Friday, February 6, 2015

No 861 "En mi opinion" Febrero 6, 2016

No 861 “En mi opinión”  Febrero 6, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITOR

Amenper: Dios nos libre de la misericordia del Dios de Mahoma

"Recordemos que durante las Cruzadas y la Inquisición, la gente cometió hechos terribles en nombre de Cristo", recordó Obama. "En nuestro país, la esclavitud y Jim Crow solían justificarse a menudo en nombre de Cristo".
"Por eso no es exclusivo de un grupo o una religión”
Barack Hussein Obama

Estas son las palabras de nuestro presidente en el año 2015, para justificar al Islam, que como siempre no menciona por su nombre.
No me sorprende, recientemente les envié un E Mail sobre esto.
No me sorprende que Barack Hussein Obama tenga este pensamiento, y que justifique algo que está pasando en el siglo XXI con algo que pasó en el siglo XI, ni me sorprende que pueda mencionar a Cristo pero que no haya mencionado a Mahoma.
Lo que me sorprende es la respuesta de los medios de comunicación, no la prensa tramitada, pero la prensa opositora también. 
Lo que mencionan es solamente la diferencia de época, lo cual es válido pero es insuficiente, siguen mencionando al Islamismo radical y siguen diciendo que el Islam no es igual, así que le están dando la razón a Obama.
El Cristianismo basa su doctrina en el nuevo testamento, con la venida de Cristo, su vida y sus enseñanzas y las epístolas que exponen la doctrina cristiana.  Esa es la religión cristiana.
El Islam basa su doctrina en el Corán, con la vida y las enseñanzas de Mahoma eso es la religión islámica.
El problema de los asesinos a nombre del Islam no es un extremismo, es un fundamentalismo de las doctrinas del Corán.  No hay en el nuevo testamento ni en las doctrinas de los apóstoles o de Cristo una mención a que se deben de asesinar a los infieles.  
Pero si lo hay en el Corán, así que los que cometen esos crímenes no son extremistas, son fieles, y tienen razón cuando llaman infieles a los que se llaman musulmanes y no cumplen como ellos las enseñanzas de Mahoma. 
Por eso están justificados como fieles islámicos cuando quemaron vivo al piloto que se decía musulmán, porque era un infiel a las doctrinas de Mahoma.
El problema no es como dice Obama que los cristianos de las cruzadas cometieron crímenes a nombre de la religión, ellos si incumplieron la doctrina cristiana, así que realmente no cometieron los crímenes a nombre de Cristo, pero en contra de las enseñanzas de Cristo.
Los fundamentalistas musulmanes no cometieron crímenes tergiversando al Corán, cometieron crímenes cumpliendo las doctrinas del Corán.
No hay grupos que empleen la violencia y la justifiquen por las doctrinas de los escritos de Moisés, Buda, Jesús, o de los dioses hindúes, pero lo que sí que es habitual y cotidiano que en nombre de Allahú Ajbar se asesine a otras personas, y que estos asesinos se justifiquen y legitimasen sus asesinatos ante sus correligionarios con textos del Corán y se amparen en la Shari´a, la ley islámica.
Y que no nos hablen de la historia de violencia del antiguo testamento, donde no se encuentra la doctrina cristiana pero la relación de Dios con el pueblo judío para sostenerlo hasta la venida de Cristo, es un relato histórico, no tiene que ver con la doctrina cristiana que comienza con la venida de Cristo y su sacrificio en la Cruz.  Sólo en el nuevo testamento se encuentra la doctrina del cristianismo.
Hasta que no se aclare que el problema no es de los hombres, pero de las doctrinas de las religiones no podemos tener una conversación inteligente. 
Se puede mencionar en el nuevo testamento de principio a fin, sin encontrar incitación al asesinato de los no cristianos.
Del Corán sólo nos mencionan los libros que le convienen y omiten los que incitan al asesinato de los infieles.  No se puede ser selectivo en las doctrinas de una religión, hay que tomarla en todo su contexto.
Obama estudió en madrazas islámicas, él sabe de qué se trata por eso no quiere hablar mucho sobre la religión islámica, no es conveniente.
Porque crimen como religión no como cosa de los hombres, si es exclusivo del Islam.
Por eso Barack Hussein Obama no menciona la religión del Islam por su nombre, porque él sabe que esa llamada religión tiene como doctrina la guerra y el crimen
Yo también leo el Corán, como leo la Biblia, como leo a Karl Marx y leo a Adam Smith.
De mi Corán que tengo al lado de la Biblia, copio dos versículos:
Corán 9:5. Cuando hayan transcurrido los meses sagrados, matad a los asociadores dondequiera que les encontréis. ¡Capturadles! ¡Sitiadles! ¡Tendedles emboscadas por todas partes! Pero si se arrepienten, hacen la azalá y dan el azaque, entonces ¡dejadles en paz! Alá es indulgente, misericordioso.
Corán 3:141: para que pruebe Alá a los creyentes y extermine a los infieles.
Estos son dos que encuentro de momento, hay muchos más y peores. Dios nos libre de la misericordia del Dios de Mahoma.

