No 703 “EN MI OPINIóN” Julio 8, 2014
TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor.
“Con un poco de atraso Feliz 4 de Julio”
¡obama Choky is back!!!
Desde el pasado jueves en la tarde fuimos objeto
del más descarnado y violento ataque para destruirnos nuestra computadora.
Aparentemente DIOS está de nuestro lado. Yo pensé que no podría resolver todo
aquel reguero y destrucción electrónica. No tengo dinero para llamar a un
técnico y yo de esto no se nada. Pero como era poco lo que perdería ya porque
creí que todo estaba perdido metí las manos donde no tengo ni la más ligera
idea y milagrosamente todo está trabajando bastante bien. No sé pero me parece
que arriba hay alguien que tampoco le gusta lo que está haciendo el negro. ¡Que DIOS nos siga ayudando! Lázaro
R González Miño
Amenper: Celebrando el 4 de Julio
Hoy estoy celebrando el día
dela independencia en la zona de Estero-Naples. Siempre vengo a este refugio
porque me recuerda las celebraciones de antaño. Esta es la celebración #45, 43
de ellas como exilado.
La degradación de la
nació es algo de lo que he sido testigo.
En la celebración de Naples
se puede apreciar la diferencia. Naples es como una máquina del
tiempo, no porque aplaudan a la carroza republicana y abucheen a la demócrata,
pero porque las personas y su comportamiento recuerdan a los tiempos de antes.
No se ve un papel en la
calle terminada la parada, cada persona pone su basura en los basureros, y los
tatuajes, tan comunes en Miami son muy poco vistos como era cuando América era
Dicen que es que la zona de
Naples es el refugio de los “ricos”, no lo creo, creo que es el refugio de las
personas decentes. No hay que ser pobre para ser cochino, ni hay que ser
rico para ser responsable y limpio.
Nuestros gobernantes han
racionalizado nuestras libertades y promulgado normas, reglamentos y leyes que
promuevan nuestra dependencia. Reclutamiento de riquezas por medio de impuestos
su transferencia a otros es promovido, imprudentemente, como "progreso".
No es más que la servidumbre y la dependencia.
La esencia de los Estados se
está cercenando con cada excusa hecha, cada libertad confiscada en nombre de la
"seguridad" por cada dólar robado y la violación de los preceptos de
los fundadores y proscripciones de autores ignoradas. Para continuar la
celebración fui a ver la película AMÉRICA.
Se la recomiendo, es una
comparación genial de Souza de los que era América y lo que es hoy en día.
Por eso De Souza es el
hombre más odiado por los liberales que están destruyendo América.
Entonces, resolvamos en este
día de la independencia 2014 dedicarnos a la proposición de los
fundadores de esta nación. Porque no somos sujetos. "Nosotros" Somos
el gobierno. Y nosotros el pueblo debemos retomar nuestra reclamación de poder
vivir en un país como lo soñaron los fundadores.
se ha dejado de hacer....! Armando
Lopez-Calleja From:
Para que a una
persona o entidad se le pueda calificar de estar realizando un buen
trabajo en el desempeño su cargo, cualquiera que este sea, tenemos que
calificar justamente las cosas que ha resuelto y las que ha dejado de
resolver y cual de las dos tiene mas importancia para el objetivo y resultado
que se espera de su trabajo.
Voy a dar mi opinión, como lo que soy un ciudadano de los EEUU, común y corriente, formando parte de una sociedad democrática, que gracias a Dios, nos da la posibilidad de expresar libremente nuestras opinión, siempre con espititud constructive 1ro.-Que se ha dejado de hacer, desde mi modesto punto de vista;..
No comencemos con que Crisis Economica viene del gobierno anterior, "agua pasada no mueve el Molino", cuando un Nuevo Gobierno asume el poder, debe trabajar para resolver los problemas que se encuntre al ser elegido, tanto en el poder ejecutivo, como el poder legislativo.
Que es lo que no ha resuelto en estos 6 años en el gobierno;
1.1.-Elaborar un Plan y ejecutarlo, para impulsar el Sector de las Construcciones, para crear empleos directos en la construccion de nuevas comunidades, con cientos de viviendas, las redes tecnicas y los servicios publicos y privados, siendo este sector el que genera mas empleos indirectos, en las industrias necesarias para habilitar los edificios y que sean utilizables por las familias y por los empleados de los servicios y negocios,
La creacion de empleos, implica un aumento sustancial de la recaudacion de los impuestos, lo que permite balancear el presupuesto sin afectar complomisos sociales, bomberos, policia, ayuda a los minusvalisos, ni a los desamparados, etc.
1.2.-Para bajar los precios de todos los materiales que se usan en las construcciones y en todos los secotres de la economia del Pais, incluyendo los productos de la Canasta Familiar, principalmente los alimentos.
Para ello es imprescindible bajar el precio de los combustibles y sus derivados incluyendo la gasolina, El pueblo se pregunta;
1.2.1.-Por que, no se construyó oleoducto desde Alaska.
1.2.2.-Por que no se ha intensificado la fabricacion de vehiclos con moteres electricos
e hibridos
1.2.3-Por que no se han construidos miles de molinos eolicos para producer
Voy a dar mi opinión, como lo que soy un ciudadano de los EEUU, común y corriente, formando parte de una sociedad democrática, que gracias a Dios, nos da la posibilidad de expresar libremente nuestras opinión, siempre con espititud constructive 1ro.-Que se ha dejado de hacer, desde mi modesto punto de vista;..
No comencemos con que Crisis Economica viene del gobierno anterior, "agua pasada no mueve el Molino", cuando un Nuevo Gobierno asume el poder, debe trabajar para resolver los problemas que se encuntre al ser elegido, tanto en el poder ejecutivo, como el poder legislativo.
Que es lo que no ha resuelto en estos 6 años en el gobierno;
1.1.-Elaborar un Plan y ejecutarlo, para impulsar el Sector de las Construcciones, para crear empleos directos en la construccion de nuevas comunidades, con cientos de viviendas, las redes tecnicas y los servicios publicos y privados, siendo este sector el que genera mas empleos indirectos, en las industrias necesarias para habilitar los edificios y que sean utilizables por las familias y por los empleados de los servicios y negocios,
La creacion de empleos, implica un aumento sustancial de la recaudacion de los impuestos, lo que permite balancear el presupuesto sin afectar complomisos sociales, bomberos, policia, ayuda a los minusvalisos, ni a los desamparados, etc.
