No 983 “En mi opinión” Junio 24, 2015
“IN GOD I TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
“Cambio” en el Papado…
La Exhortación
Apostólica, Evangelii Gaudium (La Alegría del Evangelio), del Papa Francisco
que realmente debiera llamarse La Tristeza del Evangelio, porque de lo que nos
habla es de cosas tristes como la destrucción del mundo por humanos indeseables
que por ambiciones de riquezas contaminan al medio ambiente.
La única alegría que
pudiéramos tomar en consideración en cuando a la encíclica es que estamos presenciando la conversión de
medios de comunicación ateos como el New York Times que hasta ahora siempre
habían atacado las encíclicas papales y ahora alaban su autoridad. Recordamos los ataques a Juan Pablo II por
sus encíclicas en defensa de la vida y la santidad del matrimonio. Lo que nos preocupa es el por qué el New York
Times ha cambiado su manera de pensar sobre la autoridad del Vaticano, ¿Es
realmente que el New York Times ha cambiado su manera de ser? ¿O es el papado el que se ha desviado del
camino trazado por sus antecesores?
¿Es la encíclica algo
que beneficie a la humanidad o que proclame el evangelio (las buenas nuevas de
Un escrito de hoy de
William Mcgurn en el Wall Street Journal analiza la encíclica y nos dice que no
hay nada nuevo, que esto es algo que se ha discutido desde hace muchos años,
que es la economía de mercado contra la percepción socialista de la economía. Y razona al final del artículo cuales son las
que producen mejor resultado, no sólo para la economía sino para el entorno de
medio ambiente.
¿Porque dónde es el
medio ambiente más limpio, donde abundan las empresas que el papa dice que son
contaminadoras, o en los países pobres y subdesarrollados?
Abajo copio el
El milagro del Papa Francisco
El choque de visiones se remonta
al de entre Adam Smith y Thomas Malthus.
22 de junio de 2015
Se podría llamar su primer milagro. Papa
Francis ha conseguido que el New York Times haya hecho lo que tal vez ningún Papa lo había
logrado el considedrar una enseñanza papal como algo que representa autoridad.
Durante décadas el New York Times ha
guerreado con papas sobre cuestiones morales como el matrimonio o el valor de
la vida por nacer. Pero cuando se trata de la ciencia y el cambio climático, el
periódico que le
gusta presentarse como el períodico de la cultura disco está en expediente como
reconociendo la autoridad de una Encíclica papal.
Es cierto que el New York Times pone
templanza en su alabanza con el adverbio "inesperadamente". Y para
ser justos, fue Papa Francis que cruzó el río Tíber para abrazar la ortodoxia
del New York Times, no de la otra manera a la inversa.. Pero tal es la alegría
de tener una opinión papal sobre el concepto del cambio climático del planeta
como una catástrofe, que vemos a la gente ocupados aplaudiendo, algunos
“cristianos” están
dispuestos a pasar por alto la crítica del Papa cuando habla de un ecologismo que protege las
especies en peligro de extinción, pero no menciona el feto.
Por otra parte, tal vez eso es porque
reconocen que ha abrazado su lógica si no su conclusión. Pues si los recursos
son realmente finitos, y si el hombre está impulsando el cambio climático,
entonces cada ser humano adicional significa un pequeño trozo del pastel para
todos los demás — y un aporte de carbono más grande que nos trae Armageddon más
cercana a la ambiental. El punto es, no es la lógica que los verdes tienen mal;
es sus hipótesis. (la hipótesis que es mejor abortar que traer más
contaminadores al mundo.)
Lo cual trae una característica llamativa de
este documento: su desolación. Sólo meses hace Papa Francis advirtió a los
miembros de la Curia del Vaticano contra ser demasiado severos.
La anterior exhortación apostólica fue
llamada "El Evangelio de la alegría". Pero para un documento cuyo
título está tomado de un St. Francis de himno de Asís celebra creación de Dios,
"Laudato Si'"("ser alabado") está lleno de pesimismo."
Las predicciones fatalistas no pueden ser resueltos con ironía o
desprecio,"escribe el Papa.
Otros papas han emitido críticas para
reforzar la cultura occidental moderna. Papa Francis, sin embargo, va más allá.
Esta Encíclica es menos un correctivo a los excesos de la ciencia y la
tecnología que lo que es una serie de argumentos que están fatalmente viciados.
En un artículo en línea de la revista
religiosa “Primeras Cosas” cosas, del editor Reno R.R. describe la encíclica
como "oscura reflexión sobre los males sistémicos de la modernidad,"
uno que ve "perversión y decadencia de un sistema mundial dominado por
aquellos que consumen y destruyen. Papa Francis en un momento declara los negocio
como "noble profesión", pero nunca parecen serlo por lo del resto del
De hecho, el Papa parece abrazar la idea de
que capitalismo global explota a los países pobres — a pesar de invertir en una
fábrica o abrir un negocio en el mundo en desarrollo es inherentemente algo que
todos los países quisieran.
Significa que una empresa reconoce que un
lugar y su gente tienen un potencial sin explotar: tienen algo que aportar a la
economía mundial. El Papa denuncia a menudo la «economía de exclusión,» y con
razón. Pero el crecimiento económico y la expansión de los mercados son
En cuanto a medio ambiente, sí, hay un montón
de ejemplos cuando empresas profanan el medio ambiente y dejan los costos a la
comunidad. Pero si este es el problema, ¿por qué es que el agua más limpio, el
aire más saludable y los entornos más verdes en tierras ricas y desarrolladas,
con empresas que en los lugares pobres y subdesarrollados?
De alguna manera el conflicto no es nuevo.
Después de todo, fue un clérigo, el Reverendo Thomas Malthus, quien dio su
nombre a una visión de suma cero de la vida que vio hombres y mujeres que
crearían a su propia destrucción. En contraste, el primer economista, Adam
Smith, escribió que para quejarse sobre el crecimiento de la población
crecimiento se debía considerar "sobre el efecto necesario y causa de la
mayor prosperidad pública
No fue Smith sólo,. Gary Becker ganó el
Premio 1992 Nobel en la economía por su trabajo sobre capital humano. Julian
Simon llama a gente "el recurso" en su libro de 1981 ese título. En
la década de 1970 cuando las predicciones de un apocalipsis global estaban
también en boga, señor Peter Bauer de la London School of Economics contradijo
malthusiana supuestos materialistas poniendo de relieve lo absurdo de la idea
de que cuando un becerro nace aumenta la riqueza nacional, pero cuando nace un
bebé cae.
Lo dijo de esta manera. Si fueras un padre
cuya familia languidece en la pobreza aplastante en alguna parte desesperada de
África, tienes que escuchar los mensajes hoy:
economista y empresario le dirá que no hay ninguna nación tan pobre que su
gente no puede levantar ellos mismos si tienen la libertad de tomar ventaja de
la tecnología moderna y participar en el mercado mundial. En el proceso, sus
vecinos también ser enriquecidos y mejorado el medio ambiente.
tanto, Papa Francis sugiere que los pobres del mundo en desarrollo no pueden
nunca tener una vida mejor o un medio ambiente más limpio hasta que Occidente
se imponga una reducida calidad de vida a sí mismo.
¿Cuál de
las dos opciones ofrece
la forma más humana y esperanzada de avanzar?
La convocatoria a las proximas elecciones en la hermana republica
de Venezuela, en mi opinion, han sido planificada con todo rigor,
bajo el principio de que ""EL PODER NO SE PUEDE ENTREGAR".
Se ganan o se ganan. No tengan dudas.
Todo esta previsto:
La visita de Cabello a La Habana, ha recibir instrucciones muy precisas, para analizar todos los posibles escenarios. Estoy convencido, que exite hasta un Plan B. No hay opciones, solo puede haber Victoria para el chavismo.
La visita del Ministro de las Fuerzas Armadas de Cuba, Leopoldo Cintas Frias -el maximo nivel militar de Cuba- que solo puede tener un objetivo preparar planes militares de contigencia para una posible participación militar en cualquier escenario, como resultado de las elecciones. Ya sea de tropas venezolanas o cubanas o ambas en la represion y si es necesario en combates fraticidas. Todo esta friamente calculado, no cabe la impro-
visacion. Todo esta planificado para garantizar la permanencia en el poder.
A nuestros hermanos venezolanos, que se olviden de un feliz final electoral,
mientras que los asesores cubanos gobiernen en Venezuela, no pueden
perder a la gallina de los huevos de oro, que da petroleo. Es vital para
Cuba, para mantener su propia estabilidad. Tienen que garantizar
" a toda costa y todo costo" el chavismo sumiso que gobierna Venezuela.
La oposicion tiene tambien que prepararse para todos los posibles escenarios,
la Guerra no se gana ni por la prensa, ni la TV, ni el radio, hablar menos
y actuar mas. Hay que enfentarse a todo, y estar dispuestos a pelear.
Mi recomendacion, acuerdense de Bolivar, ahora o nunca.
Venezuela irá a elecciones el 6 de diciembre
La convocatoria a las proximas elecciones en la hermana republica
de Venezuela, en mi opinion, han sido planificada con todo rigor,
bajo el principio de que ""EL PODER NO SE PUEDE ENTREGAR".
Se ganan o se ganan. No tengan dudas.
Todo esta previsto:
La visita de Cabello a La Habana, ha recibir instrucciones muy precisas, para analizar todos los posibles escenarios. Estoy convencido, que exite hasta un Plan B. No hay opciones, solo puede haber Victoria para el chavismo.
