No 945 “En mi opinión” Mayo 11, 2015
AMENPER: Raúl Castro
¿Vuelve al redil de la Iglesia?
Raul Castro hizo una visita al Vaticano por invitación del Papa Francisco
este domingo y le dio gracias por su trabajo para la distensión
Cuba-Estados Unidos y más tarde dijo que está muy impresionado por el Pontífice
está considerando un regreso al redil de la iglesia Católica Romana.
"Cuando el papa vaya a Cuba en septiembre, prometo ir a todas sus
misas y con satisfacción", dijo Castro en una conferencia de prensa en la
oficina del Premier italiano Matteo Renzi, con quien se reunió con después de
su visita al Vaticano-
El Pontífice "es un jesuita y, en cierto modo, yo también," dijo
Castro en una conferencia de prensa. "Siempre estudié en colegios
jesuitas". He leído todos los discursos del Papa, sus comentarios y si el
Papa continúa de esta manera, volveré a orar y volveré a la iglesia, y no estoy
bromeando, dijo
Francis dio a Castro una medalla que representa a San Martín de Porres,
conocido por cuidar a los más desvalidos. ¿Así que Raúl es un “desvalido”?
bueno, había oído decir muchas cosas de Raúl pero esta es una nueva.
"Yo soy del partido comunista cubano, que no permite los creyentes
(religiosos), pero ahora lo estamos permitiendo, es un paso importante",
dijo Castro.
Bueno es posible, pero lo más importante para entrar en la iglesia de
Cristo es el perdón de los pecados que implica arrepentimiento. Sin
arrepentimiento no puede haber perdón, porque el pecado persiste.
Y en Cuba persiste la persecución a los que piensan diferente, todos los
derechos del ser humano que son parte de la doctrina cristiana son violados por
la tiranía de los Castro..
¿Quiénes son llamados al arrepentimiento? Está en la Biblia, Lucas 5:32, "No
he venido a llamar a justos, sino a pecadores al arrepentimiento". Así
que realmente Raúl y sus secuaces son llamados, el asunto es si están
arrepentidos de los asesinatos que cometieron. ¿Cómo podemos saber
¿Qué acompaña al arrepentimiento? Está en la Biblia, Lucas 24:47,
"Y que se predicase en su nombre el arrepentimiento con el perdón de
pecados en todas las naciones, comenzando en Jerusalén".
¿Hay perdón en Cuba? Por favor, aceptar que Raúl Castro un tirano asesino
diga que quiere volver a la iglesia sin enfrentarlo a la verdad de
que tiene que confesar y arrepentirse de sus pecados es ser cómplice
de sus crímenes
Y sus aliados en sus crímenes se encuentran en Irán o ISIS, no precisamente
en Jerusalén..
Es triste, produce mucha tristeza que también los veamos ahora en Roma.
"Porque la tristeza que es según Dios produce un arrepentimiento para
salvación, del que no hay que tener pesar; pero la tristeza del mundo produce
muerte" (2 Corintios 7:10).
Pablo habla de dos clases de tristeza: una que obra para salvación, y la
otra que obra para muerte.
Alude a lo que generalmente se entiende por dos clases de arrepentimiento
uno verdadero y otro falso..
La palabra arrepentimiento implica un cambio en el estado de la mente que
incluye un cambio de conducta.. El pecador negligente casi no tiene ideas
correctas, incluso, en cuanto se refiere a esta vida, con respecto al
merecimiento del pecado. Supóngase que admita en teoría que el pecado merece
muerte eterna. No lo cree. Si lo creyera, le sería imposible permanecer un
pecador negligente. Y nunca he oído a Raúl castro arrepentirse de lo que ha
hecho, al contrario ha permanecido en la misma posición de justificar sus
El arrepentimiento falso dice Pablo que es mundano, la tristeza del mundo;
esto es, la tristeza por el pecado que surge de consideraciones y motivos
mundanos, relacionados con la vida presente, o a lo sumo, considera su propia
felicidad en un mundo futuro, sin ninguna consideración en la verdadera
naturaleza del pecado.
