Saturday, December 28, 2013

No 556 "En mu opinion" Dic. 28, 2019

No 556 “En mi opinión”   Sabado, Diciembre 28, 2013
“IN GOD WE TRUST”  Lázaro R González Miño Editor.


Amenper: La Verdad Sobre El Kwanzaa

Es esa época del año otra vez - cuando los periodistas perezosos salen y escriben artículos que se parecen a ese algodón de azúcar que venden en las ferias, azucaradas y sin cuerpo, sobre una fiesta africana falsa creada por un psicópata Africano-Americano de California que torturó a dos mujeres negras y había servido cárcel que se auto llama Maulana Karenga. Pero que había nacido con el nombre de James Brown-.
Busqué el origen de Kwanzaa y lo que encontré, se encuentra fácilmente en Internet por cualquier persona dispuesta a hacer un poquito de investigación sobre el Kwanzaa
Existe un registro legal del Departamento de policía de Los Ángeles y que fue reportado por el New York Times en 1971 sobre el caso que incluyó un examen mental que mostró Karenga estaba delirando en el momento de su encarcelamiento por abuso violento a dos mujeres..
Este es un hecho que si los medios de comunicación dijeran la verdad sobre Karanga y el Kwanzaa, entonces cada pensamiento honesto de cada estadounidense se daría cuenta que Kwanzaa es un fraude.
Tenemos una aprobación tonta general de esta fiesta "Africana" que no tiene nada que ver con África y todo que ver con California en la década de los 1960.
Maulana Karenga fue acusado de torturar a dos mujeres que eran miembros de una secta nacionalista negra que él había fundado (Esclavos Unidos)
Un artículo del 14 de mayo de 1971, en Los Ángeles Times describió el testimonio de uno de ellos: "Deborah Jones, quien una vez le fue dado el título Swahili por el nombre de una reina africana, dijo que ella y Gail Davis fueron azotadas con un cable eléctrico y golpeadas con una porra y después se le ordenó quitarse su ropa. Ella testificó que un le pusieron un soldador caliente  en boca de Miss Davis y colocado contra la cara de la señorita Davis y que uno de sus dedos  fue apretado en una prensa.
El líder, Karenga, también le puso mangueras de detergente por la vagina a ambas dijo ella."
Todo hasta el momento evidencia que la fiesta de Kwanzaa es falsa y que no se celebra en ningún lugar del África.
Karenga dijo que el nombre "Kwanzaa" significa "primicias de la cosecha".
 La cosecha ocurre típicamente en otoño, que es el final de la temporada de cultivo. Kwanzaa se celebra a finales de diciembre.
No tiene sentido si el propósito de la fiesta es conmemorar las celebraciones de la cosecha.
Pero ese no es el propósito. El objetivo es sembrar la discordia racial mediante la creación de unas vacaciones  que compiten con la Navidad, una celebración solamente para negros.
Eso parece venirle bien a los liberales. Esta es la forma que el Huffington Post describe Kwanzaa
"La fiesta fue creada como una manera de reunir a la Comunidad Africana en todo el mundo y así la comunidad sigue siendo foco central de Kwanzaa. "
“Kwanzaa es una celebración de la familia, comunidad y cultura, pero también es un momento para el encuentro de las personas (africanas) para reafirmar los lazos raciales entre ellos y un tiempo para hablar de especial veneración por el creador y la creación,".
Ni una palabra en el Huffington Post, sobre Karenga y sus ataques contra sus compañeros afroamericanos, que también incluyen el asesinato de dos panteras negras en una lucha por el control del Departamento de estudios negros UCLA.
Curiosamente, sin embargo, el post vincula a esta pieza sobre una llamada del senador del estado de Wisconsin para poner fin a Kwanzaa.
El artículo cita a senador Glenn Grothman:
"Con decenas de millones de estadounidenses negros honorables en el pasado de nuestro país, no dejemos una tuerca violenta como Karenga hablar por ellos," dijo.
Después  el Huffington Post  copió las tonterías de siempre de un autoproclamado portavoz para los afroamericanos que calificaron Grothman de racista- Esta baraja racial que juegan los negros racistas, es la que tiene cautivos a todos para no atacar a Karenga o al Kwanzaa.
Pero imagínense por un momento que  un hombre blanco hubiera torturado a esas mujeres de esa manera y luego intentara declararse a sí mismo como una especie de un dechado de orgullo racial.
Si algún líder del Ku Klux Klan hubiera inventado unas vacaciones para competir con la Navidad, cada editor en Estados Unidos hubiera instruido a sus reporteros a para que investigaran a fondo el pasado del líder antes de escribir un artículo sobre lo maravilloso que es ese día de fiesta.
Pero es imposible imaginar un editor de decirle a un reportero que haga una investigación de Karanga para incluir la verdad acerca del Kwanzaa.
Si los periodistas de América se preocuparan un poco para sólo hacer su trabajo e informar a los lectores de la verdadera naturaleza de Kwanzaa, pronto sería una reliquia olvidada de un mal momento en la historia estadounidense.




