No 1014 “En mi opinión” Agosto 3, 2015
Lázaro R González Miño Editor
Lázaro R González para Alcalde del Condado de Miami
COMPARISON CHART for Debate Watch Party-Flame Logo and CONTACT INFO NEEDED by
COUNTY : 2015-07-31
Miren el reporte de los
candidatos que ha salido en los diferentes temas que interesan a los
votantes. Hagan
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Date: Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 4:39 PM
Subject: Fwd: IMPORTANT UPDATE: Ted Cruz Florida Supporters:
Date: Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 4:39 PM
Subject: Fwd: IMPORTANT UPDATE: Ted Cruz Florida Supporters:
Gather your neighborhood friends for
a “Presidential Debate TV Watch Party” for next Thursday (August 6th) at 8:30 PM-EST.
Aquí hay plan apocalíptico de ISIS
• Origen: EE.UU. Hoy
• por: Sara A. Carter
Un documento aparente
contratación Estado Islámico se encuentra en tierras tribales sin ley de
Pakistán revela que el grupo extremista tiene grandes ambiciones de construir
un nuevo ejército terrorista en Afganistán y Pakistán, y desencadenar una
guerra en la India para provocar un Armagedón como "fin del mundo".
El documento de 32
páginas en lengua urdu obtenida por el Instituto de Medios de América (IAM) y
revisado por EE.UU. HOY detalla un complot para atacar a soldados
estadounidenses que se retiran de Afganistán y orientar los diplomáticos
estadounidenses y funcionarios paquistaníes.
AMI obtuvo el documento
de un ciudadano paquistaní con conexiones dentro de los talibanes paquistaníes
y lo había traducido independientemente de urdu por el investigador de Harvard
y traductor Mustafa Samdani. La identidad del paquistaní fue compartida con
EE.UU. HOY, que ha acordado no identificarlo públicamente debido a la
preocupación por su seguridad.
El documento fue
revisado por tres funcionarios de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, que dijeron
que creen que el documento es auténtico basado en sus marcas únicas y el hecho
de que el lenguaje utilizado para describir a los líderes, el estilo de
escritura y redacción de los partidos religiosos de otros documentos del Estado
Islámico, también conocido como ISIL e ISIS. Le pidieron permanecer en el
anonimato porque no están autorizados a discutir el asunto públicamente.
Fuente: EE.UU. Hoy
- Ver más en:
Obama Uses
Anti-Semitic Language In This Outrageous Move
Source: Breitbart
by: Joel Pollak
Some critics made
that claim a week ago, when Obama complained about “the money” and “the
lobbyists” on the other side of the debate over the Iran nuclear deal. This
week, Obama proved it.
On Thursday, Obama led a conference call with left-wing activists in which he repeatedly railed against his political opponents by using the old canard of rich Jews using their money to exert control.
Accusing critics of the deal of being “opposed to any deal with Iran”–i.e. of advocating war–Obama railed against “well-financed” lobbyists, as well as the “big check writers to political campaigns,” and “billionaires who happily finance super-PACs.” He complained about “$20 million” being spent on ads against the deal—a subtle reference to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC–whose support he had repeatedly courted when running for office).
Some of Obama’s references were thinly-veiled attacks on specific (Jewish) individuals—columnist Bill Kristol, for example, the Weekly Standard publisher and former New York Times resident conservative who served in the George H.W. Bush administration, and also helps run the Emergency Committee for Israel, which opposes the Iran deal; or billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who is a prodigious Republican benefactor, super PAC donor, and well-known hawk on Israel issues. Source: Breitbart
On Thursday, Obama led a conference call with left-wing activists in which he repeatedly railed against his political opponents by using the old canard of rich Jews using their money to exert control.
Accusing critics of the deal of being “opposed to any deal with Iran”–i.e. of advocating war–Obama railed against “well-financed” lobbyists, as well as the “big check writers to political campaigns,” and “billionaires who happily finance super-PACs.” He complained about “$20 million” being spent on ads against the deal—a subtle reference to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC–whose support he had repeatedly courted when running for office).