No está fundado en un cambio de opinión para pertenecer al verdadero
arrepentimiento. Deja intacta y sin someter en el corazón una disposición para
el pecado. Los sentimientos en cuanto a la naturaleza del pecado no han
cambiado, y el individuo lleva a un ocultamiento hipócrita. El individuo que ha
ejercido un verdadero arrepentimiento está dispuesto a que se sepa que se ha
arrepentido, y está dispuesto a que se sepa que era un pecador.
El que sólo tiene un arrepentimiento falso recurre a excusas y mentiras
para encubrir sus pecados-. Cuando se le llama reconocer sus pecados los
cubre con toda clase de disculpas y excusas, tratando de
suavizarlos, y de atenuar su gravedad. Si habla de su conducta pasada, siempre
lo hace en términos más suaves y favorables. Se ve en él una constante
disposición a encubrir su pecado. Este arrepentimiento conduce a la muerte. Le
hace cometer un pecado para encubrir otro. En vez de una expresión sentida y
franca, con el corazón en la mano, se ve un palabreo, labia, poca sinceridad de
lo que tiene que contestar tocante al propósito de una confesión, pero no
confiesa nada.
Esto es lo que se reconoce en la Iglesia Católica Romana y en todas las
iglesias que se consideran cristianas y esto es una descripción detallada de la
conducta de Raúl y Fidel Castro.
¿Se le puede dar la bienvenida a alguien que reúna estas cualidades a la
Iglesia de Cristo? Claro que es posible, para una institución humana
todo es posible por la hipocresía de hombres, pero no es posible a los ojos de
Cristo llamó hipócritas a los Fariseos de su tiempo, hipócritas son los que
sabiendo la verdad la ignoran por motivos mundanos. Los fariseos
eran los religiosos de su época, que predicaban una cosa y hacían
otra. Muchos fariseos hemos visto a través de la historia hasta
nuestros tiempos.
El punto es este, ¿Estamos hablando de religión o de Política?
Porque si estamos hablando de una situación política que es lo que
realmente se trata esto, entonces hay que decirlo sin hipocresías, cualquiera
tiene el derecho de creer lo que quiera como persona, pero que no se escondan
detrás de una religión que dice representar a Cristo para avanzar una agenda
política, esto es anatema.
Para cerrar vamos otra vez a la Biblia, a 1Timoteo 4:1 Pero
el Espíritu dice claramente que en los postreros tiempos algunos apostatarán de
la fe, escuchando a espíritus engañadores y a doctrinas de
demonios; por la hipocresía de mentirosos teniendo cauterizada la
Al que le venga bien la túnica que se la ponga.
Envienme su respuesta a:
Por quien votarias en las próximas elecciones.
If the Republican Primary were tomorrow, who would you vote for? |
“EMO” Mi voto hasta hoy es para Scott Walker. LRGM.
Envienme su respuesta a:
A Liberal Studied Conservative Brains And
Made A Discovery He Never Expected
Some will be very surprised by these
articles about conservatism vs liberalism basically say that one rules and one
drools, depending on who the author voted for in 2012. In this case, it was
written by someone at, who admitted that this is a problem for
the left. We give credit where it’s due here.
He’s also
selling a book called “The Republican Brain: The Science of
Why They Deny Science—and Reality,” because his publisher
rejected the original titles, “Arbitrary
Liberal Buzzwords that Don’t Really Mean Anything.”
choice nuggets…
47 percent
of conservative Republicans said they were “very happy,” compared with just 28
percent of liberal Democrats…this result could not simply be attributed to the
seemingly obvious cause: differences in income levels between the left and the
right. Rather, for every income group in the study, conservative Republicans
were happier than Democrats.
striking finding is that conservatives
tend to be less neurotic — or, more emotionally stable — than liberals. It is
part of the inherent definition of neuroticism that one is less happy — more
fretful, more depressed.
That means they
probably make more friends and feel more comfortable in groups and communities.
They’re more sociable. Once again, this probably helps confer a subjective
sense of greater happiness.
To the
author’s credit, he didn’t try to make excuses for this. It was more of
just sounding the alarm for his leftist followers to stop being so
miserable all the time.
vs Liberalism: conservatives can haz cupcakes… and liberals can’t enjoy
cupcakes when there’s so much alleged income “inequality.”
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely
those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by
Dems in Iowa
don’t seem concerned
The Briefing,
Vol. III, Issue 12 –
Clinton corruption seeps into the polls.
