Monday, speaking at a gala in New York.
The New York Daily News first reported the comments, which Coburn made at a gala for the New York Young Republican Club.
“I have great relationships with [New York Democratic Sen.] Chuck Schumer,” Coburn reportedly said. “I don’t say that in Oklahoma.”
"EMO" Juro que no tuve nada que ver con lo que dijo Coburn... ? Realmente yo lo he pensado esactamente asi hace mucho tiempo pero nunca, nunca, never ever lo he dicho en voz alta. LRGM.

EE.UU. también espió al Vaticano y al Papa Francisco.
(CNNMéxico) — Los servicios de inteligencia de Estados Unidos espiaron las comunicaciones telefónicas del Vaticano y del Papa, según el semanario italiano Panorama, en su edición que publicará este jueves.
Entre los 46 millones de llamadas telefónicas interceptadas en Italia "hay también [comunicaciones] desde y hacia el Vaticano", escribió Panorama, que no cita fuentes, en un artículo enviado por anticipación este miércoles a diversos medios.
Entre las conversaciones escuchadas estaban, según la revista, las que se producían en la Domus Internationalis Paolo VI de Roma, la residencia donde se alojó el entonces arzobispo de Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, antes de que comenzase el cónclave que le eligió papa el 13 de marzo de 2013.
La publicación recuerda que el nombre del ahora papa Francisco ya había surgido en los documentos filtrados por el portal WikiLeaks de Julian Assange, el cual reveló despachos de los servicios secretos estadounidenses en los que se hablaba de Bergoglio como uno de los papables en el cónclave de 2005.
Además, entre los espiados se encontraría el presidente del Instituto para las Obras de Religión (IOR), conocido como el Banco del Vaticano, el alemán Ernst von Freyberg, que fue nombrado en febrero de 2013 por Benedicto XVI tras los escándalos que salpicaron a su predecesor.

"EMO" El papa, no... Yo tambien encontre camaras y microfonos en el cepillo de dientes, en el papel higienico, en el toilet, en la computadora, en el telefono, en la almohada, en las medias, en la mata de aguacates y en los condones (?) LRGM

NBC/WSJ Poll: Obama Approval Rating at All-Time Low. Wednesday, 30 Oct 2013 07:33 PM By Greg Richter

President Barack Obama's approval numbers have hit a record low, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.
Only 42 percent approve of Obama's job performance, according the poll. That's down 5 points from early October. And 51 percent disapprove of his performance, which is tied for his all-time high disapproval.
And for the first time in the poll's history, Obama's personal approval ratings were lower than his disapproval ratings. The poll showed that 41 percent approve of him on a personal level and 45 percent disapprove.
"Personally and politically, the public's assessment is two thumbs down," Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart told NBC. Hart and Republican pollster Bill McInturff conducted the survey.
Editor’s Note: New 'Obamacare Survival Guide' Reveals Dangers Ahead for Your Healthcare
The pollsters told NBC that no single issue is responsible for the declines. Rather, a combination of the NSA spying scandal, questions over his "red line" comment on attacking Syria, the government shutdown, and problems with the Obamacare website rollout all played a roll.
In fact, the poll showed the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, also slipping in approval along with the Republican Party and Congress as a whole.
Thirty-seven percent now view the healthcare law as a good idea, with 47 percent opposing it. The previous poll showed 38 percent in favor and 43 against.
The White House and congressional Democrats had been touting the law's growing popularity as critics blasted the troubled rollout.
But in a separate question, 40 percent say they are now less confident about Obamacare after learning more about it. Only 9 percent are more confident. Exactly half said there has been no change in their thinking.
The full poll can be read here.
Newt Gingrich: Sebelius Worse Liar Than Nixon
Ben Carson: Obama Wrong to Imply ACA Foes Don't CareRead Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Samitier: Desvergüenza en el SENADO DE USA... Todos los SENADORES son TRAIDORES...
Esto Resulta INEXPLICABLE y Es Otra Prueba De Que Los Senadores De USA...
Para los que NO PUDIERON VER EL REPORTAJE de 60 Minutos el DOMINGO PASADO... sobre el ataque de los TERRORISTAS MUSULMANES a la embajada de USA en Bengazi... AQUÍ SE DICE un POCO MAS DE LA VERDAD...
Le Perdonaron la vida a algunos Libios diciéndoles... “Estamos Aquí Para Matar Norte Americanos No Libios”
Aquí el enlace para ver en 60 minutos mucho más que lo que INVESTIGARON LOS SENADORES... ¡Que DESVERGÜENZA!

amenper: No Estoy contra Obama
Cuando leyeron este encabezamiento, sé que deben de haber sonreído y pueden haber creído que es una broma.  Pero es la realidad, no estoy específicamente contra Obama, estoy visceralmente opuesto al socialismo. Como Obama es el peón del socialismo en los Estados Unidos, por eso lo critico.
Pero realmente Obama no es el único, ni siquiera pienso que es el principal componente para el camino del socialismo dentro de la democracia americana.
La pieza central del gobierno de Obama, es el Seguro de Salud Socialista Universal, no es nada nuevo, solamente la presentación es diferente, algo así como el socialismo era la dictadura del proletariado y ahora el socialismo del siglo XXI es la dictadura disfrazada de democracia representativa.
Cuando los Clinton tomaron el poder, Hillary estaba embriagada de poder, una embriaguez justificada, ya que el oscuro gobernador de Arkansas había hecho el milagro de derrotar a sus contendientes demócratas en las primarias y después ganar las elecciones ante el presidente titular. Se creían capaces de todo.

amenper: La estupidez tiene sus límites .
 No hay manera que pueda  creer que este nivel de incompetencia sea posible. Tengo que creer que esto es hecho por  diseño con una agenda oculta para retrasar la aplicación de Obamacare.
Ellos no están preparados en estos momentos y esto es sólo una manera de tomar tiempo para comenzar cuando sientan que es apropiado.

WASHINGTON, 29 de Oct (Reuters) - Centro de datos del gobierno estadounidense anunciaron que de nuevo el Obamacare 'experimentaba una interrupción' el martes por la tarde.
Fue la segunda parada en tres días.
El operador de centro de datos, Verizon, dijo que estaba haciendo mantenimiento en el sistema.
"Acceso salud CT fue informado por CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) y que el centro de servicios de datos Federal está experimentando una interrupción," dijo un comunicado del departamento de estado de Connecticut.
Un fallo similar el domingo detuvo la inscripción en línea en el sitio federal así como sitios similares del estado.
Una portavoz del Departamento de salud y servicios humanos de los Estados Unidos (HSS) declinó comentar el desarrollo y refiere a llamadas a Verizon.
Terremark Verizon opera el centro de servicios de datos que une los mercados de seguros de salud en línea con numerosas agencias federales y puede verificar la identidad de la gente, la ciudadanía y otros hechos.
"Ahora estamos en el mantenimiento de infraestructura de la empresa, que se debe completar  durante la noche. Prevemos que la infraestructura consolidada ayudará a eliminar tiempos muertos de aplicación,"dijo un comunicado de Jeff Nelson, Vicepresidente de comunicaciones corporativas globales de Verizon Enterprise Solutions.
Dijo que el mantenimiento se había realizado a petición de un funcionario de HHS, pero no mencionó nombre a la persona.
Hillary que es socialista sin lugar a dudas, y que es tolerada por el resbaloso Willy, siempre y cuando le permita sus resbalones extramaritales, trató de imponer la medicina socializada, que según el librito comunista debe de ser el primer paso hacia la socialización total en un régimen democrático.
Pero Hillary no tuvo la habilidad para presentar el plan de una manera que pudiera implementarse.  Quizás porque en su embriaguez fue muy directa, o porque el pueblo en ese momento rechazaba todo lo que oliera a socialismo.  Hay que oír lo que dijo Hillary en aquella época y copio textualmente:
 "Si a los americanos se permiten demasiada discreción sobre cómo gastan sus dólares de atención de la salud", la señora Clinton dijo: "creemos que las personas se centrará en ahorrar dinero y no conseguirán el cuidado para sus hijos y a sí mismos que necesitan...
"El dinero tiene que ir al gobierno federal porque el gobierno federal gastará ese dinero mejor".
Fue demasiado sincera, los actuales implementadores del Obamacare son más discretos y ponen a su peón Obama a decir cosas como que todo el mundo tendrá derecho a mantener su seguro si quiere tenerlo. Lo cual no es mentira, es simplemente un sofisma, si quieres mantener el seguro que tienes puedes conservarlo, lo único es que vas a tener que pagar tres veces lo que te cuesta ahora si quieres tener la misma cobertura.
Esto es importante, "con  todos los problemas técnicos del Obamacare, al menos una parte está trabajando muy bien en la agenda".
La ley está desmantelando sistemáticamente el mercado de seguros individuales, como sus arquitectos previnieron desde el principio. Los millones de estadounidenses que reciben avisos de terminación porque su cobertura actual no se ajusta a las reglas del Departamento de salud y servicios humanos  pueden no darse cuenta es por diseño, los liberales afirman que el nuevo seguro debería costar más, porque es mejor, al menos según lo definido por el paternalismo liberal.
Como tengo el Medicare, mi callo no ha sido pisado todavía, ya me llegará el momento como a los más jóvenes ahora, sin embargo mi seguro de "long term health care" ya me avisó, no iba a subir la prima, pero que los beneficios cambiaban por el aumento de los costos, y que si quería mantener los beneficios originales, teníamos que pagar $200.00 más trimestrales por mi esposa y yo. (¿así que no me subieron las primas?, vaya sofisma) Pues como puedo pagarlo y después de haber estado pagando el seguro por más de veinte años, no quise perder los beneficios a esta edad, y estoy pagando la nueva prima, pero si no hubiera podido pagarlo, me jodía o quizás hubiera podido esperar a ver si el Obamacare me ofrecía algo..
 Algo parecido es lo que está pasando a los millones de personas con sus pólizas de salud individuales.
 Pero la verdadera razón por la que quieren que las pólizas existente cuesten más es para conducir tantas personas como sea posible fuera de este mercado y en los intercambios subsidiados del Obamacare . Esto es lo que dijo Hillary y esta es la esencia de la socialización de la medicina.
Por eso es que hay veces que pienso que quizás también las fallas del Website pudieran ser por diseño. Obamacare se está despretigiando ahora, pero cuando se arregle la Web, la gente se olvidará del incidente, y entonces será el momento indicado para vender las pólizas del Obamacare.
El momento para que las personas compren los seguros del Obamacare no es ahora, pero cuando la mayor canditad de personas pierdan o le sean demasiado costosas las pólizas privadas que tienen ahora.
La prensa política está informando esto como un sorprendente descubrimiento, y suponemos que es así si usted creía las promesas del señor Obama.
Pero el propósito ha estado ahí para cualquiera que quisiera mirar.. No es un accidente. Es el resultado de la demanda liberal que todos tienen que tener esencialmente la misma cobertura y que el gobierno debe dictaminar qué esa cobertura es y cuánto cuesta.
 Este control político es el sistema nervioso central de Obamacare, y es el primer paso hacia el socialismo, del control total del ciudadano, y es por eso tanta gente no puede mantener el seguro les gusta.
Nada es nuevo, es lo mismo que propuso Hillary en 1994, pero más elaborado.
Por eso no hay que leer la ley que hicieron tan confusa y grande para que nadie la leyera.
No hay que leerla si uno tiene el entendimiento por la experiencia de los que es la medicina socializada y por la experiencia de haber vivido el intento de implementarla con el Hillarycare.
Hillary es la madre de la medicina socializada en los Estados Unidos, el hijo le abortó.
Obamacare, está tratando de que este hijo no le aborte ahora.

Samitier: Son Brutos los Republicanos o Son Demócratas INFILTRADOS...
Mientras Varios Republicanos Entre Ellos “Nuestro Senador” Marco Rubio Tratan
De Salvar El ObamaCare Tratando Que Se Apruebe Una MORATORIA...
Los INTELIGENTES y Verdaderos Contrarios De Obama y Los Demócratas Como George Will y Muchos Otros... Piden Que Continúe Para Que Le Explote Como Una BOMBA Al Partido Demócrata...
He aquí la información...

amenper: Socialismo en Los Estados Unidos???

Las seis contradicciones del socialismo en los Estados Unidos de América
1-Estados Unidos es capitalista y egoísta - pero la mitad de la población está subsidiada.        
2- La mitad de la población está subsidiada - todavía creen que son víctimas.      
3- Ellos creen que son las víctimas, sin embargo, los que los subsidian administran el gobierno.        
4-Los que los subsidian aadministran el gobierno - sin embargo, los pobres cada vez más pobres.      
5-Los pobres cada vez más pobres –Sin embargo tienen cosas que en otros países sólo sueñan.        
6-Tienen cosas que en otros países sólo sueñan - sin embargo, quieren que Estados Unidos a sean más como los otros países.