1.2.-Para bajar los precios de todos los materiales que se usan en las construcciones y en todos los secotres de la economia del Pais, incluyendo los productos de la Canasta Familiar, principalmente los alimentos.
Para ello es imprescindible bajar el precio de los combustibles y sus derivados incluyendo la gasolina, El pueblo se pregunta;
1.2.1.-Por que, no se construyó oleoducto desde Alaska.
1.2.2.-Por que no se ha intensificado la fabricacion de vehiclos con moteres electricos
e hibridos
1.2.3-Por que no se han construidos miles de molinos eolicos para producer
electricidad barata, ya que no se nefesita emplear combustible.
1.2.4-Por que no se
construyen masivamente los paneles solares para genrar electrida
barata, ya que no se necesita ttampoco combustible para generarla.
1.2.5-Con estos
sustanciales ahorro en los consumes de combustibles, no seria
necesario que el pais tenga que comprarlo a los paises enemigos, al precio
ellos nos impongan,
2.--Como es posible que se les siga comprando todo tipo de mercancia a otros paises, porque nos lo venden mas barato, aunque internamente se venden caro, esto ha traido como consecuencia que la deuda externa de este pais, sea de $19'616,961'616,221 dolares ya que en los ultimos 6 años se ha incrementado en casi un 55%, y que al trasladar muchas industrias a otros paises, han afectando la produccion nacional, dejando sin trabajo a miles de obreros.
3.-Que ha pasado con la proteccion de nuestras frotneras, las que parecen un colador, llena de deficiencias, lo que ha permtido que la cifra de ilegales sea de 13,750,068 personas y recientemente han pasado increiblemente mas de 50,000 nuevas personas, principlmente niños y mujeres- Conclusion la solucion a la inmigracion illegal, sigue sin resolverse....!
5.-Una de las peores consecuencia de la Crisis Econoica y que afecta directamente a la familia Americana es la delincuencia, a continuacion las cifras nacionales. Asaltos=415,084,-Robos==219,721,-Crimenes violentos==5'542,735,-Violaciones=44,242,-Robos de casas=1='104,570,-Rateria=3'275,433,-Robos de vehiculos=475,731,-Abusos de Drogas==840,110 y la mas destacada Robo de identidad=47'030,231, con estas estadisticas que los gobernantes no se toman el trabajo de estudiar, antes de estar proponiendo despedir a los policias, por que no son capaces de crear las condiciones para crear trabajo, para que estos numeros no sigan aumentando y evitarle a la poblacion, estar continuamente asustada,. pensando con razon, que algo les pueda suceder y fomar parte de estas estadisticas.
Quisera que los colegas que tienen conocimiento de las tareas realizadas por este gobierno en beneficio del pueblo Americano, los invito a que nos demuestren el seguro medico, llamado "Obama- Care" es bueno para el pueblo.
ellos nos impongan,
2.--Como es posible que se les siga comprando todo tipo de mercancia a otros paises, porque nos lo venden mas barato, aunque internamente se venden caro, esto ha traido como consecuencia que la deuda externa de este pais, sea de $19'616,961'616,221 dolares ya que en los ultimos 6 años se ha incrementado en casi un 55%, y que al trasladar muchas industrias a otros paises, han afectando la produccion nacional, dejando sin trabajo a miles de obreros.
3.-Que ha pasado con la proteccion de nuestras frotneras, las que parecen un colador, llena de deficiencias, lo que ha permtido que la cifra de ilegales sea de 13,750,068 personas y recientemente han pasado increiblemente mas de 50,000 nuevas personas, principlmente niños y mujeres- Conclusion la solucion a la inmigracion illegal, sigue sin resolverse....!
5.-Una de las peores consecuencia de la Crisis Econoica y que afecta directamente a la familia Americana es la delincuencia, a continuacion las cifras nacionales. Asaltos=415,084,-Robos==219,721,-Crimenes violentos==5'542,735,-Violaciones=44,242,-Robos de casas=1='104,570,-Rateria=3'275,433,-Robos de vehiculos=475,731,-Abusos de Drogas==840,110 y la mas destacada Robo de identidad=47'030,231, con estas estadisticas que los gobernantes no se toman el trabajo de estudiar, antes de estar proponiendo despedir a los policias, por que no son capaces de crear las condiciones para crear trabajo, para que estos numeros no sigan aumentando y evitarle a la poblacion, estar continuamente asustada,. pensando con razon, que algo les pueda suceder y fomar parte de estas estadisticas.
Quisera que los colegas que tienen conocimiento de las tareas realizadas por este gobierno en beneficio del pueblo Americano, los invito a que nos demuestren el seguro medico, llamado "Obama- Care" es bueno para el pueblo.
Antes habian unos 40
millones de persons sin "seguro medico", unos, porque no tenian un
buen sueldo y otros porque no les interesaba, ahora tenemos 40.4 millones de
personas bajo el nivel de pobreza, que no lo pueden pagar, tenemos unos 40.3
millones de personas, afectados directamente por el desempleo, que tampoco lo
pagaran y arriba de eso les van a poner multas por no inscribirse. y a los que
tienen poco ingreso le van a pagar un subsidio, lo peor, ese dinero
saldrá de un aumento de los impuestos a los que trabajan, o se lo
van a sustraer de los fondos privados del medicare, sabiendo que eso
es illegal....!
La mesa esta servida....!
Ing. Armando Lopez-Calleja.-Miembro del CNP de Cuba en el Exilio y de la UCP.
la pregunta inicial de nuestro amigo Armando Lopez Callejas: Que se ha dejado
de hacer....! “En mi opinion” la respuesta es: Se ha dejado de hacer todo lo
útil y necesario. Y se ha hecho todo lo que le convenía al presidente y todos
sus acólitos y perjudicaba a la nación americana. Lázaro R González Miño
AMENPER: Engaños de Benghazi: Aumentan las pruebas
Habiendo capturado Ahmed Abu Khatallah y
comenzado procesarlo como presunto autor intelectual del 11 de septiembre
del ataque contra el puesto de avanzada de EE.UU. en Benghazi,
Libia, el gobierno de Obama está enseñando su ropa interior, y el calzoncillo
tiene un hueco grande en el trasero.
En el proceso, se ha quedado al descubierto su
mano antes de Bengasi al negar protección que había pedido el
embajador, así como el bluff fallido que era el tratar ocultar que era el
resultado de una conspiración terrorista planificada.