Two leaders??????????????????

M. Aleman

Never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups.
Kim Jung Un.  North Corea Leader. (?)
Kim Jung Un had NO military experience whatsoever before Daddy made him a four-star general.
This snot-nosed twerp had never accomplished anything in his life that would even come close to military leadership. 
He hadn't even so much as led a Cub Scout troop, coached a sports team, or commanded a military platoon.
So he is made the "Beloved Leader" Of North Korea.
Oh crap 
I'm sorry.
I just remembered that we did the same thing here in USA.
We took an arrogant phony community organizer, who had never worn a uniform, and made him Commander-in-Chief.
A guy, who had never had a real job, worked on a budget, or led anything more than an ACORN demonstration, and we made him "Beloved Leader" of the United States.
TWICE !!! 
I'm sorry I brought this up . .. . Never mind. 

¿Cuánto le ha costado la revolución cubana al mundo?
Carlos Alberto Montaner | Enviado por Luis Carril.
La pregunta cobra valor, ahora que Raúl Castro exige a EEUU compensaciones económicas para el restablecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas.
Raúl Castro le ha puesto condiciones a Barack Obama para reestablecer relaciones diplomáticas. Una de ellas es recibir una compensación por los daños producidos por el embargo comercial.
¿A cuánto asciende el perjuicio? Según los puntillosos economistas del Gobierno cubano, la cifra es exactamente 116.860 millones de dólares. No tengo la menor idea sobre cómo han llegado a esa suma monstruosa, pero démosla por buena a los efectos de esta columna.
Naturalmente, eso nos precipita a una pregunta inevitable: cuánto le ha costado la incompetencia y la injerencia de la revolución cubana al mundo.
Hagamos unos apuntes contables.
 Primero, claro, están los perjudicados cubanos. En 1959, Cuba tenía 6.000.500 habitantes. Al margen del 1.800.00 de viviendas, existían 38.384 fábricas, 65.872 comercios y 150.958 establecimientos agrícolas. Todo eso fue estatizado sin compensación real, provocando el súbito empobrecimiento de la sociedad cubana. ¿A cuánto asciende el despojo? Probablemente el Estado les debe a los propios cubanos 30 veces lo que hoy Raúl Castro le reclama a Obama. Pasaron de los primeros lugares de desarrollo en América Latina a los últimos.
 Estados Unidos. Los norteamericanos, muy conservadoramente, valoran en 7.000 millones las propiedades confiscadas en la Isla. No incluyen en la cuenta, por ejemplo, entre otros rubros olvidados, el costo enorme de integrar a dos millones de refugiados cubanos en Estados Unidos (el 20% de la población de la Isla), ni los daños provocados por los miles de criminales deliberadamente sacados de las cárceles cubanas y enviados a EEUU durante el éxodo del Mariel en 1980. Tampoco tienen en cuenta los derechos de propiedad norteamericanos sobre libros, música, películas, televisión, medicinas, programas de informática y objetos de todo tipo copiados o utilizados sin límite por los cubanos. Una suma astronómica. Deberían sumarlos.