Microsoft, Amazon: Obama Turned Down Our Help on Obamacare Site
Tuesday, 29 Oct 2013 07:11 PM
The Obama administration appears to have passed up offers from Amazon and Microsoft to help fix the federal government's troubled healthcare enrollment website, according to documents released on Tuesday by a Republican-led congressional investigating committee.
An Oct. 7 inquiry from Amazon's subsidiary Amazon Web Services Inc. was turned down by two senior officials at the Department of Health and Human Services, which is overseeing implementation of President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law, according to copies of emails provided by the House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Microsoft also contacted HHS and the White House with offers of "technical expertise and assistance," but the company has not provided any such services, a Microsoft representative said in an Oct. 25 letter to the committee. The letter did not say whether the administration had responded to Microsoft's offers.
Editor’s Note: New 'Obamacare Survival Guide' Reveals Dangers Ahead for Your Healthcare
Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the committee and a dogged critic of the Obama administration, last week wrote to eight technology companies asking whether they had been involved in what the administration had called a "tech surge" aimed at fixing the website,
The oversight committee released some of the companies' responses.
Republicans have long been opposed to the 2010 Affordable Care Act, known as "Obamacare," and have started their own congressional probe into the role of the White House in the Oct. 1 rollout of the website. It is a critical tool of the reforms, meant to help the uninsured get medical coverage, but it has been riddled with snags.
The Obama administration said earlier this month it was bringing in high-tech experts to sort out the website, but it has given few details of who may be involved, other than to announce last week that Quality Software Services Inc, or QSSI, will serve as a general contractor to oversee repairs.
"We wrote to these companies because the administration said there was a tech surge underway but was hazy on the details," said Caitlin Carroll, an Issa spokeswoman.
The responses "raise even more questions about who at HHS is doing what to solve the problems" with the website, she said. There was no immediate comment from HHS.
Issa has subpoenaed QSSI, which is a unit of health insurer UnitedHealth Group and also has a technology contract related to the website, for documents related to the project.
An Amazon representative wrote to the committee on Oct. 28 to describe the company's contacts with the administration about the website.
Amazon sent the panel copies of emails, showing an employee of Amazon Web Services Inc (AWS) emailed two HHS officials on Oct. 7 saying, "I hear there are some challenges with Is there anything we can do to help?"
HHS' Chief Technology Officer Bryan Sivak replied to Amazon by email on Oct. 8: "I wish there was. I actually wish there was something I could do to help."
Editor’s Note: New 'Obamacare Survival Guide' Reveals Dangers Ahead for Your Healthcare
HHS' Chief Information Officer Frank Baitman replied to Amazon on Oct. 7, "Thanks for the offer! Unfortunately, as you know, I haven't been involved with I'm still trying to figure out how I can help, and may very well reach out for assistance should the opportunity present itself."
Issa has written to Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Verizon Enterprise Solutions, Oracle, Expedia , Apple, and Kayak, Carroll said.
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Samitier: Una atractiva rubia irlandesa llegó al casino.
Parecía estar algo borracha y apostó 20,000 euros en una sola jugada a los dados.
En eso dijo: "Espero no se molesten, pero siento que tengo más suerte si estoy completamente desnuda". Así pues, se sacó toda la ropa y tiró  los dados diciendo:
"Vamos!... vamos!... que mami necesita ropa nueva!!!".
Cuando el dado se detuvo, empezó a dar saltos y gritó:  "Si!!!... si!!!!... GANÉEEE!!!".
Abrazó a los empleados; a cada uno de los jugadores; levantó sus ganancias, su ropa y se fue rápidamente.
Todos se miraron boquiabiertos… Finalmente uno de los empleados preguntó:
"¿.... y qué número salió?. El otro contestó: "No sé; pensé que tú estabas mirando!!!".
- No todas las irlandesas son borrachas.
- No todas las rubias son tontas.

George Will: Let Obamacare Crash and Burn. Tuesday, 29 Oct 2013 06:58 PM By Bill Hoffmann

Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist George Will says President Barack Obama has, by his actions, confirmed the Republican view that the Affordable Care Act is unworkable.
"It seems to me the president has been emphatic that the Obamacare can be implemented as written. Republicans have said it can't, and then the president confirmed the Republican view by his starkly and unambiguously illegal delay of the employer mandate," Will told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
"That employer mandate starting date was written into the law. The law cannot be changed by presidents unilaterally. It just can't be done," he said Tuesday.
Editor’s Note: New 'Obamacare Survival Guide' Reveals Dangers Ahead for Your Healthcare
Story continues below video.
But now that the Affordable Care Act is law, Will said, he agrees with Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy and others that the best way forward may be to let the Affordable Care Act crash on its own.
"The first thing I'd say is . . . he's embraced it, he wants to go forward. Let it. The quickest way to refute all the arguments for Obamacare is to experience Obamacare," Will said.
"My general feeling is stand back, be quiet, and, if anything, make the president ask — beg, really — Congress to rescue him from his own handiwork."
Will also weighed in on the name of the Washington Redskins professional football team and whether it should be changed after charges it is racist toward American Indians.
"First, there's an empirical question: is it a fact that a substantial number of Native Americans are offended by this? We know they're not offended, really, by the Florida State Seminoles, by the tomahawk chop of the Atlanta Braves, by the name of the Cleveland Indians . . . go down the list," said Will, a Fox News commentator.
Urgent: Should the House Have Agreed to Debt Deal? Vote Here
"There are all kinds of names deriving from the Native American heritage. So, first, empirically, prove to me that a substantial number of Native Americans are offended by this and I will reconsider it.
"There are all kinds of various white liberals purporting to speak for Native Americans. Let's hear from the Native Americans," Will said.
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Ann Coulter to Newsmax: Troubled Obamacare Ripe for Defunding
Tuesday, 29 Oct 2013 06:45 PM By Bill Hoffmann

Ann Coulter has a message for Republican lawmakers smarting over the continuing and troubled rollout of the Affordable Care Act: Now's the time to band together and try to defund it again.
"The Democrats absolutely have to pass a delay now," the noted conservative commentator told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
Urgent: Should the House Have Agreed to Debt Deal? Vote Here
Story continues below video.
Coulter said she agreed with a recent column by Newsmax Media CEO and founder Christopher Ruddy that Republicans should not try to delay the Affordable Care Act's implementation, so that voters can see what a disaster it is.
"So this is the time for Republicans to come roaring back and have the House pass a bill completely defunding it — not agreeing to a delay," she said.
Coulter, author of the new book, "Never Trust a Liberal Over 3 – Especially a Republican," is furious with Democrats who are blasting Republicans for their criticism of the healthcare law's bungled website.
"Democrats have the audacity to say, 'Oh you're upset about the website failing when you want it to fail anyway,'" she said.
"No, we said this would happen and it's happening — and as much as it's like Christmas every day, with every aspect of this law becoming a disaster — [the] people who supported it and supported Obama discovered, 'Oops, we were lied to.'
"Not by the Republicans. We warned you America. But it's not enough that it's just a disaster."
Editor’s Note: New 'Obamacare Survival Guide' Reveals Dangers Ahead for Your Healthcare
Coulter said Republicans must begin to concentrate on winning back the Senate and on reinvigorating the federal government.
"Government programs don't fall on their own. We have to elect representatives who will specifically repeal these monstrosities," she said.
"Duh, that's why I keep saying, let's look at Arkansas, West Virginia, Louisiana, Alaska, Montana, Minnesota. We can win back the Senate if Republicans set their minds to it and stop the internal fight."
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Samitier: CBS Uncovers the Cover-Up

Dear Conservative Friend,
President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton can no longer hide via the mainstream media about their stonewalling of the tragic Benghazi over-run by terrorists over one year ago!
This past Sunday, CBS News “60 Minutes” did a tell-all program about the Benghazi debacle.
The bottom line:  the White House and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton absolutely “whitewashed” the entire terrorist attack!
Sadly, as admitted by former Deputy Ambassador Greg Hicks, he was told that very hour of the attack that NO reinforcements were coming!
Sixty Minutes absolutely blew the lid off the can of Benghazi.  It was almost hard to imagine what the report indicated.
These new revelations underscored the point we have already made several times:  IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION COVER-UP!
The interviews last Sunday for sure pointed that that travesty!
We must notify every Member of the United States Congress that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaeda attack that the Obama administration originally tried to hide.  OVER ONE YEAR LATER, the families of four slain governmental employees, including Ambassador Stevens, must be told the TRUTH!
No more cover-ups.  No more LIES!  No more “fudging.”
It was an outright attack and the United States was totally UNPREPARED!
Worse yet, we did NOT back up our security forces at all!!
The 60 Minutes opening was as follows: “When Chris Stevens was killed in Benghazi, Libya, on the anniversary of September 11th last year, it was only the sixth time that the United States had lost an ambassador to its enemies. The events of that night have been overshadowed by misinformation, confusion and intense partisanship. But for those who lived through it, there's nothing confusing about what happened, and they share a sense of profound frustration because they say they saw it coming.
“Tonight, you will hear for the first time from a security officer who witnessed the attack. He calls himself, Morgan Jones, a pseudonym he's using for his own safety. A former British soldier, he's been helping to keep U.S. diplomats and military leaders safe for the last decade. On a night he describes as sheer hell, Morgan Jones snuck into a Benghazi hospital that was under the control of al Qaeda terrorists, desperate to find out if one of his close friends from the U.S. Special Mission was the American he'd been told was there.”
It turned out to be Ambassador Stevens!
This was the first time in 33 years that a United States Ambassador died as a result of terrorism!
Yet, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: “What difference does it make?” when challenged in an earlier congressional hearing, it actually pointed to an all-out cover-up of the terrorist attack.
According to Obama and Clinton, during the elections, Benghazi was “just another phony scandal.”  Tell that to the family of the four slain government employees who gave their all for the country!
60 Minutes tweeted this past weekend: “Contrary to earlier White House statements, Benghazi was a planned, sophisticated attack by al-Qaeda against the barely protected American compound.  A security official says the attack in Benghazi was no surprise because al-Qaeda had posted their plots against the United Kingdom and the United States online.
Please urge every Member of the United States Congress that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaeda attack that the Obama administration originally tried to hide.  OVER ONE YEAR LATER, the families of four slain governmental employees, including Ambassador Stevens, must be told the TRUTH!
Within the 60 Minutes Sunday expose, here was a very damaging discussion between Lara Logan and Greg Hicks:
Lara Logan: You have this conversation with the defense attaché. You ask him what military assets are on their way. And he says–
Greg Hicks: Effectively, they’re not. And I– for a moment, I just felt lost. I just couldn’t believe the answer. And then I made the call to the Annex chief, and I told him, ‘Listen, you’ve got to tell those guys there may not be any help coming.’
Lara Logan: That’s a tough thing to understand. Why?
Greg Hicks: It just is. We–, for us, for the people that go out onto the edge, to represent our country, we believe that if we get in trouble, they’re coming to get us. That our back is covered. To hear that it’s not, it’s a terrible, terrible experience.
Who gave the stand-down order? Where was the commander-in-chief during the seven hours of the attacks? These are among the many lingering questions that the Obama administration refuses to answer. It is still stonewalling, but the stones are beginning to crumble.
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Greg Hicks, the 22-year Foreign Service veteran, who earlier testified before Congress, that he was “in the process of trying to frame a third request for additional security assets. But it was not allowed to go forward.”
YES! Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her minions did not permit the request for more security to go forward.  You see the results.  And yet she has the gall to try to run for the presidency of the United States in 2016!  Can you believe that?
According to the 60 Minutes dialogue, basically, the Obama administration willfully ABANDONED the rescue of American employees, especially an American ambassador!
The scathing report by CBS must put Obama and Clinton “on the ropes.”
As the al-Qaeda contingency announced at the beginning of the terrorist raid: “WE ARE HERE TO KILL AMERICANS!”
Where was security?  Who called for the military response stand-down?
These are much more important than just questions!
And to think the Obama administration dismissed this as a “phony scandal.”
In earlier days, that admission by a commander-in-chief would be cause for “treason and sedition!”
By the way, where was the “Commander-in-Chief” during those seven hours?
Who knows?  Basically, NO ONE!
The Obama Administration knew all along that Benghazi was a terror attack!
This 60 Minutes expose is considered an “inconvenient truth” for President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
This scathing report will come back to haunt Hillary Clinton!
In an interview last week, former Vice-President Dick Cheney said of Hillary Clinton: “She clearly wasn’t hands on, and now she doesn’t want to be hands on.  And she’s doing everything she can to avoid responsibility for what clearly fell into her bailiwick.  And what I always recall is her testimony saying, ‘What difference does it make?’ And the fact of the matter is it makes a huge difference!”
FAX Congress NOW!  Urge every Member of the United States Congress that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaeda attack that the Obama administration originally tried to hide.  OVER ONE YEAR LATER, the families of four slain governmental employees, including Ambassador Stevens, must be told the TRUTH!
Agreeing that the Benghazi event was a supposed “phony scandal,” the left-wing Media Matters, funded by George Soros (surprise!!), have released a book entitled “THE BENGHAZI HOAX!”  How tragic!  What a slap in the face to the family of Ambassador Stevens!
President Obama and his minions also continue to BLOCK those Benghazi survivors from testifying before the United States Congress.
In a direct response to this surprising, tell-all expose by CBS News, United States Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) demanded: “I am tired of hearing form people on television, and reading about (Benghazi) in books.  I will now block ALL appointments from the White House until the Obama administration makes the Benghazi survivors available for testimony before Congress!”
U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham took it one step further: “ To Speaker Boehner: Please, for God’s sake, form a joint committee to get away from the blame game and find out exactly what happened!”
Of course, we have been saying this to you for over ONE YEAR!
Bombed out American Embassy as it appeared weeks after terrorist bombing!
Please help get to the truth of the Benghazi debacle NOW.  Please fax today!
All we want is the outright TRUTH!
Please tell every Member of the United States Congress to form a “Joint Committee” to FINALLY get to the bottom of this Benghazi debacle!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

