No 905 “En mi
opinión” Marzo
18, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR
Enero 20, 2017 FIN DEL DISPARATE
The Jerusalen
In victory speech, Netanyahu says he
will seek 'strong, stable government'
"Hail, hail, Bibi," Likud adherents chanted
as Netanyahu took to the podium on Wednesday.
A triumphant Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Likud supporters in his
victory speech early Wednesday that he would aim to form "a strong, stable
government" that would tackle "security and socioeconomic
Netanyahu told a jubilant crowd of Likud supporters early Wednesday morning that "against all odds, we have scored a major victory for the Likud."
"Hail, hail, Bibi," Likud adherents chanted as Netanyahu took to the podium on Wednesday.
"We have scored a major victory for the nationalist camp headed by Likud," Netanyahu said.
"I'm proud of the Israeli people because at the moment of truth they knew to differentiate between challenge and nonsense and they took up the challenge," the prime minister said.
Netanyahu said that his government will work to improve on "the most important things for all of us, which genuine security and socioeconomic welfare."
After the prime minister raised eyebrows in the latter stages of the campaign by warning of a high voter turnout among Israel's Arabs, Netanyahu seemed to be extending an olive branch to Israel's minorities during his speech.
"These are important things for every family, citizen, soldier, and all of Israel's Jewish and non-Jewish citizens," Netanyahu said. "You are all important, and you are all important to me."
The prime minister also seemed to be going out of his way to mention economic matters, a departure from his public appearances during which regional threats and the security front were prominent.
"Now we must form a strong, stable government that will know how to uphold security and socioeconomic well-being."
"We are faced with major challenges on the security and socioeconomic front," Netanyahu said. "We promised to take care of cost of living and rise of housing costs, and we will do it."
"I spoke to all of the nationalist party leaders, and I called on them to join me in forming a government without delay, because reality doesn't take a timeout."
"Citizens expect us to form a responsible leadership that will work for it, and that's what we will do."
Netanyahu told a jubilant crowd of Likud supporters early Wednesday morning that "against all odds, we have scored a major victory for the Likud."
"Hail, hail, Bibi," Likud adherents chanted as Netanyahu took to the podium on Wednesday.
"We have scored a major victory for the nationalist camp headed by Likud," Netanyahu said.
"I'm proud of the Israeli people because at the moment of truth they knew to differentiate between challenge and nonsense and they took up the challenge," the prime minister said.
Netanyahu said that his government will work to improve on "the most important things for all of us, which genuine security and socioeconomic welfare."
After the prime minister raised eyebrows in the latter stages of the campaign by warning of a high voter turnout among Israel's Arabs, Netanyahu seemed to be extending an olive branch to Israel's minorities during his speech.
"These are important things for every family, citizen, soldier, and all of Israel's Jewish and non-Jewish citizens," Netanyahu said. "You are all important, and you are all important to me."
The prime minister also seemed to be going out of his way to mention economic matters, a departure from his public appearances during which regional threats and the security front were prominent.
"Now we must form a strong, stable government that will know how to uphold security and socioeconomic well-being."
"We are faced with major challenges on the security and socioeconomic front," Netanyahu said. "We promised to take care of cost of living and rise of housing costs, and we will do it."
"I spoke to all of the nationalist party leaders, and I called on them to join me in forming a government without delay, because reality doesn't take a timeout."
"Citizens expect us to form a responsible leadership that will work for it, and that's what we will do."
“En mi opinion” Hay alguien llorando ahora como una Magdalena
en la casa negra el que adivine quien es Netanyaho lo invitara a la tribuna en
Israel el dia de la toma de posición… Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino (Es solo un chiste)…para mi
AMENPER: Las Plantas Nucleares
Las plantas nucleares
son una fuente de energía barata y efectiva.
Ha habido intentos de
encontrar otras maneras constructivas de remplazarlo, pero la energía nuclear
es una fuente importante de energía en muchos países. 442 reactores nucleares
están operando en todo el mundo con una capacidad total de 300.000 MW. Se
agregarán dos veces y medio este número para el 2030 y cuatro veces más para el
año 2050, según dijo la Agencia Internacional de energía atómica (OIEA),
el bastión de la comunidad nuclear global
La variación de los
precios de petróleo y energía que alternativas hacen
que la energía nuclear sea más atractiva y esperan que
conduzcan al crecimiento en la capacidad de generación nuclear en todo el
Mejoras en el diseño del
reactor aumentan la seguridad, aumentan la eficiencia y reducen los costos, la
fabricación de generación nuclear es una económicamente atractiva y segura
fuente de energía
¿Por qué entonces el
miedo a las plantas nucleares? Hay muchos factores como el miedo a
la radiación, aunque la realidad es que la mayoría van a estar expuesto a más
radiación en los procedimientos de diagnóstico médicos que nunca lo estarán,
sin duda, de una planta de energía nuclear.
Primero hubo la
oposición de la izquierda y los ambientalistas a las plantas
nucleares. Esto se ha superado se ha comprobado que las plantas
nucleares tienen menores emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero: Según los
informes en 1998, se ha calculado que la emisión de los gases de efecto
invernadero se ha reducido a casi la mitad debido a la popularidad en el uso de
la energía nuclear.