España. La Sociedad 1898, constituida en Madrid para defender los intereses de los españoles perjudicados en la Isla —dueños en Cuba de una buena parte del comercio minorista—, afirma que, sólo a las 3.000 familias españolas que han logrado localizar, a valor del dólar actual, les deben unos 8.000 millones.
URSS. Según la economista rusa Irina Zorina, los subsidios a Cuba, sin contar las cuantiosas donaciones de armamentos, excedieron los 100.000 millones de dólares. En el verano de 2014, Vladimir Putin le condonó a Cuba el 90% de una incobrable deuda reconocida a Rusia ante el Club de París de 35.000 millones. El 10% restante, que tampoco cobrará, hipotéticamente se invertiría en la Isla.
Venezuela. El economista Carmelo Mesa-Lago calcula el subsidio venezolano en unos 13.000 millones de dólares anuales. Ernesto Hernández-Catá, otro gran profesional, lo rebaja a 7.000. En todo caso, una cifra descomunal que explica, entre otras razones, la magnitud del desastre venezolano.
Argentina. La deuda original de 2.400 millones, contraída en los años 70, al no pagarla, hoy excede los 11.000 millones.
 Japón. Cuba le debía 1.400 millones. Los japoneses le condonaron el 80% de la deuda y el 20 restante lo aplazaron en 20 años. Naturalmente, les eliminaron las líneas de crédito a los cubanos.
México. Hizo más o menos lo mismo que Japón. Cuba le debía 487 millones de dólares y el Gobierno mexicano le perdonó 341 y le aplazó la devolución del remanente a lo largo de una década.
Y ahora acerquémonos, parcialmente, a la injerencia, pero con más preguntas que respuestas, porque, que sepamos, nadie todavía le ha puesto números al costo de la intromisión cubana en los asuntos internos de otros países.
¿Cuánto le costó a Venezuela el desembarco de guerrillas cubanas en los años 60 y el apoyo de los Castro a las guerrillas y terroristas venezolanos durante más de una década? ¿Cuánto le cuesta la disparatada asesoría que ha llevado al país a la ruina?
 ¿Cuánto le costó a Bolivia el intento del Che Guevara, acompañado de militares cubanos, de derrocar al Gobierno de ese país?
¿Cuánto le costó a Chile la radicalización del gobierno de Salvador Allende, en gran medida motivada por la presencia de las tropas especiales cubanas en ese país y por el consejo suicida de La Habana?
¿Cuánto le costó a Centroamérica en vidas humanas y en recursos económicos la ayuda de Cuba a la creación y mantenimiento de guerrillas en El Salvador, Guatemala y Nicaragua? (Nicaragua, por ejemplo, todavía no ha recuperado los índices de desarrollo económico que tenía en 1979, año del triunfo sandinista.)
 ¿Cuánto la vinculación de Cuba en Colombia al Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), al M-19 de Jaime Bateman y a las FARC?
 ¿Cuánto pagaron los argentinos por combatir al Ejército Guerrillero del Pueblo, organizado por Cuba y dirigido por Jorge Ricardo Masetti, como prueba el periodista e historiador Juan Bautista Yofre en su libro Fue Cuba, o el insensato ataque al cuartel de La Tablada, con armas cubanas, durante el gobierno de Raúl Alfonsín?
¿Para qué seguir? La pequeña isla de Cuba, dirigida por un loco que, como tantos, se creía Napoleón Bonaparte, pero que realmente intentó serlo y a ello dedicó toda su vida, ha sido una catástrofe, no solo para los cubanos, sino para medio planeta. Una catástrofe que les ha costado una inmensa cantidad de dinero.