Report: NSA Spied on Google, Yahoo Accounts. Wednesday, 30 Oct 2013 08:26 PM By Cathy Burke

The National Security Agency secretly has been collecting information from hundreds of millions of Google and Yahoo user accounts daily around the world — many of them belonging to Americans, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.
The bombshell report detailing how the NSA broke into the main communications links connecting the Silicon Valley giants' data centers around the world was based on documents from ex-NSA leaker Edward Snowden and interviews with officials, the Post reported.
"It's an arms race," Eric Grosse, vice president for security engineering at Google, told the Post last month, before revelation of the infiltration. He said the company was rushing to encrypt the links between its data centers.
"We see these government agencies as among the most skilled players in this game," Grosse said.
Yahoo has not announced plans to encrypt its data-center links.
The Post account comes in the wake of months of reports, also based on Snowden's leaks, that have shown the spy agency has routinely tracked patterns in emails and phone calls of Americans.
The Post said a top-secret report dated Jan. 9 noted the NSA's acquisitions directorate sends the enormous cache of records from Yahoo and Google internal networks to data warehouses at the agency's Fort Meade headquarters.
In the 30 days before that, the report said, collectors had processed and sent back 181,280,466 new records — including "metadata" that would indicate who sent or received emails and when, as well as content such as text, audio and video, the Post reported.
The NSA's principal tool to exploit the data links is a project called MUSCULAR, operated jointly with the agency's British counterpart, the Government Communications Headquarters, the Post reported.
The NSA and the GCHQ are copying entire data flows through fiber-optic cables carrying information between Google and Yahoo data centers, the Post said.
The Post noted the NSA, under a separate program, already has access to Google and Yahoo user accounts through a court-approved process.
The NSA is capable of high-tech spying, but hasn't been known to routinely use it against U.S. companies, the Post noted.
In a statement, the NSA said it is "focused on discovering and developing intelligence about valid foreign intelligence targets only."
"NSA applies Attorney General-approved processes to protect the privacy of U.S. persons — minimizing the likelihood of their information in our targeting, collection, processing, exploitation, retention, and dissemination," it told the Post.
Google's chief legal officer, David Drummond, said in a statement the company has "long been concerned about the possibility of this kind of snooping" and has not provided the government with access to its systems.
"We are outraged at the lengths to which the government seems to have gone to intercept data from our private fiber networks, and it underscores the need for urgent reform," he said.
At Yahoo, a spokeswoman said, "We have strict controls in place to protect the security of our data centers, and we have not given access to our data centers to the NSA or to any other government agency."
The NSA already gathers huge volumes of online communications records by legally compelling U.S. technology companies, including Yahoo and Google, to turn over any data that matches court-approved search terms, under a program called Prism.
That program — first disclosed by the Post and The Guardian newspaper in Britain — is authorized under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and overseen by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the Post reported.
But outside the United States, statutory restrictions on surveillance seldom apply and the FISC has no jurisdiction.
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein,  D-Calif., has acknowledged Congress conducts little oversight of intelligence-gathering under an executive order that defines the basic powers and responsibilities of the intelligence agencies.
In its statement, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence denied it was using executive authority to "get around the limitations" imposed by FISA.
To obtain free access to data center traffic, the NSA had to circumvent gold-standard security measures.
Google "goes to great lengths to protect the data and intellectual property in these centers," The Post reported, quoting one of its blog posts.
Google and Yahoo also pay for premium data links, designed to be faster, more reliable and more secure, it noted.
It's not clear how much data from Americans is collected and how much is retained.
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Tea Party Republican Jim Wheeler Would Vote for Slavery?
By Michael Minkoff / 31 October 2013

Outrage is mounting against Nevada Republican Jim Wheeler after he reiterated in an interviewthat he would “vote for slavery” if that’s what his constituency wanted him to do. Wheeler responded later to the inevitable outcry with an explanation that his comments were to prove a point—that he is elected to represent his constituency, no questions asked. He further explained that he is not personally in favor of slavery, but of course, in the eyes of leftists worldwide, every white man in a cowboy hat is for re-instituting slavery, so no “reasonable” person has been willing to let his gaff slide. According to the outrage-fueled media, Wheeler just aired his true feelings about slavery. He apparently said what all Tea Party Republicans would say if they were honest.
Beyond the most obvious point here—that Wheeler should have avoided making such a stupid public statement—the fact is that no one on the left side of the aisle in reality actually disagrees with him. Most of them have voted for slavery due to popular demand. In fact, most of them have voted for slavery even when most everyone in their constituency, and the country, told them notto. The plain fact is that we have more slavery now than we ever had in 1861, and the reason for this slavery, ironically enough, is that the American majority—the liberal constituency, in other words—has clamored for it. American parasites asked for slavery, and their representatives dutifully complied. Let me explain.
Just what is slavery? Let’s not think of slavery strictly in the connotative context of race and American history—that form of slavery died, though leftists love to dig up its bones and burn it in effigy when it suits their purposes. But no, let’s let that dog lie for now. Let’s think about what slavery actually is: a nearly absolute restriction of one’s ability to make choices for one’s own life, usually in return for security. What then is cradle to grave civil welfare, also known as socialism, but—slavery? In other words, what is the current American system but a system of slavery? Does the exchange of a private master for a civil one make slavery any less immoral? Most of us are slaves even now—especially the majority of voters for the leftist machine. They do the heavy lifting for the totalitarian government, and in return, the civil government takes care of them.
Slavery is the governmental norm now. Most of us aren’t allowed to make choices for ourselves in most areas of our lives, whether it’s healthcare, parenting, employment, etc., because our slave masters in Washington make those choices for us. They know what’s good for us, and we exchanged freedom for security. That’s slavery. We voted for it, so we got it. Not all of us have voted for it, of course. But the self-sufficient American minority still has to suffer under the system nonetheless. And let’s make no bones about it: The current system is worse in many ways than the antebellum American institution of slavery.
Whereas antebellum slaveholders had a private interest in the happiness and health of their slaves, civil slaveholders in the new slavery system have neither the paternal fondness, financial incentive, managerial competence, or personal involvement to make sure their slaves are truly taken care of. So, in many ways, the current system of slavery is more onerous and even less just than the old one. Does that mean I want the old system back? Of course not! I don’t wanteither form of slavery. But I’m also not going to sit here pretending that what we’ve got now is somehow better. The new institution of slavery is not morally superior to the old one just because it isn’t willing to call itself what it is.
I cry foul. Wheeler is none too smart for saying what he said, no doubt. And, on a side note, his job actually isn’t to do whatever his constituency wants. His job is to uphold the laws of the landbased on the interpretation of those laws which he shares with the people that voted for him. He cannot break the law of the land even if everyone in his district asks him to. In both its former and current instantiations, slavery is illegal and unconstitutional. If Wheeler voted for slavery, he would be breaking his oath of office. And his colleagues already are breaking their oaths of office by upholding the current socialistic system. Slavery may be what the majority of Americans really want. Slavery is certainly what they’ve gotten. But that doesn’t make it right.
But how do we get rid of it? A nearly total collapse of American civilization was necessary to rid us of the former slavery; I can’t imagine the current slavery will end any differently.

Justice and State departments blocking access to survivors of Benghazi attack

By Catherine Herridge
Published October 31, 2013FoxNews.comFacebook1173 Twitter498 LinkedIn2The Justice and State departments are now citing a year-old FBI investigation and a future criminal prosecution to block access to survivors of last year’s Benghazi terror attack.
In an Oct. 28 letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.,the State Department’s Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Julia Frifield, refers to "significant risks" and "serious concerns about having the survivors of the attack submit to additional interviews."
Graham has been asking since last year for the FBI’s transcripts of interviews with State Department and CIA survivors who were evacuated to Germany after the Sep.11 attack on the U.S. consulate.
He and other Republicans believe the transcripts will show the survivors told the FBI it was a terrorist attack and made no mention of a video or anti-U.S. demonstration at the consulate.
This intelligence was  likely available to the president, his national security team and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, who five days after the assault blamed it on an anti-U.S. demonstration and inflammatory video.
"You can't hide behind a criminal investigation," Graham told reporters during a news conference on Capitol Hill.  "That's not a good reason to deny the Congress witness statements 48 hours after the attack."
The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  and its Republican Chairman, Darell Issa, recently interviewed – against the Justice Department’s wishes -- two State Department security agents who have firsthand knowledge of the attack, leading one Democratic lawmaker to predict the move would create inconsistencies and complicate a trial.
"As a prosecutor, you never want your witnesses to be interviewed by multiple sources. It just lends itself to the possibility of unintentional conflicts within their statements," Rep.Adam Schiff, D-Calif., a member of the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox News.
"It concerns me that that was not a higher priority for the chairman, to make sure that we could bring these people to justice, than to carry on this political exercise."
But waiting for a criminal prosecution and appeal to be wrapped up, according to Republicans, doesn't pass the sniff test.
"So we are going to wait three years when we had a terrorist attack, which is very different than your average criminal case that Senator Graham talked about, to get the truth and think about what we know to prevent future terrorist attacks?" asked Sen.Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H.
Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., renewed his call for a select committee, lawmakers also cited the reporting of Fox News, followed by CBS’ “60 Minutes,” that the main Benghazi suspects have strong ties to Al Qaeda senior leadership.
At the same time, another Republican turned the tables on the media and its apparent lack of curiosity about Ambassador Chris Stevens' final days.
"Does it bother you whether or not you know why Chris Stevens was in Benghazi?" asked Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. "Do you know why we were the last flag flying in Benghazi after the British had left and the Red Cross had been bombed? Do you know why requests for additional security were denied?"
Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Tex.,chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security and a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry with 84 congressional signatures asking why his department was not offering a reward for tips leading to the Benghazi suspects.
The “Rewards for Justice” program, described on the State Department’s own website as a valuable tool in counter-terrorism cases, offers millions of dollars for information about suspects who are not accused of murdering Americans.
Yet there is no reward for information leading to those who murdered  Stevens, Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Kerry's staff refuses to discuss it. "I don't have anything new for you on the Al Qaeda suspects from Benghazi," State Department spokesman Jen Psaki told Fox News. .

Fox News First -- Frightful poll sends Dems screaming | Deadline day for ObamaCare exemptions | Holy See (and hear?) | Cruz vows no tricks for fellow Senate GOPers | All the eggs and toilet paper in Fargo?
FOX First: Oct. 31 By Chris Stirewalt

·        Frightful poll sends Dems screaming
·        Deadline day for ObamaCare exemptions
·        Holy See (and hear?)
·        Cruz vows no tricks for fellow Senate GOPers
·        All the eggs and toilet paper in Fargo…

As millions of Americans receive notices that their insurance policies are being cancelled because of new ObamaCare regulations, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., will offer her own bill that will allow Americans to keep their existing plans. When news broke this week that the president for years led voters to believe they could keep their coverage under his insurance overhaul despite knowing otherwise, Republicans pounced offering legislation to block the Obama rules banning low-post, bare-bones coverage.  Landrieu, facing a tough re-election fight in a Republican state, is jumping the line with a bill of her own. “The promise was made and it should be kept,” Landrieu told the New Orleans Times-Picayune. “And it was our understanding when we voted for that, that people when they have insurance, could keep what they had. So, I’m going to be working on that fix.” Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., is also preparing his own legislation that would delay by a full year the imposition of ObamaCare fines for those who don’t buy insurance.
[Daily Caller - Report: White House exerting ‘massive pressure’ on insurance companies to keep quiet]
Crash drives Obama to new low - President Obama went to Boston to rally his supporters on behalf of his embattled law, but a new WSJ/NBC News poll shows that the failed launch of his signature law is proving a major drag with the public at large. His job approval rating skidded to 42 percent, the lowest-ever rating in the poll. That’s an 11-point drop from his job approval rating following his re-election and 5 points since last month. Disapproval for the health law shot up to 47 percent, 10 points ahead of approval, double the gap from earlier this month.

Scary stuff - It was a dire WSJ/NBC News poll that drove Republicans to the exits on the partial federal shutdown three weeks ago. Now it’s the Democrats turn for a fright. The president’s tanking poll numbers and the surge in concern over the beleaguered ObamaCare rollout will push more moderate Democrats to conclude that their best path is away from the president and his law. Shutdowns are temporary. ObamaCare is forever.

Will top Democrats in Congress choose to exempt their staffs from ObamaCare? Today is the deadline for lawmakers to decide whether to grant a hugely valuable exemption to the staffs of congressional committees. House Republicans have all opted to submit themselves and their staffs to the costly provisions of the law. But as today’s deadline approached, Senate Democrats appeared split on the issue. The choice could become a big issue in next year’s elections. With Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and some Republicans pushing a constitutional amendment forbidding Congress from exempting itself from any laws it passes, the stakes are high. As Washington Examiner reports, an embarrassing moment in the testimony of Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, in which she repeatedly and wrongly claimed it would be “illegal” for her to enroll, exemptions are proving to be a hot topic. Chief Congressional CorrespondentMike Emanuel has the story.

Top Tweet of the Morning from @laurenashburn - @NewsNinja2012 Gotcha! Kathleen Sebelius captured on hot mic telling her assistant “Don't do this to me”

[Lauren Ashburn of “#MEDIABUZZ” tracks the Twitterverse every day in Top Twitter Talk.]

