Monday, February 17, 2014

No 595 "En mi opinion" Febrero 15, 2014

No 595 “En mi opinión” Febrero 15, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor

Sarah Palin: Sarah Palin was Right - Socialized Healthcare Demands Death Panels

For years conservatives have been desperately trying to warn the country about the logical outcomes of embracing socialized healthcare. One of the first and most important trumpet calls of warning came from former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
“The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s ‘death panel’ so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their ‘level of productivity in society,’ whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil,” Palin wrote in 2009.
Almost immediately, Palin was derided by the left and their defenders in the media. The “nonpartisan” Politifact (My voice drips with sarcasm as I say “nonpartisan” – because Politifact has proved themselves over the years to be overwhelmingly partisan) even gave Palin a “Pants  on Fire” rating for her comments.
Palin went on to explain why she wholeheartedly believed that Obamacare would (and MUST) create “death panels.”
“Yesterday President Obama responded to my statement that Democratic health care proposals would lead to rationed care; that the sick, the elderly and the disabled would suffer the most under such rationing; and that under such a system, these ‘unproductive’ members of society could face the prospect of government bureaucrats determining whether they deserve health care,” Palin wrote in a note on her Facebook page.
“The provision that President Obama refers to is Section 1233 of HR 3200, entitled ‘Advance Care Planning Consultation.’ With all due respect, it’s misleading for the president to describe this section as an entirely voluntary provision that simply increases the information offered to Medicare recipients,” she continued.
“Section 1233 authorizes advanced care planning consultations for senior citizens on Medicare every five years, and more often ‘if there is a significant change in the health condition of the individual ... or upon admission to a skilled nursing facility, a long-term care facility... or a hospice program.’"
In hindsight, using the term “death panels” may have been a bad idea, not because it was wrong, but because it invited the incredulity of liberal mockers. It also made it easier for Democrats and their minions to convince average Americans that Republicans were simply fearmongering – when in truth, the death panels are simply the logical outcome of Obamacare. When you move from a private to public system, all of a sudden funds become finite and hard choices must be made because patients no longer have the same options that they did when they could privately fund their healthcare.
Don’t believe me? Almost five years since Palin’s “death panels” claim even Democrats and the same liberal media that first laughed at the idea are now agreeing that death panels exist.
Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal Constitution admits “Death Panels” exist, just a few short years after calling Palin a liar for the same claim.
Liberal rag, Slate, also agrees that death panels are real… and that they are a “GOOD THING”.
Popular liberal economist, Paul Krugman is on board with Slate – “Death panels and sales taxes is how we do this.”
Liberal journalist and author of the anti-Palin book “Game Change” Mark Halperin admits that “Death Panels” are written explicitly into the Obamacare law.
Former Vermont Governor and popular socialist Democrat Howard Dean is happy to admit that Death Panels exist.
That should be enough to vindicate Sarah Palin. If you need more there are many more instances of Democrats admitting to their former lies. Perhaps some of you still can’t wrap your head around how this could happen. Perhaps some of you moderate, squishy, fence-sitting voters just can’t believe that Democrats would lie to you like this. Please allow me to help you with this.
The problem is that you are a schmuck. And the Democrats know this about you. So they resort to ad hominem attacks on Republicans and they refuse to argue over issues. Instead they say things like – “War on Women!” or “Republicans are Racist!” or “We are the 99%!” or “Republicans are all Rich White People who HATE poor people!”
You are a schmuck and you buy their crap. You buy it as fast as they can shovel it.
Perhaps next time instead of just buying their quick and easy lines (“War on Women!”), you should actually think and logically consider what the argument might really be about.
Let me give you just one more practical example.
Socialized healthcare MUST be rationed because there is a finite amount of resources, and those resources cannot cover everyone’s health and wellness. They just can’t. Because of this, some hard decisions have to be made by healthcare providers – without the consent or desires of the patients playing any role.
A six year old little girl with cerebral palsy has been denied an operation that would help her walk – because of BUDGET CUTS. The little girl can only shuffle her feet or take a few small steps with help. The operation that was planned would loosen her muscles and allow her the ability to walk on her own. The little girl has already undergone over a year of painful procedures to prepare her body for the operation that has now been cancelled. They now have to raise thousands of dollars to have the operation done privately – perhaps in the United States.
Don’t be surprised when you start hearing more stories like this – but instead of happening in England, they’ll be taking place here.