Sen. Burr: More Fears of Homeland Attack Than Any Time Since 9/11

By Greg Richter
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr says he is more concerned about a terrorist attack on U.S. soil today than at any time since 9/11.
"I have got more fears today, just simply because we are against a different enemy," Burr said Thursday on Fox News Channel's 
"Special Report." 
With the rise of lone wolves, it is more difficult to monitor the actions of would-be terrorists before they strike, he explained. 
"We might not be able to pick up the effort of an individual set of brothers like we saw in Paris," Burr said, referencing the Charlie Hebdo attack. "Now as we look back, there was every reason to watch these folks very carefully. We are the best in the world, make no mistake about it, but we are not perfect.
That's what scares me."
Burr, a North Carolina Republican, is among a group of senators pushing an alternative to the Affordable Care Act. But he told anchor Brett Baier he doesn't see his party rallying around one single Obamacare alternative before the current session ends.
Burr said he expects lots of ideas to be floated, not only in Congress, but in think tanks in Washington and around the country.
The King v. Burwell case set to be heard by the Supreme Court in March will provide a short-term response, he said. That case challenges the subsidies paid to people in states that did not set up their own health exchanges.
"The long term is how do we revamp this in 2017 and after so it works for America's patients?" he said.
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Jordan's Execution of Radicals a Good Start

What do you call the two Islamic terrorists whom Jordan hanged on Wednesday? A good start. Wherever legally possible, radical Islamic terrorists currently imprisoned should be dispatched. Henceforth, every country on Earth should declare militant Islamic terrorism a capital crime and require prompt executions for anyone convicted of committing or enabling such butchery.

Radical Muslim terrorists should be killed in action. When they are captured, however, they should be interrogated. As soon as their intelligence value is depleted, they promptly should be tried. If convicted, they should be executed the next dawn.
Speeding such terrorist killers and their cadres onto the gallows and before firing squads would yield enormous benefits:
·         First. Executing terrorists will remove them from battle — permanently. A malignant tumor that is excised and discarded as medical waste will menace its host no more. Agents of the virulent cancer called Islamic fundamentalism urgently deserve similar treatment. Islamic terrorists repeatedly have escaped or been released from prison and then resumed jihad. The Center for Security Policy in 2006 helped me detail one dozen terrorist jail breaks after Sept. 11, 2001. In these cases, at least 138 suspected or convicted Islamic extremists fled incarceration in Afghanistan, Russia, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Yemen. Collectively, these killers had murdered at least 328 individuals and wounded 518 others.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi departed U.S.-run Camp Bucca in Iraq in 2009. He supposedly was an unthreatening, low-level prisoner. Al-Baghdadi joined and now runs, ISIS — an operation whose child sex-slavery, live burials, crucifixions, beheadings, and other savagery inspire nostalgia for the relative restraint of al-Qaida.
Last July a French court convicted nine members of a local terror cell for aiding an Afghan jihadist network. “Some, however, were released due to time served while awaiting trial,” the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday. “And some group members had logistical expertise that French police now suspect was put to use in helping” Amedy Coulibaly. Released last March, he killed four hostages at a kosher grocery in Paris on Jan. 8 of this year.
·         Second. An executed terrorist is worthless in a hostage exchange. This should discourage Muslim extremists from nabbing people and trying to trade them for their radical comrades behind bars, as ISIS recently attempted with Sajida al-Rishawi. She was the female homicide bomber whom Jordan executed after ISIS burned Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasabeh alive inside a cage.
Israel, of all countries, never learned this lesson. Lacking a death penalty, Israel merely imprisons convicted terrorists. This creates abundant hostage bait. Between 2000 and 2011, the U.S.-Israeli Almagor Terror Victims Association estimates, “released terrorists have murdered over 180 Israeli civilians, while crippling or wounding many others.” In 2011, Israel foolishly traded 1,027 Palestinians for Israeli Sergeant Gilad Shalit. According to Almagor, at least 63 of these butchers subsequently have been arrested for terrorism. 
·         Third. Widespread — if not universal — executions of Muslim terrorists will demonstrate that Civilization recognizes this existential threat and is serious about annihilating it. Such clarity is needed badly amid Obama’s rhetorical fog. On Tuesday, Obama referred to “whatever ideology” drove ISIS to torch that Jordanian pilot. Perhaps ISIS was fueled by Utilitarianism. Or 19th Century Mercantilism. Or maybe militant Buddhism. As Obama said, “Whatever.”
Such moral obtuseness has become deadly. Routinely executing terrorists will display moral clarity as precisely as a laser slicing through steel. Some may argue that hanging Islamic terrorists will enrage those who survive. It is difficult to imagine these evildoers being further upset with Civilization. Those who, last December, machine-gunned 132 school kids in Pakistan and ignited one of their teachers cannot get any angrier. 
In short: Capture, question, convict, kill, and cremate.
Dead terrorists never should go home. Instead, their ashes should be poured very publicly down open manholes. What a fitting resting place for this filth, and what an unmistakable message that Civilization finally will stop monkeying around, swiftly relegating militant Islam to the same sewer in which Nazism and Communism fester.
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Jordan's King Abdullah to Personally Lead Airstrikes on ISIS?