La visita del Ministro de las Fuerzas Armadas de Cuba, Leopoldo Cintas Frias -el maximo nivel militar de Cuba- que solo puede tener un objetivo preparar planes militares de contigencia para una posible participación militar en cualquier escenario, como resultado de las elecciones. Ya sea de tropas venezolanas o cubanas o ambas en la represion y si es necesario en combates fraticidas. Todo esta friamente calculado, no cabe la impro-
visacion. Todo esta planificado para garantizar la permanencia en el poder.
A nuestros hermanos venezolanos, que se olviden de un feliz final electoral,
mientras que los asesores cubanos gobiernen en Venezuela, no pueden
perder a la gallina de los huevos de oro, que da petroleo. Es vital para
Cuba, para mantener su propia estabilidad. Tienen que garantizar
" a toda costa y todo costo" el chavismo sumiso que gobierna Venezuela.
La oposicion tiene tambien que prepararse para todos los posibles escenarios,
la Guerra no se gana ni por la prensa, ni la TV, ni el radio, hablar menos
y actuar mas. Hay que enfentarse a todo, y estar dispuestos a pelear.
Mi recomendacion, acuerdense de Bolivar, ahora o nunca.
Venezuela irá a elecciones el 6 de diciembre
junio 2015 | 6 |
elecciones legislativas venezolanas se celebrarán el próximo 6 de diciembre,
anunció este lunes la presidenta del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) Tibisay
Lucena. "La fecha de la elección es el próximo 6 de diciembre",
informó Lucena en un comunicado a la prensa, en el que también se fijó la fecha
de la campaña electoral entre el 13 de noviembre y el 3 de diciembre.
Diosdado Cabello, Raúl Castro y Bruno Rodríguez el 20 de
junio de 2015.
El General de
Ejército Raúl
Castro Ruz, Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros, recibió en
horas de la tarde de este sábado al compañero Diosdado Cabello,
Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional y Primer Vicepresidente del Partido
Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV), quien realizó una visita de trabajo a
nuestro país.
de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Cuba visita Venezuela
El Héroe de la República de Cuba rindió tributo al
Comandante Hugo Chávez en el Cuartel de la Montaña
22 de junio de 2015 21:06:36
22 de junio de 2015 21:06:36
llegado a una tierra de amigos y hermanos”, dijo el miembro del Buró Político
del Comité Central del Partido y ministro de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias
(FAR) de Cuba, general de cuerpo de Ejército Leopoldo Cintra Frías, al arribar
ayer a esta ciudad en visita de trabajo.
Al darle la bienvenida en la losa del aeropuerto internacional Simón Bolívar, el ministro del Poder Popular para la Defensa, General en Jefe Vladimir Padrino López, calificó de “un orgullo y alto honor para Venezuela” acoger a su homólogo cubano en medio de una coyuntura histórica, como “la conmemoración por los 194 años de la Batalla de Carabobo, y el desafío constante que significa mantener el camino de la democracia, la justicia, la paz y este proyecto de país que se llama Revolución Bolivariana”.
“Es una deuda que tenía”, señaló el Héroe de la República de Cuba, quien se declaró emocionado por la visita que a lo largo de una semana realizará a la tierra de Bolívar y Chávez, y a la cual no venía hace 56 años, cuando acompañó a Fidel y luego a Raúl en 1959.
Directamente desde el aeropuerto, Cintra Frías acudió al Cuartel de la Montaña a rendir honores al Comandante Hugo Chávez, en el panteón que guarda sus restos mortales: “Es un honor que haya sido esta la primera actividad.Todos los cubanos tenemos a Chávez en el corazón, por haber sido un gran líder latinoamericano y por los lazos de familiaridad que lo unieron a Fidel y a nuestra nación.”
El ministro venezolano Padrino López, precisó a la prensa que la agenda de visita de su par cubano prevé la revisión y actualización del convenio técnico-militar entre ambas repúblicas —“una relación basada en la complementariedad y el apoyo mutuo”—, así como el acompañamiento en las actividades del 24 de junio, Día del Ejército Bolivariano y fecha en que se conmemorarán los 194 años de la histórica Batalla de Carabobo.
En su primera jornada en Venezuela, la delegación cubana estuvo acompañada además por el embajador de la Isla en la nación sudamericana, Rogelio Polanco, y por los comandantes del alto mando militar de la República Bolivariana.
Al darle la bienvenida en la losa del aeropuerto internacional Simón Bolívar, el ministro del Poder Popular para la Defensa, General en Jefe Vladimir Padrino López, calificó de “un orgullo y alto honor para Venezuela” acoger a su homólogo cubano en medio de una coyuntura histórica, como “la conmemoración por los 194 años de la Batalla de Carabobo, y el desafío constante que significa mantener el camino de la democracia, la justicia, la paz y este proyecto de país que se llama Revolución Bolivariana”.
“Es una deuda que tenía”, señaló el Héroe de la República de Cuba, quien se declaró emocionado por la visita que a lo largo de una semana realizará a la tierra de Bolívar y Chávez, y a la cual no venía hace 56 años, cuando acompañó a Fidel y luego a Raúl en 1959.
Directamente desde el aeropuerto, Cintra Frías acudió al Cuartel de la Montaña a rendir honores al Comandante Hugo Chávez, en el panteón que guarda sus restos mortales: “Es un honor que haya sido esta la primera actividad.Todos los cubanos tenemos a Chávez en el corazón, por haber sido un gran líder latinoamericano y por los lazos de familiaridad que lo unieron a Fidel y a nuestra nación.”
El ministro venezolano Padrino López, precisó a la prensa que la agenda de visita de su par cubano prevé la revisión y actualización del convenio técnico-militar entre ambas repúblicas —“una relación basada en la complementariedad y el apoyo mutuo”—, así como el acompañamiento en las actividades del 24 de junio, Día del Ejército Bolivariano y fecha en que se conmemorarán los 194 años de la histórica Batalla de Carabobo.
En su primera jornada en Venezuela, la delegación cubana estuvo acompañada además por el embajador de la Isla en la nación sudamericana, Rogelio Polanco, y por los comandantes del alto mando militar de la República Bolivariana.
WESTERN JOURNALISM: Trey Gowdy Just Released Something BIG Regarding Hillary That Has Dems
The House Select
Committee on Benghazi Monday released about 60
emails that Sidney
Blumenthal sent to former secretary of State Hillary Clinton relating to the
2012 terrorist attack which killed four people.
The emails are
comprised of almost 180 pages and cover a period of time from February 2011 to
December 2012, The Hill reported:
They cite
intelligence from a number of sources, including sources inside the Libyan
transitional government, about security conditions during and after the
country’s civil war. The memos also include a number of articles written about
the conflict.
The batch of emails
include one message, previously released, that blamed the 2012 Benghazi attack
that killed four Americans on a ‘sacrilegious’ Internet video depicting the
Prophet Muhammad.
Blumenthal sent
another memo the next day citing ‘sensitive sources’ that believed the attack
was an act of terrorism.
The publication also
pointed out last
week that during former
Clinton adviser Blumenthal’s deposition, he revealed he did not write nor vet
any of the memos he passed on to Clinton. They were composed by a former CIA
operative who was stationed in Libya, Tyler Drumheller.
“Once again the
Benghazi Committee uncovers information that should already be part of the
public record but was not made available to the American people or
congressional investigators,” said Benghazi Committee chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy,
R-S.C. “These emails should have been part of the public record when Secretary
Clinton left office and at a bare minimum included when the State Department
released Clinton’s self-selected records on Libya.”
Gowdy, in a letter to
ranking member Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., rejected a request to release
Blumenthal’s deposition. “Releasing transcripts can impact the
recollections of other witnesses, jeopardize the efficacy of the investigation,
alert witnesses to lines of inquiry best not made public, and publicize
personal information,” Gowdy wrote.
Cummings slammed the
South Carolina Republican in a statement. “Before today, Chairman Gowdy had not
officially released a single email from a single witness in this entire
investigation, which has lasted more than a year. Now, he has apparently
decided that this one witness is so critical that his emails — and his alone —
must be released,” Cummings said.
Do you think these emails will help Congress get to the bottom of what
happened in Benghazi? Share your thoughts
in the comments section below.
Course In A HUGE Way That Will Make Both Obama And Top GOP Furious
Cruz credits
WikiLeaks with exposing critical new information about illegal immigration
buried in the bill...
legislation that’s come to be known as Obamatrade is facing a crucial
procedural vote in the Senate today, and one GOP lawmaker who previously
supported the bill has now turned against it. Charging that the controversial
Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) that President Obama so dearly wants is
“enmeshed in corrupt Washington backroom deal-making,” Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas
is putting his boot down — saying “enough is enough” — and vowing to vote
against Obamatrade.
In an exclusive post for Breitbart, the
2016 GOP presidential contender credits WikiLeaks with revealing key
information that helped to change his mind about the fast-track trade authority
Obama has been twisting arms to acquire.
subsequently revealed new troubling information regarding the Trade in Services
Agreement, or TiSA, one of the trade deals being negotiated by Obama.
the administration’s public assurances that it was not negotiating on
immigration, several chapters of the TiSA draft posted online explicitly
contained potential changes in federal immigration law. TPA would cover TiSA,
and therefore these changes would presumably be subject to fast-track.