Confront Obama’s Tyranny: General Calls for Massive March on Washington

The retired American military commander who earlier said in a statement released to WND that Americans need to confront Barack Obama’s tyranny now is recommending the Egyptian model through which to do that.
The Egyptian model, Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely explained on a podcast of an Internet radio show, was that 33 million people stood up to their government and told officials no.
The result was that the Egyptian Muslim Brother was removed from power and then-President Mohammed Morsi was removed from office, Vallely explained,
His call for a massive march on Washington came recently on the WBTM (We Become The Media) show.
He was asked whether America can be restored as the shining light on the hill for freedom when the electoral process, which resulted in two presidencies for Obama in 2008 and 2012, “are known to be corrupt.”
Vallely said the absence of leadership in the White House and Congress makes it difficult, and he said, “I’m not even sure our traditional process will straighten our government out in time to save us.”
And he said processes like impeachment simply won’t happen.

WND EXCLUSIVE: GENERAL CALLS FOR MASSIVE MARCH ON WASHINGTON 'We need to get off our derrieres. ... Hope is not a strategy'  BOB UNRUH 

The retired American military commander who earlier said in a statement released to WND that Americans need to confront Barack Obama’s tyranny now is recommending the Egyptian model through which to do that.
The Egyptian model, Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely explained on a podcast of an Internet radio show, was that 33 million people stood up to their government and told officials no.
The result was that the Egyptian Muslim Brother was removed from power and then-President Mohammed Morsi was removed from office, Vallely explained,
His call for a massive march on Washington came recently on the WBTM (We Become The Media) show.
He was asked whether America can be restored as the shining light on the hill for freedom when the electoral process, which resulted in two presidencies for Obama in 2008 and 2012, “are known to be corrupt.”
Vallely said the absence of leadership in the White House and Congress makes it difficult, and he said, “I’m not even sure our traditional process will straighten our government out in time to save us.”
And he said processes like impeachment simply won’t happen.
Then he suggested the Egyptian model, and he said millions of Americans need to “stand up” to Washington “within the next 12 months.”
He said doing nothing is not an option, because Washington won’t fix itself and “hope is not a strategy.”
“We need something … a no confidence vote,” he suggested. And perhaps legislation that could create a national recall process.
“We need to get off our derrieres, march at the state capitol, march in Washington,” he said. “Make citizens arrests.”
He said when there are those who are “conducting treason … violating the Constitution, violating our laws,” it should not be overlooked.
“When you have a president and his team who don’t care about the Constitution, they will do anything they can to win,” he said.
Vallely has been immensely popular among tea party organizations that are seeking a way to restore the rule of law to Washington.
Among other things, they cite the Obamacare law, and the 15 or more times Obama has changed the law – without consulting Congress.
In a statement earlier to WND, Vallely said a vote of no confidence could be used.
The founder of Stand Up America, an organization that provides education resources for leaders and activists based on the values of the Founding Fathers, said:
“Clearly America has lost confidence and no longer trusts those in power at a most critical time in our history,” Vallely said. “It is true that not all who ply the halls of power fit under that broad brush, but most of them are guilty of many egregious acts and we say it is time to hold a vote of no confidence. It’s time for a ‘recall.’”
Vallely believes the “credibility of our current leadership is gone.”
Now, he said, “we listen to their excuses, finger-pointing, lies and all manner of chicanery.”
He admitted there is no legal authority in a vote of no confidence, but he argued it will “take back the power of discourse.”
“What else is our nation to do now that the ‘rule-of-law’ has effectively been thrown out the window by the Obama administration? How are we to trust our government anymore, now that lying and fraud are acceptable practices?” he asked.
Vallely believes impeachment likely wouldn’t lead to conviction and doesn’t solve the problem, anyway.
“Harry Reid still controls the Senate, so like in Clinton’s day, forget about a finding of guilty,” he wrote. “Incidentally, if Obama was found guilty and removed from office, Joe Biden would step in, Valerie Jarrett still wields all the power, and likely we get more of the same.”