La energía nuclear tiene
en gran medida el mínimo impacto sobre el medio ambiente ya que no libera los
gases como el dióxido de carbono y metano, que son en gran parte responsables
del efecto invernadero. No hay ningún efecto adverso sobre el agua, tierra o
cualquier hábitats debido al uso de las plantas nucleares.
Chernobyl que fue el
único caso en el mundo de un accidente nuclear fatal, se debió a la
ineficiencia del sistema comunista, por el atraso científico y la falta de
regulación, el gobierno regulándose a sí mismo-
Pero los pequeños
problemas que han ocurrido en el resto del mundo han sido exagerados por la
No es noticia el decir
que no ha habido accidentes fatales en ninguna planta nuclear, pero es una
noticia alarmante el decir que el mundo está en peligro de un accidente en una
planta nuclear.
Después de un terremoto
de 9,0 magnitud y el devastador tsunami que golpeó Japón, matando o hiriendo a
más de 25.000, el accidente estructural de la planta de Fukushima fue reportado
como un peligro global.
Al final, la cifra
de muertos de exposición a la radiación en la planta de energía nuclear de
Fukushima Daiiche devastado por la tormenta de Japón se encuentra en cero
Estos resultados
demuestran lo que expertos habían predicho desde el terremoto y maremoto azotó
la costa del Pacífico de Japón en marzo: nadie moriría de radiación como
resultado del incidente.
Pero las noticias
alarmantes no han publicado una retracción a sus erradas predicciones.
esto, como en el caso de Ferguson, que a pesar de las pruebas
todavía hay demostraciones con los brazos en alto, en el caso de las plantas
nucleares todavía hay quienes protestan por la construcción de una planta
Es más fácil recordar lo
que nos dijeron por mucho tiempo que aceptar la realidad substanciada por las
A pesar de no tener más
remedio que aceptar la realidad, la administración de Obama, aunque no canceló
la construcción de plantas nucleares que había aprobado Bush, todavía sigue
manteniendo su apoyo a empresas alternativas como Solyndra que ha costado
millones de pesos a los contribuyentes antes de descontinuar sus operaciones.
El proyecto de salida de
la energía nuclear de Alemania aprobado en respuesta a Fukushima ya ha
convertido el exportador de electricidad en un importador, dejando a
sí mismo y los clientes de largo plazo como Francia más dependiente que nunca
sobre las importaciones de gas ruso.
Esto junto con el alto
precio de fuentes alternativas "renovables" se compromete a mantener
la tendencia de los desorbitados precios de la energía en Europa.
A diferencia de las
fuentes tradicionales de energía como la solar y molinos que requieren sol o el
viento para producir electricidad, energía nuclear puede ser producido de
plantas de reactores de energía nuclear, incluso en los casos de las condiciones
de mal tiempo. Pueden producir energía 24/7 y necesitan cerrarse únicamente con
fines de mantenimiento
El costo del uranio que
se utiliza como combustible en la generación de electricidad es muy bajo.
La vida media del
reactor nuclear van desde 40 a 60 años dependiendo de su uso. Estos factores
combinados hacen el costo de producción de electricidad muy bajo. Incluso si se
eleva el costo del uranio, el aumento en el costo de la electricidad será mucho
Las protestas
antinucleares ignoran las consecuencias de dejar de considerar una
economía privada de energía que obligaría a los países
desarrollados caer en las condiciones del tercer mundo
La energía nuclear con
la comisión reguladora garantiza la seguridad de una energía eficiente.
El tiempo ha dado la
razón a los expertos que predicaron esto por años.
Los que me conocen
pueden pensar que estoy llevado por un interés personal, por tener un hijo que
ha dedicado su vida a la construcción y mantenimiento de plantas nucleares, en
diferentes partes del mundo y ahora en Estados Unidos.
Pero simplemente estoy
exponiendo los hechos substanciados por la realidad probada a través del
AMENPER: Saudade y Fado
Hay veces
que no queremos pensar en el pasado, sobre todo los que tenemos unos cuantos
años de más y en que los protagonistas y los lugares de nuestro pasado no están
más con nosotros.
primera vez que oí la frase "se te ve Saudade" fue de un gallego en
Cuba. No sabía lo que era
"Saudade" y me explicó que era algo como melancolía. Me sonó como
"saludable" por eso me acordé de la palabra aunque no oí la palabra
otra vez hasta muchos años después.
Creo que
no oí esa palabra más hasta que fui a Portugal y fui dos veces a oír cantar el
Fado una muy típica en Coimbra, y otra más turística en Lisboa, y usaron la
palabra saudade que también significa lo mismo en portugués para describir la
El Fado es la expresión más conocida de la música portuguesa. En el fado se
expresan los malos momentos de la vida a través del canto. Generalmente es
cantado por una sola persona, acompañado por la viola, en el fado son la
melancolía, la nostalgia o pequeñas historias del diario vivir de los barrios
humildes, pero especialmente el fatalismoy la frustración es el
tema de la canción, es como
"La Guantanamera Portuguesa".