In the Breitbart op-ed, Cruz goes on to blast the
leadership of his own party — particularly Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner — for quietly cutting deals with
Democrats to win votes for Obamatrade.
“Why does Republican Leadership always give in to the
Democrats? Why does Leadership always disregard the promises made to the
conservative grassroots?”
Long a favorite of grassroots and tea party
conservatives, Cruz has reportedly sent the fast-track TPA legislation to
the brink of defeat in the Senate with his about-face decision to oppose it.
Senate GOP leaders have scheduled a vote for today,
Tuesday, on advancing a new version of the fast-track bill that was recently
approved by the House — it’s a procedural vote that will require 60 votes to
Western Journalism has published a number of posts on
what TPA would mean for Obama’s continued expansion of executive power,
including a recent opinion
piece by
KrisAnne Hall in which she warned of the formidable power Obama would enjoy if
TPA makes it out of the Congress and to his desk for his signature.
TPA is an authority
granted to the president to engage in “executive agreements” with foreign
countries. What is that actually? Well, simply put, it is the power of
Executive Orders for international agreements.
agreements” are not the same as treaties, the “experts” claim, because they do
not carry “Constitutional authority.” However, the “experts” will tell you that
even though they do not carry the power of Constitutional law, they carry the
power of International law.
Duncan: The Future of Property Rights in Cuba
Duncan: The Future of Property Rights in Cuba
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC-03), Chairman of the
House Committee on Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere,
delivered the following statement at the Subcommittee’s seventh hearing,
entitled, “The Future of Property Rights in Cuba.”
As a businessman who has been
involved in the real estate industry, I have a keen level of interest in
today’s Subcommittee hearing to examine the issue of property rights in Cuba
and U.S. and Cuban property claims against the Communist Castro regime. I
believe that in the Obama Administration’s zeal to engage with Cuba at any
cost, we have lost sight of a critical issue that has not received the priority
that it deserves: thousands of American and Cuban citizens suffered the
humiliation and financial distresses of having their private property stolen
from them, some of them at gunpoint.
Today, there has been no
justice for their claims. Lest we forget, I think it is important for the
American people to remember what led in part to the U.S. embargo against Cuba.
In 1959, Fidel Castro brutally seized power and quickly nationalized the
American-dominated sugar and mining industries, he froze bank accounts, and he
confiscated property from thousands of both Cuban and American citizens and
businesses in what the Inter-American Law Review called the “largest
uncompensated taking of American property by a foreign government in history.”
This stealing of American
private property in part led to the U.S. severing diplomatic relations with
Cuba in 1961 and enacting a trade embargo and sanctions. In 1964, President
Kennedy signed a bill into law authorizing the U.S. Foreign Claims Settlement
Commission to begin a Cuba program to address the claims of U.S. citizens
against the Castro regime. Since that time, the Commission has adjudicated
almost 8,900 U.S. claims, finding almost 6,000 of those claims to be certified.
When we look at the financial value of these claims today, the total comes to
over $6 billion.
Now, the Obama
Administration’s re-engagement with the Communist Castro regime, restoration of
diplomatic ties, and pursuit of normalized relations have been performed
ostensibly to “empower the Cuban people.” However, I have not seen any evidence
of things getting better for the Cuban people. In fact, since the December
announcement, we have seen an almost 120 percent increase in the number of
Cubans fleeing to the United States; over 3,000 political arrests by the Castro
regime; spikes in violence against democracy activists; and the re-arrest of
most of the 53 political prisoners who were released as part of the December agreement.
The American people who decide
to travel to Cuba under the relaxed Obama Administration rules should at least
be aware that their decision to spend money on Cuban hotels, tourism, rum, or
cigars directly props up the Communist military, intelligence services, and
human rights abusers in the Castro regime. Americans should know that the hotel
they vacation in may very well be a property that was stolen from an American
citizen. As I stated at our last Subcommittee hearing on Cuba in February, I strongly
oppose the Obama Administration’s decision to normalize relations with the
oppressive Communist Castro regime.
U.S. law requires a change to
the very nature of the regime through the establishment of democracy and
allowance of freedom. U.S. law also requires the resolution of the property
claims issue. In 1996, Congress expressed its intent in the Libertad Act,
stating that “the satisfactory resolution of property claims by the Cuban
Government recognized by the United States remains an essential condition for
the full resumption of economic and diplomatic relations between the United
States and Cuba.”
If we are truly going to
reengage with the Communist Castro regime, then I believe it is critical that
we not only follow U.S. law but that for the purposes of upholding rule of law
worldwide, we negotiate only from a position of strength on the issue of
property claims. Should we fail to do that, I fear that we would be setting a
terrible example and signaling to other bad actors around the world that they
will face no consequences for stealing American property. This would be a
terribly harmful message to send.
Last year, I had the privilege
to travel with Full Committee Chairman Royce and Ranking Member Engel on a
bipartisan delegation to South America where we visited some of our best
partners in the hemisphere, including Colombia and Peru. During our visit to
Peru, I was personally delighted to sit with award-wining Peruvian economist
Hernando De Soto one evening over dinner. Hernando is best known for his work
on the informal economy and on the importance of business and property
The main message of De Soto's
work and writings is that no nation can have a strong market economy without
adequate participation in an information framework that records ownership of
property and other formal economic activity. It is in this spirit that I wanted
to convene this hearing today because in Cuba, most of what passes for economic
activity is simply informal opportunities for the Castro brothers and Cuban
military to siphon off money to prop themselves up, spy on their people, deny
basic human rights, and beat and torture people who disagree with them.
In conclusion, the future of
property rights in Cuba and the issue of U.S. claims against the Communist
Castro regime should not be forgotten in any U.S.-Cuba reengagement. These
issues impact not only the U.S. business claimants with the highest amounts of
certified loss, such as Cuban Electric Company, North American Sugar
Industries, or MOA Bay Mining Company, these issues also have devastated
individuals and families for generations. Today, I hope that the experiences
that witnesses will share will inform our actions, offer constructive ideas on
what a responsible and just outcome on this issue would involve, and motivate
the Obama Administration to prioritize the needs of the American people above a
legacy achievement with the Communist Castro regime.
This hearing could not come at
a more important time, as recent press reports have indicated that the Obama
Administration has already made key concessions on limiting American diplomats’
activities in a possible future embassy in Havana, which follows its removal of
Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terrorism list last month even though Cuba
continues to harbor terrorists and proliferate weapons to bad actors worldwide.
With that, I look forward to hearing from our two panels of witnesses, and I
turn now to Ranking Member Sires for his opening statement.
Ret. General Drops Bombshell: Obama Should Be
Arrested For This ‘Treasonous Activity’
“I’m tired of the
deceit, the lies, the deception..."
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Paul
E. Vallely stated recently during a radio interview that President Obama should
be “arrested for treasonous activities.”
Vallely, while a
guest on the Real Side radio program earlier this month, stated above anything
else that Obama should be held accountable for his sympathies for the Muslim
Brotherhood in particular and his actions regarding the Benghazi tragedy. The
retired general said one group that should hold the president’s feet to the
fire are high-ranking members of the military.
The program’s host,
Joe Messina, asked whether Obama would just replace those military leaders with
others who agree with him, as he has done several times in the past.
Vallely responded:
“Well then we arrest him for treasonous activities.” He noted that the group he
helps lead, the Citizens Commission on Benghazi, counts at least fourteen different actions the
president has taken that could be considered treasonous.
The general listed
bringing the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House, supporting the Muslim
Brotherhood against President el-Sisi in Egypt, supporting the Muslim
Brotherhood in Libya, and supporting the Muslim Brotherhood’s operations in
Syria among the acts amounting to treason.
Vallely believes
Obama has taken these actions because he has an agenda. “We know he’s a radical
Islamic sympathizer. He sympathizes with the Muslim Brotherhood,” he said.
He noted the Middle
East is in disarray because of the policies of the
administration. “Baghdad is under complete threat.” Further, Vallely
pointed out that Major General Qasem Soleimani, from the Iranian Revolutionary
Guard, is “going to fly in, from what we hear, 8-15 thousand Iranian troops in
to bolster Assad in Damascus and save that regime.” Newsweek reported on this move by Iran
earlier this month.
Vallely also
took Obama to task for stating a few weeks ago that he is waiting on the
Pentagon to give him strategic plans to defeat ISIS. Obama’s remarks also
prompted a military official to respond: “What the f— was that? We have given
him lots of options, he just hasn’t acted on them,” as reported by Fox News.
Vallely was not
surprised at this response. The DOD is always working on multiple operational
plans to address threats to the United States, he said. The problem is Obama
“has no heart. He is a loser. I think he’s a coward, and he does not want to
Vallely believes it
is up to Congress to “shut down” the
president on multiple fronts using the power of the purse, among other tools.
“I’m tired of the
deceit, the lies, the deception of this administration,” Vallely told Real
Sen. Ted Cruz
(R-Texas) released a report last year listing the
Benghazi cover-up and continued aid to Egypt following a military coup among
the 76 “lawless acts” for which the Obama administration needed to be held
accountable. (The coup took out Muslim Brotherhood-backed Mohammed
Morsi, but Cruz highlighted that the aid continued without congressional
authorization and contrary to federal law.)
Leadership Threatens Other Conservative Subcommittee Chairman as Punishment for
Trade Vote
House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and House Majority
Whip Steve Scalise, R-La.
lawmakers serving as subcommittee chairmen are finding themselves on the
receiving end of retribution from House leadership for defying party leaders.