Some of Obama’s references were thinly-veiled attacks on specific (Jewish) individuals—columnist Bill Kristol, for example, the Weekly Standard publisher and former New York Times resident conservative who served in the George H.W. Bush administration, and also helps run the Emergency Committee for Israel, which opposes the Iran deal; or billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who is a prodigious Republican benefactor, super PAC donor, and well-known hawk on Israel issues. Source: Breitbart
- See more at:
'American Gran Satán': Mientras que Obama aspira a
vender a Irán Deal en casa, aquí es lo que el líder supremo de Irán está
diciendo a los iraníes
Sharona Schwartz
• Tweet This
Mientras que el presidente Barack Obama como objetivo
vender Congreso sobre el acuerdo de Irán, el líder supremo iraní, el ayatolá
Ali Jamenei, estaba trabajando en su propio frente interno, la liberación de un
libro que detalla su plan para eliminar el "tumor canceroso" Israel.
El periodista Amir Taheri obtuvo una copia del libro
de 416 páginas titulado "Palestina", publicado la semana pasada en
Teherán, en la que Jamenei también negó el Holocausto, un evento que calificó
como "una maniobra de propaganda."
"Si había una cosa así ... no sabemos por qué
ocurrió y cómo", escribió Jamenei, según Taheri Quien ha escrito extractos
en el New York Post y el sitio web Gatestone Instituto traducido.
El líder supremo iraní, el ayatolá Ali Jamenei, da un
discurso el martes 23 de junio de 2015. (Foto: Oficina del Líder Supremo de
En el libro, Jamenei utilizó tres palabras para
describir cómo es que se destruya Israel, que se traducen en
"aniquilación", "desapareciendo" y "modestia".
El líder supremo de Irán señaló que la eliminación
del estado judío no requería un uso de medios militares o "masacre de los
Judios". En cambio, sugirió conflictos de baja intensidad para empujar
Judios salir de Israel.
Él pidió una solución de un Estado en el conflicto
palestino-israelí, es decir, un solo estado llamado "Palestina" bajo
el dominio musulmán en el que sólo algunos Judios israelíes podrían vivir como
"minorías protegidas." El resto tendría que salir.
"Jamenei no hace referencia al programa nuclear
de Irán. Pero el subtexto es que un Irán con armas nucleares sería Israel
piensa dos veces antes de tratar de contrarrestar la estrategia de Jamenei al
tomar una acción militar contra la República Islámica ", el periodista
Taheri observó.
Taheri informó que Jamenei dejó claro que su objetivo
de destruir Israel no tenía sus raíces en el antisemitismo, sino en "los
principios islámicos bien establecidas" - es decir, una tierra que una vez
fue gobernado por los musulmanes nunca se puede descartar por los no-musulmanes
Jamenei afirmó que Israel es un "enemigo"
de Irán, por su parte, porque es un "aliado de la American Gran
Taheri señaló que propaganda del libro sobre su autor
describe Jamenei como "el abanderado de la yihad para liberar a
‘American Great Satan’: While Obama Aims
to Sell Iran Deal at Home, Here’s What Iran’s Supreme Leader Is Telling
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While President Barack Obama aimed to sell Congress on
the Iran agreement, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was working
on his own domestic front, releasing a book detailing his plan to eliminate the
“cancerous tumor” Israel.
Journalist Amir Taheri obtained a copy of the 416-page
book entitled “Palestine,” published last week in Tehran, in which Khamenei
also denied the Holocaust, an event he described as “a propaganda ploy.”
“If there was such a thing … we don’t know why it happened and how,”
Khamenei wrote, according to Taheri who posted translated excerpts
in the New York Post and the Gatestone
Institute website.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei gives a
speech Tuesday June 23, 2015. (Photo: Office of Iran’s Supreme Leader)
In the book, Khamenei used three words to describe how
Israel is to be destroyed, which translate to “annihilation,” “fading out” and
Iran’s supreme leader noted that eliminating the
Jewish state did not require one use military means or “massacre the Jews.”