Triste momento que hubimos de pasar en un viaje de placer. Aunque un portugués al que le dije que el
Fado lo que traía era tristeza, que mejor era cantar otra cosa más alegre, me
dijo que había que comprender que el saudade era "El bien que se padece y el mal
que se disfruta"
Para nosotros los que perdimos no sólo a los seres queridos pero a una
patria en el pensamiento que nunca podremos recuperar, porque existe solamente
en nuestra memoria, el saudosismo es parte de nuestra existencia.
Porque de eso se trata básicamente el saudade, del sentimiento reprimido de saber que aquello que se
extraña nunca volverá pero a la vez esa melancolía puede traer también alegría,
así que quizás los amantes del Fado están en lo correcto, Cuando nos reunimos con las personas
que vivimos juntos el pasado, y hablamos del saudade de haber perdido algo que
uno tenía, algo que ya no es suyo, lo hacemos con la alegría de revivir los
tiempos en que lo tuvimos. Porque
el saudade des una mezcla de nostalgia, añoranza, melancolía de algo o alguien
de tu pasado, recuerdo doloroso y a la vez hermoso. Doloroso porque se extraña,
hermoso por lo vivido.
sería conveniente traer un cantante de Fado a esas reuniones aunque nos
cantaría con fatalismo y frustración, pero traería visos de alegría. Al menos
no sería una Guantanamera que siempre envolvía un crimen violento aunque en el
exilio inventamos la Guantanamera con versos de Martí que es menos fatalista..
me enteré por un Brasileño que celebra el día del Saudade en Brasil cuando el
pasado 30 de Enero viajó a Rio para la celebración.
extraño si hay tristeza, fatalismo, frustración, melancolía, como puede ser una
fiesta, una pachanga, pero si van a una sesión de Fado, pueden ver que
realmente no hay tristeza, pero una alegría, un poco extraña pero una
nosotros los viejos que hemos pasado por esa sensación que es el Saudade,
podemos aprender del Fado portugués y disfrutar el mal de lo que perdimos con
el bien de la alegría.
De todos
modos les mando un enlace para que puedan oír un Fado muy apropiado para
nosotros Recordar es vivir. Ponchen
en el enlace, y disfrutenlo.
Jorge A Villalon:
Some in Congress want to “Audit the Fed.” But an audit,
unless the word is used in a very broad sense, would be redundant and basically
irrelevant. Deloitte & Touche LLP already audits the Fed, and it releases
an annual report that includes the auditor’s opinion, each year.
Wild-eyed conspiracy theories have cropped up that suggest the Fed may not actually own the bonds it says it does or that it pays too much to certain banks when buying them. But none of this is true; there is no evil accounting going on. In a financial sense, the Fed is almost certainly squeaky clean. The Fed doesn’t need another audit, what it needs is more responsible and effective oversight from Congress, a smaller balance sheet and less ability to interfere with private business decisions.
The Fed has become the biggest financial entity in the world, with bond holdings that have ballooned to $4.25 trillion. Fed assets, six years after the Panic of 2008 ended, exceed the annual budget of the US government and are equal to 24% of GDP.
During the Great Depression, 1930-39, the Fed’s balance sheet averaged 13.2% of GDP. It peaked at the end of the Depression, in 1940, at 16% of GDP and then averaged 12.6% from 1941-45, during World War II. If the Great Depression and WWII did not require balance sheets as large as the current one, then something has gone terribly awry.
What is interesting is that during the boom years of the 1980s and 1990s, the Fed’s balance sheet averaged 5.2% of GDP. So, it’s impossible to make the case that the Fed needs such a large balance sheet in order for the economy to create jobs with low inflation.
Lest we forget, Congress already has oversight of the Fed, and the past six years happened under its watch. Only a few members of Congress have enough knowledge of monetary policy to be effective at oversight. The same is true of voters. The Fed typically wins political battles because most people find monetary policy boring, complicated and difficult to grasp.
Nonetheless, the simple fact that the Fed is bigger, more powerful and more intrusive than ever imagined by any of its creators in Congress suggests that the Fed needs to answer more questions from more people. This does not mean the press, which has a conflict of interest, due to the fact that it wants access. Critical questioning risks losing access.
Moreover, the Fed is about to embark on a rate hiking campaign even though there are still excess reserves in the banking system. This has never been done before. Typically, the Fed makes reserves scarce in order to drive up interest rates.
But because the Fed wants a bigger balance sheet, it is trying to have its cake and eat it too. The Fed thinks it can pay banks more interest on those reserves and through a process of reverse repos drain money from the system. In other words, the Fed thinks that it can keep the balance sheet huge and manipulate interest rates even though the banking system is swimming in excess liquidity.
The Fed does have a back-up plan. If banks will not let the Fed sop up those reserves, and instead they decide to lend them, potentially creating inflation or bubbles, the Fed believes it can use “Macro-Prudential Policy Tools” to manage the money multiplying process. Macro-prudential tools would allow the Fed to stop banks from lending, by raising capital standards, or by limiting growth in certain types of loans or by certain types of banks. And, it allows the Fed to expand its reach to “systemically important financial institutions” that could potentially include insurance companies, brokerages, money managers and even hedge funds.
