No 824 “En mi
opinión” Diciembre 17, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR

mi opinión” ¿De qué estercolero sacan los Ciudadanos de Miami Dade y algunas de
sus ciudades a sus políticos? Estos ladronzuelos asquerosos que están sentados
en las poltronas de alcalde y comisionados son la porquería más grande que se
han podido poner a mal administrar el dinero de los contribuyentes. Lázaro R
González Miño
Reventó la cuerda. El individuo que es la fachada
del Rascacielos que se pretende construir,
dice que no tiene dinero y el Alcalde del condado Carlos Giménez y los
Comisionados se apresuraron anoche en entregarle 15 millones de dólares que pagaremos
los dueños de casas en el condado. A pesar de que se dijo que “NO SE LES
PEDIRIA DINERO A LOS CIUDADANOS” Ya que esto es un proyecto privado. No le ha alcanzado a Gimenes que les haya desfondado
el bolsillo a los propietarios Desde las cogiocas del Adrian Arch Center, El estadio de los Marlines,
El descaro de los 30,000 millones del acueducto de Miami, El otro descaro del
Jackson Memorial Hospital, y los 12,000 millones que se le entregaron al
Sistema de Escuelas de Miami Dade. Y otras franchanelas de despilfarro a los
que nos tienen acostumbrados. Pero que C…
Es esto hasta cuando ustedes van a seguir esquilmando a los dueños de casas del
condado. Y lo peor de todo es que casi
todos estos proyectos son de dueños privados. Estamos hablando de más de 20,000
millones de gastos a pagar por los propietarios de casas. PROPIETARIOS QUE SE
BOLSILLOS. Porque aquí solo menos del
20% de los votantes son los que deciden que es lo que se hace o no con sus
dineros. Esta administración ha sido la creadora de la Administración de Autopistas MDX Esto
es otra de las cosas más absurdas y En mi opinión más absurda, monstruosa y descarada que se ha creado. Porque han
puesto un peaje a carreteras que fueron hechas hace decenas de años CON EL
DINERO NUESTRO. Y ahora nos cobran un
peaje que yo encuentro ilegal porque eso se hiso con nuestro dinero. Por mucho
menos que esto se sacó a patadas por el c… a Carlos Álvarez y una comisionada y ahora no oigo a nadie que mencione la temida
Si, un Recall contra Carlos Gimenes y todos
los comisionados que han votado por todos estos catastróficos despilfarro de
Quien es el que va a gritar:
¿Quien es el que lo
va a hacer?
Se van a quedar
callados y esperando que les corten el cuello como borregos…
Big Banks Conspire with Gov't to
Confiscate Accounts
by Damon Geller
Think your money is safe in the bank? Think again.
A new bombshell from the New York Times exposes that the nation's biggest banks have willingly turned
bank accounts over to the government for total confiscation. It's all done in secrecy, often
initiated by the bankers. Tragically, bank account holders don't even know
they're being targeted until after the money is seized from their accounts.
The banks' deplorable actions have resulted in millions of dollars stolen
from U.S. citizens without a shred of due process. And in 80% of the
cases, no criminal charges were ever filed. Even more alarming -- in a matter
of just a few years -- these cases of unconstitutional bank account seizures
have risen over 500%! Experts advise that you have only ONE choice if you want
to protect your savings and retirement from corrupt banks.
Government on the Brink of Disaster
Damon Geller: The U.S. government
and the Fed pumped trillions of dollars of YOUR money into the banks and stock
market over the last several years, catapulting the U.S. debt to $28 trillion
by 2018. But now, the U.S. government and the Fed are completely out of ammo,
with the Fed no longer able to buy U.S. treasuries. They desperately need
money to maintain their own power, and taxes are not enough. So
government officials are doing everything they can to keep the Ponzi scheme
going, such as seizing the public’s money through inflation, deficits, and
outright confiscation. And now they have enlisted their old pals -- the
bankers -- to help them get unfettered access to YOUR money without due
The 4th Amendment under Siege
The 4th Amendment
of the Constitution reads clearly: “The right of the people to be secure
in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and
seizures, shall not be violated.” But according to this shocking New York
Times report, the 4th Amendment
is under siege.
By law, banks are required to report cash deposits over $10,000 to the IRS. But now,
banks are voluntarily -- without any requirement from the government --
reporting millions of cash deposits under $10,000. From there, the IRS is
arbitrarily deeming these deposits suspiciousand seizing all the
money in these accounts -- without any evidence of a crime, without filing
criminal charges, and without allowing the account holder to fight the
confiscation in court.
As the New York Times reported, the big banks are allowing over
100 multiagency task forces to comb through your bank reports on a daily basis,
looking for accounts to seize. Under the Bank Secrecy Act, banks filed more
than 700,000 suspicious activity reports last year alone! So do you really
think you can trust your local bank?
The number of IRS seizures has increased over 500% in just a few
years, and in 80% of the cases the IRS never files a criminal complaint against
the individual being seized. The median amount seized by the IRS is
$34,000, while legal costs can easily mount to $20,000 or more.
Individuals who are the victims of seizure often cannot afford to fight.
How big are the accounts the bankers turn over to the government
for seizure? The following are just a few of the horrifying cases exposed
by the New York Times:
- The
government confiscated $447,000 from a family business in New York
- The
government confiscated $33,000 from a small restaurant owner in Iowa
- The
government confiscated $66,000 from an army sergeant in Virginia who was
saving the money for his daughter's college education
This giant asset forfeiture program gives the government the
authority to confiscate your money without due process, even if you’ve
committed no crime! And the bankers are more than happy to aid the
government in this outright THEFT. Bankers and the government have gone after
run-of-the-mill business owners and wage earners without so much as an
allegation that they have committed serious crimes. The government just takes
the money without ever filing a criminal complaint, and the owners are left to
prove they are innocent. Many give up and never get their money back.
The Banker-Gov't
Conspiracy Goes Much Further
The banker-government conspiracy
to confiscate citizen wealth doesn’t stop with seizures by the IRS, Justice Department and
local police.
As was recently reported, the U.S. government has conspired with the banks to
nationalize retirement accounts like IRAs, 401Ks, pensions, 403Bs, as well as
savings accounts worldwide:
- FATCA requires foreign financial institutions such as banks, stock
brokers, hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies, and trusts to
report all U.S. citizens’ accounts directly to the IRS. FATCA even
requires reporting to the IRS by foreign private companies on any income
made by a citizen of the U.S. whether they live here or not.
- Obama announced the creation of the MyRA – your retirement money
will now be used to pay for U.S. debt. MyRA is nothing more than an
investment scam being sold to the American people as a you-can’t-lose,
zero-risk investment by the pitchman-in-chief himself.
- The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which oversees how
investments are sold, proposed what it calls CARDS – Comprehensive
Automated Risk Data System – which is an electronic system that will
regularly collect data on balances and transactions in all 4100 brokerages
So for the first time ever, the
U.S. government is directing you where to invest your savings & retirement
and has gained full access to the activity in every single citizen’s bank
accounts, retirement accounts, brokerage accounts and trading accounts.
The IRS will also have full visibility on any oversees accounts, income, equity
or other earnings, effectively giving them access to all the wealth of every
American citizen no matter where they reside on earth.
Yourself from Gov't Confiscation Now
With our desperate government
leaning on their banker friends to gain unprecedented access to your money
everywhere in the world, you need to take action NOW to protect your savings
& retirement. But when can't trust your local bank, and when the
government has its hands in your bank accounts, retirement accounts, brokerage
accounts, and even the cash in your
pocket – is any place safe?
Absolutely. There’s ONE asset
class this sits outside the financial system and is completely secure from
banker corruption, government confiscation and global economic collapse:
Gold & Silver. Gold & Silver have been the best wealth protectors
for over 5,000 years and have survived every government & currency collapse
in history. And when you own PHYSICAL gold & silver, the banks and
the government CANNOT seize your savings with a click of a button.
So with the government spending
way beyond its limits and seizing control of your financial accounts, the time
is now. Protect your savings & retirement with physical gold &
silver before you have nothing left to protect. (Call 800-226-8106
to receive your free copy of Damon Geller's popular book, "Rescue Your
Money from the National Debt Disaster," or see below)
Es malo odiar, no
sólo no es cristiano, pero el odio envenena la mente del que odia.
Dicho esto, no es
mala la ira, es algo natural en el ser humano, y hasta en el Dios divino.
La Ira de Dios es
algo que hemos visto desde el diluvio, pasando por Sodoma y Gomorra, y que
según las profecías veremos al fin del mundo. El perdón viene de
Dios, pero al ser humano le es difícil perdonar, quizás porque no está hecho
para perdonar, porque sólo Dios tiene la capacidad divina de perdonar, podemos
tratar pero es muy difícil perdonar la injusticia, no es nuestra naturaleza.
Esto lo digo porque
en estos momentos siento la ira y me siento que no puedo perdonar.
Me siento igual que
estas dos personas que hicieron los escritos que les copio, y que fueron hechos
con JUSTA IRA, y sin capacidad de perdón..