La acusación del Sr. Khatallah
"explica una conspiración calculada" detrás del ataque de Bengasi,
informa The Washington Times.
La acusación dice Khatallah, un comandante
del grupo terrorista Ansar al-Sharia y sus cómplices, conspiraron "para
proporcionar apoyo material y recursos" a ellos mismos y a otros terroristas
"en la preparación y en la realización de" el ataque que mató
Embajador EE.UU. J. Christopher Stevens y tres otros estadounidenses.
Eso hace que la acusación determine
"una falsedad, que es como una sentencia de muerte a la teoría
de que el ataque se debió a una protesta espontánea contra un video producido
por Estados Unidos", dice The Times.
El gobierno impulsó esa teoría en
el tramo de la campaña de re-elección del 2012, esperando que se la
El teniente general William Boykin, ex N º
2 en la inteligencia del Pentágono, dice el paradero de Khatallah fueron
conocidos a finales de septiembre de 2012, pero la administración "tuvo
que ver cómo la historia de vídeo se va a jugar y lo importante que todo el
asunto era Benghazi va a ser "antes de capturarlo.
Esto se sabía para cualquiera que se
molestara en ver las noticias. Cuatro diferentes corresponsales de
medios de comunicación, pudieron hacerles entrevistas a Khatallah, el tipo se
paseaba por el parque de su pueblo, pero los sofisticados equipos de
investigación de los Estados Unidos, no sabían dónde estaba podían
encontrarlo. Lo único que tenían que hacer era hacerse pasar por
periodista y seguro que le concedía una entrevista.
Realmente esta administración se burla
diariamente de la inteligencia del pueblo americano, tratan a los ciudadanos
como si fueran anormales fáciles de engañar.
Ahora Obama está en retirada, y vemos como
Hillary quiere distanciarse de Obama. Veremos en las elecciones que
se comportará como los asesinos de Núremberg ella no sabía nada, solo
cumplía las ordenes que Obama le daba. Se estaría declarando
ingnorante, pero esto es lo que ha estado haciendo Obama hasta ahora, se entera
de las cosas por los periódicos, y los medios de comunicación complacientes le
dan una patente de corso para que lo siga haciendo.
Hasta cuando esperará este pueblo para
pasarles la cuenta.
Con Khatallah ahora bajo custodia, que es
un problema aún más grande de lo que era el día de las elecciones de 2012,
porque se acercan las elecciones parciales del 2014..
Esta acusación hace de Benghazi un engaño
de la Casa Blanca de Obama y sus asesores de política exterior, más
claro, y más impactante que nunca.
AMENPER: ¿Por qué las ratas están abandonando el Barco..............????
Algunas veces se me han
parado los pastelitos y las coqueticas en la boca del estómago cuando en un
cafetín cubano he tenido que escuchar a los analistas de la calle 8.
Con su erudición adquirida
durante la trayectoria por el estrecho de la Florida, en un bote rápido pagado con
el trabajo de sus familiares en una factoría de Hialeah, y varios títulos
obtenido en los centros educativos de la Cuba de Castro, expresan su opinión
incontestable sobre la política americana.
"Acere, ¿que tás
hablando? Obama é el mayimbe, él é el presidente y pué hacer lo que le salga de
sus timbales" " ¿que e eso que dices de separación de
tibores? El único tibó é el de Obma que es é el que má mea".
Claro que cuando me iba
podía hacer mejor la digestión cuando tomaba en perspectiva el origen del análisis.
Pero siempre me ha molestado
más cómo la actitud del ejecutivo era justificada por los medios de
Pero esto parece estar
cambiando, y es un buen síntoma. Cuando las ratas se separan del
barco, es que ven que este se está hundiendo.
Estamos viendo
que Incluso los liberales ahora están comenzando a cuestionar la
propensión del Presidente Barack Obama para usar de una
manera ilegal "acción ejecutiva" para eludir el Congreso.
En CNN el analista legal
Jeffrey Toobin dice algo sobre la amenaza más reciente de Sr. Obama — sobre la
reforma de inmigración — "está pisando, en terreno pantanoso,
peligrosamente ilegal aquí." Sr. Toobin recuerda que el Presidente
"puede solamente actuar cuando el artículo II de la Constitución dice que
el Presidente tiene la autoridad", y eso no incluye usurpando el poder de
un Congreso elegido por el pueblo para representar sus puntos de vista. ... El ultra
liberal Jonathan Turley no tira golpes al aire en su crítica del movimiento de
inmigración de Obama. "Lo presenta como un mal jugador en las Vegas que
trata de ganar con barajas marcadas.." Eso suena bastante bien, teniendo
en cuenta Obama se ha convertido en un jugador reincidente con el estado de
derecho. ... Noticias del Wall Street Journal , basadas en la reacción de los
liberales al fallo de la Corte Suprema Hobby Lobby "uno pensaría que"
de repente la Corte Suprema había "impuesto la ley islámica." Como el
diario señaló en su cuestión de orden, "sin embargo, como cuestión de derecho,
en lugar de oportunismo político, la decisión es una reivindicación de la
libertad religiosa en esta importante (todavía, gracias a Dios) República
Constitucional pluralista."... En lo que seguramente pasará a la
historia como uno de los momentos más incómodos presidenciales el presidente
Obama bromeó esta semana, en voz alta y en público, que tal vez la casa blanca
los pasteles saben tan bien porque el pastelero "pone crack en
No creen que quizás este
sentido del humor de Obama en el que el presidente usa una droga ilegal explica
mejor el comportamiento extra constitucional del Presidente?
U.S. Navy destroyer stops four Mexicans rowing towards Texas.
The Captain gets on the loud-hailer and shouts,
"Ahoy, small craft. Where are you headed?"
One of the Mexicans puts down his oar, stands up, and shouts,
"Gringo ,we are invading the United States of America
to reclaim the territory taken by the USA during the 1800's."
The entire crew on the destroyer doubles over in laughter.
When the Captain finally catches his breath,
he gets back on the loud-hailer and asks,
"Just the four of you?"
The same Mexican stands up again and shouts,
"No, we're the last four.
The other 12 million are already there."
Imagine a world without America
establishment referred to the new documentary of Dinesh D’Souza in a negative
manner, including one review which labeled “America” the worst film in history,
and another called for a boycott of the film. The attacks were unprecedented
all guns were out to destroy the film.