KYGOV GOP primary features a lively three-way race.
Classic Tea Party fight may be coming in FLSEN.
To: Our readers
From: David Freddoso
From: David Freddoso
President 2016
Peter Schweizer’s new book, Clinton Cash, was released last
week. Although many of the book’s juicy nuggets had been released already in
the form of stories in the Washington Post and The New York Times, the book
contains a treasure-trove of apparent Clinton conflicts of interest and a
distinct appearance of corruption.
The common storyline: Someone who has business before
the State Department massively overpays Bill Clinton to give a few speeches,
and/or donates a large sum to the Clintons’ foundations, in hopes of getting
better treatment. Sometimes, they got it. In some cases, they didn’t or at
least haven’t yet. But in each case, people tried to use their money to curry
favor with the Clintons, and their checks were cashed.
For example, there’s the one about the Swedish Company
that paid Bill Clinton $750,000 to give a single speech — at just that time,
the company was worried that Hillary Clinton’s State Department might crack
down on their telecom deal with an Iranian regime under sanctions. (It
There’s the one about TD Bank, a major investor in the
Keystone XL pipeline, which paid Bill Clinton $1.8 million for a series of
speeches while that pipeline was under State Department consideration. (They
didn’t get what wanted — at least not yet.)
There’s the one about nuclear trade with India, mining
interests in Bangladesh and Africa, the Russian government and U.S. uranium
mining, and much more.
Amid these revelations, the Clintons have announced
that due to “mistakes,” several foreign government contributions to their
foundations were improperly concealed in their tax returns. And a number of
Canadian donations were not disclosed at all — part of a
scheme by the former Clinton aides who set up a Canadian
charity in order to shield them from disclosure.
These are all troubling revelations that the Clintons
have yet to address in any serious manner. So far, they have used the go-to
tactic of the 1990s — just send a lot of loud voices out into the
media (David Brock comes to mind) to disparage critics on television,
allege a vast right-wing conspiracy, and if nothing else distract from the
issue with their own eccentricity. But we now live in the Internet era,
and it’s a very different time in journalism than it was in the 1990s. The
Clintons simply cannot count on having the same advantages now that they
had when they actually controlled the White House. Their old playbook may
not work.
And there are already signs that the stench of scandal
is starting to matter, at least at the edges.
No, Democrats don’t seem too worried yet — at least not
in Iowa, where
Quinnipiac has them as strongly behind her as ever. But there are
already signs that maybe they should be a bit worried.
The Granite State poll of last week, for example, has Clinton
losing New Hampshire to Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush, and tied
with Scott Walker. She doesn’t break 45 percent against any of the four. As
recently as February, she was polling over 50 percent in the same poll against
both Bush and Paul. (Two other New Hampshire polls were released last week — one
showed Clinton losing against Bush and Walker, one showed her with a narrow
A recent poll of
Virginia showed her losing to
Bush and very narrowly defeating others. Even before the Clinton Cash
revelations, Mason-Dixon had her losing to both Rubio and Bush in Florida. Bear
in mind that as a candidate with nearly universal name recognition, Clinton is
not likely to gain too much general election support if she doesn’t have
it already.
Clinton’s approvals are also sinking across the
country, as last week’s Wall Street
Journal poll demonstrates. The
poll, taken in late April before most of the Clinton Cash revelations and
delayed in its release until May 9, does not show a huge drop in Clinton’s
head-to-head ballot performance, but it does show that her approval ratings
have hit their lowest point since 2008. Also, it shows that a majority of
voters are skeptical about her honesty.
Now, these polls are early. They say nothing about
what the eventual result will be. But they suggest that Clinton is not going to
have an easy time of it. And as the revelations continue, her task will in fact
get harder and harder. A few more polls like these in a few more key states, a
little more movement south in her approvals and ballot tests, and suddenly
Democrats might start wondering whether there’s a way out of the coming
Up to now, the Clinton plan has involved a path to
victory similar to but distinct from Obama’s. Where Obama turned out the young
and the non-white at unprecedented levels, she would turn white women and win
the election by stealing them from the GOP.