By Nick Sanchez
Jordan's King Abdullah was reported by some Arabic-language news outlets to be personally leading airstrikes against Islamic State militants, however those reports were in question on Thursday. 
"The Jordanian King Abdullah II will participate personally on Thursday in conducting air strikes against the shelters of the terrorist ISIL organization to revenge the execution of the Jordanian pilot [First Lieutenant Moaz al-Kasasbeh] by the ISIL," said one
IraqiNews report published Wednesday. 
Abdullah is a seasoned fighter pilot trained in part at the U.K.'s Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, so it was unclear if the report of his personal involvement was to be interpreted as him flying a plane, commanding the fleet, or both. 

Turkish news site Anadolu Agency soon reported on Thursday, however, that the stories of his personal involvement were false. 
That same day, Abdullah himself reiterated his vow to strike Islamic State "strongholds," but remained vague on the details. 
He said the revenge for burning Kasasbeh alive "will be harsh because this terrorist organization is not only fighting us, but also fighting Islam and its pure values." 
On Wednesday, Jordanian officials hanged two prisoners in response to Kasasbeh's execution, senior al-Qaida prisoner Ziyad Karboli and suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi. 
Jordan has been an ally of the U.S. and the international anti-terror coalition since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, acting as a base of operations and contributing its own military forces at times. Kasasbeh was on a mission in Syria when his plane was downed, and he was taken prisoner. 
U.S. officials believe Kasasbeh was burned alive a month ago, however Islamic State militants didn't release the video of his execution until this week.
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Does Vladimir Putin Have Asperger's Syndrome?

A 2008 study by a Pentagon think tank speculates that Russian President Vladimir Putin suffers from Asperger's Syndrome.
The report, which was obtained by USA Today through the Freedom of Information Act, claims Putin's neurological development was "interrupted in infancy," resulting in Asperger's. The life-long neurological abnormality is part of the autism spectrum, and causes difficulties with communication, social interaction, and flexibility. It results in lack of empathy and understanding in daily life, especially in males, which frequently results in anger and frustration.
A U.S. Naval War College expert in movement pattern analysis arrived at the diagnosis after studying Putin's movements in public settings. The Pentagon study has been criticized by experts who say the diagnosis can only be made after a thorough face-to-face process.
Asperger's Syndrome afflicts approximately one in 200 people, and is more common in males than females. Sufferers often have higher than average intelligence and may want to interact socially, but are incapable of grasping how to fit in with others. In the latest edition (2013) of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), Asperger's was dropped as a stand-alone disorder and folded into the overall autism spectrum.