Despite claims by the Obama administration that insurances companies will be competing for consumer dollars under ObamaCare, a new survey by shows many of America’s top hospitals will accept insurance from only one or two companies. U.S. News and World Report has more.

During Wednesday’s hearing on ObamaCare’s Web site, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., pointed to a Sept. 27 memo to Medicare administrator Marilyn Tavenner from her staff warning of “inherent security risks” stemming from inadequate testing. “You accepted a risk on behalf of every user .?.?. that put their personal financial information at risk because you did not even have the most basic end-to-end test on security of this system,” Rogers said.“It was a theoretical problem that was immediately fixed,” Sebelius responded, acknowledging there was a security flaw that did open the door to hackers. Spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Julie Bataille, said the site was still undergoing security testing, but maintained consumer information remains safe. WaPo has more.

“I’ll tell you, one of the things we’re very concerned about is the security of information that individuals post on that website, knowing that in fact they’re changing the lines or changing some of the information that’s out there literally every single day.” – Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, “On The  Record with Greta Van Susteren.” Watch Here

Morale killer? - Buzzfeed looks at how frustration over the disastrous rollout is causing morale to drop among the programs’ frontline volunteers and coordinator’s in “Obamacare’s Grassroots Army Is Starting To Get Burned Out”

Geek squad - “Neither he [President Obama] or I are technology geeks and we assumed it was up and ready to run…The president  tried to get online, my daughter tried to get online, I did not because it was clear that I wasn’t getting online.” – Vice President Joe Biden to Headline News.

The National Security Agency has broken into the highly secure data centers where Google and Yahoo store vast troves of data on their users by hacking an unencrypted weak point in the data pipeline linking the enormous centers, according to documents leaked by Edward Snowden to the WaPo. Fox News has more.

Holy See (and hear?) - Italian magazine Panorama reports that the NSA monitored calls from the residence where cardinals stayed before the papal conclave that elected Pope Francis. An agency spokeswoman said the agency “does not target the Vatican.”

Any references? - AP reports “[A] lawyer for former NSA systems analyst Edward Snowden, says his client has found a technical support job at a Russian website.”

The Judge’s Ruling - Judge Andrew Napolitano blasts the pervasive nature of the NSA’s spy program for Fox News Opinion in Spying on the President: “The president claims he can start secret foreign wars using the CIA, secretly kill Americans using drones, and now secretly spy on anyone anywhere using the NSA. Is the president an unwitting dupe to a secret rats’ nest of uncontrolled government spies and killers? Or is he a megalomaniacal, totalitarian secret micromanager who lies regularly, consistently and systematically about the role of government in our lives?”

The State Department has again denied a request from lawmakers to interview survivors of the Sept. 11, 2012 raid by Islamists on a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya. In letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., the agency refers to “significant risks” and “serious concerns about having the survivors of the attack submit to additional interviews.” Graham has been asking since last year for the FBI’s transcripts of interviews with State Department and CIA survivors. He and other Republicans are warning the White House they will blockade Federal Reserve nominee Janet Yellen if the administration does not provide the details. Chief Intelligence CorrespondentCatherine Herridge has more.

[Watch Fox: Rep. Darell Issa, R-Calif., head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, appears in the 10 a.m. ET hour]

George Will looks at how campaign finance decisions are changing the shape of American political discourse in The judiciary and free speech: “Brick by brick, judges are dismantling the wall of separation that legislators have built between political activity and the First Amendment’s protections of free speech and association. The latest examples, from Mississippi and Arizona, reflect the judiciary’s proper engagement in defending citizens from the regulation of political speech…Liberals who love the regulatory state loathe Citizens United. You can understand why.”

Got a TIP from the RIGHT or LEFT? Email FoxNewsFirst@FOXNEWS.COM
Real Clear Politics Averages
Obama Job Approval: Approve – 43.9 percent//Disapprove – 51.6 percent
Direction of Country: Right Direction – 20.1 percent//Wrong Track – 70.9 percent

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told his Republican colleagues during a closed-door lunch that he would not intervene in 2014 GOP primary fights or fundraise for the Senate Conservative Fund, according to the Dallas Morning News. The controversial outside group, founded by former Sen.Jim DeMint, R-S.C., recently announced its support of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s challenger, Matt Bevin, and has gone after Sens. Lindsey Graham R-S.C.,Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., and Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., in attack ads. “The senator has made clear for a while that he’s not going to get involved in incumbent primaries….The senator is simply clarifying what has been true all along,” Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier told the paper.

[Matt Bevin releases a new ad today accusing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of funding ObamaCare by brokering a deal to end the government shutdown, The Louisville Courier-Journal has more]

As former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ramps up her political activity her public support is ramping down. The latest WSJ/NBC poll shows her favorability rating has hit a new low. Just 46 percent of those surveyed view Clinton favorably, her lowest rating since 2009, when she was first named Secretary of State.

[A new book claims President Obama asked then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to stay on another year: she refused]

Conservative stars will converge on Virginia to stump for Republican Ken Cuccinelli in the closing days of the commonwealth’s gubernatorial race. Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., will rally supporters Saturday in Spotsylvania and Prince William counties. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., will headline two events in Northern Virginia Monday.  Libertarian firebrand former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, will also speak at rally Monday in Richmond. Libertarian-leaning voters may make the difference as the latest Quinnipiac University poll shows Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvissitting on a cache of votes more than twice the size of Cuccinelli’s 3-point deficit to DemocratTerry McAuliffe.

On Wednesday’s “Special Report with Bret Baier” All-Star Panel, Bing Pulse saw Republicans, Democrats, independents and women all agree with Charles Krauthammer’s assertion that the ability for consumers to keep their existing  insurance is an “extremely important element” of ObamaCare and that it was key to its passage. Krauthammer’s remark also drew the highest viewer response, with 43,000 votes per minute. Viewers across the political spectrum disagreed with Juan Williams when he called the 5 percent of Americans losing their insurance under ObamaCare a small amount of people.

Viewer interaction was high during discussion of Health and Human Services SecretaryKathleen Sebelius’ Congressional testimony.  Williams drew strong and intense disagreement when he called the hearing “pure theater” and dismissed security concerns raised by Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., with Democrats disagreeing more than Republicans. Bing Pulse measured 260,000 viewer votes during the discussion. Take a deeper dive in the data here and make sure your voice is heard.

It turns out the Obama administration’s “Cash for Clunkers” program was a clunker as a job creator, energy saver and emissions reducer according to a study by the liberal Brookings Institute. The 2009 $3 billion government sponsored car-buying voucher program cost $1.4 million for each job created,  dropped gas consumption by only “about 2 to 8 days worth of current usage,” and resulted in minimal “emissions reduction.”

The impassioned plea of West Virginia coal miner David Green of Alpha Natural Resources for lawmakers to spare his industry from crippling new regulations is winning the Internet this week. Green, who is also the captain of the Coal River Mine Rescue Team, spoke before a pro-coal rally in Washington, talking of the pride he takes in his work underground: “It’s not a curse. It’s not a prison. It’s an honor.”

A mother in Fargo, N.D., has decided to strike a blow against childhood obesity by giving children she deems too fat a letter of reproach to give to their parents. WDAF provides the text of the unidentified woman’s Halloween nastygram: “[Your child] is, in my opinion, moderately obese and should not be consuming sugar and treats to the extent of some children this Halloween season. My hope is that you will step up as a parent and ration candy this Halloween and not allow your child to continue these unhealthy eating habits.”

“I would say that what’s really at stake here, is that if this thing really goes south, if ObamaCare truly self-destructs, I don’t know that it’s certain but I would say right now it is more than likely, it would really set back American liberalism for a decade at least…That’s why I think the liberals are running scared…It’s not just one election, it’s the whole ideology that the government knows best.” --Charles Krauthammer on “The Kelly File.” Watch Here.

Chris Stirewalt is digital politics editor for Fox News. Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here. To catch Chris live online daily at 11:30 a.m. ET, click here.

Tengan todos muy buenos dias y buena suerte.
"EN MI OPINION" Lázaro R González Miño Editor.,,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

No 508 "En mi opinion" Oct. 30, 2013

No 508  “En mi opinión”  “IN GOD WE TRUST”
Octubre 30, 2013 Editor  Lázaro R González Miño

"EMO" If President Obama 'Didn’t Know,' then Who's the hell is Running the USA Government??? LRGM

If President Obama 'Didn’t Know,' then Who's Running the Government?
Posted on October 29, 2013 by Gary DeMar

President Obama will not take the blame for anything his administration does. Of course, he’s the first to take credit even when there’s no credit to take.
How many times have we heard President Obama tell the American people that he was unaware of what’s been going on? He didn’t know about Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, spying on journalists, Benghazi, NSA spying on foreign leaders, or that people could lose their insurance once the so-called Affordable Care Act kicked in.
Even the liberal media are beginning to grow anxious that their political messiah is turning out to be a fraud. Here’s an example from Chris Cillizza who writes for the liberal Washington Post:
“In response to reports that the National Security Agency had spied on world leaders — including Germany’s Angela Merkel – the response from the White House was a now-familiar one: President Obama didn’t know about it.
“NSA chief Keith Alexander ‘did not discuss with President Obama in 2010 an alleged foreign intelligence operation involving German Chancellor Merkel, nor has he ever discussed alleged operations involving Chancellor Merkel,’ said a spokeswoman for the agency. ‘News reports claiming otherwise are not true.’”
A similar “the President didn’t know” strategy was raised by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
If the President didn’t know about his own policies, then who is running the government and by whose authority? Is there a government within the government?
I would like to ask President Obama who actually wrote the Affordable Care Act. The same question needs to be asked of every member of the Senate and House of Representatives who voted for what is now known as Obama (lack of) Care.
We know that Nancy Pelosi never read the Act she voted for. Her response has become six seconds of liberalism stripped naked: “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.”
So if our elected government representatives don’t know what they voted for because they did not write the bill, then who did? Who’s really running the government?
Jennifer Rubin also wants to know if the President knows that
His is the weakest economic “recovery” since the Great Depression.
The top 10 percent of taxpayers account for 70 percent of the income tax paid.
The Iranian breakout time for a nuclear weapons capability is now as short as a month and new sites are still being announced.
He did not “end” wars in the Middle East. Sectarian violence is mounting in both Iraq and Libya.
Millions of people may eventually be dropped by their current health-care insurance plan, dwarfing the number who have signed up for Obamacare.
Our allies in the Middle East — virtually all of them — are shaken by U.S. timidity.
I have to agree with Rush Limbaugh. The reason Obama doesn’t know is that he doesn’t care. He has it in for America while he and his family live off of America’s largesse that is rapidly being depleted by his purposeful destructive policies.
Read more:

amenper: ¿Es Obama realmente Dios?

Mientras sus superpoderes milagrosos siempre han sido parte de la narrativa progresiva recientemente ha habido un aumento de avistamientos de la naturaleza divina de Barack Obama en la cultura dominante - de una pintura que representa el Presidente como el Cristo crucificado, a Jamie Foxx llamando a Barack Obama a nuestro Señor y Salvador, a un profesor de Florida quien describió a Obama como un apóstol enviado para crear "el cielo aquí en la tierra".
¿Blasfemia? Claro que sí, pero eso la blasfemia de ellos, no la mía.
Por lo tanto, me permiten reflexionar sobre esto ahora que se acerca el día de acción de Gracias, sobre como sería si Obama fuera igual que Dios en habilidad intelectual y moral. De hecho, voy hacer una lista de lo que él haría diferentemente:
1.-         Se disculparía con Egipto por el renegado Éxodo y restauraría la seguridad y la igualdad de la esclavitud para todos los judíos.
·2-       Daría un estímulo para rescatar a los mercaderes del Templo.
·         Alimentarían las multitudes con cinco formas de gobierno y un rollo de sellos de alimentos.
·3-         Su mentor sería alguien que había puesto una bomba en el templo.
·4-         Impresoras de papiro informativas en Israel nunca le criticarían sus acciones.
·5-         Las escuelas públicas enseñarían sobre él y lo adorarían durante su propia vida.
·6-         Sodoma y Gomorra sería vibrantes centros culturales de la tolerancia y diversidad de personas de diferente preferencia sexual.
7-·         Planned Parenthood eliminaría a los primogénitos que la administración de Herodes no hubiera detectado completando su trabajo.
8-·        Los Republicanos serían declarados culpables de matar al marmuerto y se condenarían a prisión perpetua
·9-       La última cena le costaría a los contribuyentes siclos 1,4 billones.
10-·         Poncios Pilato, diría "voy esperar hasta después de la crucifixión, voy a ser más flexible después."
Por otro lado, si Obama fuera a desempeñar el papel de nuestro Señor y Salvador con un poco más brío, sus frases inspiradoras también sonarían diferentemente:
·         Dar al César lo que es César, a menos que gane más de 25 siclos, entonces tiene que pagar el doble.
·         Bienaventurados todos los que tienen quejas, porque ellos serán compensados a través de demandas derechos civiles.
·         Bienaventurados los desempleados, porque los contribuyentes será sus cuidadores.
·         Bienaventurados los pobres, para ellos es el Reino de la riqueza expropiada por el estado.
·         Si tu ojo derecho te hace pecar, invita al izquierdo a una bacanal; Porque no es justo que un solo ojo se divierta mientras el otro es discriminado.
·         Si tu mano derecha te hace pecar, asegúrese de tener suficiente pecados para la mano izquierda; Pues la mano izquierda también tiene sus derechos a la justa distribución de los pecados.
·         Quien tiene lujuria o se acuesta con la mujer del prójimo, asegúrate de que los medios de comunicación no te descubran.
·         Yo soy el guardián de mi hermano, a menos que él viva en una choza en Kenia.
·         Un hombre debe de tener satisfacción en que le aumenten sus impuestos.
·         Impón un seguro de salud a los demás que no impondrías a ti mismo.
·         Dad al gobierno lo que le pertenece a Dios y espera que el Gobierno te proveerá.
·         Yo digo a ti, odia tus vecinos ricos y ama el gobierno que redistribuye su riqueza. .
·         Ama a los enemigos de Estados Unidos, los que lo maldicen, bendecid y haz el bien a quienes lo odian y odia a tus aliados...
·         Pedro, cuando vas a Bengasi, voy a negar su solicitud de ayuda tres veces.