LA   O.N.U.
Poco tiempo después de terminada La Segunda Guerra Mundial, el 24  de Octubre de 1945  se reunieron 51 países en la ciudad de San Francisco, y basados en la buena voluntad y honestidad de los hombres, crearon un organismo a nivel mundial con el objetivo de preservar la Paz, la Seguridad y promover el respeto a los Derechos Humanos.
Este fue el comienzo de la O.N.U., se le unieron organizaciones que trataban de propiciarle a la humanidad una vida más tranquila y llevadera, buscar soluciones aun hasta a los problemas sociales que afectasen a la familia.
Por eso cuando nosotros pensábamos en la O.N.U., imaginábamos un gigante dispuesto a defender todos estos conceptos, hombres intachables que no cederían ante el chantaje de la presión de grupos liberales y de izquierda, ni de representantes de países que se pusieran una venda en los ojos para no enfrentar una realidad por temor o por intereses. Pensabamos que iba a ser como un gobierno global equitativo y con verdadera justicia.
Esto fue una gran frustración, en el año 2001 expulsaron de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos a los Estados Unidos que siempre fue un ejemplo de respeto, orden y ayuda humanitaria en cualquier lugar  del mundo que fuese necesario. Esto se debió a una conspiración entre los países de izquierda y violadores de los Derechos Individuales que han sido una plaga invadiendo todos los sectores  representativos.
Otro de los organismos de la O.N.U.: la UNICEF en su “exagerada” defensa de la protección a los Derechos de los niños, ha llegado al extremo de considerar sexualmente adultos a los niños desde los once años de edad, ¿Se puede creer semejante cosa?, ¿es que a partir de esa edad ya un niño es adulto?
En Junio 1 del 2001, tuvimos en nuestras manos un libro editado por la UNICEF titulado: De  Adolescente a Adolescente en el cual las explicaciones sobre el sexo sobrepasaban los límites del entendimiento para esa edad y en el que se hacía mención de todos los estilos de vida sexual  practicados hasta ese momento y enseñando  como utilizar el condon.
Casos de enfermedades venéreas se le ocultan a los padres para proteger el “derecho” del niño. Es decir que tenemos que vivir en un mundo sin niños, un mundo donde el sexo es una decisión personal porque ahora se denomina “Genero”, un mundo donde los padres ya no tienen potestad sobre sus hijos y un mundo en el que está desapareciendo el concepto familiar.
Es decir, que ciertos grupos le han arrebatado los Derechos Humanos a la Institución familiar para enseñarles los estilos de vida que ellos practican y a los que quieren arrastrar a nuestros hijos para sentirse ellos, mejor emocionalmente y mientras mayor sea el numero, mejor para su agenda, aunque la humanidad desaparezca.
A los padres no le pueden temblar las rodillas ni apagársele la voz, hay que erguirse y gritar tan alto como gritan ellos y reclamar nuestros Derechos. Ni la O.N.U. ni ningún organismo tienen potestades para envenenar la mente de nuestros hijos ni destruir la estructura familiar.
Es necesario que la O.N.U. no abandone para lo que fue creada. Hay muchos países violadores de los Derechos Humanos y millones de personas que viven la pobreza extrema. ¡Que miren hacia esos pueblos y se compadezcan de sus habitantes! ¡Tenemos que fabricar hombres con los pantalones bien  puestos para tener un mundo mejor y una sociedad más  decente!. BASTA YA DE POLITICOS GENUFLEXOS.

DIOS BENDIGA A AMERICA                                          UNA NACION BAJO DIOS

Diego Quiros, Sr

El Latigo de Samitier: El Origen Del Día De Los Enamorados...
Las Fiestas Lupercales eran, en la Antigua Roma, unas fiestas que se celebraban el día 15 del mes de febrero.