But now, as her honesty is called into question,
another path is starting to emerge. Clinton not only has the potential to
win like Obama did, but she also has a clear path to a defeat of
Dukakis-like proportions.
Governor 2015
Kentucky: The Bluegrass State’s
gubernatorial primary is next Tuesday. On the Democratic side, Attorney
General Jack
Conway (of Aqua Buddha fame, who lost to
Rand Paul in 2010) will win the nod in a walk.
On the other side, recent events have turned the GOP
primary into a bruising three-way contest. The race is close enough at this
point that any of three candidates might well come away the winner —
and all three are conservatives.
Matt Bevin is the at times hapless but admirably determined David who faced Mitch
McConnell’s Goliath in a scorched-earth primary last year, and
lost. Bevin is by no means the favorite in this race, but the only
recent poll (a commissioned poll from PPP) puts all three men within
the margin of error.
James Comer — the state Commissioner of Agriculture. Comer rose to his current
position after his predecessor, Richie Farmer, was convicted on corruption
charges and sent to prison.
Comer’s bid was quite suddenly thrown into crisis
recently when an old college girlfriend accused him of abusing her, both
mentally and physically, in the early 1990s. Most damaging, perhaps, she
accused him of taking her to have an abortion. An old roommate
corroborated at least some of the account, but the accuser is vague on the
The allegation is so old that it is nearly
impossible to fully rebut, even if it is a complete fabrication. And this
is the problem with late-breaking accusations during election-time — the
standard of innocent until proven guilty only applies in court, not with the
electorate. Even if they disbelieve all of the accusations, Republican voters
might hesitate to nominate someone who will enter the general
election with such a cloud over his head.
Comer denied everything in a press conference last
week and threatened a lawsuit against the Louisiville Courier
Journal and the people spreading the allegations.
Hal Heiner — a self-funding businessman who once served on the Louisville City
Council and ran for mayor unsuccessfully — has the most credible claim to being
the frontrunner. He has hit the airwaves hard with ads to boost his own name
He is also accused — both by Comer and by Bevin — of
being behind the attacks on Comer. (He denies this, but his running mate was in
contact with the blogger who originally pushed the story.)
As with most primary elections — especially those with
more than two viable candidates — the field in Kentucky is very fluid. Polls
cannot necessarily be trusted to pick up late breaks in support toward one
candidate or another.
Heiner’s possible involvement with the people shopping
around the Comer scandal has the potential to backfire. Or the accusations
could take Comer out. The third possibility — the most intriguing —
is that both could happen at the same time. If voters go with Bevin to
steer clear of the entire mess, that would create an awkward situation in
Kentucky politics. Bevin has, of course, shrewdly voiced support for Comer in
this matter whilst accusing Heiner of peddling the story.
Bevin’s 2014 run showed he is a flawed candidate, but
not necessarily fatally flawed. Moreover, although Conway is considered a
relatively strong Democratic nominee (in spite of his 2010 defeat), the
Bluegrass poll suggests that he faces a competitive race against any of the
three Republicans. Bevin performs worst of the three, starting off behind by six points, but Conway is
nowhere near 50 percent against anyone.
Bear in mind that Kentucky’s realignment to
becoming a truly Republican state was suddenly interrupted by the disastrous
governorship of Ernie Fletcher, R, last decade. It it possible that Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s unexpected blowout victory last year presages
a true, lasting realignment has finally arrived as in other Southern states.
This would mean that Kentucky will start voting Republican down-ballot the way
it has in presidential races.
One more note about a Bevin win — no matter
how unlikely it seems. It would put Sens. Rand Paul and McConnell in
a difficult position. They could either help a party pariah in the general, or
else (in theory anyway) allow Democrats to have Paul’s Senate seat, were
he somehow to win the presidency, because the governor would appoint his
Senate 2016
Florida: If you’re hankering
for a classic 2010-style fight between the Tea Party and establishment wings of
the GOP, keep an eye on the race to succeed Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.
The shape of the Republican contest could change if
others get in. But conservative groups have quickly fallen in behind Rep. Ron DeSantis, who represents a safe Republican district in the Jacksonville area. A
graduate of Yale and Harvard Law and a former Navy JAG, he is described as a
potentially decent candidate who lacks any obvious disqualifying problems. He
is only 36 years old.