Samitier: Obama ordena campaña contra Vladimir Putin... "El Discurso de Putin Contra Los Musulmanes..."
Pero antes La Prensa Socialista y Pro Homosexual Es Partidaria Del GOBIERNO MUNDIAL Putin Es Partidario De LaCOLABORACIÓN Entre Naciones De Acuerdo A Sus Intereses
La Campaña Contra Putin Es Mundial...A pesar Que se Merece El “Noble De La Paz” Por Evitar La Guerra En Siria... La Cual La DESEABA HACER... Para entregar Siria a los Musulmanes...
Obama al que le “REGALARON SIN HACER NADA El Nobel... Para analizar lo que está sucediendo en el MUNDO y especialmente en USA Lo primero que tenemos  que CONOCER BIEN a Obama quien dirige a USA...
Lo primero que tenemos que saber es la siguiente declaración ESCRITA Por Obama...en Su Libro Audacity Of Hope:
"Yo estaré con los musulmanes si los vientos políticos... se desplazan contra ellos en una dirección fea "
Hasta este momento todo lo que Obama ha hecho, demuestra que el es un “ANTI CRISTIANO” y actúa en la forma que lo escribió hace años...
Ahora! Lean El Discurso De Putin En La Duma... Con Relación Al Problema Musulmán en Rusia...
Fue dado en su reporte a la DUMA el 4 de agosto 2013
“En relación sobre las tensiones con las minorías que viven en Rusia... les diré; Es mejor que en Rusia vivan como rusos. Cualquier minoría, desde cualquier lugar, si quiere vivir en Rusia, para trabajar y comer en Rusia , debe hablar ruso , y debe respetar las leyes rusas... (aplausos).
Si prefieren la ley islámica, y vivir la vida de los musulmanes,,, entonces le recomiendo que vayan a esos lugares donde esa es la ley del estado...  
Rusia no necesita las minorías musulmanas. Las minorías están en deuda con Rusia, y no se les concederá privilegios especiales, o tratar de cambiar nuestras leyes para satisfacer sus deseos , no importa lo fuerte que gritan "discriminación."(aplausos)
No vamos a tolerar la falta de respeto de nuestra cultura rusa.
Será mejor que aprendan de los suicidios de los Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Holanda, Francia, Italia y España, si queremos que Rusia sobreviva como nación. Los musulmanes se están apoderando de esos países y eso no sucederá en Rusia.
Las costumbres y tradiciones rusas no son compatibles con la falta de cultura y la forma primitiva de la ley Sharia musulmana.
Cuando este honorable cuerpo legislativo piense en la creación de nuevas leyes, debe y tiene que tener en cuenta los intereses nacionales de Rusia en primer lugar, observando que las minorías musulmanas no son rusos.
Los Políticos De La Duma Dieron a Putin Una Ovación De Cinco Minutos.
Qué Gran Diferencia... con Obama y También Con CONGRESO y La Corte Suprema De USA... Que Linda Con La TRAICIÓN

amenper:  ¿Que sabía? ¿O es que realmente es un ignorante?
"EMO" ¿O es un mentiroso patologico? LRGM.
Imagínense, por un momento, que usted es el CEO de una importante empresa, y está lanzando una iniciativa de la firma, una en la cual usted desempeñó un papel principal durante su desarrollo..  Tenemos que suponernos que usted quiere tener su dedo en el pulso del proyecto durante  cada paso del camino, ¿no? Claro que sí.

Por lo tanto, es inconcebible, a pesar de la palabras de  Kathleen Sebelius diciendo que el Presidente Obama no sabía o no se había enterado que el despegue de su ley de cuidado de la salud había sido un desastre, el creer que esto sea posible.
Parece que tampoco sabía, que la Sra. Sebelius, Secretaria de salud y servicios humanos de su gabinete  con obstinada insistencia (y arrogancia política) hizo caso omiso de las noticias de los fallos del Obamacare.,
Uno tiene que preguntarse también el nivel del papel de la Sra. Sebelius, la cual debía de ser  despedidas sumariamente por incompetente, tuvo en este desastre.
Quizás no ha sido despedida porque realmente no fue ella pero el presidente personalmente el responsable del desastre.
Sería todo una farsa cómica si los contribuyentes no hubieran tenido que pagar más de 1 billón de dólares para crear un sistema que, les dijeron a los que los creyeron que curaría lo que aqueja al sistema de salud estadounidense,  y que ahora parece estar haber sufrido el equivalente a una convulsión tónico-clónica generalizada y está ahora en estado comatoso.

Ccualquiera que sea el caso, estos "fallos"-son una vergüenza y no simplemente porque violaron las reglas estándar de comercio en la internet. La ley dice que cuando se vende algo a través de la internet,  hay que requerir a los consumidores, crear una cuenta antes de permitirles a mirar a los detalles de la compra en la web.  Pero además porque el resultado ha sido, que más gente puede estar perdiendo sus seguros debido a Obamacare que los que hubieran podido ser capaces de inscribirse en el programa.
Hay quienes, no pocos, que bajaron la palanquita el día de las elecciones, de la esperanza y cambio, y que ahora van a tener que pagar un seguro con un pago mucho mayor con menos beneficios.
Mientras que el resultado de que las neuronas que se mantienen fallando en el "Obamacare Central" es, por supuesto, una catástrofe no sólo políticamente para el Sr. Obama sino también prácticamente para los norteamericanos tratando de usar el sistema, no son única preocupación de esta administración.
Lo que más daña a esta administración y a su líder, es su credibilidad cada día más baja..
¿Cuántas veces debemos oír que el Presidente no sabía esto, o no estaba consciente de esto otro? Cada vez que se enfrenta a problemas — ya sea en Benghazi, o con el IRS o ahora en el marco principal del Obamacare — el Sr. Obama está ausente del problema "no está en su oficina", "está en un meeting","fue al baño" o está jugando golf en Hawáii
 ¿Y los liberales tuvieron la temeridad de acusar a Ronald Reagan de no saber qué estaba pasando?
La pregunta, por supuesto, es si el Sr. Obama está verdaderamente consciente de lo que ocurre a su alrededor, o si sabe exactamente lo que pasa y cuando sus mejores planes fracasan, y entonces intenta negar la responsabilidad del  fracaso.
Y esto último parece que es lo que está haciendo el Presidente Obama al pueblo de los Estados Unidos, los está engañando, se está burlando de ellos.
Un republicano, Abraham Lincoln, dijo:  Uno puede engañar a parte de las personas parte del tiempo, parte de las personas todo el tiempo,  pero no debiera ser posible engañar a todas las personas todo el tiempo
Pero estos demócratas de hoy como los de ayer, no quieren oír a un republicano, aunque ese republicano sea Abraham Lincoln.
Es hora de que los partidarios del Sr. Obama a reconocer una verdad simple: negarlo ni siquiera tiene sentido.
"EMO" El desgobierno de obama nos da la impresion que la administracion de su gobierno esta en manos de "Los tres Chiflados" Aunque quizas si estubiera en manos de esos locos, las cosas no estarian tan mal como estan, porque ellos eran locos-comicos y este, en mi opinion, esta lleno de malas intenciones y maldad... LRGM

Samitier: Las Multas de TRAFICO
Un Monto $ De Las Multas De Tráfico Un VERDADERO ABUSO y Han Sido Aprobadas Por Politiqueros Electos... La Policía es LANZADA a la calle con una cuota de poner multas... Eso lo saben LOS CIUDADANOS y TODOS LOS POLITIQUEROS...
Al final de cada mes... los que no han cumplido la CUOTA... se juntan En una esquina donde por lógica del mismo trafico todos los choferes Exceden la velocidad... y vemos desde 4 a 8 policías poniendo multas... Solo se salvan los que transitan mientras están ocupados poniendo Multas...
A todo lo anterior hay que ver las TRAMPAS DE TRÁFICO que crean Bajando la velocidad de UNA CALLE en 3 o 4 cuadras...
Todo esto es un INSULTO pero los CARNEROS siguen eligiendo a los Mismo POLITIQUEROS...
"EMO" Segun personas que han medido el tiempo de la luz amarilla, esta paso a ser de 12 segundos a 4 segundos cosa que impide que mas de un auto pasen con la amarilla siendo multados todos los que vengan detras. Ademas de que ha causado varias muertes debajo de los semaforos al sufrir accidentes porque los choferes aceleran sus autos para poderse ir. Ya son demasiados los que han perdido la vida bajo los semaforos por "La amarilla corta" LRGM.

amenper: La dependencia del Gobierno
Por experiencia personal, me he encontrado ante el hecho de que cuando nuestra compañía entrevista futuros empleados, más del 50% (no estoy exagerando) citan como un requisito ser pagados “bajo la mesa”, algo prácticamente imposible para nosotros y otras compañías que no hacemos negocios sobre la base de efectivo como una tienda de venta al detalle.
Dicen abiertamente que no vale la pena trabajar por $10,00 por hora (bien sobre el salario mínimo) si tienen que renunciar al desempleo, el cheque suplementario, sellos de alimentos, Medicaid y otros beneficios.
Esto despertó mi curiosidad de buscar en el internet para ver en el informe emitido por la oficina presupuestaria del Congreso que presentó el documento examinando la lenta tasa de crecimiento de la economía estadounidense tras la última recesión.
Concluye que el factor más significativo ahora para limitar el potencial crecimiento económico de Estados Unidos es el declive  de la fuerza laboral   — la cual ha aumentado recientemente a un ritmo de  sólo la mitad de la tasa lo hizo en los años siguientes a la SEGUNDA guerra mundial.
El crecimiento más lento del empleo potencial refleja principalmente un hecho primario que estamos viviendo en nuestros días.
El gobierno estadounidense ha establecido nuevos records en los últimos años del número de personas en cupones para alimentos y Medicaid, y el número de personas recibiendo ayuda sobre la discapacidad.
Sin embargo, incluso mientras fuerza laboral general de la tasa de participación de las mujeres ha disminuido, las madres casadas con hijos, son más propensas a trabajar que sus pares solteras con hijos.
Esto es debido a los incrementos en los  beneficios del gobierno para madres solteras.
De hecho, las cifras de empleo esta semana mostraban que el porcentaje de mujeres no institucionalizadas mayor de 16 años que participaron en la fuerza laboral (es decir, tenían un trabajo o buscaban uno) cayó en septiembre a 57.1 por ciento, esta tasa de crecimineto también bajó este mes de octubre que fue el más bajo en los últimos de 24 años.
Las mujeres que trabajan contribuyen a nuestra economía de dos maneras: trabajan y crean riqueza ahora, y crían niños con éticas de trabajo que pueden crear riqueza en el futuro.
Sin embargo, uno se pregunta cuántas de ellas desearían que la economía estadounidense fuera más como en 1948, cuando era más fácil para las madres casadas a quedarse en casa con sus hijos si ellos querían, cuando el PIB real creció 4,1 por ciento, y sus primas no podrían actuar como parásitos porque los políticos de redistribución aún no habían comenzado las estampillas para comida, programas de Medicaid y discapacidad.
Pero las más personas dependiente del gobierno los más votos cautivos que tiene la izquierda liberal.
El estado de Welfare se derrumba a nuestro alrededor. Hay gente que se da cuenta que no podemos seguir así, pero no estoy seguro de cuántas personas se dan cuenta de cuán cerca estamos con el colapso del sistema financiero estadounidense.
EMO: La enfermiza e inmoral dependencia de la "ayuda del gobierno" no es mas que un metodo que utilizan los gobernantes para desmoralizar a los ciudadanos y convertilos en delincuentes de segunda, Cuando mienten para adquirir esa ayuda inmoral que proviene, no del gobierno descarado sino de los ciudadanos honestos que son los que trabajan... LRGM

amenper: Clichés y Fracasos
Un ”cliché”, como implícito en la definición de la palabra, a menudo contiene más que un significado latente... que se pasa por alto completamente debido a la repetición constante de la declaración.
Presidente Obama y sus compinches liberales nos dan un montón interminable de "clichés" que son esencialmente incorrectos.
No hay absolutamente ninguna sabiduría inherente o expresa, en los clichés de Obama...
Si lo oímos decir una vez que "la distribución de la riqueza"  "expansión del Medicaid" y "eficiencia de gobierno" son  las claves para el crecimiento económico — o al menos su versión — le oímos decir una docena de veces, que las políticas de los republicanos están matando a las oportunidades de empleo.
Sr. Presidente "El Welfare, no es un programa de empleos".
Su enfoque presupuestario — esencialmente dirigido a "ver qué ingresos tenemos en mano y acompañarlo con el aumento del techo de la deuda"  "Es todo lo que tenemos que hacer".
a) No coordinamos todos los elementos...
b) Fallamos en conectar todos los puntos...
c) La mano derecha no sabia lo que estaba haciendo la izquierda...
d) Resolveremos todos esos horrores, perdon herrores...
e) [Se me estan acabando los clichets] Alguien se sabe alguna escusa mas...
Para muchos observadores que sospechamos que las festividades retóricas que son repetidas en las referencias de Obama a la defectuosa implementación Obamacare, tal  nos parece que  Obama  cree que la ley de salud, como está escrita, no sólo es buena, pero que no es lo suficiente en el camino a la socialización de la medicina
Precisamente por esto, no hay razón para nadie, excepto para los más comprometidos liberales de línea dura que puedan aprobar la gestión administrativa de Obama.
En Estados Unidos la mayoría de grandes corporaciones, si un ejecutivo tuvo tres años para lanzar el producto del que tal vez depende el futuro de la empresa, y se enfrenta a esta debacle, el pánico lo haría renunciar. Se celebrarían reuniones de emergencia de la Junta para determinar si deben rodar más cabezas para tratar de salvar la empresa.
Fuera del gobierno, la gente normalmente paga por sus errores. Dentro, en esta administración, no hay ninguna pena, no hay castigo por el fracaso.
Para Obama, un desastre que hasta los miembros de su propio partido piden suspender durante un año es sólo el resultado de "problemas técnicos".
Todavía es suficiente para que sea aceptable y que pueda trabajar para el gobierno