Estas fiestas eran un acto de purificación y comenzaron en el reinado de Rómulo y Remo, cuando las mujeres romanas se hicieron estériles.Después de consultar el oráculo de la diosa Juno, en el bosque Esquilo, ésta respondió: "Madres del Lacio, que os fecunde un macho cabrío velludo". Y es ésta la razón por la que los luperci van desnudos uncidos en sangre de animales impuros (como si vinieran de caza) con pieles de lobo, golpeando con el látigo como si fuera un miembro viril.
Para las mujeres, este rito aumentaba su fertilidad poniéndole las carnes de color púrpura. Este color representaba a las prostitutas de la época, en particular las que ejercían la prostitución sagrada con los lupercos en el Ara Máxima, también llamadas lupas o lobas.
Esta fiesta se realizaba con el fin de CONSEGUIR QUE LA MUJER SE FECUNDARA...
Con el paso del tiempo el Papa Gelasio I prohibió y condenó, en el año 494, la celebración pagana de las Lupercales. Quiso cristianizar esta festividad y la sustituyó por el 14 de febrero, fecha en la cual murió martirizado un cristiano llamado Valentín, en el año 270 d. C.
Las lupercalias se trocaron pues en una procesión de candelas pidiendo, en cánticos y letanías la misma protección contra la muerte y la fertilidad que procuraba la fiesta PAGANA, ahora elevada a esperanzas de una vida y salud mucho más alta. A pesar de todo, esta procesión de CON ANTORCHAS desterró el rito pagano mucho más efectivamente que todas las prohibiciones anteriores...
En pocas palabras... tanto los paganos como los cristianos consideraban este día como una FIESTA A DIOS... Pidiendo Que La Mujer Fuera FECUNDADA... en ningún momento es una fiesta a los “AMIGOS”  Es Una fiesta “HETEROSEXUAL” SOLO PARA HOMBRE Y MUJER
La Noticia IMPORTANTE De Hoy
Que No Aparece En Las NOTICIAS…
El derrotado Y CONDENADO Berlusconi accedió a FORMAR un gobierno socialista,
demostrando una vez más que no hay ninguna diferencia entre los PARTIDOS...
en Europa o en Estados Unidos. Sólo hay un partido,
con dos caras. Como en la época de Roma El Dios JANO
He Aquí La Moneda ROMANA Con El DIOS JANO  
LAS DOS CARAS, una de las mas SECRETAS fuerzas que usan los
Politiqueros... se utilizan para mantener a los votantes creyendo que siempre se puede votar a los granujas, en las próximas elecciones.
Pero el poder real, está en manos de los BANQUEROS, que no les importa quién gane las elecciones!
Estas son las personas que dirigen el Banco de Inglaterra, la Reserva Federal y cualquier otro Banco Central en el mundo.  
Les dimos el poder de IMPRIMIR PAPEL MONEDA, crear dinero DE LA NADA y cobrar intereses por ello!
Luego utilizan este DINERO REALMENTE FALSO, para centralizar todas las principales fuentes de riqueza y dejar las migajas a la gente como Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs y Bill Gates...
Pensamos, que los MULTIMILLONARIOS controlan los gobiernos, pero en realidad son los TRILLONARIOS, de los que nunca hemos oído hablar, pues nada han inventado o hecho y que
NOTICIOSOS... Los cuales ni de JARANA los mencionan...y los PAPARAZIS no los retratan...  
Berlusconi se ha unido de nuevo con los socialistas, para formar un Gobierno de coalición,
al igual que el líder republicano de la Cámara, y SUS 28 “CONSERVADORES” se ha unido con
Obama para aumentar el límite de deuda.
 No Hay Ninguna Diferencia Entre Las Dos Partes, Porque Tienen UN SOLO JEFE... los  BANQUEROS...
¿Como Es Posible?
La bolsa de valores de Francia, llega a la cima más alta, desde el
comienzo de la Crisis!... Mas o menos igual que en Wall Street…
¿A Base De Que?
El desempleo es el más alto en su historia...
Un trabajador sin trabajo, no tiene dinero y no puede gastar.
Como se explica esta alza de precio de las acciones?
Porque los precios altos están fabricados por los bancos,
no por ventas reales de estas empresas!

Todo Es Posible Cuando La GENTE Deja De PENSAR
Y Están Felices ESCLAVIZADOS...

La noticia de ayer:

La Bourse de Paris clôture au plus haut depuis 2008

Le Parisien - Le Parisien - Fri Feb 14 23:15:00 UTC 2014
La Bourse de Paris a bouclé une neuvième séance de hausse consécutive vendredi (+0,63%).
Si vous avez Windows 8, ouvrez ceci dans Actualités.  Envoyé depuis Windows Mail

Las 40 empresas públicas más grandes de Francia,
tienen 1548 filiales fuera de Francia, para lavar las ganancias
Pero 23 de estas empresas, no han hecho declaraciones completas!
Estas Cifras, Son De Las Declaraciones Voluntarias!!
Sabe Diós, las verdaderas cifras!!!
Osea, no están obligadas hacer declaraciones honestas!!!
Sin embargo, la gente sigue invertiendo sus ahorros en estas empresas.
Aconsejados por sus banqueros… Cuando venga el colapso inevitable,
serán despojados y hecho pobres de nuevo.