The Constitution can be amended without going through Congress, he pointed out, but it would take too much time, “a luxury we just do not have it we are going to save our republic.”
“That brings us to the other word no one wants to utter, revolution. In our opinion, this is the least palatable option. … Others talk about the military taking over as we saw in Egypt; again, we do not support this route,” he said.
Vallely listed a sampling of Obama’s broken promises and lies, crediting Peter Wehner at Commentary Magazine:
·         His promise not to allow lobbyists to work in his administration. (They have.)
·         His commitment to slash earmarks. (He didn’t.)
·         To be the most transparent presidency in history. (He’s not.)
·         To put an end to “phony accounting.” (It started almost on Day 1 and continues.)
·         And to restore trust in government. (Trust in government is at near-historic lows.)
·         His pledge to seek public financing in the general election. (He didn’t.)
·         To treat super-PACS as a “threat to democracy.” (He embraced them.)
·         His pledge to keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent. (It remained above 8 percent for the longest stretch since the Great Depression.)
·         To create five million new energy jobs alone. (The total number of jobs created in Obama’s first term was roughly one-tenth that figure.)
·         To identify all those “shovel-ready’ jobs. (Mr. Obama later chuckled that his much-hyped “shovel-ready projects” were “not as shovel-ready as we expected.”)
·         To lift two million Americans from poverty. (A record 46 million Americans are living in poverty during the Obama era.)
·         His promise to bring down health care premiums by $2,500 for the typical family (they went up) … allow Americans to keep the health care coverage they currently have (many can’t) … refuse to fund abortion via the Affordable Care Act (it did) … to respect religious liberties (he has violated them) … and the insistent that a mandate to buy insurance, enforced by financial penalties, was not a tax (it is).
·         Obama’s pledge to stop the rise of oceans. (It hasn’t.)
·         To “remake the world” and to “heal the planet.” (Hardly.)
·         To usher in a “new beginning” based on “mutual respect” with the Arab and Islamic world and “help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East.” (Come again?)
·         To punish Syria if it crossed the “red line” of using chemical weapons. (The “red line” was crossed earlier this year – and nothing of consequence happened.)
·         That as president “I don’t bluff.” (See the previous sentence on Syria.)
·         And of course the much-ballyhooed Russian reset. (Tensions between Russia and the United States are increasing and examples of Russia undermining U.S. interests are multiplying.)
·         And let’s not forget Mr. Obama’s promise to bring us together. (He is the most polarizing president in the history of the Gallup polling.)
·         Or his assurance to us that he would put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” (All three have increased during the Obama presidency.)
·         And his counsel to us to “resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.” (Remind me again whose campaign allies accused Mitt Romney of being responsible for the cancer death of a steelworker’s wife.)
“It is time to recall the reprobates and reclaim the power of the people,” Vallely said. “We need to start with the White House and all of Obama’s appointees, especially Eric Holder. … Then on to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi – the architects who shoved Obamacare down our throats. We also cannot forget John Boehner and company who openly castigate the tea-party caucus which are only doing that which they campaigned upon.”