Last week, 34
Republicans broke from their party in voting against a routine procedural rule
that would have advanced Trade Promotion Authority. Since then, GOP leadership
has come down hard on those members, removing some from the leadership team and
threatening others with losing subcommittee chairmanships.
This show of force
from leadership has angered conservative lawmakers and members of the House
Freedom Caucus, who are speaking out against the “culture of punishment and
fear” that’s emerged during John Boehner’s tenure as speaker.
The Daily Signal is the
multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation. We’ll
respect your inbox and keep you informed.
“Conservatives are
frustrated that they are being punished for voting their conscience after
countless efforts to work openly with leadership were stonewalled,” a
conservative staffer in the House told The Daily Signal.
“Conservatives are frustrated that they are being punished for voting
their conscience after countless efforts to work openly with leadership were
stonewalled,” said a conservative House staffer.
Rep. Mark Meadows,
R-N.C., was removed from his role as chairman of the Government Operations
subcommittee. As The Daily Signal previously reported, Rep. Jason
Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee,
approached Meadows last week and presented him with two options: resign as
chairman or be booted from the role.
Meadows, though,
isn’t the only subcommittee chairman to be approached by committee heads following
their vote against the procedural vote.
A second Republican
staffer told The Daily Signal at least one other conservative member has met
with the chairman of the member’s full committee, where the topic of the
procedural vote came up. The meeting, though, did not result in the loss of the
The staffer said
members are concerned with leadership’s process, a sentiment Meadows echoed,
and feel they shouldn’t “be forced to vote with leadership and against their
A spokesman for
Boehner did not return The Daily Signal’s request for comment.
In the wake of the
procedural vote on Trade Promotion Authority, Reps. Trent Franks of Arizona,
Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming and Steve Pearce of New Mexico were removed from the
GOP whip team. The members each defied House Republican leadership in voting
against the deal.
Pearce told The Daily Signal he
had a “moral problem” with leadership asking him to support moving the trade
legislation forward.
Since his ouster,
Meadows, a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, has been publicly
speaking out against GOP leaders’ tactics.
“There is no honor in
bowing to a bully,” he said. “There is only honor in fighting a good fight—win
or lose. This is not a fight I will back down from.”
Separately, members
of the House Freedom Caucus—a conservative group with between 30 and 40
lawmakers in its ranks—will meet tonight to discuss how to respond to
leadership’s retribution. There has been talk among members of blocking
legislation backed by the party leaders, which would keep it from advancing
through the House.
Over the last few
years, 11 Republicans have been punished for bucking party leadership.
During the 113th
Congress, Reps. Justin Amash of Michigan, Tim Huelskamp of Kansas, David
Schweikert of Arizona and Walter Jones of North Carolina were kicked off their
committees after they didn’t vote for Boehner to be speaker.
This year, Reps.
Daniel Webster and Richard Nugent, both of Florida, were removed from the
powerful Rules Committee after voting for other members during the speaker
election in January.
Additionally, Rep.
Rod Blum of Iowa, who also didn’t vote for Boehner, was denied a spot on the
National Republican Congressional Committee’s fundraising initiative for
vulnerable House members. His seat is
considered competitive.
General Drops
Bombshell: Obama Should Be Arrested For This ‘Treasonous Activity
Ret. General Drops Bombshell: Obama Should Be Arrested For This
‘Treasonous Activity’
“I’m tired of the deceit, the lies, the deception..."
Randy DeSoto
“I’m tired of the deceit, the lies, the deception..."
Randy DeSoto
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Paul E. Vallely stated recently during a radio interview that President Obama should be “arrested for treasonous activities.”
Vallely, while a guest on the Real Side radio program earlier this month, stated above anything else that Obama should be held accountable for his sympathies for the Muslim Brotherhood in particular and his actions regarding the Benghazi tragedy. The retired general said one group that should hold the president’s feet to the fire are high-ranking members of the military.
The program’s host, Joe Messina, asked whether Obama would just replace those military leaders with others who agree with him, as he has done several times in the past.
Vallely responded: “Well then we arrest him for treasonous activities.” He noted that the group he helps lead, the Citizens Commission on Benghazi, counts at least fourteen different actions the president has taken that could be considered treasonous.
The general listed bringing the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood against President el-Sisi in Egypt, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya, and supporting the Muslim Brotherhood’s operations in Syria among the acts amounting to treason.
Ret. General Drops Bombshell: Obama Should Be Arrested For This ‘Treasonous Activity’
Watch: Ann Coulter Just Took On These Three Liberals Without Even Breaking A Sweat
Vallely believes Obama has taken these actions because he has an agenda. “We know he’s a radical Islamic sympathizer. He sympathizes with the Muslim Brotherhood,” he said.
He noted the Middle East is in disarray because of the policies of the administration. “Baghdad is under complete threat.” Further, Vallely pointed out that Major General Qasem Soleimani, from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, is “going to fly in, from what we hear, 8-15 thousand Iranian troops in to bolster Assad in Damascus and save that regime.” Newsweek reported on this move by Iran earlier this month.
Vallely also took Obama to task for stating a few weeks ago that he is waiting on the Pentagon to give him strategic plans to defeat ISIS. Obama’s remarks also prompted a military official to respond: “What the f— was that? We have given him lots of options, he just hasn’t acted on them,” as reported by Fox News.
Vallely was not surprised at this response. The DOD is always working on multiple operational plans to address threats to the United States, he said. The problem is Obama “has no heart. He is a loser. I think he’s a coward, and he does not want to engage.”
Vallely believes it is up to Congress to “shut down” the president on multiple fronts using the power of the purse, among other tools.
“I’m tired of the deceit, the lies, the deception of this administration,” Vallely told Real Side.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) released a report last year listing the Benghazi cover-up and continued aid to Egypt following a military coup among the 76 “lawless acts” for which the Obama administration needed to be held accountable. (The coup took out Muslim Brotherhood-backed Mohammed Morsi, but Cruz highlighted that the aid continued without congressional authorization and contrary to federal law.)
Donald’ Roast Obama: ‘He’s The Last Person I’d Want Negotiating For Me’
explained to Greta Van Susteren...
On Fox
News Channel’s On The Record With Greta Van Susteren Monday, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump explained
a tweet he sent contending anyone who votes for or favors renewal of Trade
Promotion Authority (TPA) does not deserve to be president.
Susteren asked him about the tweet and why he is against TPA. Trump answered:
Because lobbyists and donors who really
control the politicians in this country, they want it, because they’re
representing companies that benefit. But the country is not benefiting. And I
will tell you, that is really a bad thing….
That trade pact is a disaster for jobs
in our country. We should not have it. It doesn’t talk about currency
manipulation the way it should – it covers too big an area. We should do
individual agreements with individual countries.
And the fact is Obama is not a negotiator.
The last person I want negotiating for me is President Obama. And he’s got free
wheel on this thing.
absolutely a disaster for the country,” Trump continued. “And a disaster for
business and jobs.”
Senate cleared a procedural hurdle Tuesday to end debate on TPA, voting 60 to
37 to advance the trade agenda after the House passed it for a second time last
week, The Hill reported. A final vote is expected Wednesday before it
goes to the White House for President Obama’s signature.
Susteren also pointed out the real estate mogul had officially filed his
paperwork to run for president. “Which will be very disappointing to a lot of
people that are all talk and no action – the politicians,” Trump said. “You
know, there’s a whole big thing out there. These people will never bring us
back to the promised land. They will never do it. A lot of politicians and a
lot of pundits are very disappointed. And they said, ‘Oh, he’ll never file.’
Well I filed. As of today, I’m filed.”
Do you support Donald Trump? Share your
thoughts in the comments section below.

Urges Reality Check Over Guns
Sky News
Serial liar President Barack Obama has been
busted in yet
another one of his serial lies. This time it is a lie he told Thursday in the
hopes of politically exploiting the cold-blooded murders of 9 innocent people
into legislative action that would restrict the Second Amendment civil rights
of law-abiding Americans.
Just hours after a racist terror attack took the lives
of nine black parishioners guilty of nothing more than attending Bible study at
a Charleston, South Carolina, church, Obama stood before America and did what
he usually does when standing before America: He cynically exploited a tragedy
to further his political agenda, and he
“At some point, we as a country will have to reckon
with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced
countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And
it is in our power to do something about it.”
That statement is such a brazen and provable lie that
even the
left-wing PolitiFact couldn’t
find a way to turn it into anything but a “Mostly
Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the
first claim Obama made — that “this type of mass violence does not happen in
other advanced countries.”
Over the decade and a half studied, the researchers
found 23 incidents of mass shootings in the other 10 countries, resulting in
200 dead and 231 wounded. In the United States over the same period, there were
133 incidents that left 487 dead and 505 wounded. …
[T]he U.S. doesn’t rank No. 1. At 0.15 mass shooting
fatalities per 100,000 people, the U.S. had a lower rate than Norway (1.3 per
100,000), Finland (0.34 per 100,000) and Switzerland (1.7 per 100,000). …
Still, while the United States did rank in the top
one-third of the list, the fact that three other countries exceeded the United
States using the fairest method of comparison available does weaken Obama’s
claim that “it doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency.” In
at least three countries, the data shows, it does.
PolitiFact sums it all up with a “Mostly False”
The data shows that it clearly happens in other
countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of
killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in
the United States between 2000 and 2014.