But the new docudrama from New
York Times bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza and Academy-award
winning producer Gerald R. Molen (Schindler’s List) once again surprised
Hollywood with a 60% increase in box office on the 4th of July, making it the
#9 movie in America on a per screen basis. The film took in an estimated $4
million over the five-day holiday weekend. Another surprise came in the form of a
report from CinemaScore, the industry tracking service that grades viewer
attitudes about movies they’ve just seen. America scored an unusual A+ with 97
rating from filmgoers joining an elite group of 52 films which have included
“Titanic,” “Driving Miss Daisy,” and “The King’s Speech.”
“In our film we
talk about the shaming of America and how progressive elites attempt to silence
the average American,” noted producer Molen
Some people had
mentioned D’Souza have had shown guts in taking the risks to make a film in
Hollywood, not against Obama like 2016, but against the false doctrines of the
progressive elite.
Dinesh was a
student that came to America as a young adult , because I too came as a young
adult to study in America, I personally think that it is not a matter of guts,
it is a matter of convictions.
Dinesh had lived
abroad, and because of this, he could see and appreciate better the miracle of
America, much better than the natives that take the miracle for granted and
don’t have a perspective to really appreciate its greatness.
In 2016 he
mentioned his surprise with the students that not only did not appreciate what
they had, but were in an obsessive path to destroy it.
The Documentary
goes over the false doctrines of the left. First interviewing the liberal
professors, allowing them to express their venom; then he went to interview
other professors that didn’t share the liberal views.
The facts were
astonishing, the truth was evident. We
had slavery in America; there have been slavery in the history of every country
in the world. But America
is the only country were more than 100,000 white soldiers gave their life to
eradicate black slavery.
Latter when
segregation surged because of political mistakes, but white lawmakers fixed the situation.
The innuendos about
imperialist ambitions of American are lies repeated without basis. American after its wars not only gave
back the territories back to the enemy but helped them to reconstruct their
country. Like Colin Powell
said at the U.N., the only land U.S.A. asked for was the land to bury its dead.
Mexicans claim that
Mexico could be a great country if they had California and Texas. Of course they are talking about
the Texas and California of today, with infrastructure made in U.S.A.
But if California
and Texas would be Mexican territory, its citizens would be trying to cross the
border to America.
Tejas was not
invaded from America. Houston was a Tejano, his generals and troops were
tejanos and the majority were of Hispanic descend. The massacre of the Alamo by Santana
left more Hispanic-Tejanos dead than anglo-tejanos.
Texas was an
independent country; it gained its independence from Mexico, later they decided
to enter the Union.
In 1847 there was little resistance from anyone in
California as they replaced the dysfunctional and ineffective Mexican government
which had already been replaced by the Californios. The Mexican government by
1846 had already had 40 presidents in the first 24 years of its existence.
Most new settlers and Californios were neutral or actively supported the revolt that finally like in Texas culminated into
voluntary annexation to the U.S.A.
After the
Hispano-American war, Cuba, was granted independence. Later, Philippines was
granted independence too, and Puerto Rico, because of the vision of the patriot
Muñoz Rivera, that created the “Associated free State” have maintained a
privileged status of been practically independent with the benefits of being
part of the federal U.S.A. (Spanish is the official language of Puerto Rico)
Puerto Ricans could
be independent, but independentists are always defeated during referendums and
Let’s take a look
to what is happening today in Puerto Rico. This is an article in the Wall Street
Journal by Maria Anastasia O’Grady. It speaks by itself, it is not the
resources, it is how and who manages the resources.
, Puerto Rico's
Borrowing Bubble Pops
measure of 'expected default' for Puerto Rico is higher than Argentina and
Here we go again: Another
big-government paradise is running out of other people's money—to paraphrase
Margaret Thatcher. This time it's the commonwealth of Puerto Rico that has
borrowed too much and is now signaling that it might not be able to pay it all
back. The only question that remains is who will eat the losses.
Head doctors say that addicts have
to reach rock bottom before they find the will to change their ways. It may be
that Puerto Rico, high on cheap money from American creditors for the last
decade, is reaching its nadir. The sad state of its fiscal accounts is rivaled
only by its economy, which is also in disarray. Detroit, anyone?
Now would be a good time to try a
little honesty about what has caused this desperation. But so far Puerto Rico's
political class seems more inclined to stick it to creditors and keep on
keeping on.
In late June Puerto Rican Gov.
Alejandro García Padilla signed a bill into law allowing the restructuring of
more than $19 billion of debt of the commonwealth-owned electricity, water and
highway monopolies. The law stunned the municipal market because Puerto Rico has
had a strong tradition of backstopping public-monopoly debt when necessary.
The electricity company known by its
initials in English as Prepa has been a particularly pesky problem because of
theft, the failure of big customers, such as government entities, to pay their
bills, and the high price of oil, which it uses as fuel. But as expenses in the
government's general fund have been outstripping revenues for nearly a decade,
it has become more difficult to rob Pedro to pay Pablo. Recently the company
had to dip into its capital account to pay its oil bill.
The new restructuring law may have
been meant to reassure general-obligation bondholders that Puerto Rico is
safeguarding the funds necessary to pay them first. Yet on June 30 Moody's MCO +1.10% Analytics
reported that its one-year measure of Puerto Rico's "expected
default" is higher than that of Argentina, Venezuela and Ukraine.
Investment companies Franklin
Templeton and OppenheimerFunds, which together hold $1.7 billion of Prepa debt,
have challenged the new restructuring law in U.S. District Court in Puerto
Rico. They argue that only the U.S. Congress can make bankruptcy rules. Puerto
Rico says that there are no immediate plans to default, and on Tuesday Prepa
remained current on its debt by making $418 million in payments to bondholders.
But Puerto Rico's Government
Development Bank has also said it believes the island has the authority to
enact the new law. Last week Moody's said that the law "provides a clear
path to default for public corporations."
A Puerto Rican default should not
surprise anyone. According to Carlos Colón de Armas, acting dean of the School
of Business Administration at the University of Puerto Rico, for eight years
from 2005 through 2012, government expenses exceeded revenues on average by
approximately $1 billion annually. The dean told me by telephone that total
commonwealth debt is now around $73 billion and in 2013 it was 101% of the
island's gross national product (GNP) up from 57% in June 2001. (Although gross
domestic product is the most widely accepted measure of an economy's size, it
reflects the profits of large multinational corporations booked for tax
purposes in Puerto Rico but not retained in the local economy. Therefore, GNP,
a measure of what is produced by locals, is a more accurate tool to assess the
This fiscal profligacy is a
significant departure from the three previous decades, Mr. Colón de Armas said.