Samitier: Miami Tiene Muchas Cosas INSÓLITAS... Una De Ellas Es Tener Una “REPORTERA Radial “Part Time” Quien También Es  CONGRESISTA En Washington...
Me Refiero a Ileana Ros Lethiner... Republicana que tiene Un RECORD votando a favor de propuestas DEMÓCRATAS... Y ejerce OFICIALMENTE como REPORTERA” de la Radio “La Poderosa”, "Actualidad 10-20 y reporta aparentemente sin “Contrato” en “Radio Mambí”
Todos sabemos que su ACTIVIDAD como “Reportera de lo Que le conviene” no es más que una Campaña De Propaganda Para mantener su nombre en la mente del publico... que Debía de ser INVESTIGADO...
Ayer la escuche decir: “QUIERO UNA CUBA LIBRE...” mas 3 Minutos de bla.. bla.. bala...
Aparentemente la “REPORTERA” olvido AGREGAR... Cuba Libre con  MATRIMONIO HOMOSEXUAL... pues la reportera es a su vez partidaria del MATRIMONIO HOMOSEXUAL...

General says U.S. Army ‘Dysfunctional’, Underprepared. by KYLE EBERSOLE

The U.S. Army currently has only two combat-ready brigades, according to Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno.
At the Association of the U.S. Army conference on Monday, the Army Chief of Staff and Army Secretary John McHugh said this fact is a result of sequestration — the across-the-board budget cuts that kicked-in on March 1 of this year.
Odierno said that the U.S. Army is without funds to properly train its own troops and that “functioning like this is just dysfunctional.”
“The worst case scenario,” he said, “is you ask me to deploy thousands of soldiers somewhere and we have not properly trained them to go because we simply don’t have the dollars and money.”
The Army Chief of Staff hopes to bump up the number of combat-ready brigades from two to seven by June, but is doubtful such will happen. As far as troops abroad, Odierno notes that the those operating in Afghanistan “aren’t really combat-ready either since they’re deployed for training and advising only.”
The federal government leaving the U.S. Army underprepared  is a threat to national security and proves the folly of the thoughtless, wide-but-shallow sequester cuts. Congress needs to reign-in both welfarism and militarism, but they ought never allow national defense to be gutted.
The Constitution charges those in Washington to “provide for the common defense.”
Odierno’s testimony that our Army is underfunded and undertrained is a sad fact, not to mention dangerous one — especially since U.S. legislators defend funding, arming, and training foreign militaries in places like Syria and Egypt.

The White House Made Sure Millions Would Lose Their Insurance While They Lied About It. by Mark Horne

Last night I had the exquisite pleasure of listening to NPR explain that the people who were losing the insurance they wanted to keep and who would be forced to pay more for less, were only a few million of the insured. It was taken for granted, by NPR, that a few million robbed of their insurance and extra money every month was no big deal. Who cares about them, right? They’re just the eggs that we break to make the Obamacare omelet.
In the meantime, the White House site still makes the claim (Second paragraph, last sentence), “If you like your plan you can keep it and you don’t have to change a thing due to the health care law.” I checked at 8:35 Central Time last night and the sentence had still not been removed. If it has changed now, you can find a screen capture here.
Valerie Jarrett, Barack Obama’s handler, tweeted, “FACT: Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans. No change is required unless insurance companies change existing plans.”
Yet the NBC News website has run a story saying that the Obama Administration new three years in advance that there would be millions who would not be permitted to keep their insurance.
President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.
Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC NEWS that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law. One expert predicts that number could reach as high as 80 percent. And all say that many of those forced to buy pricier new policies will experience “sticker shock.”
But not only did the Obama Administration lie about how bad the law would be, even after it passed thy made changes in the law in order to make it worse. The original law did allow for some plans to be “grandfathered” by those who wanted to keep them.
But the Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision, by saying that if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date -- the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example -- the policy would not be grandfathered.
Buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to keep their policy. And because many policies will have been changed since the key date, “the percentage of individual market policies losing grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 to 67 percent range.”
That means the administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them.
Yet President Obama, who had promised in 2009, “if you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan,” was still saying in 2012, “If [you] already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance.”
This explains to me why I was given a false sense of security about my own insurance. I was told that my plan could be “grandfathered.” But no one could know what changes Sebelius was going to make in the law.
In case you have forgotten how blatant the lying was, here is a reminder. It gets especially relevant at about 1:07.
“Disinformation.” "Deceptive headlines."
Not only did they lie about their law, the falsely accused those who tried to warn the public of lying.

No, The “Tea Party” Is Not Wrong About The Deficit
Posted on October 28, 2013 by Mark Horne

The former Executive Editor of Bloomberg claims that the statement, “The U.S. budget deficit is worse than ever,” is a false statement. Technically true but trivial. His elaboration is false:
A starting – and false – premise of the public, and some politicians, is that the deficit is spiraling out of control. In a national survey by Bloomberg News last month, Americans said, by a margin of 59 percent to 10 percent, the deficit was getting worse; this belief was held by 93 percent of Tea Party supporters.
In fact, the deficit, which reached a staggering $1.55 trillion in the 2009 fiscal year, has declined every year since and is less than half as big today.
So pulling back from adding to the national debt $1.55 trillion in a year to somewhere that is less than half means the deficit is “in control”? That is stupid and dangerous reasoning.
It isn’t uncommon for people to slip in their thinking and mistake “deficit” (each yearly addition to the national debt) and the debt itself (the result of years of deficits compiling up). But each year we add to the debt (which is super low because it doesn’t include our Social Security and other entitlement obligations which people are (vainly) expecting to use in the future.
Only this is outdated because we are now over $17 trillion.
Adding hundreds of billions of dollars more every year is absolutely the definition of “out of control” deficit spending.
Yet this is the kind of reasoning wealthy regime apologists use to pretend that you are ignorant and misled. They are happily promoting the flames burning down our house and waving their fingers at your for panicking.
Of course, having claimed that the deficit is not so bad after all, the writer goes on to tell us that we need to be taxed more. As if price inflation in energy and groceries produced by our Federal Reserve tyranny, and the huge Obamacare price hikes for medical care and insurance are not enough!
These people sit around thinking up labyrinthine rationalizations to make us pay more taxes, acquiesce to more debt, and distrust anyone who tells you the truth. They are stupid, suicidal, conspiring for some hidden objective, or guilty of some combination of all three.
Entitlement cuts are treated as unworkable when everyone who thinks about the future knows cuts are coming. The collapse will cut everything. But worse, even when entitlement cuts are considered, this is being offered as a way to end sequestration.
No! Sequestration is a first step that must never end until it is replaced with an absolute spending freeze. Then the next step is to reduce the budget in absolute terms. We need to start going backward in time to previous and lower levels of spending on the part of the Federal Government.
Nothing else even attempts to use the brakes before the car goes off the cliff. It is the only possible rational fiscal position. And it is one that neither party is yet advocating.

Barack Obama Knew Nothing About Spying On World Leaders; So Who Is President?
Posted 10 Hours Ago by Mark Horne f

Though the German press reported that Obama gave permission to the NSA in 2010 to continue spying on Angela Merkel, Obama is denying the story. US officials are claiming that he didn’t know anything about the NSA’s spying on heads of state until recently.
In the midst of the controversy over U.S. surveillance this summer, top intelligence officials held a briefing for President Obama at the White House – one that would provide him with a broad inventory of programs being carried out by the National Security Agency.
Some of those programs, including the collection of e-mails and other communications from overseas, had already been disclosed because of leaks from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. But Obama was also informed of at least one program whose scope surprised him: “head of state collection.”
That program, whose targets included the communications of U.S. allies such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, began in 2002, according to administration officials. The president never knew that the program targeted American allies, administration officials said…
Okay, let’s add some information to that timeline. You may remember that back in 2008 and then in 2012 there were nationwide controversies. We have such a controversy in our nation every four years. They are called “Presidential elections.”
Because I’m so old I remember that in 2008, Obama was the Democrat candidate running against the Republican John McCain. Obama claimed to be different from McCain and from the incumbent president, George W. Bush. People voted for or against Obama on the assumption that he was a candidate who could become the elected leader of the US Federal Government. Then in 2012 we went through the motions again in choosing between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Elections are supposed to matter. The President is supposed to have some say in how the government is run—especially on foreign policy. The President is supposed to represent the American people to the world. Yet, we are told, the President was never informed about what his National Security Agency was doing all during his first term and into his second.
So is the NSA the real President of the United States? They don’t seem to have to go to any higher authority to spy on the heads of allied governments. They seem to be an autonomous authority making decisions about how to treat our allies.
In fact, this makes all the rhetoric about how Edward Snowden is guilty of exposing government secrets seem all the more bizarre. If this story is true, it means that Edward Snowden is responsible for getting the President of the United States informed that the NSA was spying on allied world leaders. Without Snowden’s heroic efforts, our President would still be ignorant of the secret Federal Government programs.
So again: Who is really President? Who is in charge of our government?

Checking Your Kids’ School Assignments

Have you checked your kids’ school assignments lately? You might be shocked if you do.
Sixth-grade children in a history class in the Bryant School District in Arkansas (whose website brags that the district “has embraced” Common Core standards) were assigned a project to update the U.S. Bill of Rights because it is “outdated.” They were instructed to “prioritize, revise, omit two and add two amendments.”
The written assignment is full of lies, such as that “the government of the United States is currently revisiting The Bill of Rights,” that “They (presumably the government) have determined that it is outdated and may not remain in its current form any longer,” and that our Constitution can be changed by a “National Revised Bill of Rights Task Force (NRBR)” (to which students could be appointed).
St. Joseph-Ogden High School, a public school in St. Joseph, Illinois, gave its sophomore class an assignment to choose which of ten people were “worthy” of getting kidney dialysis when the hospital had only six machines. The assignment instructed the students, “four people are not going to live. You must decide from the information below which six will survive.”
The students were given the list of the ten who desperately needed kidney dialysis with identification about their occupation, age and ethnicity, and told to give each a score. The instructions stated: “Put the people in order using 1-10, 1 being the person you want to save first and 10 being the person you would save last,” with the assumption that those getting scores 7 through 10 would be marked for death.
Since when are high school students allowed to judge who may live and who must die? Is this to prepare us to accept Death Panels from Obamacare?
Unfortunately, such public school class assignments are not new. A Department of Education hearing in Seattle on March 13, 1984 heard a parent describe the Health class in Clackamas High School in Oregon.
Students were presented with the “lifeboat situation”: too many people are in the sinking lifeboat and the students were ordered to choose whose lives are not worth saving and should be thrown overboard so the lifeboat won’t sink. Variations of the lifeboat situation have been widely used in public schools for many years.
A drama teacher at Cactus Shadows High School in Cave Creek, Arizona, had his students perform a play in which one of the characters falls in love with a goat. The play includes sexually explicit content and vulgar sexual terms.
At Lucy Elementary School near Memphis, Tennessee, an assignment required each student to pick an idol and write an essay about him. A ten-year-old girl chose God as her idol, but the teacher found this unacceptable and demanded that the girl write about someone else.
The girl then wrote about Michael Jackson, which the teacher accepted. After the girl’s mother spoke out against this in the local media, the school apologized and gave the girl credit for her original work.
Fourth graders in Gilbert, Arizona, and third graders in Louisiana and were given a lesson on adultery that included specific questions designed to make the child curious about what adultery is and how it affects relationships. The teacher said it came from approved Common Core materials for third-graders.
Glenn Beck reported that Poolesville High School in Montgomery County, Maryland, which is Common Core compliant, administered an intrusive survey to students that included personal questions about family, religion, income, political identification, illegal drugs, Obamacare, guns, and same-sex marriage. Click on The Blaze to be entertained by the conflicting responses that school officials gave to parents who complained and to reporters.
The question that parents found particularly obnoxious and trouble-making was, “If President Obama were caucasian how much more or less criticism do you think he would receive?” The multiple-choice answers were: “A lot less, Somewhat less, No difference, Somewhat more, A lot more.”
Fifth-graders in North Bellmore, New York, spent several weeks studying the United Nations. One mother was highly offended when her daughter received full credit for writing that our human rights come from government (instead of from God, as our Declaration of Independence proclaims).
At Alliance High School in Nebraska, the principal announced on October 7 that, because of the government shutdown, he was shutting down the usual morning recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. After public protest, he reversed his ban.
None of the above assignments quoted directy from a Common Core curriculum, but some claim to be “aligned with Common Core” or “Common Core compliant.” It’s beginning to look like such assertions are a cover to fill the minds of public school students with all kinds of inappropriate leftwing notions, while erecting a Common Core “wall” to prevent parental oversight.