Even though President Obama has a long, sordid
history of lying to the American people, that didn’t stop the mainstream media
from spreading Obama’s “mass-murder” lie without first investigating his claim.
That’s because the media is as eager as Obama to take
guns away from law-abiding people, and like Obama, the media believes that
lying in furtherance of that cause is justifiable.
Parece mentira pero esto encaja con nosotros muy bien.
Nos vemos en el Restaurante de siempre!!!! Marleneilen & "deguzmanjj"
Un grupo de amigos cuarentones se encuentran para elegir el sitio donde
van a cenar todos juntos. Finalmente se ponen de acuerdo en cenar en el
restaurante del Café Central, porque las camareras son guapas, llevan
minifalda y escotes generosos.
Diez años después, los mismos amigos, ya cincuentones, se reúnen de nuevo para elegir el restaurante donde ir a cenar. Finalmente se ponen de acuerdo en cenar en el restaurante del Café Central, porque el menú es muy bueno y hay una magnífica carta de vinos. Diez años después, los mismos amigos, ya sesentones, se reúnen de nuevo para elegir el restaurante donde ir a cenar. Finalmente se ponen de acuerdo en cenar en el restaurante del Café Central, porque es un sitio tranquilo, sin ruidos y tiene salón para no fumadores. Diez años después, los mismos amigos, ya setentones, se reúnen de nuevo para elegir el restaurante donde ir a cenar. Finalmente se ponen de acuerdo en cenar en el restaurante del Café Central, porque el restaurante tiene acceso para minusválidos e incluso hay ascensor. Diez años después, los mismos amigos, ya octogenarios, se reúnen de nuevo para elegir el restaurante donde ir a cenar. Finalmente se ponen de acuerdo en cenar en el restaurante del Café Central, y todos coinciden en que es una gran idea porque nunca han cenado allí. Sí, sí... Tú ríete, pero vete acostumbrando. |
Logic? Racism is Genetic, Gender is a Choice
By Cliff Kincaid
Our pro-cross
dressing President apparently doesn’t think people have DNA that makes them
male or female. But he has just told an interviewer that white people
and others have DNA that makes them racist and that American institutions are
racist, too. These claims are described by our media as “bold” rather than
bizarre racial slurs.
CNN reported that
Obama, during an appearance on a comedy show, said “the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow,
discrimination” exists in institutions and casts “a long shadow and that’s
still part of our DNA that’s passed on.” The host, comedian Marc Maron, has
been a guest on MSNBC, the failing
left-wing cable channel.
Was Obama being serious? Where is the scientific evidence that racism is
passed on to others through their DNA?
Obama “did not mince words” in the interview, Politico reported, as he
said, “Racism, we are not cured of it. And it’s not just a matter of it not
being polite to say nigger in public.”
“Obama Uses N-Word In Honest Conversation About Racism,” proclaimed the
always politically correct Huffington Post. Other outlets decided to “bleep” or
censor the word.
But what does this have to do with a President, who opposes conversion
therapy for gays, expressing the view that there may be a potential “cure” for
racism that is not learned through bad examples but through biology and DNA?
It’s tempting to say this was just a figure of speech. Indeed, rather
than propose some form of shock treatment for people with this bad DNA, Obama
seems to be depending on the politically correct media and education
establishment to “cure” people of these bad thoughts.
But we are also being led to believe, as a result of one mentally
unstable young man who abused drugs and committed a horrible crime, that white
racism permeates our society, and that anyone who appreciates southern heritage
is a secret racist who wants to kill black people.
It’s highly ironic
that Obama would lecture others about racism, since he was admittedly “schooled”
in anti-white racism by communist atheist
Frank Marshall Davis. One Davis poem, “Christ is a Dixie
Nigger,” dismissed Jesus Christ as “another New White Hope.”
Another Davis poem, “Onward Christian Soldiers,” mocks the Christian
hymn by the same name and talks of Africans being killed with a “Christian gun”
instead of a spear by the missionaries following “the religion of Sweet Jesus.”
So is Christianity one of the institutions that Obama says is saturated
with racism? That surely can’t be the case since mass murderer Dylann Roof, a
deranged drug abuser, opened fire in a black Christian church. The response
from the families of those killed has mostly been Christian forgiveness and
We see in the Obama interview with comedian Marc Maron the same kind of
anger and bitterness that was drilled into him at a young age by Frank Marshall
Davis in Hawaii. The enemy, from the point of view of Marxist community
organizers, is white supremacy. This is what has to be emphasized, over and
over again, in order to get more black people agitated.
Roof targeted black
Christians and said in his alleged manifesto that he became upset over the
evidence of black-on-white crime he found on a website. That was no excuse for
mass murder, but the fact is that crime of that nature is a terrible reality,
as Colin
Flaherty has documented in two books. The failure by the
liberal media to even cover this problem is a source of frustration to those
who seriously seek answers to criminal behavior in modern society and want to
restore law and order in our major cities. The answer must be found, if the inner
cities of America are to be saved.
Instead, our media act as if such crime doesn’t exist.
As investigative
journalist Jim Simpson wrote in an AIM special
report, “The media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred, while
engaging in a systematic pattern of misinformation and blatant suppression of
facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime.” The media, blinded by
political correctness, refuse to face reality.
So who was this white man named Dylann Roof? He committed mass murder,
in an act that can be accurately described as terroristic in nature, and wanted
to ignite a race war. He was photographed holding a Confederate flag and had
sympathy for white-ruled nations. But he was also a drug abuser who came from a
dysfunctional family. Significantly, he was also photographed with his feet
planted on and burning an American flag. He hated what America had become in
fighting a civil war to overcome the confederacy.
So while he hated America for what it is, the agitators on the left
still complain about what America used to be. These extremists are strange
bedfellows who need one another to make sure racial progress can be frustrated
and that racial divisions can be exploited for political purposes.
Not surprisingly, the
Confederate flag has now become the center of media preoccupation, when we have
had six years of an administration in Washington, D.C. that has faulted white
people, “gun violence,” or the police for the systematic problems in the black
community. Public interest lawyer Larry Klayman noted, “Barack Obama and
Eric Holder created much of this atmosphere of anger, bitterness and bile with
their disdain of whites and not too transparent belief and actions that we must
now pay what are in effect reparations to the black community, even though this
generation does not practice or advocate slavery.”
After Roof killed the
black people in the church, CNN highlighted the fact that Holder, the former
attorney general, had tweeted, “Hate and gun
violence. How often? How long? My heart breaks—again. Condolences to victims,
survivors and families at Mother Emanuel” church.
CNN didn’t mention it, but several responded by reminding Holder and his
followers that in the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal:
You essentially armed the Mexican cartels. How many lives have they
Did your heart break for Brian Terry’s family? Hell, you supplied the
haters’ guns on that one.
AIM editor Roger
Aronoff reminds us that Fast and Furious
involved the Obama Justice Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms, and the transfer of some 1,500 guns, about 1,000 of which ended up in
Mexico. Border agent Brian Terry was murdered with weapons found near the scene
of the crime in Arizona. Those weapons were among 57 linked to Fast and Furious
which have been tied to at least 11 violent crimes in the U.S., including the
Terry murder, Aronoff notes.
Hence, Obama’s initial comments after the massacre about gun violence
constitute political posturing for the cameras. We know we can’t depend on the
liberal media to remind us of the “gun violence” caused by this same
Another response to Holder included, “You never say anything about the
genocide of blacks killing other blacks daily in cities across nation. That’s
tragic too.”
But talking about black-on-black violence, and black-on-white violence,
does not pay left-wing political dividends. So Obama talks about racist DNA and
institutional racism and gets hailed for his boldness and honesty.
Another tragic aspect of the mass murders in South Carolina is the
media’s use of the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as an
organization that has expertise on “hate” groups in the U.S. Both CBS and NBC
have given the group unwarranted publicity and credibility.
It was the SPLC which inspired the terrorist
attack on the conservative Christian Family Research Council
in Washington, D.C. The SPLC has also hailed former communist terrorist bomber
Bill Ayers for his “educational” work in a series on “Teaching tolerance.” It’s
amazing but true.
Jim Simpson points out that the SPLC is one of the main practitioners of
the tactic known as “partisan tolerance”—that is, partisan hatred for
everything non-leftist. While the group is occasionally correct about hate
groups on the right, it has a warped tendency to lump mainstream conservatives
into categories of alleged extremists, making anybody on the conservative side
into some kind of hater, “homophobe” or “Islamophobe.” The group has perfected
the art of the smear into a “science” that the media shamefully buy into.
The SPLC should be dismissed as a political and money-grubbing outfit
that has no interest in solving any racial problems. Extremism is a problem
that could and should be examined by a new House Internal Security Committee,
modeled after the old House Committee on Un-American Activities, which conducted
masterful investigations into such entities as the Ku Klux Klan and the
Communist Party USA.
With a panel such as
this conducting official probes and investigations, the SPLC could be pressured
to refund the remainder of its $245.3 million financial endowment
to donors who thought their money was buying racial justice.
As for Obama, when a U.S. president speaks of “cures” for DNA-based
racism on a comedy show, you know there is a lack of seriousness in Washington,
D.C., and that the acceleration of a race war is the plan that is unfolding as
extremists prepare to exploit the tragedy and increase racial tensions. The
Marxist community organizers will take this to the next level and the media
will be there to cover it.