It is true that monetary policy should be independent of the political process. Whenever politicians take over the money supply, inflation results. But the corollary argument is just as important. Whenever bureaucrats take over the banking system, everything becomes political. Why? Because the bureaucrats are dependent on the politicians for their existence. The Fed must please enough members of Congress, and the right members, to keep new rules from passing that will limit its power.
The Fed missed the bubble in housing partly because Washington’s political mindset was focused on boosting homeownership any way it could. So, bubbles in politically correct industries, like housing or green initiatives, are tolerated or even encouraged. Also, risk-taking in private decisions is discouraged because bank losses become political problems. In other words, the bigger and more powerful the Fed becomes, the more dependent it is on the political process.
The easiest way out of this mess is for Congress to force the Fed to sell its assets and limit the Fed’s power to bank oversight, not bank management and macro-prudential policy tools. Do not audit the Fed; do not create conspiracy theories, but rein in the overreach and force a smaller balance sheet. If we really want an independent Fed, make it smaller and less powerful. The bigger it gets, the more political, and less independent, it becomes.
Brian S. Wesbury, Chief Economist
These posts were prepared by First Trust Advisors L. P., and reflect the current opinion of the authors. They are based upon sources and data believed to be accurate and reliable. Opinions and forward-looking statements expressed are subject to change without notice. This information does not constitute a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any security.
Wild-eyed conspiracy theories have cropped up that suggest the Fed may not actually own the bonds it says it does or that it pays too much to certain banks when buying them. But none of this is true; there is no evil accounting going on. In a financial sense, the Fed is almost certainly squeaky clean. The Fed doesn’t need another audit, what it needs is more responsible and effective oversight from Congress, a smaller balance sheet and less ability to interfere with private business decisions.
The Fed has become the biggest financial entity in the world, with bond holdings that have ballooned to $4.25 trillion. Fed assets, six years after the Panic of 2008 ended, exceed the annual budget of the US government and are equal to 24% of GDP.
During the Great Depression, 1930-39, the Fed’s balance sheet averaged 13.2% of GDP. It peaked at the end of the Depression, in 1940, at 16% of GDP and then averaged 12.6% from 1941-45, during World War II. If the Great Depression and WWII did not require balance sheets as large as the current one, then something has gone terribly awry.
What is interesting is that during the boom years of the 1980s and 1990s, the Fed’s balance sheet averaged 5.2% of GDP. So, it’s impossible to make the case that the Fed needs such a large balance sheet in order for the economy to create jobs with low inflation.
Lest we forget, Congress already has oversight of the Fed, and the past six years happened under its watch. Only a few members of Congress have enough knowledge of monetary policy to be effective at oversight. The same is true of voters. The Fed typically wins political battles because most people find monetary policy boring, complicated and difficult to grasp.
Nonetheless, the simple fact that the Fed is bigger, more powerful and more intrusive than ever imagined by any of its creators in Congress suggests that the Fed needs to answer more questions from more people. This does not mean the press, which has a conflict of interest, due to the fact that it wants access. Critical questioning risks losing access.
Moreover, the Fed is about to embark on a rate hiking campaign even though there are still excess reserves in the banking system. This has never been done before. Typically, the Fed makes reserves scarce in order to drive up interest rates.
But because the Fed wants a bigger balance sheet, it is trying to have its cake and eat it too. The Fed thinks it can pay banks more interest on those reserves and through a process of reverse repos drain money from the system. In other words, the Fed thinks that it can keep the balance sheet huge and manipulate interest rates even though the banking system is swimming in excess liquidity.
The Fed does have a back-up plan. If banks will not let the Fed sop up those reserves, and instead they decide to lend them, potentially creating inflation or bubbles, the Fed believes it can use “Macro-Prudential Policy Tools” to manage the money multiplying process. Macro-prudential tools would allow the Fed to stop banks from lending, by raising capital standards, or by limiting growth in certain types of loans or by certain types of banks. And, it allows the Fed to expand its reach to “systemically important financial institutions” that could potentially include insurance companies, brokerages, money managers and even hedge funds.
It is true that monetary policy should be independent of the political process. Whenever politicians take over the money supply, inflation results. But the corollary argument is just as important. Whenever bureaucrats take over the banking system, everything becomes political. Why? Because the bureaucrats are dependent on the politicians for their existence. The Fed must please enough members of Congress, and the right members, to keep new rules from passing that will limit its power.
The Fed missed the bubble in housing partly because Washington’s political mindset was focused on boosting homeownership any way it could. So, bubbles in politically correct industries, like housing or green initiatives, are tolerated or even encouraged. Also, risk-taking in private decisions is discouraged because bank losses become political problems. In other words, the bigger and more powerful the Fed becomes, the more dependent it is on the political process.
The easiest way out of this mess is for Congress to force the Fed to sell its assets and limit the Fed’s power to bank oversight, not bank management and macro-prudential policy tools. Do not audit the Fed; do not create conspiracy theories, but rein in the overreach and force a smaller balance sheet. If we really want an independent Fed, make it smaller and less powerful. The bigger it gets, the more political, and less independent, it becomes.
Brian S. Wesbury, Chief Economist
These posts were prepared by First Trust Advisors L. P., and reflect the current opinion of the authors. They are based upon sources and data believed to be accurate and reliable. Opinions and forward-looking statements expressed are subject to change without notice. This information does not constitute a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any security.