Republican Party regulars would like to
nominate Carlos
Lopez-Cantera, Rick Scott’s second lieutenant governor. He
seems set to jump into the race. Of Cuban and Jewish descent, he has great
popularity in South Florida. He is a political ally of Rubio. And
Republicans want nothing more than to cut into Democrats’ recent inroads with
South Florida Hispanics.
Even as Republicans’ face a
potential ideological battle in Florida, Democrats are likely to face the
same fate. The party favorite for the nomination, the more moderate Rep. Patrick Murphy, D, may well have to square off against the flamboyant and outspoken
liberal Rep. Alan Grayson. Grayson is probably
less electable than anyone currently discussed in the Republican field.
Life As First Lady Takes Toll On Michelle Obama Because She Is Black, She
Ivy League-educated, Marchesa gown-wearing first lady Michelle Obama’s
commencement address at Tuskegee University on Saturday described the trials
and tribulations she believes she has faced as the first black first lady in
American history.
The intense media scrutiny, occasional critical and
disparaging remarks — it’s all too much and she said it has led to sleepless
nights either in the White House or in posh, five-star hotels where she and her
retinue stay, according to The Hill.
“You might remember the on-stage celebratory fist bump
between me and my husband after a primary win that was referred to as a ‘terrorist fist jab,'” she
told graduates of the private, historically black science- and
engineering-heavy school in Alabama.
“And over the years, folks have used plenty of
interesting words to describe me. One said I exhibited ‘a little bit of
uppity-ism,'” Obama said. “Another noted that I was one of my husband’s
‘cronies of color.’ Cable news once charmingly referred to me as ‘Obama’s Baby
The international jetsetter, a graduate of both
Princeton University and Harvard Law School, also complained that she feels she
endured a set of expectations during her husband Barack Obama’s 2008
presidential campaign that was different than the expectations for other
would-be presidential wives.(RELATED: Remember
When Obama Was The Messiah?)
Specifically, she believes the questions she faced as
a potential first lady were overly invasive.
“As potentially the first African-American first lady,
I was also the focus of another set of questions and speculations;
conversations sometimes rooted in the fears and misperceptions of others. Was I
too loud, or too angry, or too emasculating? Or was I too soft, too much of a
mom, not enough of a career woman?” Obama said, according to The Hill.
Obama said she and her husband, the president of the
United States and arguably the most powerful man in the world, have faced
“frustrating” racism, which is “a heavy burden to carry.”
“We’ve both felt the sting of those daily slights
throughout our entire lives,” she griped.
Obama additionally observed that the Tuskegee Airmen,
the legendary regiment of black World War II pilots, faced degrading racial
insults but overcame the racial mistreatment to achieve heroism.
The first lady urged Tuskegee University graduates
never “to succumb to feelings of despair and anger.”
Along with President Obama and the couple’s two
children (and occasionally her mother), Michelle Obama has made sure to spend
plenty of taxpayer dollars on an impressive run of sweet luxury vacations.
In January, the president and first lady Michelle
Obama traveled at taxpayer expense to beautiful, exotic India. The trip
included a romantic visit to the Taj Mahal, perhaps the world’s most famous
architectural testament of love — a gleaming, white marble mausoleum
constructed under the orders of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his third wife,
Mumtaz Mahal. (RELATED: Obama To
Show Michelle Taj Mahal)
Back in March 2014, the whole Obama clan faced the
prospect of cutting a mini-vacation in sunny Key Largo, Fla. short because of
Russia’s meddling in Ukraine. It was sad, too, because the first family wanted
some rest and relaxation away from the cold, snowy doldrums of Washington,
May Have To Cut Third Vacation THIS YEAR Short Because Of Ukraine)
That same month, Michelle Obama and the first daughters
Malia and Sasha jetted off to China for over a week of much-needed
sightseeing. (RELATED:
Globetrotting Michelle Obama Announces Luxurious Vacation To China)
As of July 2014, the Obama family had already spent a
whopping $44,351,777.12 in taxpayer funds on vacations. That dollar amount is
obviously substantially higher now. (RELATED: The Obamas
Have Spent Over $44 Million In Taxpayer Cash On Travel)
In 2008, then-candidate Obama promised gullible New
York Times columnist Bob Herbert that he would not take vacations if he were
elected president.(VIDEO FLASHBACK:
Obama Promises No Vacations For Himself As President)
'When will you take the
time to sit down with us and let us share our experiences?'
imagine a president, like Barack Obama for example, refusing to meet with a
group because of their sexual orientation.
you say?