Weakness in Important States
Hillary Clinton has relaunched her campaign on
Roosevelt Island with a 4,687-word speech. But it’s not clear whether she and
her husband, Bill Clinton, can win four presidential elections as Franklin D.
Roosevelt did.
Negative news
for Clinton’s prospects comes in the latest Quinnipiac polls in the key
mega-states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. In each of them, she leads or
ties Republican opponents, though in many cases not by statistically
significant margins. But she also is running under 50 percent of the vote in
every pairing, averaging 47 percent against six different Republicans in
Florida, 44 percent against seven Republicans in Ohio and 46 percent against
four Republicans in Pennsylvania. That’s a danger zone for a candidate with
universal recognition.
Similarly, less than 50 percent — 47 percent in
Florida, 44 percent in Ohio and 46 percent in Pennsylvania — of voters express
favorable feelings about her. Only 43 percent in Florida and 40 percent in Ohio
and Pennsylvania feel she is honest and trustworthy.
And, perhaps surprisingly for a Democrat, only 48
percent of voters in Ohio and Florida and 45 percent in Pennsylvania say she
“cares about the needs and problems of people like” them.
campaign spokesmen have said their goal is to reassemble Barack Obama’s winning
coalition. But she’s falling short in these three large states, which Obama
carried in 2012 with 50, 51 and 52 percent of the vote, respectively. These
states have 67 electoral votes, without which Obama would have won only 265 —
and Mitt Romney would be president.
The latest Detroit News poll has Clinton averaging 44
percent against four Republicans in Michigan, whose 16 electoral votes Obama
won with 54 percent of the vote in 2012.
Two other polls suggest Clinton may encounter some
bumps in primaries and caucuses. Both were taken in New Hampshire after Sen.
Bernie Sanders of Vermont announced his candidacy in May. They showed Clinton
leading Sanders by margins much smaller than ones in earlier surveys. Morning
Consult showed her leading 44 to 32 percent. Suffolk University had her lead at
a similar 41 to 31 percent.
Is Sanders doing well in New Hampshire just because
he’s from next-door Vermont? Yes and no. He’s tapping a constituency that is
nationwide — look at the crowds he’s drawing in Iowa — but his popularity is
especially concentrated in parts of New England.
Call it the Birkenstock Belt, spreading beyond Vermont
(population 625,000) to include an area with 1.6 million people — including
western New Hampshire (where it has turned a once-red state purple), the
Berkshires and Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts, Litchfield County in
Connecticut (where Joe Lieberman got thrashed in the 2006 Democratic Senate
primary), and parts of New York’s Hudson Valley.
These are physically beautiful areas, with anti-sprawl
zoning, that have attracted college-educated Manhattanite liberals (Sanders
himself is a native of Brooklyn, and Ben and Jerry are from Long Island), who
now sharply outnumber the waning number of flinty Yankee farmers who once made
this area Republican. The Birkenstock Belt, which voted for Alf Landon over FDR
in 1936, voted 65 percent Obama in November 2012.
It’s widely remembered that Clinton rallied to beat
Obama in the 2008 New Hampshire primary after finishing third in the Iowa
caucuses. It’s less remembered that she won only narrowly, 39 to 36 percent,
with the now forgotten John Edwards at 16 percent. In the four Connecticut
River counties adjacent to Vermont — part of the Birkenstock Belt — Obama beat
her 40 to 34 percent. Overall, the Birkenstock Belt favored Obama over Clinton
52 to 41 percent.
So it’s possible that Clinton will lose New Hampshire
— and other Birkenstock-inclined areas around the country. Note that in 2008,
she won only 20 and 22 percent in Iowa’s two university counties and lost
Florida’s two big university counties by a 2-1 ratio.
Clinton’s likely support from blacks and Hispanics
could enable her to rally from Iowa and New Hampshire setbacks in South
Carolina and Nevada. And her presumed appeal to what have been called “beer
Democrats” (as opposed to Obama’s appeal to “wine Democrats”) probably gives
her an edge in big state primaries from Pennsylvania through Illinois.
But it seems that Sanders, perhaps because of the
unlikelihood of his winning the nomination, is stirring the excitement of the
Birkenstock constituency. Which brings to mind the discovery, by some
scurrilous right-winger, that one anagram of “Hillary Rodham Clinton” is “idol,
monarch — any thrill?”
US: See How Press Secretary Responds After Being
Pressed by Fox News Reporter Over Obama’s Use of N-Word. Oliver Darcy
White House press secretary Josh Earnest was grilled
Monday afternoon after President Barack Obama used
the N-word in a
recent interview.
“I want to follow up on something a lot of people have
been talking about and that is the use of the N-Word. Does the president
condone the use of that word at home?” Fox News White House correspondent Kevin
Corke asked.
“And what would he say to parents who have worked very
hard to get their children to not use it even though it’s out there?” he
continued. “It’s in music. It’s especially in urban settings. There are parents
who have said don’t ever use that word, even casually. What does he say to
those parents?”
Earnest didn’t have an answer.
“Well, um, I guess you probably have to ask him that.
I didn’t. It doesn’t mean it’s an illegitimate question. It just means I think
for the president’s own personal views you should ask him that,” the press
secretary responded.
CBS’ Mark Knoller than suggested Earnest “bring him out.” Earnest replied that he’d ask
the president about the question himself.
Walmart Closings, Jade Helm And The China Connection- Are Some Walmart
Supercenters Being Refitted Into 'Processing' Centers For Americans?
By Susan Duclos -
With the recent announcement that multiple Walmarts would be closing due to "plumbing issues," at the same time, many in states where the controversial Jade Helm 15 military exercises are set to take place across the the US, some are saying their "alarm bells" are ringing as they feel they are witnessing a series of events happening simultaneously within America that lead them to believe the US is preparing to declare martial law and start rounding up citizens for processing.
On March 13, 2015 ANP reported "From July 15th to September 15th of 2015, the US Army's Green Berets, US Navy Seals, US Marines Special Ops Command and US Air Force Special Ops Command will be taking part in 'Jade Helm 15', 8 weeks of night time drills in 7 states in the southwestern portion of America," with two additional states being added by March 23, 2015, those being Florida and Mississippi.
Colorado has since pulled out of the Jade Helm exercises.
The states slated to participate are Florida, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah. Texas and Utah are listed as "hostile" in the leaked documents which exposed Jade Helm 15 to the general public. A portion of California was listed as an "insurgent pocket."
On March 28, 2015, ANP reported on a massive martial law roundup drill, captured on video, that took place in Florida, where helicopters, vans and DoD personnel were rounding up citizens as part of a military exercise that was not revealed to Florida residents until after the exercise had already begun. April 12, 2015, ANP reported on a massive military convoy was spotted in Oklahoma, heading towards Texas, images seen here.
Also in Oklahoma, we see a SQ alert, which states "We were in Tulsa yesterday on a scheduled flight and were delayed for a time while F16s were training at the airport which is a joint use airport and has a National Guard wing established. The strange thing about this is that they were flying with full bomb, missile and long range tank loads. I have not seen this at civilian airports before although I am sure it has been done as there are military aircraft based there. I think this was part of the Jade Helm 15 Drill."
Comparing the sudden announced Walmart closings, where in some cases even employees were not informed until just hours before, we see multiple locations are in some of the same states that Jade Helm exercises, other military drills and military movement, is scheduled, has taken place or been captured on camera.
California, Florida, Texas and Oklahoma.
Walmart operates over 4,000 stores in the US, with over 3,000 of them being "supercenters," meaning stores that offer food, a pharmacy and are generally much larger than regular Walmarts. Walmart supercenters are considered the largest supermarket chain in the US.
Not only are these stores located in states recently in the news for the aforementioned reasons, but all the Walmarts that "abruptly" announced these closures, laying off hundreds of employees, are supercenters, and all stating the issue causing them to close for the same "six month" period was "plumbing."
According to ABC Action News, "none of the five affected stores have sought any plumbing permits for future repairs."
Via an email forwarded to ANP, we see that in the opinion of one former military man, "Walmart's are outfitted with extensive communications, communications that are identical from store to store and even country to country," stating he believes "the primary purpose for Walmart's, similar stores and malls will be for supply depots for military and initial staging area for local civilians to be processed (clothes ID's etc.), then moved to sanctuary's/FEMA camps after processing." He continues on to point out "the delivery entrances and storage are already set up."
Another forwarded email shows the concern some US citizens are feeling from recent events:
Closing THAT MANY stores for 6 months, coincidentally during Jade Helm sets off more alarm bells that one can possibly imagine. IF these stores are being refitted to such an enormous extent, one must wonder just WHAT they are being refitted for? Just plumbing? That's a WHOLE LOT of plumbing! What would require that much plumbing?
Detention centers? Processing centers? Centralized and controlled distribution centers? What ever the case, closing that many of the country's main food distribution stores will almost certainly cause scarcity for consumers, regardless of real food availability. This almost HAS to be martial law.Perhaps it is related to the planned financial collapse. What ever really is up...SOMETHING IS UP!..
Those emails are not the only example of concern as InfoWars reports that customers and employees affected by these sudden closures are also expressing skepticism about the state reason for these particular stores closing.
Employees and customers are not buying Walmart’s explanation that it is closing five nationwide stores for six months due to “plumbing” issues, with questions swirling about the sudden closures that left hundreds of workers unemployed.
Henry Kissinger famously stated "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."