La primera fue
escrita por Néstor Campanería hermano de Virgilio Campanería que fue fusilado
el día de la invasión de Bahía de Cochinos en la Cabaña, donde se encontraba
Estuve con la
familia Campanería que vivían frente a la casa de mis padres en Varadero, esa
semana del día de la invasión, cuando me tuve que quedar fuera de mi pueblo
para evitar que me detuvieran porque a que mis abuelos me avisaron que me
fueron a buscar a nuestra casa de Sagua.
había sido detenido casi un mes antes, pude ver el sufrimiento de unos padres
desbastados cuando nos informaron del injusto y criminal fusilamiento de
su hijo, ya Néstor estaba asilado en una embajada.
Por eso comprendo
la ira de Néstor, por eso comprendo su incapacidad para olvidar y perdonar.
Esto es lo que él le dice en su carta que envió a Ana Vecina y que
les copio abajo.
El otro escrito
sale en el Wall Street de hoy, y como la carta de Néstor, está escrita en JUSTA
IRA, tan justa como la ira de Dios, porque es una ira que viene de la pérdida
de un ser querido a manos de un criminal. El escrito de Bret
Stephens se titula en una traducción libre “Yo no me arrepiento de la
torturas”. Nos habla de su
amigo y compañero Danny Pearl, periodista del Wall Street Journal, que fue
decapitado por la mano de Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, el mismo que organizó el
ataque de las dos torres el 11 de Septiembre del 2001, el mismo que ahora nos
presentan como una pobre víctima de las torturas.
Leyendo estos dos
artículos, se me renueva la ira que sentí el 18 de Abril de 1961, cuando
recibimos la noticia del fusilamiento de Virgilio, y como por osmosis se me
transfiere la ira hacia a los que mataron a Pearl y a los miles de inocentes el
No podemos olvidar,
no tenemos la capacidad de perdonar, eso es poder de Dios, no nuestro. Por eso
como Néstor nunca he vuelto a Cuba, porque no he podido olvidar ni perdonar. Y
porque creo que los que se nos presentan como compasivos perdonadores, son
simplemente cómplices de los que cometieron estos asesinatos.
Abajo la carta de
Néstor y el escrito de Stephens.
Estimada Ana Veciana-Súarez:
Mi nombre es Néstor
Campanería Ángel; soy cubano y llevo viviendo en Miami desde 1962. Salí de Cuba
en Octubre de 1961 rumbo a Colombia, después de permanecer asilado en la
Embajada de ese país en la Habana por 5 meses.
El 18 de Abril de
1961, el mismo día de la invasión de Girón, mi hermano Virgilio, de 23 años, estudiante
de Leyes de la Universidad de La Habana y de la Universidad Católica de
Villanueva, fue condenado a muerte y ejecutado en el paredón de fusilamientos
de La Cabaña. Desde que lo cogen preso el 27 de marzo a que lo ejecutan, el 18
de Abril, pasó menos de un mes. El juicio duró una hora. La apelación le fue
negada después de muerto. Virgilio era 5 años mayor que yo. Su delito, oponerse
al régimen tiránico de Cuba.
El cuerpo de
Virgilio no le fue entregado a mis padres ni le permitieron verlo, tan solo
enterrar el ataúd donde supuestamente él estaba. Tiempo después, cuando fallece
mi padre, al exhumar los cuerpos de Virgilio y de otro hermano menor que había
muerto muchos años antes, mi madre descubre que lo que había en el ataúd de
Virgilio eran... tres grandes piedras. Mi madre estuvo años rezando ante una
tumba que solo contenía TRES PIEDRAS!!
La familia (yo ya
estaba asilado POLÍTICO en Miami) logró conocer que a los fusilados los
enterraban, a todos, en una fosa COMÚN y SIN MARCAR.
Como la mayoría de
los cubanos, no se me olvida el día en que abandoné Cuba por última vez...
salía en compañía del embajador de Colombia y otros compañeros que se
encontraban asilados en la casa del embajador. NO me permitieron despedirme de
mis padres!!! Esa fue la última vez que vi a mi padre... delante de los
milicianos, que burlándose me gritaban... DILES ADIOS POR QUE NO LOS VOLVERÁS A
Yo sé que te podrás
imaginar cuanto deseaba darles un beso, un abrazo ese día!!! Años más tarde, el
mismo día que muere mi padre, le permiten a mi madre salir de Cuba. Tan solo
por quedarse con la casa de la anciana viuda.
Como verás, mi
estimada Ana, no me faltan las razones para ir a Cuba en busca de la tumba de
mi hermano. Pero... nada ha cambiado, el cuartico está igualito. Siguen los
actos de repudio, sigue la opresión... sigue la dictadura... con diferente
nombre quizás, pero lo mismo de siempre.
YO NO voy a Cuba
porque soy un EXILIADO POLITICO que sigue con las mismas razones, Ideales y
Principios por los que abandoné Cuba hace más de 50 años. Si a eso llamas, y seré un "VIEJO INMADURO"
Néstor Campanera
Abajo otro artículo escrito en JUSTA IRA
I Am Not Sorry the CIA Waterboarded
Dick Cheney says he would “do it again in a
minute.” He’s right.
Dec. 15, 2014
I am not sorry Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the
operational mastermind of 9/11, was waterboarded 183 times. KSM also murdered Wall Street Journal
reporter Danny Pearl in 2002. He boasted about it: “I decapitated with my
blessed right hand the head of the American Jew,” he said after his capture.
I am sorry KSM remains alive nearly 12 years
after his capture. He has been
let off far too lightly. As for his waterboarding, it never would have happened
if he had been truthful with his captors. It stopped as soon as he became
cooperative. As far as I’m concerned, he waterboarded himself.
I am not sorry the CIA went to the edge of
the law in the aftermath of 9/11 to prevent further mass-casualty attacks on
the U.S. I am not sorry that going to the edge meant, as Sen. Dianne Feinstein
put it in 2002, doing “some things that historically we have not wanted to do
to protect ourselves.” I don’t
suppose she was talking about removing our shoes at airport security.
I am sorry we weren’t willing to do those
“things” before 3,000 people had their lives unnaturally ended on Sept. 11,
I am not sorry Osama bin Laden died by an
American bullet. John Brennan ,
the CIA director, delivered a master class in rhetorical obfuscation
masquerading as epistemology when he waffled last week about the quality of
intelligence yielded by the interrogations of KSM and other high-value
detainees. But several former directors and deputy directors of the CIA have
all attested to the link between KSM’s interrogation and the identification of
bin Laden’s courier.
I am sorry that the Feinstein Report, which
failed to interview those directors and thus has the credibility of a Rolling
Stone article, seeks to deny this. Maybe
Sabrina Rubin Erdely, author of the discredited University of Virginia
gang-rape story and a pro at failing to interview key witnesses, will find a
new career in Sen. Feinstein’s office.
I am not sorry that President Obama has
ordered drone strikes on hundreds of terrorist suspects hiding in Pakistan,
Yemen and other places. I am not
sorry he has done so despite the fact that the strikes inevitably have killed
hundreds and perhaps thousands of their associates, many of whom were either
innocent of wrongdoing or had committed no crime deserving of death from 30,000
feet. This is the nature of war.
I am sorry that we are now having a national
convulsion over the fact that the CIA captured, detained, interrogated and in
at least two cases accidentally killed two detainees. This is undoubtedly wrong and merits
apology and compensation. But how this is any worse than what Mr. Obama
routinely brags about doing with drones is beyond me.
I am not sorry that Dick Cheney told NBC’s
Chuck Todd this Sunday that, in the matter of enhanced interrogation
techniques, he would “do it again in a minute.” The former vice president seems to
feel none of the need for the easy moral preening that is the characteristic
political reflex of our age.
I am sorry that Mr. Cheney, and every other
supporter of enhanced interrogation techniques, has to defend the practices as
if they were torture. They are
not. Waterboarding is part of the military’s standard course in Survival,
Evasion, Resistance and Escape, or SERE. Tens of thousands of U.S. servicemen
have gone through it. To describe
this as “torture” is to strip the word of its meaning.I am not sorry that
Google makes it easy to recall what the political class had to say about KSM in
the immediate aftermath of his capture. Here
is a noteworthy exchange between Sen. Jay Rockefeller, Democrat of West
Virginia, and CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on March 2, 2003:
Blitzer: “There has been speculation, Sen.
Rockefeller, in the press that U.S. authorities, given the restrictions on
torture, might hand over Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his colleagues to a third
country, a friendly Arab state, Jordan, Egypt, some country like that, where
the restrictions against torture are not in existence.”
Rockefeller: “I don’t know that. I can’t comment on that. And if I did
know it, I wouldn’t comment on it. [Laughter.] But I wouldn’t rule it out. I
wouldn’t take anything off the table where he is concerned, because this is the
man who has killed hundreds and hundreds of Americans over the last 10 years.”
I am sorry that Sen. Rockefeller saw nothing
amiss with the idea of handing over KSM to the Cairo Cattle-Prod Crew. This is rightly known as
torture-by-proxy. It is wrong.