Well …
petition has been launched at, a popular online petition-posting site
that boasts it is integral to helping people “transform their communities”
every day, asking President Obama to keep his word.
In his
victory speech on November 5, 2008, as reported by the New York Times,Obama
said: “And for those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have
won your vote tonight; but I hear your voices. I need your help, and I will be
your president, too.”
is just fine with the petition organizers, including Janet Boynes of Janet
Boynes Ministries, if only he would.
problem for them is that he’s hasn’t met with them, or listened to them, and
very likely the problem for Obama is that they are ex-”gays.”
homosexuals. Former lesbians.
under the politically correct mantra in which the country is awash these days,
don’t exist. Because, under the demands for “civil rights” for a sexual
orientation, such orientation would have to be immutable.
all, who would make a lifestyle choice a constitutional right?
The petition is for everyone who would like to see
the conversation with Obama happen, not just those who have left the same-sex
lifestyle. It explains:
those of us who have left the homosexual lifestyle, you have never listened to
us. Countless people who are participating in the homosexual lifestyle have
visited with you at the White House, and you have supported them on numerous
about those of us whose compelling stories you have chosen to ignore? We also
have voices; and when you were first elected, you promised to listen to us.
That has not happened yet.
President, when will you take the time to sit down with us and let us share our
whose ministry focuses on individuals questioning their sexuality and those who
wish to leave homosexuality, speaks from experience. Fourteen years she lived
as a lesbian until God called her out of that lifestyle. That was more than a
decade ago.
In a commentary, she wrote, “For years, the president of
the United States has sat down with those in the LGBTQ community but has failed
to hear the stories of those of us who have successfully left the homosexual
lifestyle. … Please join me in signing this petition to ask President Obama to
hear the voices of those of us who know from personal experiences or through
the experiences of others that it is possible to leave the homosexual
petition was surging through the 1,300 signature level heading into the
told WND she just wants the president to listen, but it appears he’s concerned
about offending those in the “gay” community, a huge source of support for his
program that has been precedent-setting in its advocacy for homosexuality,
same-sex “marriage” and more.
don’t know if he’s afraid of hurting their feelings or going against what he
believes. I think that if we meet with him, we could challenge him to think
differently,” she said.
not the first time Obama has been publicly confronted over this issue.
with Parents and Friends of
ExGays and Gays confirmed
to WND they had written to Obama early in 2014 asking for support.
year thousands of men and women with unwanted same-sex attractions make the
personal decision to leave homosexuality through gender affirming programs,
including counseling, support groups, faith based ministries, and other
non-judgmental environments,” the letter said. “Their decision is a personal
one that only they can make. However, there are those in society who refuse to
respect an individual’s right to self-determination.
formerly gay men and women are harassed, bullied, and discriminated against
simply because they dare to exist.
of your public outpouring of support for the LGBT community, we ask that you
also extend your support to the ex-gay community, which continues to face
unprecedented prejudice, bullying and hate.”
same organization had earlier approached Obama, when he still was a senator,
with a request for support.
At that
time, he was told, “Former homosexuals and their allies have been fired from
their jobs, repeatedly ridiculed, assaulted and intimidated. This harassment is
most often perpetrated by the same groups who demand protection under sexual
orientation laws but work to deny ex-gays the same respect.”
example, ex-”gays” routinely are excluded from NEA, PTA and American School
Counselors Associations events and ex-”gay” speakers are not welcome on
diversity days. Even their own conferences are picketed by “gay rights” groups.
instead of support, the reverse developed.
Obama knows about this discriminatory treatment firsthand,” PFOX reported.
“When ex-gay gospel singer Donnie McClurkin sang at an Obama fundraiser last
year, gay rights organizations demanded that Obama remove McClurkin from the
program. On CNN Prime News, former Human Rights Campaign spokesperson Wayne
Besen insisted that Obama should fire McClurkin just for being ex-gay.