For the last year we have been seeing alerts, a couple shown below are a representation of the type of concerns people from smaller towns have been expressing about Walmart and food shortages.
April 14, 2015:
“Here in Butte MT. The super Walmart has had " Last chance" signs on manyitems all winter. I worked for Walmart years ago and never saw thesebefore. I asked the employees what it meant. They all said they had no ideawhat they were. They had never been told about last chance stuff. But thespots where these items were have not been replenished. In fact this pastmonth the shelving has been spread out and the refrigerated/frozen itemsare spread out thinly to keep it from looking too bare. My husband is anover the road truck driver and tells me he's seen the same issue all over.Especially in the west. He is also seeing the military equipment movementALOT. Anyway, I had told him months ago that I thought the stores weregoing to close . So glad the aware are stocking up.P.S. The Albertsons grocery chain was abrubtly bought out by the Stokes andswitched over night. They bought out the Safeway too apparently and maybetrue value hardware. All quite suddenly.
Another alert was sent to me this morning by Steve Quayle, who has been documenting these witness accounts in his Alert section, which states "
Steve, I was in my local Walmart in Boone NC, yesterday.. I too notice empty spaces on shelves, the deli meat was not as full as usual and some things like their slaw were not present. I did not go up and down the frozen food sections, but the one I did you can see things spread out , or just one to three bags of different types of Tyson products. Usually there is a bunch of food items in bulk in the main aisles along the grocery dept, Progresso soups, Libby Vegetables, cereal etc...there were large 25 lb bags of sugar or flour either, the sugar stock was not full. Thanks to you and Hawk I went to pick up some more Borax..I picked up 2, which left about 4 on the shelf that item is usually stocked well. The cold bins where they keep franks or Bologna, or other meats were less then 1/2 full....They also are pulling items to the front of the shelf so it appears to be full but there may be only 2. Yes, I too have seen last chance tags also, it usually means they will no longer carry an item.I wanted to share this with you to confirm that this is happening in another part of the country. Gary the butcher told me that he heard beef and pork will be going up even more, he said get what pork you can now.. Folks need to get what they can while they can.Thank you both for all your alerts and info to try and help those with ears to hear and eyes to see prepare. May GOD bless you and keep you safe.
By 2011 it was reported that over 200 Walmarts had opened up in over 101 Chinese cities with other reports detailing China and Walmarts' connections, which brings us back to the comment from the military man quoted above about how Walmarts extensive communications systems that are identical from store to store and country to country, meaning they "they know how the stores operations work, how they are laid out and how things can be reconfigured."
This brings us to the final SQ alert from April 13, 2015:
While the young black man was trying to pull out the manual ladder we heard the equipment that has the warning signal when it is backing up. My husband & I looked to see a Chinese man in his late 20's very physically fit, like a soldier, driving an automated lift. It was apparent that he was using more sophisticated automated equipment that the average employee was not allowed to use. It also appeared he was a man with authority. The average employee had to use the manual ladder. This Chinese man was clearly someone with more authority. He spoke English but with a VERY HEAVY Mandarin accent as if he just stepped off the boat from China.
My husband & I couldn't help but notice it appears WalMart is now operated by Chinese management, possibly even military management, that are still more out of site from the average American shopper. As if they are keeping them in the back. We sense it is only a matter of days before our local WalMart is completely and overtly run by the Chinese, possibly even the Chinese military. No more just "Made In China" but now owned, operated, and controlled by the Chinese. Lord have mercy!
We live in an area of Appalachia that is predominately southern anglo farmers. We would love to know if anyone else is seeing this?
The China connection could be very important if we look at the big picture, see the US Dollar is at the high end of the scale of how long any nation keeps it's world reserve currency status, the amount of money we owe China, the amount of land China already owns in the US, the push to replace the Dollar with the RMB, their recent successes in getting many US allies to join their China-led investment bank, and the 2012 call by China to disarm Americans.
Is the US government preparing for an all-out economic collapse with Jade Helm, on behalf of the Chinese? Are Walmarts in the poorer areas being closed down to "control the food," send those that are hungry scavaging to the more affluent areas, and to set off food riots, which would give the government a reason to declare martial law? Are some Walmart Supercenters being retrofitted to prepare to turn them into some type of processing centers for Americans after they have rounded them up as they practiced doing in Florida last month? Will they be used as China's C3 (Command, Control And Communication)?
Has the endgame we have heard so much about.... finally arrived?
By Susan Duclos -
With the recent announcement that multiple Walmarts would be closing due to "plumbing issues," at the same time, many in states where the controversial Jade Helm 15 military exercises are set to take place across the the US, some are saying their "alarm bells" are ringing as they feel they are witnessing a series of events happening simultaneously within America that lead them to believe the US is preparing to declare martial law and start rounding up citizens for processing.
On March 13, 2015 ANP reported "From July 15th to September 15th of 2015, the US Army's Green Berets, US Navy Seals, US Marines Special Ops Command and US Air Force Special Ops Command will be taking part in 'Jade Helm 15', 8 weeks of night time drills in 7 states in the southwestern portion of America," with two additional states being added by March 23, 2015, those being Florida and Mississippi.
Colorado has since pulled out of the Jade Helm exercises.
The states slated to participate are Florida, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah. Texas and Utah are listed as "hostile" in the leaked documents which exposed Jade Helm 15 to the general public. A portion of California was listed as an "insurgent pocket."
On March 28, 2015, ANP reported on a massive martial law roundup drill, captured on video, that took place in Florida, where helicopters, vans and DoD personnel were rounding up citizens as part of a military exercise that was not revealed to Florida residents until after the exercise had already begun. April 12, 2015, ANP reported on a massive military convoy was spotted in Oklahoma, heading towards Texas, images seen here.
Also in Oklahoma, we see a SQ alert, which states "We were in Tulsa yesterday on a scheduled flight and were delayed for a time while F16s were training at the airport which is a joint use airport and has a National Guard wing established. The strange thing about this is that they were flying with full bomb, missile and long range tank loads. I have not seen this at civilian airports before although I am sure it has been done as there are military aircraft based there. I think this was part of the Jade Helm 15 Drill."
Comparing the sudden announced Walmart closings, where in some cases even employees were not informed until just hours before, we see multiple locations are in some of the same states that Jade Helm exercises, other military drills and military movement, is scheduled, has taken place or been captured on camera.
California, Florida, Texas and Oklahoma.
Walmart operates over 4,000 stores in the US, with over 3,000 of them being "supercenters," meaning stores that offer food, a pharmacy and are generally much larger than regular Walmarts. Walmart supercenters are considered the largest supermarket chain in the US.
Not only are these stores located in states recently in the news for the aforementioned reasons, but all the Walmarts that "abruptly" announced these closures, laying off hundreds of employees, are supercenters, and all stating the issue causing them to close for the same "six month" period was "plumbing."
According to ABC Action News, "none of the five affected stores have sought any plumbing permits for future repairs."
Via an email forwarded to ANP, we see that in the opinion of one former military man, "Walmart's are outfitted with extensive communications, communications that are identical from store to store and even country to country," stating he believes "the primary purpose for Walmart's, similar stores and malls will be for supply depots for military and initial staging area for local civilians to be processed (clothes ID's etc.), then moved to sanctuary's/FEMA camps after processing." He continues on to point out "the delivery entrances and storage are already set up."
Another forwarded email shows the concern some US citizens are feeling from recent events:
Closing THAT MANY stores for 6 months, coincidentally during Jade Helm sets off more alarm bells that one can possibly imagine. IF these stores are being refitted to such an enormous extent, one must wonder just WHAT they are being refitted for? Just plumbing? That's a WHOLE LOT of plumbing! What would require that much plumbing?
Detention centers? Processing centers? Centralized and controlled distribution centers? What ever the case, closing that many of the country's main food distribution stores will almost certainly cause scarcity for consumers, regardless of real food availability. This almost HAS to be martial law.Perhaps it is related to the planned financial collapse. What ever really is up...SOMETHING IS UP!..
Those emails are not the only example of concern as InfoWars reports that customers and employees affected by these sudden closures are also expressing skepticism about the state reason for these particular stores closing.
Employees and customers are not buying Walmart’s explanation that it is closing five nationwide stores for six months due to “plumbing” issues, with questions swirling about the sudden closures that left hundreds of workers unemployed.
Henry Kissinger famously stated "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."
For the last year we have been seeing alerts, a couple shown below are a representation of the type of concerns people from smaller towns have been expressing about Walmart and food shortages.
April 14, 2015:
“Here in Butte MT. The super Walmart has had " Last chance" signs on manyitems all winter. I worked for Walmart years ago and never saw thesebefore. I asked the employees what it meant. They all said they had no ideawhat they were. They had never been told about last chance stuff. But thespots where these items were have not been replenished. In fact this pastmonth the shelving has been spread out and the refrigerated/frozen itemsare spread out thinly to keep it from looking too bare. My husband is anover the road truck driver and tells me he's seen the same issue all over.Especially in the west. He is also seeing the military equipment movementALOT. Anyway, I had told him months ago that I thought the stores weregoing to close . So glad the aware are stocking up.P.S. The Albertsons grocery chain was abrubtly bought out by the Stokes andswitched over night. They bought out the Safeway too apparently and maybetrue value hardware. All quite suddenly.