He noted that the island's economic competitiveness has been in decline since
the 1970s due, in part, to the distortions created by special tax incentives
for U.S. multinationals (aka "936" for its designation in the IRS
code), which shifted the tax burden onto local entrepreneurs. Yet for more than
three decades, despite economic decline, the debt to GNP ratio remained stable.
Now conventional wisdom blames the
debt crisis on the 2005 phaseout of "936." But Mr. Colón de Armas
holds that the mess was caused simply by gross government overspending and
overborrowing. It began with $550 million loans in the fiscal year budget of
2004-2005. Thereafter borrowing, largely to finance operational expenses, took
off. The Federal Reserve's low interest policy and the appetite for triple-tax
exempt debt (which throws off income that is free of federal, state and local
tax) among municipal bond investors fed the frenzy.
Gov. García Padilla, who took office
in 2013, increased expenses by almost $600 million in his first budget. While
he is now cutting spending, the cuts are mostly from that increase, according
to Mr. Colón de Armas. Some $500 million-$800 million in fat—from subsidies to
special interests to funding for political parties—remains untouched in the
$9.6 billion budget.
It may be tempting to try to
preserve Puerto Rico's top-heavy state and pass the cost of bad management onto
investors who didn't do their homework. But creditors are paying attention now,
and bad faith won't go unnoticed.
Samitier: Joan Rivers Dijo En CNN que
Obama es Homosexual y La Esposa Mitchell TAMBIEN
Tienen La Noticia…
Cada Vez Esta Más Claro La Homosexualidad De Obama
Y De Mitchell… A Extremos Que Se Atreven A Decirlo Hasta
En La TV… La
Decadencia De Obama Esta En Picada…
Y Pensar Que Le
After What This School Board Just
Said, Every School In America Could Be Trashing Michelle’s Lunch Program
"...Michelle Obama
who, last time I checked, has been elected by no one.” B.
7, 2014
schools across the nation are reeling from the costly and unappetizing meal
choices that have resulted from Michelle Obama’s campaign
to fight childhood obesity. Under her direction, the federal government has
implemented a number of strict restrictions regarding the nutrition contents of
foods served in school cafeterias.
Administrators are increasingly fighting
these regulations, with many districts looking to Congress for a way to opt out
of the program. For their part, Republicans in the U.S. House have proposed legislation allowing schools
that can prove the regulations are cost-prohibitive to bypass the first lady’s
pet project.
One school board president in Wisconsin
recently weighed in on the restrictions, taking a few jabs at Michelle Obama in
the process.
The Milwaukee
Journal Sentinel reported
that Muskego-Norway School District Board President Rick Petfalski wants the
freedom to decide what is best for local students instead of receiving mandates
from D.C.
“We believe that proper food nutrition and
meal portion guidelines are best decided at a local level,” he maintained.
He is reportedly willing to forego federal
funding for the opportunity to provide meals kids in his district are actually
willing to eat. Under the existing guidelines, he noted that the district’s
food service program was set to reach a funding shortfall of $54,000 –
primarily based on sluggish sales of the unpopular meals.
If his district shuns the federal
mandates, however, he said the department could actually reach a surplus of
more than $7,000.
“By leaving the program we will not be
required to follow these onerous guidelines,” he explained, “pushed by and
large by Michelle Obama who, last time I checked, has been elected by no one.”
The Journal Sentinel noted that other area
districts are making similar decisions.
High School District of
Westosha Administrator Scott Pierce said that adherence to the program had his
district on track for an $80,000 deficit. He just wants the opportunity to
employ a private vendor – which has already been secured – to provide healthy,
tasty food for local students.
“We’re not trying to fatten up our kids,”
he asserted. “We’re trying to give them food they like.”
Waterford Graded School District
Superintendent Christopher Joch reported that the mandates led to significant
waste, adding that parents in his district were outspoken critics of the
“The food ended up in the garbage instead
of the kids’ mouths,” he recalled.
M. ALEMAN: Famous
Presidential Lies Contest
Written by, To The Point News
LBJ: We were attacked (in the Gulf of Tonkin)
Nixon: I am not a
GHW Bush:Read my lips
- No New Taxes
Clinton: I did not
have sex with that woman... Miss Lewinski
GW Bush: Iraq has
weapons of mass destruction
· I will have the most transparent administration in history.
· The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
· I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
· The IRS is not targeting anyone.
· It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
· I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division,
conflict and cynicism".
· You didn't build
· I will restore trust in Government.
· The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.
· The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my
· It's not my red line - it is the world's red line.
· Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.
· We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks and auto companies,
with interest.
· I am not spying on American citizens.
· Obama Care will be good for America.
· You can keep your family doctor.
· Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
· If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan.
· It's just like shopping at Amazon.
· I knew nothing about "Fast and Furious" gunrunning to
Mexican drug cartels.
· I knew nothing about IRS targeting conservative groups.
· I knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi.
· I have never known my uncle from Kenya who is in the country illegally
and that was arrested and told to leave the country over 20 years ago.
· And, I have never lived with that uncle. He finally admitted
(12-05-2013) that he DID know his uncle and that he DID live with him.
· If elected I promise not to renew the Patriot Act.
· If elected I will end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan within the 1st 9
months of my term.
· I will close Guantanamo within the first 6 months of my
· I will bridge the gap between black and white and between America and
other countries.
And the biggest one of all:
· "I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States of America."
I believe we have a winner
It doesn’t look as if President Obama will
accept Texas Governor Rick Perry’s invitation to visit the refugee camps in
Texas filled with underage illegal immigrants. That’s no surprise to the
Governor, who appeared on ABC’s “This Week” to confront a full spread of
Democrat talking points launched by host Martha Raddatz. In case you were
wondering, yes, the Democrats and their media pals have figured out a way to
blame all this on George Bush.
fascinating about Raddatz’s Party spin is that it completely ignores what the
illegals piling up in those camps are actually
saying. The
talking-point idea that the tide of border crossings will subside now that
Obama gave a press conference and said “hey, guys, stop throwing your children
across the border” is Mad Hatter-level lunacy. It also has very little to
do with Bush-era laws, beyond the way the Obama Administration chooses to
interpret them, and has thus far failed to move sufficient security forces to
the border to keep the illegals from getting onto American soil.