Estimado Lazaro,
esto me lo acaban de enviar, es un dato interesante pues los contactos que
tengo es que Fidel lleva mucho tiempo en el hospital y esto nopudo ser posible, al principio no lo creí pero
un gran amigo fotógrafo me averiguo bien esto y aquí lo tienes.
un abrazo,
E/mail: On Tuesday, March 17, 2015 4:53 PM, Jorge Villalon <> wrote:
E/mail: On Tuesday, March 17, 2015 4:53 PM, Jorge Villalon <> wrote:
Fotos de Fidel y los Cincos fueron trucadas con
Photoshop. Él no estuvo en el encuentro.
Según revela la agencia Cuba Liberación,
las fotos del encuentro de líder cubano Fidel Castro y los Cinco presos
cubanos, fueron trucadas.“Fidel nunca
estuvo en el encuentro", dijo a Cuba Liberación, Erislander
Lara Santín, investigador y disidente del municipio Luyanó, actual corresponsal
del Estado de SATS.
Para Erislander, quien afirma que todo no fue más que un montaje de antiguas imágenes y la utilización de un doble, la cosa no estuvo tan clara en el inicio, pero luego de un análisis más detallado de dos de las imágenes, llegó a la conclusión que debía estudiar a fondo lo que ocurría, y así lo hizo.
"No ha sido una tarea fácil, desde el día en que salieron las fotos, hasta el sol de hoy, hemos estado trabajando duro un grupo de compañeros para lograr descifrar el misterio y mostrarle al mundo esta patraña del comunismo", agregaría el disidente e investigador.
Erislander, quien entendió desde un inicio que él solo no resolvería el misterio, acudió a un amigo fotógrafo, dos ingenieros nucleares, un master en diseño industrial y dos periodistas independientes, quienes conformaron un equipo de trabajo, cuya única misión, eran encontrar todas y cada una de las piezas del rompecabezas que tenían delante de sí.
A pesar de no contar con los recursos adecuados no cejaron en su empeño. Bajaron las imágenes de Internet, las imprimieron en casa de Arturo el fotógrafo, después las recortaron en pequeños fragmentos de un centímetro cuadrado y las fueron uniendo nuevamente una y otra vez.
"Todo esto lo hicimos nosotros solos, sin la ayuda ni el financiamiento de nadie, desde el 28 que salieron las fotos, hasta el día de hoy, hemos estado tan enfrascados en el proceso que a veces ni hemos comido compañero ", agregaría Romualdo Pascual, uno de los ingenieros nucleares y el cual detectaría tres de los errores de las fotos que verán a continuación.
No fue hasta ayer que llegaron a la conclusión de cuales eran los errores en las fotos que ponían al descubierto su falsedad.
1- Foto Primera
1- El mechón de pelo de uno de los Cinco no aparece en fotos anteriores.
2- El ancho de la cintura de Fidel no se corresponde con una de las fotos que fuera tomada un mes antes y publicada en Cuba Debate.
3- Una punta de la guayabera de uno de los Cinco y circulada por el equipo de investigación, parece alterada.
Para Erislander, quien afirma que todo no fue más que un montaje de antiguas imágenes y la utilización de un doble, la cosa no estuvo tan clara en el inicio, pero luego de un análisis más detallado de dos de las imágenes, llegó a la conclusión que debía estudiar a fondo lo que ocurría, y así lo hizo.
"No ha sido una tarea fácil, desde el día en que salieron las fotos, hasta el sol de hoy, hemos estado trabajando duro un grupo de compañeros para lograr descifrar el misterio y mostrarle al mundo esta patraña del comunismo", agregaría el disidente e investigador.
Erislander, quien entendió desde un inicio que él solo no resolvería el misterio, acudió a un amigo fotógrafo, dos ingenieros nucleares, un master en diseño industrial y dos periodistas independientes, quienes conformaron un equipo de trabajo, cuya única misión, eran encontrar todas y cada una de las piezas del rompecabezas que tenían delante de sí.
A pesar de no contar con los recursos adecuados no cejaron en su empeño. Bajaron las imágenes de Internet, las imprimieron en casa de Arturo el fotógrafo, después las recortaron en pequeños fragmentos de un centímetro cuadrado y las fueron uniendo nuevamente una y otra vez.
"Todo esto lo hicimos nosotros solos, sin la ayuda ni el financiamiento de nadie, desde el 28 que salieron las fotos, hasta el día de hoy, hemos estado tan enfrascados en el proceso que a veces ni hemos comido compañero ", agregaría Romualdo Pascual, uno de los ingenieros nucleares y el cual detectaría tres de los errores de las fotos que verán a continuación.
No fue hasta ayer que llegaron a la conclusión de cuales eran los errores en las fotos que ponían al descubierto su falsedad.
1- Foto Primera
1- El mechón de pelo de uno de los Cinco no aparece en fotos anteriores.
2- El ancho de la cintura de Fidel no se corresponde con una de las fotos que fuera tomada un mes antes y publicada en Cuba Debate.
3- Una punta de la guayabera de uno de los Cinco y circulada por el equipo de investigación, parece alterada.