Vallely quoted commentator Andrew C. McCarthy, who said that “absent the political will to remove the president, he will remain president no matter how many high crimes and misdemeanors he stacks up. … and absent the removal of the president, the United States will be fundamentally transformed.”
Vallely noted that while the U.S. Constitution lacks a provision for a “recall” at the federal level, “there is nothing to prevent its use as a comprehensive de facto indictment and conviction for contempt of Congress, violations of oath of office and of the Constitution itself – for all the reasons stated in such a resolution.”
He warned of growing “tyrannical centralized rule” without action.
There may be advances in the 2014 elections, but will that be a solution?
“Obama is still the president, and his Cabinet and appointees still remain in power. … Obama will just continue to subvert the Constitution he took an oath to faithfully protect. His track record shows us that no matter what the make-up of Congress is, he will twist his way around it with a pen and secure even more power reminiscent of a dictator,” Vallely said.
“When that does not work, he will manipulate the courts and law enforcement will be run by fiat, choosing winners and losers.”
Congress already is addressing charges that Obama is violating the Constitution.
WND reported when Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said Obama’s actions have reached “an unprecedented level, and we’ve got to do something about it.
“Assume that a statute said you had to provide two forms of ID to vote. Can the president require three forms? Can the president require one form? Can you suspend all requirements? If not, why not?” he said. “If you can turn off certain categories of law, do you not also have the power to turn off all categories of law?”
Gowdy cited Obama’s decisions to ignore certain immigration laws, even though Congress did not approve the changes. He also cited arbitrary changes to the Obamacare law and Obama’s “recess appointments” of judges even though the U.S. Senate was not in recess.
His proposal is for Congress to take the White House to court over the president’s actions, through a resolution proposed by Rep. Tom Rice, R-Ga., that would authorize the House to sue the Obama administration. It has 30 co-sponsors.
Rice said that because of “this disregard of our country’s checks and balances, many of you have asked me to bring legal action against the president.”
“After carefully researching the standing the House of Representatives has and what action we can take, I have introduced a resolution to stop the president’s clear overreach,” he said.
A Fox News interviewer asked Gowdy if Obama could refuse to enforce election laws.
“Why not?” asked Gowdy, “If you can turn off immigration laws, if you can turn off the mandatory minimum in our drug statutes, if you can turn off the so-called Affordable Care Act – why not election laws?”
Gowdy noted that a liberal law professor, Jonathan Turley, agrees.
WND reported Turley’s concerns earlier this month.
Turley has represented members of Congress in a lawsuit over the Libyan war, represented workers at the secret Area 51 military base and served as counsel on national security cases. He now says Obama is a danger to the U.S. Constitution.
He was addressing a House Judiciary Committee hearing Dec. 4. Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., asked him: “Professor Turley, the Constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It’s about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president’s unilateral modification of act[s] of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?”
Turley replied: “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power.”
Turley explained that the “Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration.”
“There are two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress,” he said. “One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.”
Turley was appointed in 1998 to the prestigious Shapiro Chair for Public Interest at Georgetown. He has handled a wide range of precedent-setting and headline-making cases, including the successful defense of Petty Officer Daniel King, who faced the death penalty for alleged spying for Russia.
Turley also has served as the legal expert in the review of polygamy laws in the British Columbia Supreme Court. He’s been a consultant on homeland security, and his articles appear regularly in national publications such as the New York Times and USA Today.
WND reported that it was at the same hearing that Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute, said there is “one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the Constitution places of the government.”
“Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it,” he said.
“That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate. If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”
Cannon said it is “very dangerous” for the president to “wantonly ignore the laws, to try to impose obligations upon people that the legislature did not approve.”
Several members of Congress also contributed their opinions in an interview with talk-show host Sean Hannity.
Vallely explained that a “no confidence” vote now “would also tell the world that we recognize the mess this administration has wrought upon the world and we do not support his actions. Despite what supporters of Obama say about our standing in the world, the world is laughing at us. We are not pleased!”
Without that action, he writes, “Obama will just continue to subvert the Constitution he took an oath to faithfully protect.”