Instead, he suggested low-intensity conflicts to push Jews to leave Israel.
He called for a one-state solution to the
Israel-Palestinian conflict, that is, a single state called “Palestine” under
Muslim rule where only some Israeli Jews could live as “protected minorities.”
The rest would have to leave.
“Khamenei makes no reference to Iran’s nuclear
program. But the subtext is that a nuclear-armed Iran would make Israel think
twice before trying to counter Khamenei’s strategy by taking military action
against the Islamic Republic,” journalist Taheri observed.
Taheri reported that Khamenei made clear that his
objective of destroying Israel was not rooted in anti-Semitism, but rather in
“well-established Islamic principles” — that is, a land that once was ruled by
Muslims can never be ruled by non-Muslims.
Khamenei asserted that Israel is an “enemy” of Iran,
for one, because it’s an “ally of the American Great Satan.”
Taheri noted that the book’s blurb about its author
described Khamenei as “the flagbearer of jihad to liberate Jerusalem.”
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The Editor
The Miami Herald
Because of the bloody chaos and dangerous aftermath of
the March 13, 1957, failed coup-attempt raids on Havana's Radio Reloj
and the presidential palace, my US Navy squadron and units of NATO's Combined
Atlantic Fleet (US, UK, France, Netherlands, Canada) were diverted to San Juan
and Roosevelt Roads from routine scheduled stops in Havana and exercises in
Guantanamo Bay ("Stow that Havana chart!", an out-of-breath officer ordered
me as we were off Fort Lauderdale), so those Combined Fleet units never
got to either.or were in any position to witness, much less influence, events
that led 1 3/4 years later to an endless nightmare for Cuba.
Today U.S. President Barack Obama rushes against an
awkward opposition to fulfill his 2008 campaign promise of closing the
Guantanamo Naval Base's prison, and probably to meet General Raúl Castro's
vehement demand to hand the base over to him supposedly to further the
secretly-negotiated reopening of bilateral relations announced
One doubts the original lease contemplated Guantanamo
being used as a dumping-ground for alleged perpetrators of Islamic terrorism, a
holding area for Cubans unfortunate to be caught at sea fleeing Communist
oppression and misery, or for trendy gender experimentation by the
United States's own military.
Withall and understanding President Obama's and his
supporters' long-held thinking on the subject (such supporters and their
motivation extremely visible and vocal at the 7/20 Cuba embassy reopening
in Washington), would it not be best for the United States to keep the alleged
miscreants from rejoining their already-released jihadi fellows and to keep the
base and its facilities for turning over to a government not inimical to its
own people and to ours?
Philip V. Riggio
2777 NE 183rd Street
FL 33160
El mundo invisible…
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Los misterios del mundo invisible
desvelados por la tecnología cinematográfica más avanzada
director de cine Louie
Schwartzberg presenta en
esta “TED Talk” su impactante documental “Los misterios del mundo invisible”
en donde ha filmado con cámaras de tecnología de punta los más diversos
procesos biológicos. Una pequeña muestra de la infinidad de cosas
maravillosas que están ocurriendo en nuestro alrededor sin que nosotros nos
demos cuenta.
Scott Walker Still Has the Same
Response When Asked Yet Again if President Obama Is a Christian
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While at a Koch
donors summit, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker once
again addressed his thoughts on President Obama’s faith — saying he takes the
man at his word.
The Republican 2016 hopeful reiterated Saturday
night in California that his answer has remained unchanged on whether or not
he thinks Obama is actually a Christian. Walker said that while he cannot be
sure, he “presumes” the president is, according to the Washington
“I’ve never asked him about that,”
Walker said. “As someone who is a believer myself, I don’t presume to know
someone’s beliefs about whether they follow Christ or not unless I’ve
actually talked with them.”