I am not sorry that Sen. Feinstein went ahead
and released her report. In its
partisanship, its certitudes, its omissions of reportage and recommendation,
and its attempt to seem authoritative merely by being verbose, it has reopened
a necessary debate that was nearly closed—and nearly lost. Eventually we will
have another mass-casualty attack on U.S. soil. We’ll need better than Ms.
Feinstein’s insipid shibboleths to answer it.
And for that, I am sorry—for all of us.
Exsubsecretario del Tesoro de EE.UU.: "No
hay más oro en la Reserva Federal"
"Estados Unidos no tiene el oro y no puede
suministrarlo, por eso ha obligado a Alemania a ponerse de acuerdo con eso, y
dejar de pedir por su oro, ya que no puede entregárselo. Ellos (EE.UU.) han
ordenado a su estado títere (Alemania) que se calle y emita una declaración
diferente.", explicó Craig Roberts la extraña situación acerca de la repatriación del oro alemán desde América.
EE.UU. no tiene el
oro y no puede entregárselo
"Tal vez tenían que sobornar o darles otra ventaja.
Pero, en esencia, han congelado la agitación alemana, porque el oro no puede ser devuelto", afirma Craig
Roberts quien se dio a conocer como uno de los padres fundadores de la
"Nadie va a recuperarlo. Hace mucho tiempo los expertos del mercado del oro sospechaban que la Reserva Federal ya ha agotado todo el oro de EE.UU. tratando de suprimir el precio del oro en los últimos años. Y luego, después de que se quedaron sin el oro estadounidense, comenzaron a usar todo el oro dejado en la Reserva Federal en depósitos", dijo el economista al portal 'King World News'.
"Nadie va a recuperarlo. Hace mucho tiempo los expertos del mercado del oro sospechaban que la Reserva Federal ya ha agotado todo el oro de EE.UU. tratando de suprimir el precio del oro en los últimos años. Y luego, después de que se quedaron sin el oro estadounidense, comenzaron a usar todo el oro dejado en la Reserva Federal en depósitos", dijo el economista al portal 'King World News'.
Creo que la peor
parte de la catástrofe será la caída del interés hacia las monedas de papel
Supone que era el año 2011 cuando se agotaron las
reservas de oro: "Desde ese momento se está controlando el precio del oro
durante los períodos del mercado cuando el comercio es leve o no se
Craig Roberts cree que así EE.UU. protege al dólar de la flexibilización cuantitativa, vaciando el mercado del oro de papel, el mercado de los contratos del futuro. "Creo que la peor parte de la catástrofe será la caída del interés hacia las monedas de papel. (Los estadounidenses) no podrán convertir su dinero en oro, porque los chinos ya lo tienen todo", concluye el exsubsecretario del Tesoro de EE.UU.
Craig Roberts cree que así EE.UU. protege al dólar de la flexibilización cuantitativa, vaciando el mercado del oro de papel, el mercado de los contratos del futuro. "Creo que la peor parte de la catástrofe será la caída del interés hacia las monedas de papel. (Los estadounidenses) no podrán convertir su dinero en oro, porque los chinos ya lo tienen todo", concluye el exsubsecretario del Tesoro de EE.UU.
Obama Sticks Americans With The Bill For A Huge Christmas Gift To His Family
In a couple of days, the president and
much as Barack and Michelle Obama try to position themselves as everyday Americans facing the same sorts
of personal and parenting problems and challenges as the rest of us, one look
at the first family’s vacation schedule tells a far different story.
there’s the occasional strategic snapshot of the First Lady wearing a ball cap
as she shops at a store popular with the masses…
then there’s the shot of a bare-chested Barack enjoying the rays during a
lengthy, taxpayer-subsidzed vacation in Hawaii, as seen above.
a couple of days, the president and family will head back to the Hawaiian isles
for another lavish getaway — their seventh straight Christmas vacation in
the president’s “home state.”
says he is “eagerly looking forward” to his time at a pricey, private home
he’s rented for the occasion. White House sources say the first family will
spend 17 days there.
Amenper: James Madison: How to stop the federal Government–
By Michael Boldin
is the anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights: Dec. 15, 1791.
And while Tenth Amendment Center believes it’s important to study and learn
about the history and other trivia that will be shared in the media, we believe
it’s even more important to learn and share what needs to be done to stop the
endless violation of virtually every part of the Constitution.
response to federal overreach, most people tend to focus on three types of
actions to stop them: elections, conventions and lawsuits. While they all have
their place in an overall strategy to defend the Constitution, none of them
should be the first step forward. That is, if you follow the advice of the
“Father of the Constitution.”
what James Madison had to say in "Federalist No. 46” (The Influence of the
State and Federal Governments Compared):
an unwarrantable measure of the federal government be unpopular in particular
States, which would seldom fail to be the case, or even a warrantable measure
be so, which may sometimes be the case, the means of opposition to it are
powerful and at hand. The disquietude of the people; their repugnance and,
perhaps refusal to cooperate with officers of the Union, the frowns of the
executive magistracy of the State; the embarrassment created by legislative
devices, which would often be added on such occasions, would oppose, in any
State, very serious impediments; and were the sentiments of several adjoining
States happen to be in Union, would present obstructions which the federal
government would hardly be willing to encounter.
Let me
translate. Madison said that when the federal government passes an
unconstitutional measure, there are powerful methods to oppose it among the
people and in the states. He also pointed out that those methods were available
even for warrantable — that is, constitutional — measures.
told us of four things that should be done to resist federal powers, whether
merely unpopular or unconstitutional.
of the people: Madison expected the people would throw a fit when the feds
usurped power — even using the word “repugnance” to describe their displeasure.
That leads to the next step.
and Refusal to cooperate with the officers of the Union: Noncompliance. The No.
1 dictionary of the time defined repugnance as “disobedient; not obsequious”
(compliant). If you want to stop the federal government, you have to disobey
it. Madison also suggested that people would perhaps directly refuse to
cooperate with federal agents. This is an approach we preach here every day at
the Tenth Amendment Center. Madison apparently knew what we know today. The
feds rely on cooperation from state and local governments, as well as
individuals. When enough people refuse to comply, the Feds simply can’t enforce
their so-called laws.
The frowns
of the executive magistracy of the state: Here Madison envisions governors
formally protesting federal actions. This not only raises public awareness;
executive leadership will also lead to the next step: legislative action.
devices, which would often be added on such occasions: Madison keeps this
open-ended. And in the years soon after, which I’ll cover shortly, we learn how
both he and Thomas Jefferson applied this step.
also told us that if several adjoining states would do the same, it would be an
effective tool to stop federal acts. To repeat, he said that doing this “would
present obstructions which the federal government would hardly be willing to
judge Andrew Napolitano agreed recently and said that people need to stop
enforcing unconstitutional federal laws. He also said that if you could get an
entire state doing this, it would make federal laws “nearly impossible to
important to note here are some glaring omissions. The powerful means that
Madison told us would be used to oppose federal power successfully did not
include federal lawsuits in federal courts. He also didnot include “voting the
bums out” as a strategy, either.
that with how people generally respond to what they consider unconstitutional
or unpopular federal acts today.
first thing I tend to hear from people who are opposed to a federal act is the
“vote the bums out” mantra. We’ll fire Congress, right?
Or some
people tell us we have to sue and let the courts decide.
got some news for you. There’s nothing from the founders — anywhere — in which
they tell us that our first response to extreme, repeated violations of the
constitution and liberty is to vote the bums out or to sue the feds in federal court.
followed up on this in 1798 with the same kind of advice. That year, the Adams
administration passed a wildly unconstitutional attack on the freedom of speech
with the Alien and Sedition Acts. In response, while sitting as vice president,
Jefferson secretly drafted the Kentucky Resolutions, and here’s a little of
what he wrote:
several states composing the United States of America are not united on a
principle of unlimited submission to their general government.
… where
powers are assumed which have not been delegated, a nullification of the act is
the rightful remedy
… that
every State has a natural right in cases not within the compact to nullify of
their own authority all assumptions of power by others within their limits:
that without this right, they would be under the dominion, absolute and
unlimited, of whosoever might exercise this right of judgment for them
was consistent in his views on this. In 1798, he also drafted and help pass
something known as the Virginia Resolutions, a state-level “legislative device”
in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Here’s a key part:
… in
case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not
granted by the said compact, the states who are parties thereto, have the
right, and are in duty bound, to interpose for arresting the progress of the
evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities,
rights and liberties appertaining to them.
Madison advised in Federalist No. 46, both he and Jefferson advised a
state-level response to dangerous federal acts. In 1798, neither of them even
mentioned voting or lawsuits.
told us that a “nullification is the rightful remedy.” And Madison told us that
states are “duty-bound to interpose.”
Daniel Webster called on these same principles in response to military
conscription plans during the War of 1812, he said:
operation of measures thus unconstitutional and illegal ought to be prevented
by a resort to other measures which are both constitutional and legal. It will
be the solemn duty of the State governments to protect their own authority over
their own militia, and to interpose between their citizens and arbitrary power.