Obama’s budget is dead on arrival

CBO: Obama Budget Plan Would Boost Tax Revenues, Cut Deficits
WASHINGTON — President Obama wants Americans to foot the bill for the first $4 trillion budget in U.S. history, which will drive our country ever more deeply into debt.
This isn’t all that’s at stake in the fiscal 2016 budget he sent Congress on Monday. It calls for major new taxes on our fragile economy that will hurt America’s businesses, stunt wage growth and further weaken job creation.
Obama made it crystal clear in his first year in office that raising federal spending was at the core of his presidency. And he’s kept that promise.
In 2009, his first year in office, he called for $3.6 trillion in spending in fiscal year 2010. In 2011 that figure shot up to $3.7 trillion, continuing its ascent to nearly $3.8 trillion in 2014.
His spending trajectory continues to rise, culminating in the highest total ever, spiraling over the $4 trillion mark for the first time in our history.
The budget was about $1 trillion less in the last year of George W. Bush’s presidency. The year before, Bush’s budget deficit was a tame $162 billion, before the recession came, shrinking tax revenues and ballooning the deficit.
Still, Obama has no peer in the record books for piling up high budget deficits over the course of his presidency.
They were $1.4 trillion in 2009, $1.3 trillion in 2010, $1.3 trillion in 2011, $1 trillion in 2012, $676 billion in 2013, and close to half a trillion bucks in fiscal year 2014.
His latest budget would produce a nearly similar deficit, according the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
All of this money is sucked out of our economy, which leads to slower economic growth, less capital investment, fewer jobs and lower or stagnant wages.
If you’re looking for major new proposals from Obama on how to eliminate the deficits and dramatically pay down debt, forget it.
The OMB forecasts that over the next 10 years, under the spending curve Obama has put us on, the national debt will balloon by $6 trillion.
To quote Yogi Berra, this is “deja vu all over again.” More infrastructure spending, higher taxes on business and the rich, and lots of new spending initiatives. Just like the $800 billion economic stimulus law that turned out to be a dud and left us in the midst of a long, painfully sluggish, jobless recovery.
This latest budget calls for a whopping $478 billion in public works spending to improve roads, bridges, ports and other projects. It isn’t going anywhere in Congress. Been there, done that. It didn’t work.
As for his proposal to slap a 14 percent tax on overseas profits by U.S. corporations in a brutal global recession in Europe and Asia, House Speaker John Boehner responds “no … dead!”
Ditto for Obama’s attempt to raise the capital gains tax on upper-income Americans to 28 percent, which would kill job-creating investments in new start-up firms seeking to expand. Or imposing higher estate taxes, another one of his soak-the-rich ideas. Dead on arrival.
“What I think the president is trying to do here is to, again, exploit envy economics. This top-down (income) redistribution doesn’t work,” House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”
“It may make for good politics, (but) it doesn’t make for good economic growth,” Ryan said.
The Wisconsin Republican similarly dismisses Obama’s idea to hook the capital gains tax to inherited wealth — saying that it would make it “really hard for a family to pass on a family business to the next generation.”
Obama also wants to give well-paid federal workers a 1.3 percent pay raise (after 1 percent raises in the last two years). But that’s something many millions of unemployed or underemployed lower-income private-sector workers will find hard to swallow after going so many years without any wage growth in their paychecks — if they are lucky to have a job.
Ryan’s top goal this year will be to enact tax reform by cleansing the tax code of loopholes and other credits and exemptions, while lowering the rates across the board for businesses and individuals.
He’s working with Orrin Hatch of Utah, his counterpart on the Senate Finance Committee, but both men know they face a huge obstacle: Obama.
Obama says he wants corporate tax reduction, but is opposed to cutting individual tax rates or the capital gains tax. Both would make the tax code simpler and pro-growth and create more jobs.
As of now, I don’t see Obama changing his mind on the kind of economic reforms that we need to get our country growing again.
He is a prisoner of his party’s ideological addiction to the politics of redistribution, public works and big spending. He’s anti-capitalism, anti-wealth formation and anti-free market — institutions that made the American economy the innovative economic giant it has become.
But over the last six years, Obama’s policies have not worked. The big-spending stimulus program enlarged the government, not the job market. Infrastructure projects did not work in the Great Depression, and they didn’t work in the Great Recession.
So instead of thinking anew, he has locked himself into a state of delusion, believing that he pulled the economy out of its lethargy and everything’s OK. But it’s not even remotely OK.
Economic growth fell in the fourth quarter to a dismal 2.6 percent, whereas the Reagan tax-cut economy saw GDP rates soaring to 5.6, 7.7, 8.5 percent growth — and created monthly job numbers in the 400,000 to 500,000 range and higher.
Oh, we’ll muddle through somehow, but it’s not going to get significantly better until a new, pro-capital investment president sits in the Oval Office and sets the economy free to grow and prosper once more.