Les 1 500 filiales "offshore" des entreprises du CAC 40
Le Monde - Le Monde - Fri Feb 14 16:15:00 UTC 2014
Les groupes du CAC 40 disposent au total de 1 548 filiales dans les paradis fiscaux, dont 214 pour la BNP qui occupe la première place du classement.
Si vous avez Windows 8, ouvrez ceci dans Actualités.

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Francia Se Cansa Del Experimento Europeísta!
El Frente Nacional ahora ocupa el segundo lugar en las encuestas.
Los gobernantes Socialistas pasaron a 3cer lugar.
Con 3,5 millones de desempleados, El presidente que sale en moto
A visitar a su amante...
Holland solo piensa en guerras para aumentar la deuda como lo hace
Obama ...  y pagar más a los desempleados... mientras hace que el
pueblo olvide la economía...
En 2 años, ha Invadido Mali Y La Republica Central Africana (CAR).
También Quiso Invadir Siria, pero gracias a Putin los franceses y los
Norte Americanos  esquivamos esa guerra.

Européennes : l'UMP talonnée par le FN, le PS à la traîne

Jean-Baptiste Garat - - Fri Feb 14 17:45:00 UTC 2014
À cent jours du scrutin, les Français signifient leur déception face à l'UE.
Si vous avez Windows 8, ouvrez ceci dans Actualités. 
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Friday February 14 2014


Party leadership committee votes 136 to 16 to replace Enrico Letta with 39-year-old mayor of Florence Matteo Renzi at head of left-right coalition

Scalia laments decline in civics education

By Chicago Tribune 
Civics education in the United States faces a crisis because of a drift away from the ideals held by the nation's founders, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said Friday in Chicago.
Scalia said that among his concerns is the removal of religious ideals from public education.
"Let me make clear that I am not saying that every good American must believe in God," Scalia said in a speech at the Union League Club. "What I am saying, however, is that it is contrary to our founding principles to insist that government be hostile to religion. Or even to insist, as my court, alas, has done, that government cannot favor religion over nonreligion.
"It is not a matter of believing that God exists, though personally I believe that," Scalia said. "It is a matter of believing, as our founders did, that belief in God is very conducive to a successful republic."
Scalia spoke to a large audience at the club's 126th annual George Washington's Birthday Gala.
A University of Chicago law professor in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Scalia is considered one of the leading intellectuals of the high court's conservative wing.
Scalia, 77, is the court's longest-serving justice, taking his seat in 1986. In his talk Friday he lived up to his reputation as a quick wit and was interrupted frequently by laughter and applause. He weighed in on the relative merits of Chicago-style pizza (which he described as "tomato pie," to a chorus of boos) versus New York pies.
But his comments often struck a somber tone.
"You know what I worry most about is ... the decline of the republican spirit," Scalia said softly during a brief question-and-answer session.
"It doesn't exist in our people with a vigor that used to exist. That's what I'm most worried about, that we're going to become just another, I don't know, another undemocratic, politician-run state. Which our framers would never have supported. That's why I think education in democracy, education in republicanism, is so important."
Scalia demurred when asked whether the country has passed a "tipping point" that would put it on a downward curve.
"The framers were very worried about whether democracy could last very long. The game isn't up yet, 200 years is a good long time," he said.
"(But) I don't think we can be too cocky about America always being America. It's going to change unless the people have the same determination to preserve liberty that the framers had."
(c)2014 the Chicago Tribune
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The rehabilitation of Hillary Clinton