These are among the objects for which the State governments exist; and their
highest obligations bind them to the preservation of their own rights and the
liberties of their people…
the bottom line. You are not supposed to wait two or four years for some new
politicians to get in office and give your permission to be free. You are not
supposed to wait two or four or six years for some federal court to tell you,
“OK, you be free now.”
You are
supposed to stand up, resist, refuse to comply and nullify unconstitutional
federal acts — as soon as they happen.
All the
money and time you throw at firing Congress or winning in federal court will
never, ever work — unless you start resisting right here in your state. And
that resistance needs to be your first response, not your last.
Pelosi: Botox
poisoning or dementia on knowledge of enhanced interrogation
Would it surprise you to
learn that high ranking members of Congress are LIARS!
Nancy Pelosi knew about
waterboarding…when it happened, and she knew a LOT!
So when she acted like she
didn’t know, she was lying; says former CIA agent Jose Rodriguez.
told Fox News’ Chris Wallace that he generally briefed Pelosi on the
techniques, and on specifically on waterboarding in their meetings. He further
commented that the only member of Congress that had any reservations was Jane
Harmon, and that was only because of optics.
‘I Am Not Sorry’: What an Award-Winning WSJ Columnist Absolutely
Refuses to Apologize for
winning Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens penned an impassioned
defense of the CIA’s post-9/11 actions in a staunchly-worded column published
online Monday evening.
Titled “I Am Not Sorry the CIA
Waterboarded,” Stephens
asserted in his opinion piece that he had no apologies to offer for the steps
America took after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
I am not sorry Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed, the operational mastermind of 9/11, was waterboarded 183 times. KSM
also murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl in 2002. He boasted
about it: “I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American
Jew,” he said after his capture.
“As far as I’m concerned, he waterboarded himself.”
I am sorry KSM remains alive
nearly 12 years after his capture. He has been let off far too lightly. As for
his waterboarding, it never would have happened if he had been truthful with
his captors. It stopped as soon as he became cooperative. As far as I’m
concerned, he waterboarded himself.
I am not sorry the CIA went to
the edge of the law in the aftermath of 9/11 to prevent further mass-casualty
attacks on the U.S. I am not sorry that going to the edge meant, as Sen. Dianne
Feinstein put it in 2002, doing “some things that historically we have not
wanted to do to protect ourselves.” I don’t suppose she was talking about
removing our shoes at airport security.
I am sorry we weren’t willing
to do those “things” before 3,000 people had their lives unnaturally ended on
Sept. 11, 2001.
In his piece, the
foreign affairs columnist also took a jab at both Sen. Diane Feinstein
(D-Calif.) and Rolling Stone reporter Sabrina Rub Erdely in one sweeping
I am sorry that the Feinstein
Report, which failed to interview those directors and thus has the credibility
of a Rolling Stone article, seeks to deny this. Maybe Sabrina Rubin Erdely,
author of the discredited University of Virginia gang-rape story and a pro at
failing to interview key witnesses, will find a new career in Sen. Feinstein’s
Stephens said he was
not sorry for the drone strikes ordered by President Barack Obama, despite the
fact that many victims “were either innocent of wrongdoing or had committed no
crime deserving of death from 30,000 feet.”
“This is the nature
of war,” he wrote.
The only thing
Stephens did seem to regret was that former Vice President Dick Cheney, along
with other supporters of the enhanced interrogation program, had to apologize
for the CIA’s practices “as if they were torture.”
Almost immediately
after publication, Stephens’ column attracted online attention, with some
readers agreeing with him and others expressing strong dissent.
Obama’s Joke
BOMBS in Front of Military Audience
The troops are getting tired of this useless
Commander in Chief.
Check it out:
Check it out:
Monday, at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in
New Jersey, during an address to the troops, President Obama made a joke that
they are like “‘Santa in Fatigues,” which was received with complete silence,
prompting the president to nervously name-drop the military aircraft C-130 to
evoke a response.
Kerry says "devastating" Pakistan school attack angers the
someone ask Senate Democrats if marching parents to the bullet-riddled husk of
a school to collect the remains of over 120 children qualifies as “torture.”
Can we get an #illgotoschoolwithyou hashtag going, similar to the
#illridewithyou hashtag that was meant to support Australian Muslims against a
hypothetical future backlash from the Islamist hostage crisis that was still in
progress when it was launched? There’s nothing hypothetical about what
Islamofascist savages do to women, school children, and anyone else who doesn’t
submit to their doctrines. Let’s get some brave Social Justice Warriors
to dazzle us with their moral courage by signing up as body shields in the
real, hot War on Women (and their children) being waged everywhere this
curiously popular brand of not-Islam holds sway!
The butcher’s bill is still being
tallied, but as of Tuesday morning, it was said that 123 of the 126 slain
victims of a Taliban attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar, Pakistan
were students. The Express Tribune ran some harrowing accounts from
survivors, beginning with a disclaimer that the piece might be “disturbing for
some readers.” That is appropriate. Readers need to be disturbed by
this. All of human civilization needs to be disturbed by this, until it
rises up and smashes these barbarians down for good.
“I was sitting in the corridor
with 10 of my classmates when we heard firing. We immediately ran towards the
classroom to hide there but the militants chased us down and found us. They
were dressed in shalwar kameez and the only thing they told us is: ‘read the
kalma’,” said Ali, remorsefully adding that he was the only one of his 10
friends that survived the attack.
Witnesses described how gunmen
went from classroom to classroom, shooting children, after a huge blast shook
the Army Public School, while some described police struggling to hold back
distraught parents trying to break past a cordon and get to the school when
three loud explosions went off.
Ninth grader Kashan, son of
Zaheerudin, told our correspondent, “We were sitting in the hall and a colonel
was giving a lecture when we heard firing from the back.”
Kashan said, “The sound of the
firing kept moving closer when suddenly the door behind us was kicked down and
two people started firing indiscriminately.”
The ninth-grader said chaos
ensued and the last thing he remembers is children and people falling to the
ground. Kashan escaped but with injuries on his feet.
Ahsan Mukhtar, a second-year
intermediate student, said his teacher made the entire classroom crouch and
move towards the end of the classroom as the firing started. “After an hour,
when the firing relatively calmed down, the army came and rescued us,” Mukhtar
grandmother told The Express Tribune how she
was called by the school’s principal to pick up her grandchildren when the
attack happened. “The principal told us that 20 students had been injured and
we should come get our children as soon as possible,” she said. “I hung
up before the principal could finish talking.”
number of reports out of Pakistan suggest that people like the grandmother
quoted above have grown so accustomed to Taliban violence that they didn’t
realize they were dealing with such a hideous massacre until parents began
arriving at the school to witness the carnage. Six Taliban shooters
wearing suicide vests had all the time they needed to slaughter unarmed
children, because the Pakistani military evidently didn’t mount a rescue
attempt until there was a “lull in the firing.”
Distraught parents thronged the
Lady Reading Hospital, weeping uncontrollably as children’s bodies arrived,
their school uniforms drenched in blood.
Irshadah Bibi, 40, whose
12-year-old son was among the dead, beat her face in grief, throwing herself
against an ambulance.
“O God, why did you snatch away
my son? What is the sin of my child and all these children?” she wept.
What was the “sin” of the aid
workers kidnapped by ISIS and beheaded on video, after being forced to read
statements of submission? What was the sin of the staff and customers
held hostage by an Islamist lunatic in Sydney, forced at gunpoint to stand in
the window for hours holding up his fascist flag? (Actually, his backup fascist
flag, since he apparently couldn’t get his hands on the genuine ISIS
merchandise he really wanted.) What was the sin of the four Christian
children beheaded by the Junior Varsity Team of Evil in Iraq last week, none of
them yet 15 years of age, because they wouldn’t denounce Jesus and convert to Islam? What was the sin of the
girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria and sold into slavery? What was
the sin of the people, some of them children, mutilated and killed by the
Tsarnaev brothers in Boston? What was the sin of the young girls scooped
up by the “grooming” rape gangs of Rotherham, as local authorities turned a
blind eye for years on end? What’s the sin of the Israeli civilians
targeted by Palestinian terrorists, including tiny children run down with cars
at train stations? For that matter, what is the sin of the Palestinian
civilians Hamas uses as human shields for its rocket launchers?
a whole lot of people doing bloody work on “the wrong side of history,” as
President Obama’s bloodless denunciations have it. The world is swarming
with “lone wolves,” and they often hunt in packs. Maybe the media will
describe these Taliban school shooters as “self-styled education reformers,”
the way they’ve decided to unfailingly describe imported Australian terrorist
Man Hanon Monis as a self-styled sheikh and self-styled cleric. It’s
funny how all these self-styled clerics misread the Koran in exactly the same
“They want to terrorize the
population into submission,” said a retired Pakistani security official of the
Taliban, as quoted by the Wall Street Journal. Gee, ya think? I wonder where they could have
gotten such ideas about “submission?” According to official Western
political dogma, it’s a total mystery. What events have these completely
disconnected self-styled lone-wolf wrong-side-of-history types witnessed around
the world that might lead them to think bloodshed by determined fanatics might
push weak, neurotic civilizations into submission?