The Tea Party: Last Hope for America

Mary read it out loud from her computer, “Booker Wins!” The news hit me like a punch in the gut. Despite months of intense campaigning, making remarkable gains in the polls and rallying the Tea Party, far left radical liberal Democrat Cory Booker beat conservative Republican Steve Lonegan for the New Jersey U.S. Senate seat.
The cold reality is Booker’s $11.2 million war chest vs Lonegan’s $1.35 million. Still, the race was much closer than panicked Democrats expected. Lonegan boldly touted conservative principles. He outperformed Mitt Romney’s Nov. 2012 vote totals in most New Jersey counties.
On election day, I felt a bit yucky, fighting a cold and tired. Booker’s win added to my yuckiness. Camped out on the sofa, I watched a TV show titled, “The Book of Manning”, a documentary about the Manning family and their amazing football legacy.
Folks, that TV show helped to get me through the night. It reminded me of what I am fighting for, an American ideal. I am fighting to preserve an America in which striving for excellence, working hard and trying to do the right thing is rewarded.
My involvement in the political arena goes far beyond politics. It is about two opposing visions for America and what it means to be an American.
Booker, like his idol Obama, seeks to transform America into a nation where entitlements reign supreme, achievers are demonized, standards are lowered and mediocrity is spread equally; a land of baby daddies and welfare checks.
Democrats feel morally justified in their relentless efforts to redistribute wealth. They dismiss achievers as mere “winners of life’s lottery”. Hogwash! Biographies of Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Peyton, Eli and Archie Manning and countless others confirm that superior performance is birthed out of a superior work ethic.
“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” Aristotle
As I stated, we are in a war of two opposing ideas; striving for and celebrating American exceptional-ism vs a gimme-my-government-handout America.
Washington elites on both sides of the political isle have launched an all out assault to destroy the Tea Party and the lawmakers who represent our principles and values.
However, the reality is that thanks to the Tea Party,Steve Lonegan earned the highest percentage of the vote for any Republican candidate for Senate in New Jersey in the last dozen years. I am extremely proud of you folks. Thank you very, very much.
The closeness of the Senate race confirms that conservatism does resonate with voters when properly articulated. We lost because Booker had $11 million to smear Lonegan and sell lies to masses of low-info voters. Pundits are erroneously blaming the Tea Party.
We, the Tea Party are the instruments of real change in DC. Quite frankly, Washington elites are appalled by our arrogance. Who do we Tea Party yahoos think we are trying to make demands on them?
Patriots, I wish to send out a clarion call to stand strong in your commitment to preserving the freedoms we have left and restoring those we have lost. Also, it is vitally crucial that you remain loyal and defend our representatives Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee with every fiber of your being. Without their courageous voices championing our mission, the battle for America is easily lost.
As I stated, watching the Manning Family documentary gave me hope. It was about a young man who worked very, very hard to be the best football player he could be. But his greatest desire was to be a good dad to his sons. Without pressuring his sons to following in his footsteps but simply leading by example, both Peyton and Eli embraced the family work ethic which has lead to pro football excellence. Their mom was loving and supportive.
Laugh, poke fun and call it “Leave it to Beaver” if you like, but it is the kind of America I miss and see swiftly slipping away.
Just an observation, Archie Manning was a live in father rather than a baby daddy with numerous out of wedlock births resulting from his sperm donations.
Hang in there Tea Party. Though they slander you with false accusations of racism, in reality, you are the last hope for America.

Michelle Obama, Corrupt, and Amoral; Hardly A Radical. Posted on October 28, 2013 by Mark Horne

I’m sure the First Lady is really at home speaking in Leftist radical clichés with Leftists who support her So I’m glad that the Daily Caller posted this story about her life at Harvard with her crony Toni Townes-Whitley, now at CGI Federal—the company that got the no-bid project to produce the worthless website,
First Lady Michelle Obama and her Princeton classmate whose company received the no-bid government contract to build the Obamacare website were both members of a black student organization that caused a tense scene on campus by inviting a PLO leader who advocated for terrorism.
Michelle Obama ’85 and her classmate Toni Townes-Whitley ’85, a senior vice president at CGI Federal, were both students at the university when their groups the Organization of Black Unity (OBU) and the Third World Center (TWC) engaged in a confrontation with Jewish students on campus.
Michelle Obama was a member of both the OBU and TWC during her time at Princeton (1981-85). Townes-Whitley also belonged to OBU and TWC.
The whole story is really interesting.
But it doesn’t prove that Michelle Obama is any kind of committed “radical”—as I see some people inferring. She’s dangerous. She’s bad. But she’s obviously just a political climber who hopes to amass or at least spend a lot of money while doing minimal work except for celebrity gigs that involve the narcissistic rewards.
The Caller makes a big deal about advocating terrorism, but with our attack on Libya and now Syria empowering Al Qaeda affiliates, it might be a better use of our time to list the people in power in Washington DC who refuse to be associated with terrorism. Michelle Obama in college in the eighties doesn’t seem important compared to John McCain in Syria this year.
If anything, the whole story of their bullying Jews and all the rest indicates that Michelle and her friend don’t understand the idea of tolerating anyone who gets in their way and feel utterly entitled. That certainly comports Michelle’s subsidized lifestyle. It also would fit with a Senior Vice President getting a contract and feeling no need to produce any results.
I’m not saying that ideology is not important, and that it plays no part with Michelle Obama. But I think it is mainly an ad hoc rationalization for her ambitions to wealth and power. It also gives her help in building relationships in her Chicago power base.
But calling her a “radical” almost pays her a compliment she doesn’t deserve. She’s not in it to save the world (however horrible that would be!). She just wants to be rich and believes she’s entitled to it.

¿Qué sabía Obama sobre el espionaje? Depende a quién le preguntes
Por Catherine E. Shoichet y Holly Yan

(CNN) — Si de liderazgo y hacerse cargo se trata, el presidente Barack Obama tiene una postura clara: "La responsabilidad es mía".
Es una frase que ha repetido en varias ocasiones, pero ahora enfrenta un doble golpe: las fallas en la página web del Obamacare y el enojo mundial por el espionaje de líderes aliados.
Pero en realidad, ¿qué sabe el presidente y cuándo se enteró? Depende a quién le preguntes.
Algunos funcionarios dicen que Obama desconocía los problemas con el registro en el programa de salud antes de su lanzamiento y que se enteró recientemente de que la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (NSA, por sus siglas en inglés) había intervenido llamadas de la canciller alemana Angela Merkel.
"Entiendo que el presidente Obama no sabía que se registraban las comunicaciones de la canciller Merkel desde 2002", dijo la presidenta de la Comisión de Inteligencia del Senado, Dianne Feinstein. "Eso para mí es un gran problema".
Sin embargo, otros funcionarios dicen que el presidente, o al menos su equipo de la Casa Blanca, sabían al respecto.
Analistas dicen que las preguntas acerca de qué sabía el presidente tienen implicaciones importantes. Si Obama estaba al tanto, significaría que no ha sido claro con los estadounidenses y si no sabía, significaría que su equipo le esconde cosas.
"Realmente no hay una buena respuesta", dijo el estratega republicano Kevin Madden. "Si él hubiera estado al tanto, esencialmente hemos sido engañados por diferentes personas de la administración acerca de lo que sabía el presidente. Si no hubiera estado al tanto, es un despojo de las responsabilidades más básicas del mando y el control sobre partes muy importantes de su gestión, y eso es un problema".
No vinculen los asuntos: la Casa Blanca
En una entrevista con CNN, la secretaria de Salud y Servicios Humanos, Kathleen Sebelius, dijo que Obama supo de los problemas del sitio web del Obamacare hasta su lanzamiento el pasado 1 de octubre, aunque aseguradoras se habían quejado y la página colapsó en una prueba.
El vocero de la Casa Blanca, Jay Carney, rechazó este lunes dar detalles acerca de lo que Obama sabía y dijo que vincular asuntos como el Obamacare y el espionaje de la NSA era "mezclar un montón de temas muy diferentes".
Carney dijo que no "entraría en reportes individuales sobre los programas específicos" y proporcionaría más detalles cuando concluya la revisión de los programas de vigilancia.
Feinsteind afirmó que la Casa Blanca le dijo que el espionaje de EU a sus aliados terminaría, pero un alto funcionario de la administración indicó que esa declaración no era del todo cierta.
El funcionario indicó que se están haciendo algunos cambios, pero que no hay cambios en la política en el extranjero, como terminar con la recolección de información de inteligencia entre aliados.
No todo se revela, dicen expertos
Es posible que Obama desconozca los objetivos específicos del espionaje, dijo la analista de seguridad de CNN, Fran Townsend, miembro de un grupo de asesores externo de la CIA.
Las prioridades generales son conocidas por la Casa Blanca, explicó. "Pero los objetivos específicos, (como) el teléfono de Angela Merkel, no son el tipo de cosas discutidas con el presidente de Estados Unidos".
Nadie debe esperar que el presidente sepa todo lo que la NSA está haciendo, dijo Julian Zelizer, un profesor de historia y asuntos públicos de la Universidad de Princeton.
"Pero cuando se habla de la vigilancia de líderes mundiales y de un asunto que ha sido tan controvertido desde hace tiempo, se esperaría que el presidente o las personas que lo rodean sepan algo al respecto... creo que sí es una sorpresa que esto haya estado fuera del radar de los círculos internos de la Casa Blanca".
¿Un momento para el cambio?
El representante republicano Peter King, un miembro clave del Comité de Seguridad Nacional, dijo que si la vigilancia ocurrió sin el conocimiento del presidente, las implicaciones son mayores.
"Si el presidente no sabía, eso genera preguntas acerca de su labor como jefe del Ejecutivo. El hecho de que haya tenido negociaciones, discusiones y reuniones con Angela Merkel o líderes franceses —o para el caso cualquier otro líder— y que no estuviera al tanto de la vigilancia que se llevaba a cabo a las llamadas privadas, para mí que algo está muy mal en su administración o él tiene una actitud de no hacer nada. Para mí, esto es inaceptable".
Rss Douthat, un comentarista político de CNN y columnista de The New York Times, pregunta si algunos funcionarios perderán su trabajo si el presidente realmente no fue informado.
"La pregunta es: ¿por qué las personas que no pudieron mantenerlo al tanto todavía tienen sus puestos de trabajo?", preguntó.
Sin importar qué sabía Obama o cuándo lo supo, algunos dicen que es hora de un nuevo enfoque.
"A menudo se ha dicho que él no sabía lo que estaba pasando con el sitio web ( Él no puede fingir que no sabe y alejarse de los problemas, porque ya van muchas veces que es tomado por sopresa", dijo AB Stoddard, editor asociado de The Hill. "Él no puede hacer su trabajo de esa manera".
Tom Cohen, Jake Tapper, Jim Sciutto, Elise Labott, Brooke Baldwin y Jim Acosta contribuyeron con este reporte.

Ted Cruz: Obama has ‘absolutely been abusing his power’ Posted on October 30, 2013 by Cowboy Byte

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) says President Obama has “absolutely been abusing his power.”
In an interview Monday with Fusion, Cruz was asked if the president has been abusing his executive powers. Fusion is a new TV network formed by a joint venture between ABC News and Univision.
“I think he has absolutely been abusing his power and when you have a president who says ‘regardless of whether Congress acts I’m going to force my agenda on the American people,’ that’s wrong, that’s not consistent with our constitutional protections,” Cruz said.

Is Secession’s Time Coming Again?