Walker waves during the Western Conservative Summit at the Colorado
Convention Center in Denver, Colorado on June 27, 2015 in Denver, Colorado.
The Western Conservative Summit attracts thousands of conservatives and a
number of prominent politicians; this year the lineup includes Rick Santorum,
Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, and Scott Walker. (Photo by Theo
Stroomer/Getty Images)
“He’s said he is, and I take him at his
word,” Walker said during the question-and-answer session with about 400 big
Republican donors.
Obama has repeatedly proclaimed that
he is, in fact, a Christian and attends Christian church services.
This isn’t the first time Walker has
been asked to speculate about Obama’s religious beliefs. In February, Walker
had an almost identical answer to whether or not the president is a
“I’ve actually never talked about it or I haven’t
read about that,” Walker said
then, according to the Washington Post.
“I’ve never asked him that.”
“You’ve asked me to make statements
about people that I haven’t had a conversation with about that,” Walker then
added. “How [could] I say if I know either of you are a Christian?”
hay plan apocalíptico de ISIS
• Origen: EE.UU. Hoy
• por: Sara A. Carter
Un documento aparente contratación Estado
Islámico se encuentra en tierras tribales sin ley de Pakistán revela que el
grupo extremista tiene grandes ambiciones de construir un nuevo ejército
terrorista en Afganistán y Pakistán, y desencadenar una guerra en la India
para provocar un Armagedón como "fin del mundo".
El documento de 32 páginas en lengua urdu
obtenida por el Instituto de Medios de América (IAM) y revisado por EE.UU.
HOY detalla un complot para atacar a soldados estadounidenses que se retiran
de Afganistán y orientar los diplomáticos estadounidenses y funcionarios
AMI obtuvo el documento de un ciudadano
paquistaní con conexiones dentro de los talibanes paquistaníes y lo había
traducido independientemente de urdu por el investigador de Harvard y
traductor Mustafa Samdani. La identidad del paquistaní fue compartida con
EE.UU. HOY, que ha acordado no identificarlo públicamente debido a la
preocupación por su seguridad.
El documento fue revisado por tres funcionarios
de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, que dijeron que creen que el documento es
auténtico basado en sus marcas únicas y el hecho de que el lenguaje utilizado
para describir a los líderes, el estilo de escritura y redacción de los
partidos religiosos de otros documentos del Estado Islámico, también conocido
como ISIL e ISIS. Le pidieron permanecer en el anonimato porque no están
autorizados a discutir el asunto públicamente. Fuente: EE.UU. Hoy
- Ver más en:'s
ISIS's Apocalyptic Plan
Source: USA
Here's ISIS's
Apocalyptic Plan
by: Sara A. Carter
An apparent Islamic State recruitment document found
in Pakistan’s lawless tribal lands reveals that the extremist group has grand
ambitions of building a new terrorist army in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and
triggering a war in India to provoke an Armageddon-like “end of the world.”
The 32-page Urdu-language document obtained by American Media Institute (AMI) and reviewed by USA TODAY details a plot to attack U.S. soldiers as they withdraw from Afghanistan and target American diplomats and Pakistani officials. AMI obtained the document from a Pakistani citizen with connections inside the Pakistani Taliban and had it independently translated from Urdu by Harvard researcher and translator Mustafa Samdani. The Pakistani's identity was shared with USA TODAY, which has agreed not to identify him publicly because of concerns for his safety. The document was reviewed by three U.S. intelligence officials, who said they believe the document is authentic based on its unique markings and the fact that language used to describe leaders, the writing style and religious wording match other documents from the Islamic State, also known as ISIL and ISIS. They asked to remain anonymous because they are not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. Source: USA Today
- See more at:
Watch: Fox News Reporter Says The Harsh
Truth And Obama Spokesman Hates It. Things Get Heated.