“No one should be in any doubt
that our fight against terrorism will continue,” Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
said after arriving in Peshawar Tuesday. “There will be no dent in our resolve
as a result of incidents like this.”
The raid on the Peshawar school
was so extreme that it drew condemnation even from some groups aligned with
Islamist militancy.
“This was carried out by the
enemies of Islam. It is open terrorism,” said Hafiz Saeed, the leader of Jamaat
ud Dawa, the group blamed by the international community for the 2008 attack on
Mumbai that left 166 people dead. “These are barbarians operating under the
name of jihad.”
I’m sorry, Mr. Sharif, but the
Taliban, and all the other lone wolves, have good reason to doubt your
resolve, and that of every other enemy they face. The spectacle of other
blood-splattered barbarians deciding that the Taliban school massacre is a bit too
much for their tender
sensibilities is disgusting. You don’t get to wade up to your neck in
this pool of totalitarian evil, then try to steal a shred of civilized
legitimacy by declaring the deep end of the pool is reserved for demons.
You don’t get to support and enable the leading edge of this fascist
avalanche and then act surprised when you end up buried under adolescent
corpses. Legitimacy is what terrorists crave. They get it when the
degenerate political class of civilized nations insist on treating them like
proper soldiers, afforded the protection of human-rights conventions they sneer
at, granted all the considerations of legitimate uniformed forces captured in
battle… or even the consideration that would be granted to imprisoned criminal
citizens of the nations they wage merciless illegitimate war against.
The Wall Street Journal mentions
that the Peshawar attack “is thought to be the bloodiest assault on a school
since the 2004 Beslan school siege in Russia, which left nearly 400 dead.”
Who was behind that school
massacre, again? Did they have anything in common with the monsters who
just murdered 123 children in Pakistan for the sin of learning?
Update: One of the adult victims of the
attack was a teacher who was reportedly doused with gasoline by the
Taliban thugs and set ablaze in front of students.
Ted Cruz Strikes
Back: ‘Too Many Republicans Willing to Be Complicit’
Conservatives have a lot of work to do for
In the midst of the debate over a mammoth
government spending bill, Republicans and Democrats found something to agree
on: their dislike for Sen. Ted Cruz, who forced a rare weekend session for the
But rather than back down, Cruz opted to call
out Washington politicians on Sean Hannity’s radio show Monday.
“Too many politicians in Washington don’t
believe we can stand and fight,” Cruz said.
“Enough is enough,” he told Hannity.
The outspoken Texas Republican joined with
Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, to force the Senate to take a vote related to President
Obama’s recent immigration actions. The measure was defeated, 74-22, after Cruz
said Republican leaders urged senators to vote against the constitutional point
of order. (View the roll call vote.)
“Too many politicians in Washington don’t
believe we can stand and fight,” Cruz told Hannity.
He lamented that Republican leaders frequently
plead to put off tough fights for another day, as they wanted to do on immigration.
Cruz predicted Republicans once again would find an excuse not to act next year
as well:
Mark my words, Sean, the odds are enormous
that come January or February, the very same voices are going to say, ‘Well,
we’ve got a Republican majority, but we don’t have 60 votes, so we can’t fight
yet.’ If we had 60 votes, they would come back and say, ‘You know, we have 60
votes but we don’t have 67. We don’t have enough to override a veto.’
CIA Deputy Director Morell: U.S. Will Be Attacked – Guaranteed
"It shouldn’t surprise people when..."TOM HINCHEY
An Iranian-born gunman, wearing a headband with Arabic
writing, entered the Lindt Cafe in the Martin Place mall in Sydney, Australia,
Monday morning, pulled a shotgun from a blue bag, and disabled the doors. The local Muslim cleric, Man
Haron Monis, was shot and killed during a raid to free the 17 people
he had taken hostage at the busy plaza in
Sydney’s financial and shopping district.
Monis, 49, who immigrated to Australia from Iran as a
refugee in 1996, demanded an ISIS flag be brought to the cafe and insisted on
speaking with Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Hundreds
of heavily armed police shut down the area, which resulted in a chaotic scene
in Martin Place as thousands of workers evacuated their places of business.
Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell was a guest
on CBS’ This Morning when he was asked why Australia would
be a target for terrorists.
“Australia is seen by groups like ISIS as a partner of the West, which
it certainly is. Australia was a
coalition partner in the war in Iraq, a coalition partner in the war in
Afghanistan, and is now a coalition partner in the fight against ISIS. So, ISIS sees them as an enemy.”
Morrell commented that ISIS-inspired terrorists are
likely to bring terrorism to countries around the world, including the United
“We need
to be prepared for that. You know, it shouldn’t surprise people when this
happens here sometime over the next year or so, guaranteed.”
Wall Street Wobbles Amid Sliding Oil, Falling Ruble
stocks opened lower on Tuesday as a further slide in crude oil prices and the
Russian ruble sent traders fleeing from risky assets on global economic
Dow Jones industrial average fell 98.87 points, or 0.58 percent, to 17,081.97,
the S&P 500 lost 10.93 points, or 0.55 percent, to 1,978.7 and the Nasdaq
Composite dropped 35.68 points, or 0.77 percent, to 4,569.48.
rouble's decline came even as Moscow's central bank hiked its main interest
rate to 17 percent from 10.5 percent. Russia's MICEX stock index was up 1.5
percent after earlier falling as much as 8.5 percent.
crude lost more than 3 percent to $58.98 per barrel after hitting a low of
$58.50, and U.S. crude was down almost 4 percent at $53.75, near its session
to global concerns, data showed factory activity shrinking in China and euro
zone business growth remaining weak.
market is reflecting a global macro concern more than anything," said Art
Hogan, chief market strategist at Wunderlich Securities in New York.
trigger point is commodities, in this case oil, in a free fall, forcing people
to completely avoid stocks. Until we get some stabilization in energy prices I
think we're going to continue to see that trade."
500 e-mini futures were down 8 points and fair value, a formula that evaluates
pricing by taking into account interest rates, dividends and time to expiration
on the contract, indicated a lower open. Dow Jones industrial average e-mini
futures fell 41 points and Nasdaq 100 e-mini futures lost 25 points.
prices have fallen nearly 50 percent from a high in June. The 20-day
correlation between the S&P 500 and Brent prices shifter sharply in the
past days, going from -0.86 in late November to 0.67 on Monday.
oil prices could heighten geopolitical tensions, trigger defaults by U.S. shale
oil and gas firms, and destabilize euro zone inflation expectations, the Bank
of England warned on Tuesday.
heightened global growth concerns sharpen the focus on the Federal Reserve's
two-day meeting, which begins on Tuesday with a statement and news conference
expected on Wednesday. Fed officials will decide this week whether to make a
critical change to their policy statement that could bring closer the decision
to rise rates next year.
housing starts and permits fell in November, but the underlying trend remained
consistent with an improving housing market.
data due later in the day include Markit's gauge of the manufacturing sector.
(Editing by Chizu Nomiyama and Nick Zieminski)
9/11 MASTERMIND SPEAKS OUT: ‘What We Forget Is Al Qaeda Tried to Decapitate the
Do you think this helped the
situation or hurt it?
One of the men who interrogated
9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was on “The Kelly File” exclusively
tonight to discuss the controversial report on the CIA’s enhanced interrogation
Dr. James Mitchell explained
how he was asked to figure out detainee resistance behaviors.
“There was so much pressure
about trying to head off this second wave [of attacks] that was coming, that
they were going to use some kind of physical coercion,” he said.
Watch part one below to hear
more about enhanced interrogation methods.
Mitchell described Sheikh
Mohammed in initial interrogations as “immensely arrogant” and “disdainful.”
More Americans are Backing Gun Rights
Back off
politicians! We want our guns. #GirlsJustWannaHaveGuns
Two years after the
mass school shooting in Newtown, Conn., a majority of Americans say it is more
important to protect the right of Americans to own guns than for the government
to limit access to firearms, a Pew Research Center survey
conducted this month found.
The center said that it was the first
time in two decades of its surveys on attitudes about firearms that a majority
of Americans had expressed more support for gun ownership rights than for gun
Fifty-two percent of
respondents said it was more important to protect gun ownership rights, and 46
percent said the priority should be controlled access to firearms.
In a 2000 Pew survey,
29 percent chose gun rights over gun control, and in a 2013 survey conducted a
month after the Newtown shooting, 45 percent favored gun rights.
“To some extent, this
is the continuation of a trend,” said Jocelyn Kiley, associate director for
research at the Pew Research Center. “It may be that
Newtown stunted that trend to some extent.”
On Dec. 14, 2012,
Adam Lanza, 20, fatally shot 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown
before killing himself in one of the deadliest mass shootings in American
The Pew poll on
firearms, conducted in early December, also found that African-Americans have
become increasingly likely to believe that firearm ownership does more to
protect people than it does to threaten an individual’s safety, even as they
continue to support gun control measures.