Mainstream Fact Checker Just Slapped Obama On The Grill Because Of
These Whoppers About Guns
The president has a big Pinnochio problem...
people believe, with good cause, that President Obama has a rather shaky
relationship with the truth about lots of things — the true effects of
Obamacare being high on the list of the president’s often-told falsehoods,
deceptions, and outright lies.
And while
mainstream media outlets frequently fail to hold Obama accountable for the
truth-challenged words that often come pouring out of his mouth, there’s
one watchdog on the prowl who hasn’t been reluctant to sink his teeth
into the president.
That media
watchdog is Glenn Kessler, the fact checker for The Washington Post who
has lately been willing to pile Pinocchios on the president.
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On March
2nd of this year, Kessler gave Obama four Pinocchios — indicating the highest possible
long-nosed offense against truth — because of the explanation Obama gave for
his veto of the Keystone Pipeline bill.
An earlier instance
of Obama’s playing fast and loose with the facts resulted in another four-Pinocchios penalty against the president. That
example of a flagrant foul committed against truth-telling resulted from
Obama’s claim in mid-2014 that Republicans had “filibustered about 500 pieces
of legislation.”
Now we
find the Post’s fact checker putting what he calls “Obama’s odd series of
exaggerated gun claims” to the test. The result? Another major fail for the man
who continues to chip away at the faith and trust the people need to have in
the occupant of the Oval Office.
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This time,
Kessler awards Obama three Pinocchios for his “exaggerated claims and faux
statistics” on gun violence and the availability of firearms in the United
While many
conservatives would, no doubt, say the president was simply making stuff up and
lying with abandon to students gathered for a town hall at Benedict College in
South Carolina earlier this month — not softening the critical blow by writing
of exaggerations — the Post fact checker did nonetheless sharply criticize
Obama for his careless comments.
Among the
president’s off-the-mark statements, according to Kessler’s research:
“…our homicide rates are so much higher than other industrialized countries. I mean by like a mile…” Not true.
“…there are neighborhoods where it’s easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is for you to buy a fresh vegetable…” Exaggerated claim.
“People just say well, we should have firearms in kindergarten and we should have machine guns in bars…” Wildly over the top.
“…our homicide rates are so much higher than other industrialized countries. I mean by like a mile…” Not true.
“…there are neighborhoods where it’s easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is for you to buy a fresh vegetable…” Exaggerated claim.
“People just say well, we should have firearms in kindergarten and we should have machine guns in bars…” Wildly over the top.
As Kessler
points out in his analysis that once again shows how Obama’s rambling rhetoric
is often not tethered to the truth, “the gun debate is serious enough that it
should not be poisoned” by the man holding the highest elected office in the
ATTACKED: Tourists Killed in Tunisian
Museum, Terrorists Take Hostages
Sounds like the Islamic State has made it to Tunisia.
Two men dressed in military garb went into a museum in Tunisia’s
capital Wednesday and opened fire, killing eight people and taking hostages,
authorities said.
Mohamed Ali Aroui, an Interior Ministry spokesman who detailed
the deaths at the Bardo Museum in Tunis, called the attackers Islamists in
remarks on national radio.
Housed in a palace dating to the 19th century, the museum describes
itself as “a jewel of Tunisian heritage.” It explores Tunisian art, culture and
history, and boasts a collection of mosaics, including one of the poet Virgil,
as well as marble sculptures, furniture, jewels and other artifacts.
The violence wasn’t necessarily confined to the museum. Photos
on Twitter showed security forces in bulletproof vests and black helmets and
masks, guns drawn, in the area.
And the North African nation’s government building nearby was
evacuated shortly after noon Wednesday, Tunisian lawmaker Sayida Ounissi said
on Twitter.
Read more: CNN
“Don’t Like Gay Marriage? You Will be Forced to
Like It. . . or Else”
The Meme below has been making its way around Facebook. There are
a lot of good “Don’ts” on the list that I can agree with. It’s the first one
that has a great number of problems. First, it’s poorly written. “Don’t like
gay marriage? Don’t get married.” It makes no sense. It should read “Don’t like
gay marriage? Don’t marry someone of the same sex.”
But even this has its problems since, second, it opens the door to
other marriage possibilities. “Don’t like sex with animals? Don’t have sex with
animals.” “Don’t want to marry your sister? Don’t marry your sister.” A
list like this could go on and on.
Third, the "gay-marriage movement" is about the
redefinition of marriage that has wider implications than the choice for people
of the same sex to marry.
As has been pointed out numerous times, the foot-in-the-door
argument was that same-sex marriage won’t affect people who oppose it. That has
not happened.
Here’s the latest “Don’t Like Gay Marriage? You Will be
Forced to Like It” incident:
"Jenn Moffitt and her partner Jerra Kincely were on the hunt
in February for a wedding videographer.
"She sent an email asking video production business 'Next
Door Stories' in Bexley, Ohio, if it would cater to a same-sex couple.
"She was shocked by the response.
"'Unfortunately at this time I do not offer services for
same-sex weddings,' the owner of business wrote in an email Moffitt shared with
"The incident comes on the heels of similar complaints from
same-sex couples around the country claiming discrimination from wedding
vendors. A bakery in Oregon was ordered to pay fines
for violating a same-sex couple's civil rights by
refusing to cater their wedding."