Amenper: Obamacare’s Un-affordable’ Prices

During my recent incursion into the Obamacare’s web site to learn firsthand about the options in the insurance marketplace, what I found is that posing as a young person making $40,000.00 a year; I couldn’t afford even the lower level bonze insurance.
Ben Bullard explains this fact in the following article.
Report: More Than Half Of Counties Covered By Can’t Afford Obamacare’s ‘Affordable’ Prices. December 26, 2013 by Ben Bullard  
A USA Today report Thursday shows that the Affordable Care Act is anything but affordable in more than half of the counties in the 34 States where eligible buyers must purchase insurance through, the Federal government’s online insurance marketplace.
According to the analysis, more than half of the counties on the exchange don’t even offer customers a basic bronze-level health care plan. Among the color tiers that denote insurance plans that run the gamut from affordable to luxurious, the low-tier bronze plans are regarded as the cheapest, in part because they require higher copays and have higher maximum payout limits that customers must meet each year before the insurance plan kicks in.
“More than half of the counties in 34 states using the federal health insurance exchange lack even a bronze plan that’s affordable — by the government’s own definition — for 40-year-old couples who make just a little too much for financial assistance,” the piece reports:
Many of these counties are in rural, less populous areas that already had limited choice and pricey plans, but many others are heavily populated, such as Bergen County, N.J., and Philadelphia and Milwaukee counties.
More than a third don’t offer an affordable plan in the four tiers of coverage known as bronze, silver, gold or platinum for people buying individual plans who are 50 or older and ineligible for subsidies.
…”The ACA was not designed to reduce costs or, the law’s name notwithstanding, to make health insurance coverage affordable for the vast majority of Americans,” says health care consultant Kip Piper, a former government and insurance industry official. “The law uses taxpayer dollars to lower costs for the low-income uninsured but it also increases costs overall and shifts costs within the marketplace.”
The newspaper considered whether premiums for the most affordable insurance plan, at any “color” level, amounted to more than 8 percent of an eligible customer’s annual household income – a method similar to that employed by the government to calculate whether people are eligible to opt out of buying coverage under Obamacare based on their ability to cover the cost of the premiums they’d have to pay.
“[T]he analysis clearly shows how the sticker shock hitting many in the middle class, including the self-employed and early retirees, isn’t just a perception problem,” the paper found. “The lack of counties with affordable plans means many middle-class people will either opt out of insurance or pay too much to buy it.”

Samitier: La Universidad de Iowa Estafa $19 Millones al Gobierno

Creo Que Es mas Fácil Estafar Al Gobierno Que a Un Privado...  
Aquí les paso como un PROFESOR… con el RESPALDO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE IOWA... Puestos de acuerdo consiguieron estafar $19 Millones de dólares del gobierno... para Investigar una VACUNA contra el AIDS...  La Condena Fue NEGOCIADA... Hicieron renunciar al profesor… pero el DIRECTOR y el resto de los cómplices... SE QUEDARON… y el castigo negociado a la  UNIVERSIDAD es que NO PUEDEN PEDIR POR 3 AÑOS un préstamo para otros estudios...  ¿Qué Pasa En Washington... Que No Hay Cárcel A Los Ladrones Del Dinero Del Pueblo? 