Perceived by many as a low blow, Earnest’s gibe earned scorn from numerous
online critics.
When White
House press secretary Josh Earnest attempted to describe the recent allegations against
Planned Parenthood as a witch hunt, Fox News Channel’s Kevin Corke took him
to task.
Earnest alleged
that multiple unbiased sources concluded the series of undercover videos
depicting Planned Parenthood officials negotiating the sale of harvested baby
parts was in fact a heavily edited smear campaign.
“Who are these
impartial observers to whom you refer,” Corke asked, “and can you understand
why there are so many American people who feel like their voices should also
be heard here at the White House?”
He went on to
conclude that “there are people, whether they be Democrats or Republicans,
who feel that what has been revealed in the videos is grotesque at a minimum,
if not criminal at worst.”
Earnest tried to
defend his position by declaring: “The New York Times has described the
release of these videos as a campaign of deception.”
Corke once again
challenged Obama’s surrogate.
“You’re not calling
the Times impartial are you?” he asked.
“Of course I am,
Kevin,” Earnest responded.
“You can’t say that
the Times is impartial about all things vis-à-vis Planned Parenthood,” Corke
asserted. “I’ve never seen them criticize Planned Parenthood for anything;
and yet you’re saying that they’re impartial somehow.”
In a snarky, thinly
veiled reference to Corke’s employer, Earnest responded: “I’m going to resist
the urge to raise questions about the partiality of any news organization in
this room – particularly in the context of this discussion.”
Perceived by many
as a low blow, Earnest’s gibe earned scorn from numerous online critics.
“I never thought
that I could despise someone more than Jay Carney,” one reader commented on
Honor of His 103rd Birthday, Here Are The 20 Best Quotes From The Late, Great
Milton Friedman
Yesterday would have been the 103rd birthday of Milton Friedman, who
was one of the most brilliant economists of the last century. In honor of
Friedman, here are his 20 best quotes.
20) “A society that puts equality before freedom will
get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high
degree of both.”
19) “Because we live in a largely free society, we tend
to forget how limited is the span of time and the part of the globe for which
there has ever been anything like political freedom: the typical state of
mankind is tyranny, servitude, and misery. The nineteenth century and early
twentieth century in the Western world stand out as striking exceptions to
the general trend of historical development. Political freedom in this
instance clearly came along with the free market and the development of
capitalist institutions. So also did political freedom in the golden age of
Greece and in the early days of the Roman era.”
18) “It is one thing to have free immigration to jobs.
It is another thing to have free immigration to welfare. And you cannot have
both. If you have a welfare state, if you have a state in which every
resident is promised a certain minimal level of income, or a minimum level of
subsistence, regardless of whether he works or not, produces it or not. Then
it really is an impossible thing.”
17) “So that the record of history is absolutely
crystal clear. That there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of
improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the
productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system.”
16) "When everybody owns something, nobody owns
it, and nobody has a direct interest in maintaining or improving its
condition. That is why buildings in the Soviet Union - like public housing in
the United States - look decrepit within a year or two of their
15) "The great danger to the consumer is the
monopoly - whether private or governmental. His most effective protection is
free competition at home and free trade throughout the world. The consumer is
protected from being exploited by one seller by the existence of another
seller from whom he can buy and who is eager to sell to him. Alternative
sources of supply protect the consumer far more effectively than all the
Ralph Naders of the world."
14) "Two major arguments are offered for
introducing socialized medicine in the United States: first, those medical
costs are beyond the means of most Americans; second that socialization will
somehow reduce costs. The second can be dismissed out of hand -- at least
until someone can find some example of an activity that is conducted more
economically by the government than private enterprise. As to the first, the
people of the country must pay the costs one way or the other; the only question
is whether they pay them directly on their own behalf, or indirectly through
the mediation of government bureaucrats who will subtract a substantial slice
for their own salaries and expenses."
13) "Nothing is so permanent as a temporary
government program."