Three generations of imbeciles are enough

Ann Coulter  | 
It’s good to see conservatives have gotten back to letting the New York Times choose their nominees for them.
The only silver lining to Mitt Romney being pushed out of the presidential race — temporarily, I hope — is that the media’s preferred GOP candidate, Jeb Bush, is catnip to the stupidest influence-seekers, so Wall Street will be wasting all kinds of money over the next few months.
Then, Shemp Bush will declare and knock Jeb out of the running, only to be replaced by Zeppo Bush. I wouldn’t be putting a lot of money on another President Bush, unless we’re talking about the next president of Mexico.
Most candidates for office at least wait to get elected before betraying voters on immigration, because who doesn’t like surprises? Sen. Marco Rubio, for example, has spent his entire Washington career pushing amnesty, after saying repeatedly when he was running: “I will never support — never have and never will support — any effort to grant blanket legalization, amnesty, to folks who have entered this country illegally.”
It’s almost refreshing that Jeb doesn’t even bother to lie. To the contrary, he’s remarkably frank about his intention to pass amnesty, calling illegal immigration “an act of love.” Well, sure — in the sense that someone’s getting screwed.
I wonder if amnesty operates as a magnet for illegal immigrants … hey, does anyone know if there have there been any measles outbreaks lately? But I’m sure Jenny McCarthy is responsible for the nonstop viral outbreaks in the U.S. since 90,000 poverty-stricken, unvaccinated Central American kids poured across our border last year. Polio will be next.
Recently, ICE agents in Michigan captured a major Mexican drug dealer. They knew he was here illegally, but every time they asked him his immigration status, all he said was: “Obama.”
You know what’s an even bigger magnet for illegals than a politician’s promise to pass amnesty in the future? Governors offering them driver’s licenses and in-state tuition right now.
Guess who was one of the first governors in the nation to propose driver’s licenses for illegal aliens? Jeb Bush. He talked of little else during his second term. Fortunately, the Florida legislature never agreed. Even then-Sen. Hillary Clinton came out against driver’s licenses for illegals in 2007 — at least after polls showed that 70 percent of New Yorkers strongly opposed the idea. Public opposition forced former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer to drop his plan to grant illegals driver’s licenses, and he’s a man who doesn’t give up on bad ideas easily.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie gave illegals in-state tuition. He also directed his temporary Senate appointee to vote for the Schumer-Rubio amnesty. This totally impressed Wall Street, but cost him his erstwhile biggest supporter, moi.
Gov. Rick Perry pushed through in-state tuition for illegals in Texas, and then lectured Republicans, saying, “If you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they’ve been brought there by no fault of their own, I don’t think you have a heart.” (Romney’s response: “I think if you’re opposed to illegal immigration, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a heart. It means that you have a heart and a brain.”)
Gov. Mike Huckabee promoted in-state tuition, voting rights and public services for illegals, on the grounds that companies like Toyota and Nestle wouldn’t invest in Arkansas “if we send the message that, essentially, ‘If you don’t look like us, talk like us and speak like us, we don’t want you.’”
Rick Santorum gets exercised about immigration only when he’s running for office, but while in the Senate and throughout the 2012 campaign, he opposed employer sanctions for hiring illegals. Newt Gingrich was for amnestying all illegal immigrants except felons, which he planned to accomplish with a review board to consider the individual case of every illegal immigrant in the country.
The only Republican who has ever opposed the media and big campaign donors on immigration was Mitt Romney. You know, the guy we just kicked to the curb. On immigration, the elites speak with one voice: The donors want cheap labor, and the media hate Republicans who push ideas that are wildly popular with voters.
As governor of Massachusetts, Romney repeatedly vetoed bills giving illegal aliens in-state tuition. He also vetoed a bill to extend health coverage to illegal aliens. And he made clear he would veto any bill allowing driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, so those never made it to his desk.
While Jeb was one of the first governors to demand driver’s licenses for illegals, Romney was one of the first governors to strike a special agreement with federal immigration officials allowing Massachusetts state troopers to arrest illegal aliens.
But with the cheap-labor plutocrats up in arms during the 2012 presidential campaign over Romney’s suggestion that their serfs “self-deport,” all the Republican lickspittles rushed to denounce his untoward remark. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker — all of them lined up to take Sheldon Adelson’s loyalty oath, swearing that, as far as they were concerned, illegal aliens should be treated as honored guests.
You better pray for a “flip-flopper” on immigration, conservatives.
The usual setup is for big donors to trick conservatives into supporting some loser liberal as the GOP nominee. With Romney, it was conservatives who tricked the money people into supporting a conservative.
But instead of familiarizing themselves with the facts, most half-wits masquerading as conservative spokesmen on TV simply repeated whatever Sarah Palin said, and she believed whatever Sheldon Adelson said. Which was: Romney’s not a real conservative! The only real conservatives are the ones who don’t want to separate plutocrats from their servants! – oops, I mean, children from their grandmothers!
Now at least we’re back to normal, and Republicans can run a presidential candidate to the left of Hillary Clinton on immigration, Zeppo McCain.