According to the Advocate, McClurkin is no longer part of the program.”
organization has posted online the personal testimonies of
a score of individuals who have chosen to leave the same-sex lifestyle.
Griggs is a spokeswoman for PFOX, which enraged homosexuals with a billboard
campaign pointing out identical twins seldom are homosexual, undermining the
claim that a sexual lifestyle is genetic.
told WND a study of 20,000 identical twins revealed that in fewer than 10
percent of the cases were both “gay.”
explained homosexuality is based “on someone’s feelings and expressions… It has
nothing to do with genetics.”
Raúl Castro ha informado que el próximo 26 de
Julio lo van a celebrar en Hialeah con la presencia del Primer presidente Negro
de los USA.
ISIS Claims To Have ’71 Trained Soldiers’ In
Targeted U.S. States
The incident in Garland “is a prime example of the
difference between a gun free zone and Texas."
Purported ISIS
jihadists issued threats against the United States Tuesday, indicating the
group has trained soldiers positioned throughout the country, ready to attack
“any target we desire.”
The online post singles out
controversial blogger Pamela Geller, one of the
organizers of the “Draw the Prophet” Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland,
Texas, over the weekend, calling for her death to “heal the hearts of our
brothers and disperse the ones behind her.”
ISIS also claimed
responsibility early Tuesday for the shooting, which marked the first time the
terror group claimed responsibility for an attack on U.S. soil, according to
the New York Daily
“The attack by the
Islamic State in America is only the beginning of our efforts to establish a
wiliyah [authority or governance] in the heart of our enemy,” the ISIS post
As for Geller, the
jihadists state: “To those who protect her: this will be your only warning
of housing this woman and her circus show. Everyone who houses her events,
gives her a platform to spill her filth are legitimate targets. We have been
watching closely who was present at this event and the shooter of our
ISIS further claims
to have known that the Muhammad cartoon contest venue would be heavily
guarded, but conducted the attack to demonstrate the willingness of its
followers to die for the “Sake of Allah.”
The FBI and the
Department of Homeland Security, in fact, issued a bulletin on April 20
indicating the event would be a likely terror target.
ISIS drew its message
to a close with an ominous threat:
We have 71 trained soldiers in 15 different states
ready at our word to attack any target we desire. Out of the 71 trained
soldiers 23 have signed up for missions like Sunday, We are increasing in
number bithnillah [if God wills]. Of the 15 states, 5 we will name… Virginia,
Maryland, Illinois, California, and Michigan…The next six months will be
Fox News reports that “the U.S.
intelligence community was assessing the threat and trying to determine if the
source is directly related to ISIS leadership or an opportunist such as a
low-level militant seeking to further capitalize on the Garland incident.”
Former Navy Seal Rob O’Neill told Fox News he believes the ISIS threat
is credible, and the U.S. must be prepared. He added that the incident in
Garland “is a prime example of the difference between a gun free zone and
Texas. They showed up at Charlie Hebdo, and it was a massacre. If these two
guys had gotten into that building it would have been Charlie Hebdo times ten.
But these two guys showed up because they were offended by something protected
by the First Amendment, and were quickly introduced to the Second Amendment.”
Geller issued a statement regarding the ISIS
posting: “This threat illustrates the savagery and barbarism of the Islamic
State. They want me dead for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. What remains
to be seen is whether the free world will finally wake up and stand for the
freedom of speech, or instead kowtow to this evil and continue to denounce me.”
Loves Criminals: Sends 3 Officials to Freddie Gray Funeral, 0 to NYPD Funeral
Saturday, May 9, 2015
This is shockingly sad.
You may recall last
week that we reported that Obama sent three–count ’em, THREE–White House
officials to Baltimore resident Freddie Gray’s funeral. By contrast, this week
Obama sent no one to the funeral of the New York police officer brutally shot
in the face.
But let’s take a look
at some of the other notable funerals during Obama’s regime.
Here are the funerals
that Obama didn’t bother attending or sending any officials to:
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
President Lech Kaczynski
SEAL Sniper Chris Kyle
NY officer Brian Moore
Now here are some of
the funerals that Obama attended or sent White House representatives to:
King Abdullah
criminal Trayvon Martin
criminal Michael Brown
criminal Freddie Gray
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