12) "The supporters of tariffs treat it as
self-evident that the creation of jobs is a desirable end, in and of itself,
regardless of what the persons employed do. That is clearly wrong. If all we
want are jobs, we can create any number - for example, have people dig holes
and then fill them up again, or perform other useless tasks. Work is
sometimes its own reward. Mostly, however, it is the price we pay to get the
things we want. Our real objective is not just jobs but productive jobs -
jobs that will mean more goods and services to consume."
11) "I am in favor of cutting taxes under any
circumstances and for any excuse, for any reason, whenever it's
10) "There is all the difference in the world,
however, between two kinds of assistance through government that seem
superficially similar: first, 90 percent of us agreeing to impose taxes on
ourselves in order to help the bottom 10 percent, and second, 80 percent
voting to impose taxes on the top 10 percent to help the bottom 10 percent -
William Graham Sumner's famous example of B and C decided what D shall do for
A. The first may be wise or unwise, an effective or ineffective way to help
the disadvantaged - but it is consistent with belief in both equality of
opportunity and liberty. The second seeks equality of outcome and is entirely
antithetical to liberty."
9) "When the United States was formed in 1776, it
took 19 people on the farm to produce enough food for 20 people. So most of
the people had to spend their time and efforts on growing food. Today, it is
down to 1% or 2% to produce that food. Now just consider the vast amount of
supposed unemployment that was produced by that. But there was not really any
unemployment produced. What happened was that people who had formerly been
tied up working in agriculture were freed by technological developments and
improvements to do something else. That enabled us to have a better standard
of living and a more extensive range of products."
8) "I want people to take thought about their
condition and to recognize that the maintenance of a free society is a very
difficult and complicated thing and it requires a self-denying ordinance of
the most extreme kind. It requires a willingness to put up with temporary
evils on the basis of the subtle and sophisticated understanding that if you
step in to do something about them you not only may make them worse, you will
spread your tentacles and get bad results elsewhere."
7) “We economists don't know much, but we do know how
to create a shortage. If you want to create a shortage of tomatoes, for
example, just pass a law that retailers cannot sell tomatoes for more than
two cents per pound. Instantly you will have a tomato shortage. It's the same
with oil or gas.”
6) “The great virtue of a free market system is that it
does not care what color people are; it does not care what their religion is;
it only cares whether they can produce something you want to buy. It is the
most effective system we have discovered to enable people who hate one
another to deal with one another and help one another.”
5) "Workers paying taxes today can derive no
assurance from trust funds that they will receive benefits from when they
retire. Any assurance derives solely from the willingness of future taxpayers
to impose taxes on themselves to pay for benefits that present taxpayers are
promising themselves. This one sided 'compact between the generations,’
foisted on generations that cannot give their consent, is a very different
thing from a 'trust fund.' It is more like a chain letter."
4) "There are four ways in which you can spend
money. You can spend your own money on yourself. When you do that, why then
you really watch out what you are doing, and you try to get the most for your
money. Then you can spend your own money on somebody else. For example, I buy
a birthday present for someone. Well, then I am not so careful about the
content of the present, but I am very careful about the cost. Then, I can
spend somebody else’s money on myself. And if I spend somebody else’s money
on myself, then I am sure going to have a good lunch! Finally, I can spend
somebody else’s money on somebody else. And if I spend somebody else’s money
on somebody else, I am not concerned about how much it is, and I’m not
concerned about what I get. And that is government. And that’s close to 40%
of our national income."
3) "Indeed, a major source of objection to a free
economy is precisely that it... gives people what they want instead of what a
particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against
the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself."
2) "If you put the federal government in charge of
the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand."
1) “I do not believe that the solution to our problem
is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a
political climate of opinion, which will make it politically profitable for
the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable
for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the
right thing either, or if they try, they will shortly be out of office.”
Lázaro R González para
Alcalde del Condado de Miami Elecciones de Noviembre 8 del 2016. Use la boleta en blanco.
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