Nestor Dan,
Cuando estudié en el Colegio de Belén en Cuba
aprendí bastantes cosas que con el curso de los años ahora veo que los idiotas
útiles quieren cambiar.
1- Decirle a otra persona que era hijo de
madre soltera era insultarlo. Hoy muchas mujeres lo pregonan como si les
hubieran dado una medalla.
2- Para ser locutor de radio o televisión
había que dominar el idioma; hoy asesinan el idioma sin mayores consecuencias.
3- Cuando arribé a los Estados Unidos de
América decir "gay" era decir alegría; hoy esa palabra la quieren
prostituír aplicándosela a un pequeño grupo que sufren, entre otras, de
enfermedades como el sida.
4- Antes, ser liberal significaba ser
abierto a todas las ideas, hoy ser liberal significa querer imponer sus ideas a
la fuerza a personas que no piensen igual.
5- Antes, el Papa de la Iglesia Católica
identificaba al Comunismo como una doctrina intrínsecamente perversa. Ahora,
diferentes Papas han viajado a Cuba para estrechar la mano ensangrentada del
asesino Comunista Fidel Castro Ruz y encima de eso darle la bendición a él y a
su familia. Mientras tanto el Cardenal Ortega sigue perfumado y sonriente.
6- Antes, las personas no casadas que convivían
era concubinos; hoy esa palabra no existe en el vocabulario común. Usted los puede
ver refiriéndose a su pareja como esposo/a.
7- Antes, las personas cuidaban de su
cuerpo sin herirlo con aretes en los labios, la nariz o las cejas. Hoy mientras
más tienen más se vanaglorian de su enajenación mental.
8- Antes, el casamiento era entre un hombre
y una mujer. Yo nunca he visto a dos perros machos cruzándose ni a dos gatas
hembras teniendo relaciones sexuales. Hoy la mujer que es Alcalde de la ciudad
de Houston es una mujer legalmente casada con otra mujer. Al paso que vamos
pronto se casarán hombres y mujeres con caballos, perros, etc. Antes eso lo
conocíamos como crímenes contra natura.
9- Antes, fumar era un placer pero se ha
descubierto que destruye nuestros pulmones y que es causa de cáncer, sin
embargo hoy se legaliza fumar marihuana que además de dañar nuestros pulmones
causa profundos daños en nuestro cerebro y abre el camino al uso de drogas más
10-Antes, el voto se suponía que era sagrado. Era
el más elemental sacramento de la democracia. Hoy el voto es un arma comprada
por los que quieren destruir nuestra civilización y he visto por television a
personas que se ufanaban de haber ejercido su derecho al voto votando 27 veces.
11-Antes las razas eran la negra, la amarilla, la
blanca y la roja. Hoy han inventado la raza "Afro-Americana" a los
negros norteamericanos. Y la prensa y la gente aceptan ese monstruoso error.
Hoy vemos que la ganadora del reciente concurso de Miss Mundo es una blanca
nacida en África del Sur, conozco a varias personas de la raza blanca nacidas
en África y que aunque vivan en los Estados Unidos no pueden definir su raza
como "Afro-Americana". Si yo hubiera nacido negro en los Estados
Unidos me sentiría víctima del genocidio que han cometido los izquierdistas
norteamericanos contra las personas de la raza negra. El 73% de los negros
norteamericanos que mueren asesinados son abatidos por negros
norteamericanos. Les han dado drogas para que sus cerebros se destruyan
mientras otros negros Americanos se roban el erario público y viven millonarios
aunque algunos de ellos terminen en la cárcel.
Hoy he llegado hasta aquí, cuando me llegue la
musa continuaré diciendo mis verdades.
Dr. Carlos J. Bringuier
Riggio: La
caída del crudo reabre la puerta a "ir a Rusia" alguien CAPACITADO
(nada de fanfarrias; THIS IS BUSINESS!) para arrancarle al Partido comunista
ese contrato de armas. Que se ponga al tanto el general, pues desde que a nadie
se le ha ocurrido, 15 años se han echado a perder en Venezuela (y 23 en Cuba
desde que la URSS comunista dejó de existir; esos plazos de 15 y 23 años a más
de ser desastrosos son imperdonables). Entre más de 30 millones de venezolanos
y 11 millones de cubanos habrá por lo menos unos cuantos capacitados que sepan
citarse, esquivar al Fed y lo que es el "contrato japonés".
ayudado una victoria en el Brasil de la oposición; pero allí ocurrió un
"madurazo" al que los demócratas parecen dispuestos a respetar, pese
al recuerdo del patriotismo del pueblo y los castrenses de hace medio siglo.
On Dec 16, 2014, at 12:32 PM, Enrique Artalejo <> wrote:
On Dec 16, 2014, at 12:32 PM, Enrique Artalejo <> wrote:
Fecha: 15 de diciembre de 2014, 12:23
llega el video lo publicamos.
Caracas, lunes 15 de Diciembre de 2014.
Caracas, lunes 15 de Diciembre de 2014.
amigos periodistas y demás invitados a este acto:
por su intermedio, dirigirme a Venezuela y el mundo entero, en los términos
contenidos en la siguiente declaración:
los he convocado para hablar sobre ninguno de los terribles problemas que
sufrimos los venezolanos en estos momentos de tragedia nacional y que todos
padecemos, solo me referiré al origen de ellos, el cual, sin duda alguna, está
en los planes de infiltración, control y
dominación que la dictadura terrorista y narcotraficante cubana, ha venido
desarrollando en contra de Venezuela en los últimos 55 años, y que debido a
infinidad de errores, omisiones y traiciones cometidas por quienes nos han
gobernado, logró implantar desde hace tiempo dentro del poder, a un grupo de
criminales que le sirven fielmente y que desde diciembre de 2012 está
encabezado por un individuo, presuntamente de nacionalidad colombiana, que
responde al nombre de Nicolás Maduro Moros.
la mano de estos bandidos poco a poco hemos ido perdiendo la República,
cediendo nuestra soberanía y poniendo en riesgo nuestra integridad territorial
mientras los derechos humanos de los venezolanos son violados y nuestra
dignidad nacional es humillada diariamente. Hoy en día los Poderes Públicos
Nacionales son solo una ilusión en lejanía pues en la realidad todos están
concentrados en el Poder Ejecutivo siendo los deseos e intereses de los
sanguinarios ancianos Castro en Cuba la voluntad de eso que algunos todavía
insisten en llamar “gobierno”. De la mano de estos malhechores hemos transitado
mansamente por las fases de infiltración y control, y desde principios del
presente año hemos estado transitando por la fase de dominación total la cual
está siendo aplicada por la fuerza, plomo limpio va contra el que sale a la
calle a ejercer su legítimo derecho a protestar y la cárcel espera al que no
esté de acuerdo con el “pensamiento único” del castrocomunismo. Cualquier
excusa será usada para aplicarla en este proceso de sumisión total de todos los
venezolanos, como lo es por ejemplo, la baja en los precios del petróleo. Esa
puede ser la excusa esperada por los Castro para ordenar a esta dictadura
títere la aplicación de un llamado “periodo especial” en la economía y forma de
vida nacional, que le permitiría llevarnos definitivamente al ignominioso
sistema socio político cubano.
lo que está pasando aquí actualmente es que mediante el hambre y las
necesidades piensan desmoralizarnos a todos para quebrar nuestro espíritu de
lucha y voluntad de triunfo. Después de eso será fácil para los sanguinarios
ancianos Castro ponernos las cadenas. Eso no puede suceder. Todos los venezolanos debemos enfrentarnos de
inmediato con toda nuestra resolución y coraje a Cuba castrocomunista, al club
de sanguijuelas internacionales y a los traidores venezolanos que le sirven.