OREGON RESIDENCE TAKE UP IN ARMS: Oregon Sheriff’s Department Takes Budget Cuts, Forces Residence to form Armed ‘Vigilante Groups’ By GJWHG /

Outraged residents in rural Oregon have formed amateur armed patrol groups to replace the budget-stricken police department.
The unusual move comes after Josephine County sheriff announced officials will now only respond to life-threatening situations after losing necessary government grants.
But county governors, fearful of anarchy, have condemned the organisation, urging citizens to hike their taxes instead.
The conflict arose after the national government stopped paying the county’s federal timber subsidies – reimbursment for working on the forest – and proposed a tax hike instead.
However, when residents opposed the bill the state-funded departments were forced to make radical changes.
With 70 per cent of the town made up of woodland, the grant was essential.
Prisoners being released from jail and crimes operations were limited to weekdays, 9am-3.30pm.
Finally, the Sheriff’s Office released a statement urging residents to move if they didn’t feel safe as a new policy to only respond to the most serious incidents was unveiled.
The statement read: ‘The Sheriff’s Office regretfully advises that if you know you are in a potentially volatile situation (for example, you are a protected person in a restraining order that you believe the respondent may violate), you may want to consider relocating to an area with adequate law enforcement services.’

Amenper: Sapo Curioso
 “Window Shopping” en inglés es mirar las vidrieras (Windows) de las tiendas, mirar los productos exhibidos sin comprar nada. 
En mi pueblo le decían a los que miraban y no compraban “Sapos”, no sé cuál era la razón, pero así era.
Cuando todo el mundo pregunta cuantas personas se han inscripto en el Obamacare y han pagado por sus primas, la respuesta alegre es que más de dos millones de personas han "visitado" el sitio de la red.
No nos quieren decir cuantos se han inscriptos y han pagado, no nos quieren separar los caballos de los sapos. 
Soy uno de esos dos millones de visitantes, pero sin lugar a dudas tengo que confesar que fui un sapo mentiroso.  En mi solicitud de inscripción que hice en la computadora de la biblioteca pública, soy un joven de 30 años, con un empleo de $40,000.00 al año y un social security que lo saqué de un billete de lotería, con un domicilio en Liberty City y un e-mail muy original que prefiero no mencionar.
Si me quieren jaquear se van a quedar con las ganas.
Me hicieron varias sugerencias estaba el plan de oro (del moro) de Plata (de la gata) y el de bronce que no sabía el significado, y que fue el que me recomendaron porque es el más barato,y los otros eran muy caros y no eran para personas de mis medios.
Pero que después que me dijeron que con ese seguro "barato" tenía con mi salario de $40,000.00 que pagar una prima de $500.00 mensuales con un deducible de $5,000.00 por ocurrencia, me he dado cuenta de la razón del nombre "bronce" del seguro.
El bronce es el color del dedo como lucía cuando salió después que me hicieron el tacto rectal.
Lo bueno es que me ofrecieron crédito, no tenía que pagar nada ahora, me inscribían y después me pasaban la cuenta a mi apartamento de Liberty City.
Les dije que me inscribiría antes del primero de año después que consultara con mi esposa que tiene 25 años de edad y que también quiere inscribirse.
Tengo que darle al menos gracias al Obamacare por haberme hecho sentir joven por un rato.
Yo confieso que soy un sapo curioso y mentiroso, pero debe de haber habido entre los dos millones que dicen que visitaron el sitio, muchos que no eran sapos, pero personas que realmente estaban buscando un seguro y se van a sentir decepcionados.  He visto en la televisión personas que fueron a inscribirse y no lo hicieron porque dicen que el seguro que perdieron era mucho mejor que el que le ofrecieron y prefieren seguir sin seguro.
Creo que eventualmente esos cinco millones de personas que perdieron el seguro, muchos de ellos van a tener que caer en el Obamacare, no tendrán más remedio, otros preferirán pagar las multas, que casi seguro aumentarán si las inscripciones son pocas.  Pero es difícil que puedan llegar a los 7 millones que es la meta, y posiblemente al final haya más personas sin seguros que antes del Obamacare.
Después también vamos a ver el problema de los pagos, puede haber inscripciones que se hagan y después no paguen, así que esos son los sapos hinchados que contarán pero en realidad no serán realmente asegurados.
Considerando la manera en que se está implementando el Obamacare, lo peor está en el futuro, cuando nuestra salud esté en manos de esos burócratas. 