By Washington Times (DC) 
While Hillary Rodham Clinton has all but vanished, hitting the speaker's circuit at $200,000 a pop and bouncing between her two palatial mansions in New York and Washington, the press corps is working overtime to rebuild her tarnished reputation.
First came The New York Times with a lengthy "investigative" piece of the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi terrorist attack. The 7,500- word tome ignored the former secretary of state's role in the deaths of four Americans. What's more, the Times never mentioned Mrs. Clinton - not once - and concluded that the attack "was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam," a White House lie disproved just weeks after the attack.
Then came the canard printed across the world that philanderer Bill Clinton had once had a torrid affair with model Elizabeth Hurley. (How does this help Hillary? Well, it wasn't the trailer park floozies Bubba usually frequented, and what middle-aged woman in flyover America wouldn't understand going head-to-head with a gorgeous woman half her age, and losing?)
The latest: Private journals from a longtime friend (now deceased) in which the former first lady declared that she "was not smart enough, not sensitive enough" to know just how hard everything was for her husband, after all, he's just a man of flesh and blood!
Of course, there's no coordinated effort to rehabilitate Hillary Rodham (that last piece came from the right-leaning Washington Free Beacon). But the steady flow of "news" stories rewriting history is no doubt easing her run for the White House in 2016. And it's 30+ months before Election Day.
In The New York Times piece, reporters conducted "months of investigation" and concluded that there was "no evidence that al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault" in Benghazi. In fact, the paper once again claimed that anger at an anti-Islam video - posted on YouTube months before the attack - "motivated the initial attack."
Oddly, Mrs. Clinton, in charge of the State Department, is never mentioned. Nor is her months-long refusal to testify before Congress (remember her odd "injury," when she fainted and then was found to have a blood clot?) Nor is there any mention of her furious appearance right before she left her post, when she spat: "What difference at this point does it make?"
The mainstream media long ago decided that there's no there there in the Benghazi story. Instead, they're content to take the official White House line without question (just as they did when they reported just what State said, that the secretary was "fine" after her mysterious fall).
While the "Hubby and Hurley" story was quickly discredited, one's got to wonder why the press would run such a story without, say, checking with the actress. Within hours, she denied the report, and the source, a fellow actor and admitted crackhead, recanted.
But not before some news outlets commiserated with the cuckolded wife, taking her side over her unfaithful funster. Several news agencies talked more about Hillary than Bill; how does this effect her, will it hurt her run for president? And America was, once again, buzzing about that awful Bubba and sympathizing with the forsaken wife. Hey, in politics, every little bit helps.
Most recently comes the papers of Diane Blair, who the Free Beacon says was a political science professor described as her "closest friend" before Mrs. Blair's death in 2000.
"When Clinton finally admitted to the relationship after repeated denials, Hillary Clinton defended her husband in a phone call with Blair," the paper wrote. "She said her husband had made a mistake by fooling around with the 'narcissistic loony toon' Lewinsky, but was driven to it in part by his political adversaries, the loneliness of the presidency, and her own failures as a wife ....
"They adopted strategy, public strategy, of acting as tho it didn't bother them; had to," Mrs. Blair wrote. "[Hillary] didn't realize toll it was taking on him. ... She thinks she was not smart enough, not sensitive enough, not free enough of her own concerns and struggles to realize the price he was paying."
So along comes Hillary the Good Wife, struggling to deal with a husband with a wandering eye (and hand), and, after his transgressions, blaming herself.
It's an interesting narrative, but not likely. One of recent history's most calculating and ruthless women suffering at the hands of a cheating man? Please.
It's all part of the rehabilitation of Hillary. At this pace, she'll be squeaky clean by Super Tuesday 2016.
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FH: Let me know if you can figure this out? 
This really should get your "gray matter" to churning, even if you are an Obama fan. I wouldn't want my hero to be made out to be a liar, would you?
For all you "anti-Fox News" folks, none of this information came from Fox. All of it can be verified from legitimate sources (Wikipedia, the Kapiolani hospital website itself, and a good history book, as noted herein). It is very easy for someone to check out.
4 Simple Questions

1. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Negroes.' So how can the Obama 'birth certificate' state he is "African-American" when the term
 wasn't even used at that time ?
2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961 & Lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, Right ? At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his  father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in " Kenya, East Africa".
This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact thatKenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could Obama's father
have been born in a country that did not yet Exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the " British East Africa Protectorate". (check it below)
3. On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital ".
This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", Respectively.
The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged.
How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978 ?

Why hasn't this been discussed in the major media ?

4. Perhaps a clue comes from Obama's book on his father. He states how proud he is of his father fighting in WW II. I'm not a math genius, so I may need some help from you. Barack Obama's "birth certificate" says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when Obama was born. That should have put his father's date of birth approximately 1936-if my math holds (Honest! I did That without a calculator!!) Now we need a non-revised history book-one that hasn't been altered to satisfy the author's goals-to verify that WW II was basically between 1939 and 1945. Just how many 3 year olds fight in Wars? Even in the latest stages of WW II his father wouldn't have been more than 9 years old.
Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his imagination or political purposes?

Very truly yours,
Attorney at Law
354 Eisenhower Parkway
Livingston , NJ 07039l


“En mi opinión”    Lázaro R González Miño Editor.
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