Interviews with the new arrivals make it abundantly clear that they are
here to collect on Obama’s amnesty promises, based more on information relayed
from friends and relatives in the United States than the fine print on any of
the immigration laws Obama has been either ignoring or erasing.
let’s indulge the Democrat talking points for a moment and ask: If the reason
all these illegals instantly become de
facto American citizens, immune to deportation proceedings, is
because of decade-old laws that tie the Imperial President’s hands (unlike
pretty much any other law on the books), then why do Obama and his flacks keep
saying we should relax, because they’re all going to be deported? The
public “don’t send your kids here” statements Raddatz cites as Obama
“leadership” to the bemused Governor Perry include promises that the illegals
will be repatriated.
me to quote President Obama directly: “Our message is absolutely don’t send
your children unaccompanied on trains or through a bunch of smugglers.
That is our direct message to the families of Central America. Do
not send your children to the borders. If they do make it, they’ll get sent back. More importantly, they might not
make it.”
House spokespeople mention repatriation every
time this topic comes up. The Administration is going
through a big pretense of telling the illegal aliens they’re on the honor
system to keep in touch with Immigration and Customs Enforcement while their
“deportation” cases are processed, before releasing them into cities across the
nation. But now the hot new Democrat talking point is that they can’t be
deported, and it’s all Bush’s fault? In that case, why has the
Administration been constantly lying about deportations for the past few weeks?
course, we all know why: so that loyal footsoldiers in the media can write
reassuring stories about how the Administration has got this situation under
control. Only nativist hysterics would call this human tidal wave an
“invasion,” because they’re all going to be “repatriated,” don’t you know!
A piece at the L.A.
Times this
morning provides “previously unavailable” evidence that the “permiso” rumors of
permanent residence for children and families who make it across the border
“have proved increasingly true” under the Obama Administration:
number of immigrants under 18 who were deported or turned away at ports of
entry fell from 8,143 in 2008, the last year of the George W. Bush
administration, to 1,669 last year, according to Immigration and Customs
Enforcement data released under a Freedom of Information Act request.
about 600 minors were ordered deported each year from nonborder states a decade
ago. Ninety-five were deported last year, records show, even as a flood of
unaccompanied minors from Central America — five times more than two years
earlier — began pouring across the Southwest border.
Democrat spin on Obama’s alleged
“leadership” against the immigration crisis is delirious. As Gov. Perry
points out, the tangible evidence of the absence of leadership is visible in
those refugee camps… provided you can get past the guards to see what’s going
on inside. Let me put it this way: what conclusions would a prospective
illegal alien draw from watching this exchange between Martha Raddatz and Rick
Perry? She echoes a previous guest by whining at him about how
“compassion” dictates we throw the borders open to anyone lucky enough to make
it across the Rio Grande. The segment begins with a Customs and Border
Protection Official soothingly (and incorrectly) promising that the aliens are
“family members” who should be welcomed, not “gang members” or “dangerous
individuals.” (In truth, quite a few of the “unaccompanied minors” are
teenagers sporting gang tattoos.) Raddatz castigates Perry for not
accepting the laughable proposition that another 150 Border Patrol agents will
be able to shut down a wave of more than 80,000 inbound illegals over the
coming year. He’s kept on the defensive throughout the interview.
If you were watching that interview from
Guatemala or Honduras, would you not conclude that the odds of staying in the
U.S. are heavily in your favor, if you can just get your kids across the
border? Democrats are acting as if a few words from Barack Obama will
short-circuit the higher reasoning functions of people desperate to leave these
squalid Central American nations. His too-little-too-late rhetoric is
supposed to hypnotize them into discarding the realities on the ground.
Not even American voters are falling for that any more.
bears repeating that the Administration knew this wave of immigrants was
coming, but did absolutely nothing to
stop it – not even putting a hundred new Border Patrol agents on station –
until the public outcry grew deafening. They’ve been dragged kicking and
screaming into the mere pretense of
effective action. Among other things, it was entirely predictable that
Obama’s amnesty executive orders, and the bipartisan clamor for an amnesty deal
in Congress, would provoke a surge of border violations. For that matter,
even the “comprehensive immigration reform” caucus has been conceding for years
that any improvement in the American economy would likely provoke a resurgence
of illegal immigration – and as the latest
unemployment reports prove, Obamanomics has been very good at
mulching full-time jobs and spewing out part-time positions, accompanied by
silly media trumpeting of a “recovery.”
Perry has a lot of guts to voice his suspicions that this was all done on
purpose, to create more pressure for further weakening of our immigration laws. (I can’t
help noticing that none of the people bleating about Bush-era rules that make
unaccompanied minors un-deportable express the slightest interest in tightening those laws.
We can give out citizenship retroactively to border violators, but don’t
you dare suggest
that we should apply “repatriation” procedures retroactively, the way this
Administration risibly claims it’s chomping at the bit to do.) Perry’s
closing remarks made a hundred times more sense than anything else said on
“This Week” about the illegal immigration crisis:
have been bringing to the attention of President Obama and his administration
since 2010, he received a letter from me on the tarmac. He sends — I have to
believe that when you do not respond in any way, that you are either inept, or
you have some ulterior motive of which you are functioning from.
the issue is, this president understands now that we have a huge problem on our
southern border. We have to deal with it. And I don’t think you’re going to be
able to address it until you put the resources there, and that’s boots on the
ground. We’re asking for the FAA to allow for drones to be used.
we secure our southern border, this is going to continue to be a massive amount
of individuals that are coming to the United States. And, frankly, we don’t
have a place to house them as it is. And if we have a major event, a hurricane
that comes in to the Gulf Coast, I don’t have a place to be housing people who
are displaced.
It’s bizarre to watch the Ruling Class and
its media courtiers twist themselves into pretzels to deny the obvious reality
that illegal aliens can see with perfect clarity. They can also see that
anyone who dares to describe the situation accurately, or call for effective
measures that would actually halt the migratory wave, gets torn to shreds on
American TV.
Maybe It’s Time To Impeach Him?
Here's the
worst scandal of them all...
By now, you’d have to be living under a
rock somewhere not to have heard that the Internal Revenue Service seems to have “lost” a bunch of emails
sent and received by Lois Lerner which the House Oversight Committee has
subpoenaed in connection with its investigation into IRS harassment of
conservative groups.