DUSTED: Yemen Drone Strike Kills Senior al-Qaida Cleric

Wipe out! Love it when terrorists lose.
A senior cleric for al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen was killed along with three other people in a drone strike on their vehicle January 31 in Yemen, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said in a statement released Thursday.
The cleric, Harith bin Ghazi al-Nadhari, was killed in Yemen’s south-central Shabwa province, AQAP said.
The strike would be a further indication that a U.S.-led drone strike program is continuing following a pause during political upheaval in the majority Sunni Muslim nation.

Watch How Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

The president attempted to draw parallels between the two.

For weeks now, many in the media and across America have been asking the question as to why President Obama won’t declare that radical Islam is the enemy that our country and much of the rest of the civilized world are fighting.
What the president just said to people gathered for the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington may provide at least a partial answer to those wondering about Obama’s persistent reluctance to identify the threat of radical Islam around the globe.
CNS News provides the quotation from President Obama’s speech that may well cause some to ponder and others to protest
“And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”
The president attempted to draw parallels between those “terrible deeds in the name of Christ” and the atrocities of those claiming to be devout Muslims.
“So it’s not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us — a sinful tendency — that can pervert and distort our faith.”
By clicking on the video above, you can watch President Obama’s relevant remarks to the National Prayer Breakfast — remarks sure to generate renewed controversy about Obama’s willingness to identify and go after radical Islamists such as those who burned alive the Jordanian pilot.

En mi opinión

No 860  Febrero 5, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR


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