Pat Buchanan recently wrote an intriguing column titled, “Is Red State America Seceding?” His column clearly reveals that an independence/secession movement is spreading globally. Pat rightly observes that in just the last few years some 25 nations have broken free of mother countries and formed their own independent states. And, no, most of these separations did NOT require violent revolution. In addition, talk of secession is currently going on in at least six other regions of the world. And, as Buchanan correctly observes, the spirit of secession is very much alive and well in the United States.
Buchanan writes, “The five counties of western Maryland–Garrett, Allegany, Washington, Frederick and Carroll, which have more in common with West Virginia and wish to be rid of Baltimore and free of Annapolis, are talking secession.”
But people in Maryland are not the only ones talking secession. Buchanan continues to write, “Ten northern counties of Colorado are this November holding non-binding referenda to prepare a future secession from Denver and the creation of America’s 51st state.”
Furthermore, people in northern California are also talking secession. Again, to quote Pat Buchanan: “In California, which many have long believed should be split in two, the northern counties of Modoc and Siskiyou on the Oregon border are talking secession–and then union in a new state called Jefferson.”
Buchanan goes on to say, “Folks on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, bordered by Wisconsin and the Great Lakes, which is connected to lower Michigan by a bridge, have long dreamed of a separate state called Superior. The UP has little in common with Lansing and nothing with Detroit.
“While the folks in western Maryland, northern Colorado, northern California and on the Upper Peninsula might be described as red state secessionists, in Vermont the secessionists seem of the populist left. The Montpelier Manifesto of the Second Vermont Republic concludes:
“‘Citizens, lend your names to this manifesto and join in the honorable task of rejecting the immoral, corrupt, decaying, dying, failing American Empire and seeking its rapid and peaceful dissolution before it takes us all down with it.’”
Pat concludes his column saying, “This sort of intemperate language may be found in Thomas Jefferson’s indictment of George III. If America does not get its fiscal house in order, and another Great Recession hits or our elites dragoon us into another imperial war, we will likely hear more of such talk.”
See Pat Buchanan’s column here., Monday, October 28, 2013,
By Jennifer G. Hickey

CGI Federal, which secured a $678 million no-bid contract to build the Obamacare exchange web portal, has come under increased scrutiny for ties between senior executives and the Obama administration following the disastrous rollout of the healthcare website.
Toni Townes-Whitley, a senior vice president at CGI Federal, is a Princeton classmate of First Lady Michelle Obama, the Daily Caller reported. In addition to being college classmates, both Obama and Townes-Whitley are members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.
According to Federal Election Commission Records, Toni Townes-Whitley gave $500 in 2011 and 2012 to Obama's reelection, and another $1,000 to the Obama Victory Fund.Close access to the White House was also enjoyed by other senior CGI officials, reports The Washington Examiner.
The Examiner reported that visitor logs show that "CGI Federal President Donna Ryan visited the White House six times prior to her company being selected to do the IT design work behind the high-profile website.""Two of the meetings attended by CGI executives were with Vivek Kundra, Obama's chief information officer. Kundra was a key figure in Obama administration information technology initiatives across the government," the paper reported.In addition to the $88 million contract awarded to CGI Federal for the health-insurance exchange website, the company has received a total of $422 million in contracts related to Obamacaresince the legislation was signed into law, according to Bloomberg News.Fox News reported a number of occasions in which the company had failed to meet deadlines or experienced botched launches similar to that seen with the launch of "In projects stretching from Canada to Hawaii, parent company CGI Group and its subsidiaries ran into complaints about its performance," Fox reported.Despite the problems with other projects, the company has been awarded numerous government contracts from other federal departments.In April, CGI Federal was awarded a five-year contract worth a total of $11 billion from the Department of Homeland Security and the Coast Guard for Technical, Acquisition and Business Support Services (TABSS), according to Washington Executive magazine.
CGI Federal is also assisting the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the distributing of $1.7 billion relief aid for Hurricane Sandy victims, the Daily Caller reported.In 2012, the company also won contracts worth $15 million with the Environmental Protection Agency and $900 million contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development to design and operate its IT security operations.While the administration continues to state that the Obamacare website "glitches" will be fixed in the coming months, congressional committees are launching multiple investigations into how CGI Federal and other contractors won million-dollar bids and "who knew what and when" there were problems with the website development.On October 23, the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight Committee sent letters to the 55 contractors, including CGI Federal, who received between $400 million and $600 million to develop the federal exchange and the federal data services hub.The committee is seeking "a detailed explanation of the number, types and amounts of contracts awarded to each company, all communications between the companies and the White House or HHS, and a detailed list of all meetings related to Obamacare implementation."Committee inquiries also were announced in the Senate. On October 24, Republican Sens. Orrin Hatch of Utah and Charles Grassley of Iowa sent letters to the 47 companies who received contracts related to the development of the website requesting "a detailed analysis of the work each contractor has performed to date, the cost of that work, and timelines and deliverables that the entities had to meet for CMS as part of their scope of work in the development and creation of the website."
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Increasing clouds and thunderstorms for climate alarmists. by PAUL DRIESSEN

Science-based analyses are gaining ground, despite bureaucratic tricks. It’s about time.
What a month it’s been. Rejecting claims of looming cataclysm, the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) issued Climate Change Reconsidered-II on September 17. This report by 50 experts documents actual planetary temperature, climate and weather in recent decades – and the ways alarmist scientists have manipulated data, graphs, computer models and weather events to make it appear that human influences are much greater than they actually are.
On September 20, the US Environmental Protection Agency proposed tough new standards for carbon dioxide emissions (EPA calls it “carbon pollution”) from future power plants – ignoring the fact that this plant-fertilizing gas is essential for virtually all life on Earth. The standards would effectively prevent construction of new coal-fired plants, which could not possibly comply. Older plants would gradually be closed down and, as the limits are ratcheted downward, even gas-fired power plants would be affected.
The September 26 release of the fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report marked sea changes for this politicized organization. Though it tried to obfuscate the fact, the panel finally admitted that its models don’t work very well and there has been no global warming for 16 years. IPCC chairman Pachauri nevertheless still insisted that there is “definitely an increase in our belief” that humans are “responsible for climate change,” and his organization is now 95% confident it’s been right all along.
On October 15, the US Supreme Court agreed to review a lower court decision that said EPA could use its regulation of automobile emissions as a springboard to impose power plant and other stationary source emission standards. The court said it would not reconsider its 2007 decision that allowed EPA to treat carbon dioxide as a “pollutant” and “threat to human health and welfare.” However, litigants are certain to raise that central issue in their coming arguments before the court.
Meanwhile, Australia’s new Prime Minister has vowed to scrap his country’s carbon dioxide cap-tax-and-trade law. In Europe, families are reeling from energy price shocks, elderly people are dying because they cannot afford proper heating and nutrition, and industry leaders are warning that “green” energy and other climate change policies threaten “a systematic industrial massacre,” as soaring electricity, transportation and natural gas prices make companies less and less competitive in international markets.
All in all, for purveyors of climate alarmism, the forecast calls for increasing cloudiness, severe thunderstorms and stronger hurricanes for months and years to come. That is hardly surprising.
The alarmists have systematically assaulted and corrupted genuine science. They have injected subjective values and ideological tests, while eliminating the most vital components of the scientific method: comprehensive, independent, empirical and transparent processes that, above all, require that hypotheses and models be confirmed by actual observations, or be rejected and replaced by new ones.
What began as an honest inquiry into possible roles of human activities on “global warming” evolved into assertions that mankind alone is responsible for “climate change,” and society’s carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse gas” emissions somehow replaced the complex, interrelated natural factors that have driven global warming, cooling, storms, droughts and other climatic changes throughout geologic history.
Claims of “manmade climate disaster” are now zealously defended by politicians, eco-activists, alarmist scientists, government agencies, and directors of scientific societies in the United States, Canada and Europe – at all costs, to the exclusion of alternative explanations. They reject debate, vilify challengers to alarmist orthodoxy and, by rejecting genuine climate science, make it impossible to predict future climate. Their chief goals are to redistribute wealth, keep “climate chaos” money flowing in – and justify demands that fossil fuels be eliminated, even for developing nations that need them to lift billions out of poverty.
That’s why Brazil, China and India alone are emitting 180 times more plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide than can be attributed to energy from Alberta’s oil sands: 9 billion tons per year versus 50 million! Moreover, reality continues to be contrary to media stories and what alarmists now refer to as “climate disruption.” Even as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels reach 400 ppm (0.04% of all the gases in Earth’s atmosphere), average planetary temperatures have remained stable for 16 years, and heat-related “extreme weather” events are not increasing. That’s not surprising.
The models assume all warming since the industrial revolution began is due to human carbon dioxide; exaggerate climate sensitivity to CO2 levels; program in temperature data that is contaminated by urban heat sources; and simplify or ignore vital climate influences like solar energy variations, cosmic ray fluxes, clouds, precipitation, ocean currents, and recurrent phenomena like El Niño and La Niña. It’s garbage in – garbage out. That’s why theIPCC climate models predicted that average global temperatures would be as much as 1.6 degrees F higher than they actually were over the past 22 years.
In fact, modest 1-3 degree F temperature increases, especially coupled with more carbon dioxide, would help green the Earth, spur plant growth, boost crop yields, and feed more people more nutritiously. However, many solar scientists now believe the sun has entered a low activity or cooling phase that could continue for decades. If that is the case, instead of average global temperatures increasing, they could well decrease a few degrees, which would adversely affect forests, grasslands, growing seasons and the extent of arable acreage. Thankfully, that has not happened so far.
However, extreme cold weather events have occurred in recent years over Europe, northern India, and parts of North and South America. Four of the five snowiest northern hemisphere winters in the last half century have occurred since 2008, closing down villages and killing wildlife, farm animals and people. Antarctic ice is at a record high. Arctic sea ice is back to normal, after the coldest summer in decades.
But these heavy snows – along with the highly publicized 2010 Russian summer heat wave, severe floods in Pakistan that same summer, and the Midwestern United States 2012 summer heat wave – were all part of natural climate variability, as books, research papersand NIPCC reports have documented.
Climate chaos false prophets like Rajendra Pachauri, Al Gore and David Suzuki predicted bigger, deadlier storms and flooded coastal cities, because of global warming. But the opposite has happened. It has been eight years since a Category 3 hurricane hit the United States: Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma, in 2005. That is the most years since the 1860s withno major hurricane making landfall. Tornado frequency is the lowest on record. Droughts are shorter and less extreme than during the Dust Bowl and 1950s.
Sea levels continue to rise at a meager half-foot per century – which translates into a maximum possible increase of just one inch (25 mm) by 2025. Such a modest rise in sea level poses no threat whatsoever to humanity or coastal communities. It’s also a far cry from the 1-2 feet by 2100 that the IPCC predicted in 2007; the nearly 1-3 feet that its 2013 “scientific report” predicts just for 2081-2100; or the ridiculous 20 feet of sea level rise by 2100 that media-hungry climate charlatan James Hansen has forecast.
2013 witnessed the fewest US forest fires in a decade; it ranks second in the fewest acres burned. But such conflagrations are really due to irresponsible policies on forest management and fire suppression.
In short, our Earth’s climate may well be changing, as it has repeatedly throughout history. But the changes are natural, and they have been far from catastrophic – nothing like the wooly mammoth ice ages or Little Ice Age, and no worse than the 1930s Dust Bowl. Moreover, the changes are natural in origin. They are not due to humans, and they are not occurring in ways the alarmists and their models predicted
We need hydrocarbon energy: to lift more people out of poverty, maintain our living standards, and ensure the wealth and technology to adapt to any climate changes that nature may visit upon us (with or without some localized contribution from humans). We also need genuine climate forecasting capabilities, to predict and prepare for those future fluctuations. Climate alarmism undermines all of this.
This piece was co-written with Madhav Khandekar.

Miami Book Fair International
The Koubek Center
El Centro para Literatura y Teatro del Miami-Dade College
Rumbo a la 30ma Feria International del Libro de Miami
Invitan a Ud. a la presentación inaugural del libro
“Dictaduras y sus Paradigmas”
¿Por qué algunas dictaduras se caen y otras no?
Tomo II
Miércoles Octubre 30, 2013 6:30pm
Auditorio del Koubek Center, 2705 SW 3 Street Miami, Florida 33135
Julio M. Shiling, nació en la Habana, Cuba. Es politólogo, escritor y Director del foro político y la publicación digital Patria de Martí. Tiene una Maestría en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Internacional de la Florida (FIU) en Miami, Florida. Es miembro de la Asociación Estadounidense de Ciencias Políticas, la Asociación Internacional de Ciencias Políticas y el PEN Club de Escritores Cubanos en el Exilio.
1.Introducción del Autor por Luís Ignacio Larcada.
2.Presentación del libro por Rosa Leonor Whitmarsh.
3.Presentación del libro por Diego Trinidad.
4.Palabras del Autor.
5.Sesión de preguntas y respuestas
6.Firma del libro por el Autor.
La entrada es gratis y abierta al público.
Este segundo volumen completa la obra Dictaduras y sus paradigmas: ¿Por qué algunas dictaduras se caen y otras no? La economía y el lenguaje y sus vínculos con el dominio dictatorial son los puntos principales examinados. El Tomo II penetra a fondo los sistemas económicos y la desnaturalización del lenguaje y ciertos conceptos políticos claves, para así concluir la exposición de ¿por qué ciertos regímenes despóticos han perdurado en el poder? Las bases quedan establecidas para comprender las reversiones al despotismo por parte de previos países "liberados" y las nuevas dictaduras del siglo XXI. Cualquier análisis profundo sobre regímenes dictatoriales, estaría incompleto sin tomar en cuenta lo expuesto en esta obra.

Contiene comentarios de:
José Azel Marcos Antonio Ramos
Alred Cuzán Ángel De Fana
Armando de Armas Jesús Angulo
Ninoska Pérez-Castellón Marta Menor
Luís Ignacio Larcada Olga Connor
Diego Trinidad

Tengan todos muy buenos dias y buena suerte.
"EN MI OPINION" Lázaro R González Miño Editor.,,