So much for “Don’t Like Gay Marriage? Don’t Marry Someone of the
Same Sex.” How about "If you don't like a baker, florist, photographer, or
videographer who won't service your 'wedding,' then find someone who
del clóset el Ex Presidente colombiano César Gaviria y se declara homosexual…(Marica)
Jesus Marzo Fernandez
Blades Cantaba.. ¨SORPRESAS te da la VIDA....Etc, etc..!! ¨
En un
escueto comunicado publicado a través de su página en Internet, que ha dejado
con la boca abierta a más de un desprevenido, el ex-presidente colombiano César
Gaviria Trujillo, ha declarado públicamente su condición de homosexual.
Gaviria fue elegido presidente en j1990 y ocupó la primera magistratura del país por cuatro años, donde encabezó los esfuerzos estatales en la llamada guerra contra el narcoterrorismo, declarada por el famoso y ya fallecido capo de la droga, Pablo Escobar Gaviria. César Gaviria también ha ocupado cargos de gran importancia a nivel internacional, como el de Secretario General de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) entre 1994 y 2004 y ha sido una ficha importante en la política colombiana desde entonces, como jefe del Partido Liberal Colombiano, jefe de campaña del actual presidente de Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos durante su campaña por la reelección este mismo año y como padre del director de Planeación Nacional, Simón Gaviria.
En el comunicado que apareció publicado en la noche del sábado en su página de Internet, el ex-presidente empieza agradeciendo a sus esposa y a sus hijos por el amor y el cariño que le han demostrado durante sus años más difíciles, siguiendo con una extensa apología al pueblo colombiano, mencionando el voto de confianza dado por el país en uno de sus momentos más oscuros. El ex-presidente culmina su comunicado manifestando que “en busca de proteger la honra y el buen nombre de su familia” ha decidido revelar su condición de homosexual, misma que según el mismo Gaviria “había mantenido oculta en aras del bien común, tanto de mi familia como del país”.
Rumores sobre la homosexualidad de César Gaviria han existido desde la década de los 70, cuando Gaviria ocupaba el cargo de Representante a la Cámara por su departamento natal, Risaralda. Recientemente, incluso se llegó a afirmar por parte de algunos periodistas que el curador y director de la galería de arte contemporáneo del ex-presidente, llamada “Nueveochenta”, es su pareja desde hace más de diez años.
Gaviria fue elegido presidente en j1990 y ocupó la primera magistratura del país por cuatro años, donde encabezó los esfuerzos estatales en la llamada guerra contra el narcoterrorismo, declarada por el famoso y ya fallecido capo de la droga, Pablo Escobar Gaviria. César Gaviria también ha ocupado cargos de gran importancia a nivel internacional, como el de Secretario General de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) entre 1994 y 2004 y ha sido una ficha importante en la política colombiana desde entonces, como jefe del Partido Liberal Colombiano, jefe de campaña del actual presidente de Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos durante su campaña por la reelección este mismo año y como padre del director de Planeación Nacional, Simón Gaviria.
En el comunicado que apareció publicado en la noche del sábado en su página de Internet, el ex-presidente empieza agradeciendo a sus esposa y a sus hijos por el amor y el cariño que le han demostrado durante sus años más difíciles, siguiendo con una extensa apología al pueblo colombiano, mencionando el voto de confianza dado por el país en uno de sus momentos más oscuros. El ex-presidente culmina su comunicado manifestando que “en busca de proteger la honra y el buen nombre de su familia” ha decidido revelar su condición de homosexual, misma que según el mismo Gaviria “había mantenido oculta en aras del bien común, tanto de mi familia como del país”.
Rumores sobre la homosexualidad de César Gaviria han existido desde la década de los 70, cuando Gaviria ocupaba el cargo de Representante a la Cámara por su departamento natal, Risaralda. Recientemente, incluso se llegó a afirmar por parte de algunos periodistas que el curador y director de la galería de arte contemporáneo del ex-presidente, llamada “Nueveochenta”, es su pareja desde hace más de diez años.
Obama Blames Bush For Rise Of ISIS
Obama blamed former President George W. Bush for the rapid rise of Islamic
State terrorists, and says the terrorist group is a consequence of the Iraq
“ISIL is a direct outgrowth of Al
Qaeda in Iraq that grew out of our invasion, which is an example of unintended
consequences which is why we should generally aim before we shoot,” Obama said
in an interview with VICE News, referring to the Iraq war launched by Bush.
pointed out that his fight against ISIS had a 60 country coalition, which would
“slowly push” the terrorist group out of Iraq.
unico que pouedo decier es: LE RONCA EN MANGO!!!! LRGM
Is this tue or false:
New Gov't Programs
Threaten to Confiscate Savings
Written by Damon Geller
his latest State of the Union address, Obama shocked Congress with his proposal
to tax college savings plans to pay for his new programs. His proposal is
nothing more than confiscation-through-taxation, and it comes on the heels of a
number of alarming government programs to confiscate citizen savings &
retirement. The United States and governments across the globe are
increasingly turning to private wealth confiscation in order to manage their
massive debts and maintain their power structure. Throughout America,
police seize cash from innocent citizens without ever charging them with a
crime. Bankers conspire with the IRS to seize the accounts of innocent citizens
with no notification, no court order, and no charge of crimes. The IMF
proposes global wealth confiscation as a means of funding bankrupt
governments. And Congress passes controversial new laws to make your
savings & retirement a prime target for confiscation. So if you want
to protect your hard-earned savings, the time to act is NOW!