This is the same Internal Revenue Service
that requires electronic records
retention from
us mere taxpayers under the penalty of them trying to take from us everything
we own.
And their own manual—available online—says that they
have to treat email as any other record that must be archived and retained.
And they’re telling us that the dog ate this
woman’s—who took the Fifth Amendment to avoid incrimination—emails?
As someone who wrote his first Fortran
program while a freshman in high school on Bradley University’s IBM 360-25 and
has been closely involved in computing ever since 1966, let me use the one word
that comes to mind.
There is no way that those emails do not exist, and
there is no way that they cannot find them. They can make all the excuses they
want, but it simply doesn’t pass the smell test.
We can only conclude that there must be a real, serious smoking gun out there
that could (and should) send her and her supervisors to prison for a long time.
That is the only reason I can think of that they are
trying such a pathetic lie to avoid coughing up what Congress asked for.
I know that there are serious professionals at the IRS
whose time and effort would be much better used doing something else.
Establishing a huge bureaucracy to look into everyone’s income and get a share
of it is like trying to stop people from smoking pot. It hasn’t worked and
never will.
It’s way past time we changed our tax system to tax
consumption as opposed to income.
First, it is fair.
It makes taxpayers out of everyone. What’s
“regressive” about everyone paying some sort of tax?
Second, it keeps the government out of the business of
knowing what you make, how you make it, and how much of the money you earn it
is entitled to.
And third, it keeps people like Barack Obama, Harry
Reid, and Nancy Pelosi (and their successors of any ideology) from using tax
policy to achieve social goals many if not most of us do not share.
States have been collecting sales taxes
for years without the intrusive apparatus used to collect income taxes.
And when everybody has a stake because everybody buys
something, maybe we’ll be a little more picky about who we elect to spend that
money–and even more picky about what we spend that money on.
Getting back to the email flap, pure and simple they’re
lying to us right through their Federally insured Delta Dental Plan Tri-Care
teeth. Anybody involved ought to go to prison. And we need a special
prosecutor—I don’t mean Eric Holder; I mean a REAL prosecutor—appointed to
impanel a grand jury and do a serious investigation.
views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and
are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by
More Chaos On The Southern
Two years later, the
crisis I predicted has come to pass.
“Bill, you call your position supporting
President Obama’s amnesty of child illegals ‘noble’. It is naive at best. You
and the President may as well have shouted with a bullhorn that parents
throughout the third world should immediately sneak into the US
with children in tow. Who wouldn’t want a better life for their children? It’s
been a crisis for decades and you’ve added fuel to the fire.”
That was the “pithy” email I sent to Bill O’Reilly
on June 19, 2012 after viewing his nightly program on Fox News, during which he
soft-peddled or even outright endorsed President Obama’s amnesty towards illegal alien “dreamers”.
That was the first time my frustration had ever boiled over enough while
watching “The O’Reilly Factor” that it actually prompted me to send an email.
I sent another one a few moments later as
I simply had to vent about something from his guest as well: “Did I hear Juan
Williams correctly? As long as the President first makes a game effort to get a
law passed in Congress, such as comprehensive immigration reform, he is
then entitled to unilaterally enact that law without the consent of Congress?
Now, two years later, the crisis I
predicted has come to pass. Each week, hundreds or even thousands of alien
children are streaming across the southern border into America. In a pathetic
example of life imitating art, they surrender to the first border patrol agent
they can find–much like the affable North Korean soldier who enthusiastically
surrenders to Hawkeye, BJ, and anyone else in a U.S. uniform in “The Yalu Brick
Road” episode of M*A*S*H.
I’m not patting myself on the back for
having some keen and rare insight on this matter two years ago. Almost any
moderately intelligent adult with even the most rudimentary understanding of
human nature would have been able to guess the inevitable outcome. It makes one
wonder if it is sheer incompetence that is driving the actions of the current
administration–or if President Obama is in fact intentionally trying to destroy
America as we know it.
know the liberal progressives that are happening upon this column are rolling
their eyes at that last statement. But as the hit parade continues to roll on,
one simply can’t help but wonder, “Is it deliberate?”
The noble republic set up by our founders
seems to have gone off the rails. The imperial president, as Mark Levin calls
him, rules by fiat while an impotent Congress stands by meekly with barely a
whimper of protest. The separation of powers doctrine established by the
Constitution has been all but obliterated as President Obama uses “his pen and
his phone” to enact (or ignore) whatever laws and regulations he fancies.
I can understand the Democrats remaining
silent. But what about the Republicans? Is there not a single Republican in the House of Representatives with enough courage and integrity to
draft articles of impeachment against the President? I don’t care if they have
a bonafide chance to pass the House (by a simple majority) and the Senate (by a
two-thirds majority) or not. Is there no one who will step up and defend the
rule of law and say that this will not be tolerated?
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely
those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by
What This Camera Captured Is One Of The Creepiest,
Weirdest Things In White House History
scene was captured during a NBC news tour through the office of Valerie
Jarrett, Obama's top advisor
While Americans struggling under a disastrous economy
and rampant federal regulation might have plenty of reason to blame the Obama
administration, many contend it is not the president but his closest advisor,
Valerie Jarrett, who deserves the credit – or blame – for these and other
NBC News recently devoted a segment to the
influential woman, during which she discussed a number of issues including
Obama’s sagging approval numbers and the assertion that Fox News boss Rupert Murdoch is a staunch
advocate for immigration reform.
“We’re going through some tough times now,” she
admitted. “But I’ll tell you something that I learned very early in the first
campaign is that you can’t look at the daily polls. If we listened to the
polls, he would’ve abandoned the race in the middle of the primary season.”
She also shared her assertion that, after two dinner
meetings with Fox News boss Rupert Murdoch, she is convinced he is “committed
to immigration reform.”
What caught the most attention, especially among her conservative
detractors, is not what she said but what NBC’s cameras caught in an otherwise
innocuous panning shot of her office. Though the network did not mention it,
several sources picked up on an odd picture frame holding a headshot of
NBC News
Upon closer inspection, it is clear three figurines
are bowing in front of her as though she is their god. Significant conversation
resulted among right-wing blogs and other media outlets wondering whether the
frame depicted a genuine reflection of her own perceived importance, or if it
was simply a lighthearted gag gift as The Blaze posited.