Y eso… eso no es una opción… eso es un sagrado deber... es una obligación. Es
honorable hacerlo e indigno el no hacerlo.
medio del entorno descrito anteriormente y desde hace algunos meses, un grupo
cada vez más creciente de ciudadanos, alarmados por la terrible situación a la
que hemos llegado, y preocupados por la actitud de cándida irresponsabilidad,
indiferencia y colaboracionismo con la dictadura, que evidencia públicamente la
mayor parte de la dirigencia política venezolana actual, que entre otras cosas,
no asume el rol de liderazgo en defensa de su Patria que deberían haber asumido
desde hace tiempo puesto que ese es el más sagrado deber de un ciudadano sobre
todo si se precia de ser dirigente o líder político de una nación; en vez de
cumplir con esa gran responsabilidad, esta dirigencia política actual, lo que
hace es insistir en llevar engañados a los venezolanos hacia supuestas salidas
electorales que no existen, y que solo permitirán atornillar más a la barbarie
castrocomunista en el poder, como ha sucedido siempre hasta ahora, limpiando y
fortaleciendo la fachada democrática que exhibe ante los ojos del mundo. Estos
ciudadanos que mencione, y que constantemente vienen a mí por diferentes
conductos, me piden con insistencia que asuma ese liderazgo en la defensa de lo
que a todos nos pertenece.
una petición de tal magnitud y significación, no puedo hacer otra cosa que
agradecerles la confianza que depositan en mí y pedirles que me permitan hacer
la siguiente reflexión, muy personal por cierto, pero necesaria antes dar tan
importante y trascendental respuesta.
toda mi vida he defendido la libertad, democracia e independencia de Venezuela
tratando de dar el ejemplo como ciudadano, como militar y como padre de
familia. En abril del año 2007,
cuando Hugo Chávez, impuso ese lema infernal cubano que no se debe ni
mencionar, a la FAN venezolana; yo, que era para el momento un General de Brigada
del Ejército, lo enfrenté públicamente y aunque por eso fui enjuiciado por el
Consejo de Guerra Permanente de Caracas y condenado a arresto, triunfé… puesto
que tiempo después ese grito asesino, sinónimo de opresión y muerte, fue
eliminado por el mismo traidor que había ordenado su uso. Junto a mi esposa he
formado un hogar honorable y una familia que guarda culto al valor, la
honestidad y la verdad. He convertido a la moral en mi principal herramienta de
cumplido al pie de la letra el juramento de soldado venezolano que hice hace 36
años, no me he inclinado ante nadie, no he rendido las armas que me entregó la
república ante ningún poder extranjero y no me ha temblado, ni me temblará
jamás el pulso, si tengo que empuñarlas para defenderla de sus enemigos. He tenido mucho cuidado de no inmiscuirme en la
actividad político partidista ni de asumir roles direccionales sobre los
ciudadanos por considerar que el ambiente político actual se encuentra
totalmente saturado tanto de organizaciones como de dirigentes de todo tipo y
nivel… pero ahora… ante esta nueva circunstancia en la que se me pide guiar a
los venezolanos que son leales a la REPUBLICA en momentos en que quienes
deberían hacerlo evaden esa responsabilidad, con suma humildad y respeto
a Cuba de Venezuela y castigar a los traidores que le sirven con todo el peso
de la ley, es el objetivo fundamental de la Resistencia y para lograrlo se
requiere tomar con urgencia decisiones muy serias, muy duras y de una gran
importancia. Y para poder tomar esas decisiones se necesita disponer de
autoridad, de una autoridad que solo pueden concederla los venezolanos y que yo
estoy solicitando formalmente, mediante este acto pido a los venezolanos
que ME DEN LA AUTORIDAD que necesito para
poder guiarlos hacia ese objetivo. Pero además de autoridad también se requiere
apoyo. NECESITO TODO SU APOYO PARA LOGRARLO, los necesito a todos,
necesito que todos se unan de inmediato con total resolución y coraje, a la
cual queda desde este momento y mediante este acto formalizada como movimiento
de liberación nacional para expulsar a Cuba castrocomunista de nuestro
También pido apoyo internacional para Venezuela, y se lo
estoy pidiendo es a los pueblos no a los gobiernos puesto que
muchos de ellos son cómplices de los crímenes que el castrocomunismo está
cometiendo aquí; le hablo a los pueblos de todas las naciones del mundo que
todavía son libres, a ellos quiero decirles que los hombres, mujeres y niños
que en esta tierra estamos enfrentando la barbarie castrocomunista, necesitamos
ayuda, necesitamos el apoyo decidido y la solidaridad absoluta de todos los
ciudadanos del mundo libre que defienden la libertad, la democracia, la
independencia y los derechos humanos universales. Les pido ayuda para un país
que le ha tendido la mano a muchas naciones del mundo en momentos difíciles, un
país que hace 200 años le llevó la libertad a Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia
y Panamá. A todos les pido ayuda para Venezuela que en este momento yace en el
piso violada y humillada.
los venezolanos les pido con vehemencia que de inmediato nos dediquemos a
trabajar en el bien inestimable de la unión para alcanzar nuestro objetivo, que
nos unamos en torno a esa hermosa bandera de 7 estrellas con un caballo en su
escudo galopando hacia adelante, hacia el futuro, unámonos todos conformando
una sola familia, y esto lo digo precisamente porque la familia venezolana,
célula fundamental de nuestra sociedad, es uno de los objetivos que el
castrocomunismo pretende penetrar y destruir. Ya no es problema del vecino, ya
está en nuestro propio hogar, no es momento de palabras, es el momento de
actuar, las mujeres y los hombres en el campo y la ciudad, los obreros en las
fábricas, los pescadores en el mar, el ingeniero, el arquitecto, el médico, el
periodista, el estudiante, el maestro, el sacerdote, el militar, todos los
venezolanos, todos, debemos unirnos conformando una sola masa compacta que
pueda aplastar las pretensiones de los enemigos de Venezuela.
Solo nadie puede. Si ustedes deciden darme esa autoridad requerida y ese apoyo
necesario yo estoy dispuesto a asumir ese liderazgo nacional que se necesita en
estos momentos tan trascendentales y calamitosos para la vida y la permanencia
en el tiempo de nuestra Patria como una República libre.
fuerza de su respaldo en las calles de todos los pueblos y ciudades de Venezuela
desde ahora y en los próximos días es lo que necesito, será sin lugar a dudas
la medida de esa autoridad y ese apoyo que les estoy pidiendo… y además… también será el impulso que orientará las acciones que
vamos a tomar en los próximos días hasta que Cuba haya sido expulsada de
Venezuela… y para siempre.
Soy Ángel Vivas… y aquí estoy… listo para defender a Venezuela.
Llamado a todas las personas conocedoras de la historia del mundo y que quieran
participar en esta titánica tarea de conocimientos sobre la historia de
Universal del planeta y sus habitantes por favor por favor pónganse en contacto
con el distinguido amigo Clemente Sanchez para participar en esta colosal obra:
Esta sección (en construcción)
contiene un esbozo de la historia de la humanidad. No pretendo analizar ni
explicar los hechos, sino tan sólo narrarlos con el detalle suficiente para dar
una visión de conjunto de cómo ha evolucionado la cultura humana. Cuando los
historiadores discrepan sobre cronologías, nombres o sucesos, no he procurado
mostrar todas las posibilidades, sino que he optado arbitrariamente por una de
ellas. La idea no es establecer cómo fueron las cosas, sino, al menos, cómo
pudieron ser de acuerdo con la información disponible. Sin duda habrá muchas
imprecisiones e inexactitudes. Agradeceré toda corrección que se me haga
Ésta es la lista de las
páginas. Cada una empieza en la fecha indicada entre paréntesis, mientras que
el suceso citado a continuación es una muestra orientativa de su contenido,
aunque no se corresponde necesariamente con la fecha inicial.
2. El origen de la civilización (20.000 años) Antecedentes de las primeras civilizaciones
La caída de Israel
(725) Israel desaparece con las
deportaciones forzosas establecidas por Asiria.
El final del siglo VI (520) Darío I organiza Persia, surge la república
romana y la democracia ateniense.
El ascenso de Macedonia (370) Filipo II de Macedonia convierte a su país en la
mayor potencia griega.
El triunfo de Roma (210) Roma derrota a Cartago y se convierte en la primera
potencia de Occidente.
La guerra de Yugurta (120) Roma se enfrenta al númida Yugurta y a una invasión
de tribus germánicas.
Jesús de Nazaret (25) Jesús de Nazaret es crucificado, acusado de
proclamarse Rey de los Judíos.
El cristianismo (30) Los discípulos de Jesús afirman que éste ha
resucitado y crean el cristianismo.
El fin de la dinastía Han (210) Tras cuatro siglos y medio de existencia, el
Imperio Chino se desmembra.
La anarquía (235) El Imperio Romano se desmembra bajo una rápida
sucesión de emperadores débiles.
Teodosio (380)
Teodosio I convierte el catolicismo en la religión mayoritaria del Imperio
Las invasiones bárbaras (400) Suevos, vándalos, alanos y visigodos penetran en el
Imperio Romano.
Genserico (420) Francos y burgundios cruzan el Rin. El vándalo
Genserico funda un reino en África.
reinos medievales (930)
Inglaterra, Alemania y León se fortalecen mientras Francia sobrevive.
cisma de Oriente (1050)
Las Iglesias de Roma y de Constantinopla se separan definitivamente.
querella de las investiduras (1070)
El papa Gregorio VII y Enrique IV de Alemania se disputan la supremacía.
órdenes religiosas (1110)
Constitución de las órdenes del Císter, los Hospitalarios y los Templarios.
sucesión en Alemania e Inglaterra (1120) Intrigas en torno a la sucesión de Enrique V y
Enrique I.
segunda cruzada (1140)
Luis VII de Francia y Conrado III de Alemania dirigen la segunda cruzada.
El papa
y el emperador (1170)
Termina el conflicto entre el papa Alejandro III y el emperador Federico I.