The U.S. Gov’t Is Going

Obama Wants Your
Savings & Retirement
In back-to-back State of The Union
addresses, Obama announced new initiatives aimed at getting to your savings
& retirement money. Obama’s latest proposal is to tax citizens’
college savings plans to pay for new programs, such as making the first two
years of community college free. So hard-working Americans will now have
a portion of their children’s college savings confiscated through new
taxation. This comes right on the heels of Obama’s previous
initiative: the MyRA. MyRA means your retirement money will now be
used to pay for U.S. debt. The MyRA is nothing more than an investment
scam being sold to the American people as a you-can’t-lose, zero-risk
investment. But in reality, the Fed can’t conjure up money from thin air
to buy the debt anymore, and our foreign friends don’t want our debt anymore,
so Obama needs YOU to finance the debt.
FATCA Gives the IRS
Worldwide Power
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or
FATCA, took effect in 2014. FATCA requires foreign banks to disclose the
identity and details of Americans with foreign accounts. Foreign
Financial Institutions must report our account numbers, balances, names,
addresses, and U.S. identification numbers. If they do not, they will
receive a FATCA letter warning them to comply, or else. What happens if a
financial institution doesn’t comply with U.S. demands? FATCA cuts off
companies from access to critical U.S. financial markets if they fail to pass
along American data – tantamount to financial warfare against many of our own
allies. Fearing the wrath of the U.S. government, more than 100 nations
have agreed to the law, including the Vatican! Even Russia and China have
been intimidated into signing on.
CARDS Gives the Gov’t
Access to All Brokerage Accounts
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority,
which oversees how investments are sold, proposed what it calls CARDS –
Comprehensive Automated Risk Data System – which is an electronic system that will
regularly collect data on balances and transactions in all 4100 brokerages
nationwide. CARDS is disguised as a way to “protect” investors, but the system
is clearly designed to have detailed information on the structure &
location of every citizens’ investments. Since the government needs us to
support its debt (because outside interests no longer do), wouldn’t it be
convenient to know and control the structure or every investment portfolio in
Banks Conspire with
Gov’t to Confiscate Accounts
Think your money is safe in the bank?
Think again. A recent bombshell from the New York Times exposed that the
nation's biggest banks have willingly turned bank accounts over to the
government for total confiscation. It's all done in secrecy, often
initiated by the bankers. Tragically, bank account holders don't even know
they're being targeted until after the money is seized from their
accounts. The banks' deplorable actions have resulted in millions of
dollars stolen from U.S. citizens without a shred of due process. And in
80% of the cases, no criminal charges were ever filed. Even more alarming – in
a matter of just a few years – these cases of unconstitutional bank account
seizures have risen over 500%!
Police Seize Money from
Innocent U.S. Citizens
In learning about the massive bank account
seizures, you might think your money is safer as cash in your hands.
Think again. As revealed in a recent Washington Post report, the
executive branch of government has seized money from thousands of innocent U.S.
citizens with absolutely no due process. Police departments around the
country, at the command of the Justice Department & Homeland Security, have
confiscated money from over 200,000 citizens – in some cases tens of thousands
of dollars – even though many of them committed no crime! Why?
Because our state & federal governments are broke, bankrupt and in
desperate need of capital. Just like the administration, law enforcement
is shredding the Constitution and rule of law. The Police State is now
being expanded to unlawfully gain access to citizens' money.
Government Confiscation
Is Now a Global Trend
Maybe you think you’re safe moving your
accounts off-shore? Wrong. As first reported by Forbes, the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) dropped a bomb in its Fiscal Monitor
Report. The report paints a dire picture for high-debt nations that fail
to aggressively “mobilize domestic revenue,” which is code for “aggressively
tax its citizens.” It goes on to build a case for drastic measures and
recommends a series of escalating income and consumption tax increases –
culminating in the direct confiscation of assets. The IMF explicitly
recommends that nations seize 10% of your private savings in addition to the
taxes you’re already paying!
There’s Only One Place
to Hide
With our desperate governments gaining
unprecedented access to your personal savings anywhere in the world, you need
to take action NOW to protect your savings & retirement from outright
confiscation. But if the government has its hands in your bank accounts,
retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, and even the cash in your pocket, is
any place safe?
Absolutely. There’s ONE asset class this
sits outside the financial system and is completely secure from government
confiscation and global economic collapse: gold & silver. Gold
& silver have been the best wealth protectors for over 5,000 years and have
survived every government & currency collapse in history. So the time
is now. Protect your savings & retirement with physical gold &
silver before you have nothing left to protect. (Call 800-226-8106 to receive your
free copy of Damon Geller's popular book, "Defend Your Money against
Gov't Confiscation," or see
“En mi opinión”
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