Samitier: Curiosa TEORÍA de MARC FABER de EE.UU. y Argentina

Curiosa teoría económica anunciada en Estados Unidos. El tipo se llama Marc Faber.  Es analista de inversiones y empresario… la respuesta es también de un analista argentino...
Cuando el Gobierno estudiaba lanzar un proyecto de ayuda a la economíanorteamericana, Marc Faber escribía en su boletín mensual un comentario con mucho humor:
"El Gobierno Federal está estudiando conceder a cada uno de nosotros la suma de $600.
Si gastamos ese dinero en WalMart, ese dinero va para China.
 Si gastamos el dinero en gasolina, va para los árabes. Si compramos un ordenador, el dinero va para la India. Si compramos frutas, irá para México, Honduras o Guatemala. 
Si compramos un buen coche, el dinero irá para Alemania o Japón.
Si compramos tonterías, se va para Taiwan, y ningún centavo de ese dinero ayudará a la economía americana. 
  El único medio de mantener ese dinero en USA es gastándolo con putas o cervezas, considerando que son los únicos bienes todavía producidos aquí.Yo, estoy haciendo mi parte..." 
Respuesta de un economista ESPAÑOL, igualmente de buen humor.
"Estimado Marc:
Realmente, la situación de los norteamericanos es cada vez peor. Y lamento informarle que la Budweiser fue, recientemente, comprada por la brasilera AmBev. Por lo tanto, le quedan solamente las putas.
Ahora, si ellas (las putas), decidieran mandar su dinero a sus hijos, le advierto que esos dólares vendrían casi en su totalidad hacia el CONGRESO DE LOS DIPUTADOS DE ARGENTINA, donde existe la mayor concentración de hijos de puta del mundo".

Samitier: Reafirman la excomunión de los Católicos Tradicionalistas.


La Iglesia Católica  En Su Afán De Unir Todas Las Religiones
Ha Estado Dispuesta A Participar En Ritos Sacrílegos...
Con Musulmanes, Indios Y Judíos Todos Ellos Se Burlan
De Nuestro Dios... Trinitario = Padre, Hijo Y Espíritu Santo.
Mientras Se Reúnen Con Todos Esos... Se Niegan A Reunirse
Con Los Católicos Tradicionalistas Que Su Única Diferencia Es
Seguir Las Tradiciones Católicas Romanas, Dan Su Misa En
Latín Y Están Contra La Socialización Creada Por Los Curas
Comunistas… Y Pro Homosexuales...  
Aquí tiene la noticia de que el NUEVO PAPA Francisco
Reafirma la excomunión de los Seguidores del Cardenal LeFrebre

Samitier: Los símbolos anti cristianos que son populares


Aquí les envío un sitio en que se ensenan
Cuáles son los símbolos anti cristianos que
Se han puesto de modas...
Símbolos ocultos están rápidamente reemplazando a los símbolos cristianos
en nuestra cultura. Por lo tanto, le recomendamos que utilice esta lista para
advertir, especialmente los niños cristianos que intencionalmente llevar y
exhibirlos es ayudas a la propagación de las ideas contrarias a nosotros
y NO SE DEBEN DE LLEVAR aunque sean populares.

Samitier: En Rusia Los Homosexuales ABUSARON de la libertad

Los Homosexuales Abusaron De Las Nueva Libertad
Cuando Cayo El Comunismo…En La URSS
Ahora Están Pagando Las Consecuencias... Pues La
Mayoría Se Cansó De Sus Exigencias y Despotismo
Algo Igual Va A Suceder En USA...
Nadie se Metía Con Ellos... Ahora Ellos Son Los Que
Se Meten Con Nosotros y Van A Pedir Hasta Que Se
Quemen Los Libros Que Dicen Que son Enfermos...
El Que Se Atreve A Decir Que NO SON

Miren la queja que sale hoy en el New York Time un diario
SOCIALISTA y PRO HOMOSEXUAL... denunciando a Rusia...


“En mi opiniónLázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD GOD WE TRUST

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