WATCH: Impeachment Is Nothing Compared To What Ted
Cruz Wants To Do To Eric Holder
this was a Republican administration..."
Texas Senator Ted Cruz sounds off on Attorney General Eric Holder for his appointing of of a major
democratic donor, Barbara Bosserman, to investigate the IRS scandal. Cruz then
called for Holder’s impeachment if he refused to appoint an independent
Cruz cited the decisions of the Attorneys General
under Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton to appoint independent
prosecutors when they both were accused of abusing their power.
“If this were a Republican administration, every media
outlet would have banner headlines every single day.”
“If the allegation is of abusive government power at
the IRS, to target citizens for their political beliefs, then you cannot
entrust the investigation to a partisan whose political interest is protecting
the party in power,” said Cruz.
Preparémonos para el
universo está lleno de misterios que desafían nuestro actual conocimiento. En
“Más allá de la ciencia” La Gran Época recopila historias sobre estos
extraños fenómenos para estimular la imaginación y abrir posibilidades nunca
antes soñadas. ¿Serán ciertas? Decídalo usted.
Henry P.
Stapp es un físico teórico en la Universidad de California-Berkley quien
trabajó con algunos de los padres fundadores de la mecánica cuántica, él no
busca probar que el alma exista, pero dice que su existencia encaja en las leyes
de la física.
No es
correcto decir que creer en el alma no es científico, de acuerdo con Stapp.
Aquí la palabra “alma” se refiere a una
personalidad independiente del cerebro o
del resto del cuerpo humano que puede sobrevivir más allá de la muerte. En su
artículo, “Compatibilidad de
la teoría de la física moderna con supervivencia de la personalidad”,
fuertes dudas sobre la sobrevivencia de la personalidad basadas únicamente en
la creencia de que la supervivencia después de la muerte es incompatible con
las leyes de la física son infundadas”.
Él trabaja
con la interpretación de Copenhagen de la física cuántica –más o menos la
interpretación utilizada por los fundadores de la mecánica cuántica, Niels
Bohr y Werner Heisenberg. Incluso Bohr y Heisenberg tenían algunos
desacuerdos sobre cómo funciona la física cuántica y desde entonces los
entendimientos sobre la teoría han sido diversos. El artículo de Stapp sobre
la interpretación Copenhagen ha sido de gran influencia. Fue escrito en la
década de los 70 y Heisenberg escribió un apéndice para éste.
señaló acerca de sus propios conceptos:
“No ha
habido ningún indicio de mis descripciones (o concepciones) anteriores de
esta mecánica cuántica ortodoxa sobre cualquier noción de supervivencia de la
qué la Teoría cuántica podría dar indicios de vida después de la muerte
explica que los fundadores de la teoría cuántica solicitaron a los
científicos que cortaran fundamentalmente al mundo en dos partes. Sobre el
corte, las matemáticas clásicas podrían describir el proceso físico
experimentado empíricamente. Debajo, las matemáticas cuánticas describen un
reino “que no implica determinismo físico completo”.
De este
reino bajo el corte, Stapp escribió:
generalmente encuentra que el estado evolucionado del sistema, no puede ser
igualado con ninguna descripción clásica de las propiedades visibles para los
¿cómo observan los científicos lo invisible? Usan propiedades particulares
del sistema cuántico e instalan aparatos para ver sus efectos en el proceso
físico “sobre el corte”.
La clave
está en la elección de quien lo experimenta. Cuando trabajas con el sistema
cuántico, la elección del observador se muestra para impactar físicamente lo
que se manifiesta y que puede ser observado sobre el corte.
Stepp citó
la analogía de Bohr sobre esta interacción entre el científico y los
resultados de su experimento:
“es como
un hombre ciego con un bastón: cuando el bastón se lleva suelto, el borde
entre la persona y el mundo exterior se divide entre la mano y el bastón;
pero cuando es sostenido firmemente se vuelve parte del yo exploratorio: la
persona siente que él mismo se extiende hasta la punta del bastón”.
Lo físico
y lo mental están conectados de forma dinámica. En términos de la relación
entre mente y cerebro, parece que el observador puede sostener una actividad
cerebral determinada que de otro modo sería breve. Ésta es una elección
similar a la que hace un científico cuando decide qué propiedades del sistema
cuántico estudiar.
explicación cuántica sobre cómo la mente y el cerebro pueden separarse o
diferenciarse, aún conectadas por las leyes de la física “es una revelación agradable”, escribió Stapp. “Esto resuelve el problema que ha
plagado ambas, ciencia y filosofía por siglos, la necesidad del mandato
científico ya sea para equiparar a la mente con el cerebro, o para hacer al
cerebro dinámicamente independiente de la mente”.
Stapp dijo
no es contrario a las leyes de la física que la personalidad de una persona
muerta pueda adherirse a alguien vivo como en el caso de la llamada posesión
espiritual. No requeriría ningún cambio básico en la teoría ortodoxa, aunque “requeriría flexibilidad en la
idea de que eventos físicos y mentales ocurren sólo cuando ambos se juntan”.
La teoría
física clásica solo puede evadir el problema, y los físicos clásicos solo pueden trabajar para
desacreditar la intuición definiéndola
como un producto de la confusión humana, dijo Stapp. En lugar de eso, la
ciencia debería, reconocer “los
efectos físicos de la conciencia como un problema físico que necesita ser
respondido en términos dinámicos”.
este entendimiento afecta el tejido moral de la sociedad
Por otra
parte, es imperativo para mantener la moral humana considerar a la gente como
algo más que solo máquinas de carne y hueso.
En otro
artículo, titulado “Atención, intención y voluntad en la física cuántica”,
Stapp escribió:
“Ahora se
volvió ampliamente apreciada la asimilación del público en general de esta
visión “científica”, de acuerdo con la cual cada ser humano es básicamente un
robot mecánico, la cual parece tener un impacto significativo y corrosivo en
el tejido moral de la sociedad”.
sobre “la creciente tendencia de la gente a exonerarse a sí misma
argumentando que no soy “yo” quien está equivocado, sino algún proceso
mecánico interno: “mis genes, me hicieron hacerlo”; o “mi alta glucosa en la
sangre me hizo hacerlo”. Evoca la famosa defensa por demencia que sacó a Dan
White después de cinco años de haber asesinado al alcalde de San Francisco
George Moscone y al supervisor Harvey Milk”.
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