Imperio Latino de Oriente (1205)
Los cruzados organizan un Imperio Latino con capital en Constantinopla.
cruzada albigense (1209)
Inocencio III envía una cruzada contra los cátaros del condado de Tolosa.
reconquista de España I (1230)
Sancho II, Fernando III y Jaime I conquistan la mayor parte de Al-Ándalus.
reconquista de España II (1240)
Al-Ándalus se reduce a los reinos de Granada, Murcia y Niebla.
III el Grande (1280)
El rey Pedro III de Aragón se adueña de Sicilia y derrota a Felipe III de
El fin
de los Estados latinos (1285)
Los mamelucos expulsan a los occidentales de Tierra Santa.
el Hermoso (1295) Felipe IV de Francia se enfrenta a Inglaterra y al
papa Bonifacio VIII.
caída del papado (1301)
Felipe IV de Francia triunfa sobre Bonifacio VIII y somete a sus sucesores.
Juan el
Bueno y Carlos el Malo (1350)
Carlos II de Navarra reclama el trono de Francia a Juan II.
batalla de Poitiers (1355)
Eduardo, el príncipe de Gales, derrota a Juan II de Francia en Poitiers.
Los dos
Pedros (1360) Guerra entre Pedro el Cruel de Castilla y Pedro el
Ceremonioso de Aragón.
Colón (1482) Cristóbal Colón busca financiación para llegar a
las Indias por Occidente.
descubrimiento de América (1492)
Cristóbal Colón llega a América creyendo haber llegado a las Indias.
guerra de Italia (1493)
El rey Carlos VIII de Francia trata de conquistar el reino de Nápoles.
colonización de las Indias (1508)
Castilla funda colonias en América y Portugal en la India e Indonesia.
conquista de América Central (1522)
Nueva España y Castilla del Oro se disputan Centroamérica.
mundo a mediados del siglo XVI (1550)
Europa se consolida como la vanguardia de la cultura mundial.
abdicación de Carlos V (1552)
Carlos V abdica en favor de su hermano Fernando y de su hijo Felipe.
I y Felipe II (1557)
Los primeros años de reinado de Isabel I de Inglaterra y de Felipe II de
rebelión de Flandes (1565)
Los Países Bajos se rebelan contra la intolerancia religiosa española.
batalla de Lepanto (1568)
España, Venecia y los Estados Pontificios derrotan a los turcos en Lepanto.
colonización de Norteamérica (1610)
Ingleses, franceses y neerlandeses fundan colonias en Norteamérica.
Guerra de los Treinta Años (1616)
Los protestantes de Bohemia se rebelan contra los Austrias.
condena de Galileo (1632)
La Santa Inquisición obliga a Galileo a abjurar del heliocentrismo.
restauración inglesa (1655)
Carlos II es reconocido como rey de Inglaterra, Escocia e Irlanda.
segunda revolución inglesa (1687)
Jacobo II de Inglaterra es derrocado tras suceder a Carlos II.
guerra de sucesión española I (1701)
Felipe de Borbón y Carlos de Austria se disputan el trono español.
guerra de sucesión española II (1706)
Inglaterra y Escocia forman el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña.
Cuádruple Alianza (1717)
Inglaterra, Francia, los Países Bajos y Austria se alían contra España.
guerra de sucesión de Polonia (1732)
Austria y Rusia se enfrentan a Francia y España por Polonia.
La guerra
de los Siete años (1756)
Gran Bretaña arrebata a Francia sus colonias norteamericanas.
declaración de independencia (1776)
Los Estados Unidos de América se declaran independientes.
guerra de Independencia (1778)
Washington, con ayuda francesa, derrota a los británicos en Yorktown.
Constitución de los Estados Unidos (1786) George Washington es elegido primer presidente de
los Estados Unidos.
Revolución Francesa (1789)
Los franceses desafían al rey Luis XVI y reclaman un gobierno constitucional.
Bonaparte (1796) Tras haber conquistado el norte de Italia,
Bonaparte se lanza a la conquista de Egipto.
Consulado (1799) Un golpe de Estado convierte a Bonaparte en la
máxima autoridad de Francia.
insurrecciones sudamericanas I (1809)
Las colonias americanas se rebelan contra el gobierno español.
insurrecciones sudamericanas II (1810) Venezuela proclama una declaración de
en guerra (1813) Europa contra Francia, los Estados Unidos contra
Gran Bretaña, Sudamérica contra España...
trienio liberal (1821)
Los Cien mil hijos de san Luis restauran en España el absolutismo de
Fernando VII.
insurrección griega I (1823)
El Imperio Otomano intenta sofocar la insurrección independentista griega.
insurrección griega II (1825)
Gran Bretaña, Francia y Rusia deciden apoyar la revolución griega.
independencia de Grecia (1827)
Las potencias europeas establecen la independencia de Grecia.
independencia de Bélgica (1831) Las
grandes potencias europeas reconocen la independencia de Bélgica.
guerra de Halcón Negro (1832)
La política de traslado de indios al Oeste del presidente Jackson provoca una
primera Guerra Carlista (1833)
La muerte del rey Fernando VII desencadena una guerra de sucesión en España.
revolución texana (1834)
Los colonos estadounidenses en Texas se rebelan contra el gobierno mexicano.
independencia de Texas (1836)
El dictador mexicano Santa Anna es hecho prisionero y Texas proclama su independencia.
Imperio Británico (1840)
Canadá, Sudáfrica, Afganistán, la India, Australia, bajo el gobierno británico.
anexión de Texas (1844)
La posible anexión de Texas genera tensiones tanto en los Estados Unidos como
en México.
guerra entre México y los Estados Unidos I (1845) La anexión de Texas hace estallar la guerra.
guerra entre México y los Estados Unidos II (1847) El ejército estadounidense toma la capital
primavera de los pueblos II (1849)
Francisco José I asciende al trono de Austria y reafirma el absolutismo.
mundo a mitad del siglo XIX (1850)
La Europa de la reina Victoria y el emperador Francisco José.
rebelión de los cipayos (1857)
Rebelión de los soldados indios contra las autoridades británicas.
Lincoln (1858) Lincoln se presenta a senador en los Estados
Unidos y destaca por sus discursos contra la esclavitud.
contra Austria (1859)
Victor Manuel II de Cerdeña entra en guerra con Austria con la ayuda de
unificación de Italia (1860)
Víctor Manuel II de Cerdeña y Garibaldi se hacen con el control de casi toda
La guerra
de Secesión II (1862)
Robert Lee derrota estrepitosamente al ejército federal en Fredericksburg.
guerra de Secesión III (1863)
Lee es derrotado en Gettysburg y poco después Grant toma Vicksburg.
guerra de Secesión IV (1864)
Grant acorrala a Lee en Richmond mientras Sherman devasta Georgia.
guerra de Secesión V (1865)
Abraham Lincoln es asesinado en los últimos días de la guerra civil.
La era
Meiji (1868) El emperador japonés Meiji recupera el poder tras
la caída del último Shogun.
aniquilación del Paraguay (1869)
El dictador Francisco Solano López lleva a Paraguay al borde de la extinción.
segundo Imperio Alemán (1871)
El rey Guillermo I de Prusia es coronado como emperador alemán.
centenario de los Estados Unidos (1876) Los Estados Unidos celebran el centenario de su
declaración de independencia.
colonización de África (1881)
Las potencias europeas en Egipto, Túnez, Argelia, el Congo, etc.
reparto de África (1885)
Las grandes potencias fijan las reglas para repartirse el continente africano.
El año
de los tres emperadores (1887)
Muere el Kaiser Guillermo I de Alemania, y poco después su hijo Federico III.
carrera africana (1889)
Gran Bretaña, Francia, Alemania, Italia y Bélgica se apresuran a abarcar en África
el máximo territorio posible.
revolución hawaiana (1893)
Una revuelta en Hawai derroca a la reina Lili'uokalani y solicita la anexión a
los Estados Unidos.
nacimiento del cine (1895)
Edison, los hermanos Lumière y varios inventores más rivalizan por la
guerra de Cuba (1896)
La rebelión cubana contra el gobierno español se extiende por toda la isla.
guerra greco-turca (1897)
Grecia apoya la independencia de Creta y el Imperio Otomano le declara la
guerra hispano-estadounidense (1898)
Los Estados Unidos apoyan la revolución cubana contra España y entran en
guerra filipino-estadounidense (1899)
Los Estados Unidos arrebatan a España Puerto Rico y las Filipinas, pero éstas
se rebelan.
segunda guerra bóer (1901)
Gran Bretaña se anexiona la República Sudafricana y el Estado Libre de Orange.
guerra ruso-japonesa (1903)
Japón ataca a Rusia para disputarle la influencia sobre China y Corea.
revolución rusa I (1905)
Las protestas populares obligan al zar Nicolás II a promulgar una constitución.
revolución rusa II (1906)
Nicolás II frustra todas las reformas liberales que le había impuesto la
nacimiento de la aviación (1908)
Los hermanos Wright y el conde von Zeppelin hacen viable la aviación civil y
guerras balcánicas (1912)
Italia y los países balcánicos declaran la guerra al Imperio Otomano.
“En mi opinión”
No 823 Diciembre 16, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR
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