Another alert was sent to me this morning by Steve Quayle, who has been documenting these witness accounts in his Alert section, which states "
Steve, I was in my local Walmart in Boone NC, yesterday.. I too notice empty spaces on shelves, the deli meat was not as full as usual and some things like their slaw were not present. I did not go up and down the frozen food sections, but the one I did you can see things spread out , or just one to three bags of different types of Tyson products. Usually there is a bunch of food items in bulk in the main aisles along the grocery dept, Progresso soups, Libby Vegetables, cereal etc...there were large 25 lb bags of sugar or flour either, the sugar stock was not full. Thanks to you and Hawk I went to pick up some more Borax..I picked up 2, which left about 4 on the shelf that item is usually stocked well. The cold bins where they keep franks or Bologna, or other meats were less then 1/2 full....They also are pulling items to the front of the shelf so it appears to be full but there may be only 2. Yes, I too have seen last chance tags also, it usually means they will no longer carry an item.I wanted to share this with you to confirm that this is happening in another part of the country. Gary the butcher told me that he heard beef and pork will be going up even more, he said get what pork you can now.. Folks need to get what they can while they can.Thank you both for all your alerts and info to try and help those with ears to hear and eyes to see prepare. May GOD bless you and keep you safe.
By 2011 it was reported that over 200 Walmarts had opened up in over 101 Chinese cities with other reports detailing China and Walmarts' connections, which brings us back to the comment from the military man quoted above about how Walmarts extensive communications systems that are identical from store to store and country to country, meaning they "they know how the stores operations work, how they are laid out and how things can be reconfigured."
This brings us to the final SQ alert from April 13, 2015:
While the young black man was trying to pull out the manual ladder we heard the equipment that has the warning signal when it is backing up. My husband & I looked to see a Chinese man in his late 20's very physically fit, like a soldier, driving an automated lift. It was apparent that he was using more sophisticated automated equipment that the average employee was not allowed to use. It also appeared he was a man with authority. The average employee had to use the manual ladder. This Chinese man was clearly someone with more authority. He spoke English but with a VERY HEAVY Mandarin accent as if he just stepped off the boat from China.
My husband & I couldn't help but notice it appears WalMart is now operated by Chinese management, possibly even military management, that are still more out of site from the average American shopper. As if they are keeping them in the back. We sense it is only a matter of days before our local WalMart is completely and overtly run by the Chinese, possibly even the Chinese military. No more just "Made In China" but now owned, operated, and controlled by the Chinese. Lord have mercy!
We live in an area of Appalachia that is predominately southern anglo farmers. We would love to know if anyone else is seeing this?
The China connection could be very important if we look at the big picture, see the US Dollar is at the high end of the scale of how long any nation keeps it's world reserve currency status, the amount of money we owe China, the amount of land China already owns in the US, the push to replace the Dollar with the RMB, their recent successes in getting many US allies to join their China-led investment bank, and the 2012 call by China to disarm Americans.
Is the US government preparing for an all-out economic collapse with Jade Helm, on behalf of the Chinese? Are Walmarts in the poorer areas being closed down to "control the food," send those that are hungry scavaging to the more affluent areas, and to set off food riots, which would give the government a reason to declare martial law? Are some Walmart Supercenters being retrofitted to prepare to turn them into some type of processing centers for Americans after they have rounded them up as they practiced doing in Florida last month? Will they be used as China's C3 (Command, Control And Communication)?
Has the endgame we have heard so much about.... finally arrived?
Nestor Dan:
From: Joseph Goldberg
cuento verdadero que no debes perderte-
Este cuento trata sobre un hombre
común. Ese hombre era el portero de un prostíbulo.
No había en aquel pueblo un oficio peor conceptuado y peor pagado que el de portero del prostíbulo. Pero... ¿Qué otra cosa podría hacer aquel hombre?
De hecho, nunca había aprendido a leer ni a escribir, no tenía ninguna otra actividad ni oficio. En realidad, era su puesto porque su padre había sido el portero de ese prostíbulo y también antes, el padre de su padre. Durante décadas, el prostíbulo se pasaba de padres a hijos y laportería se pasaba de padres a hijos.
Un día, el viejo propietario murió y se hizo cargo del prostíbulo un joven con inquietudes, creativo y emprendedor. El joven decidió modernizar el negocio. Modificó las habitaciones y después citó al personal para darle nuevas instrucciones.
Al portero, le dijo:
- A partir de hoy, usted, además de estar en la puerta, me va a preparar una planilla semanal. Allí anotará usted la cantidad de parejas que entran día por día. A una de cada cinco, le preguntará cómo fueron atendidas y qué corregirían del lugar. Y una vez por semana, me presentará esa planilla con los comentarios que usted crea convenientes.
El hombre tembló, nunca le había faltado disposición al trabajo pero...
- Me encantaría satisfacerlo, señor - balbuceó - Pero yo... yo no sé leer ni escribir.
- ¡Ah! ¡Cuánto lo siento! Como usted comprenderá, yo no puedo pagar a otra persona para que haga estoy y tampoco puedo esperar hasta que usted aprenda a escribir, por lo tanto...
- Pero señor, usted no me puede despedir, yo trabajé en esto toda mi vida, también mi padre y mi abuelo...
No lo dejó terminar.
- Mire, yo comprendo, pero no puedo hacer nada por usted. Lógicamente le vamos a dar una indemnización, esto es, una cantidad de dinero para que tenga hasta que encuentre otra cosa. Así que, lo siento. Que tenga suerte.
Y sin más, se dio vuelta y se fue.
El hombre sintió que el mundo se derrumbaba. Nunca había pensado que podría llegar a encontrarse en esa situación. Llegó a su casa, por primera vez, desocupado. ¿Qué hacer?
Recordó que a veces en el prostíbulo cuando se rompía una cama o se arruinaba una pata de un ropero, él, con un martillo y clavos se las ingeniaba para hacer un arreglo sencillo y provisorio. Pensó que esta podría ser una ocupación transitoria hasta que alguien le ofreciera un empleo.
Buscó por toda la casa las herramientas que necesitaba, sólo tenía unos clavos oxidados y una tenaza mellada. Tenía que comprar una caja de herramientas completa. Para eso usaría una parte del dinero que había recibido.
En la esquina de su casa se enteró de que en su pueblo no había una ferretería, y que debería viajar dos días en mula para ir al pueblo más cercano a realizar la compra. ¿Qué más da? Pensó, y emprendió la marcha. A su regreso, traía una hermosa y completa caja de herramientas. No había terminado de quitarse las botas cuando llamaron a la puerta de su casa. Era su vecino.
- Vengo a preguntarle si no tiene un martillo para prestarme.
- Mire, sí, lo acabo de comprar pero lo necesito para trabajar... como me quedé sin empleo...
- Bueno, pero yo se lo devolvería mañana bien temprano.
- Está bien.
A la mañana siguiente, como había prometido, el vecino tocó la puerta.
- Mire, yo todavía necesito el martillo. ¿Por qué no me lo vende?
- No, yo lo necesito para trabajar y además, la ferretería está a dos días de mula.
- Hagamos un trato - dijo el vecino - Yo le pagaré a usted los dos días de ida y los dos días de vuelta, más el precio del martillo, total usted está sin trabajar. ¿Qué le parece?
Realmente, esto le daba un trabajo por cuatro días... Aceptó. Volvió a montar su mula.
Al regreso, otro vecino lo esperaba en la puerta de su casa.
- Hola, vecino. ¿Usted le vendió un martillo a nuestro amigo?
- Sí...
- Yo necesito unas herramientas, estoy dispuesto a pagarle sus cuatro días de viaje y una pequeña ganancia por cada herramienta. Usted sabe, no todos podemos disponer de cuatro días para nuestras compras.
El ex-portero abrió su caja de herramientas y su vecino eligió una pinza, un destornillador, un martillo y un cincel. Le pagó y se fue.
No todos disponen de cuatro días para hacer compras, recordaba. Si esto era cierto, mucha gente podría necesitar que él viajara a traer herramientas.
En el siguiente viaje decidió que arriesgaría un poco del dinero de la indemnización, trayendo más herramientas que las que había vendido. De paso, podría ahorrar algún tiempo en viajes.
La voz empezó a correrse por el barrio y muchos quisieron evitarse el viaje. Una vez por semana, el ahora corredor de herramientas viajaba y compraba lo que necesitaban sus clientes.
Pronto entendió que si pudiera encontrar un lugar donde almacenar las herramientas, podría ahorrar más viajes y ganar más dinero. Alquiló un galpón. Luego le hizo una entrada más cómodo y algunas semanas después con una vidriera, el galpón se transformó en la primera ferretería del pueblo. Todos estaban contentos y compraban en su negocio. Ya no viajaba, de la ferretería del pueblo vecino le enviaban sus pedidos. Él era un buen cliente.Con el tiempo, todos los compradores de pueblos pequeños más lejanos preferían comprar en su ferretería y ganar dos días de marcha.
Un día se le ocurrió que su amigo, el tornero, podría fabricar para él las cabezas de los martillos. Y luego, ¿por qué no? las tenazas y las pinzas y los cinceles. Y luego fueron los clavos y los tornillos.
Para no hacer muy largo el cuento, sucedió que en diez años aquel hombre se transformó con honestidad y trabajo en un millonario fabricante de herramientas. El empresario más poderoso de la región. Tan poderoso era, que un año para la fecha de comienzo de las clases, decidió donar a su pueblo una escuela. Allí se enseñarían además de lectoescritura, las artes y los oficios más prácticos de la época.
El intendente y el alcalde organizaron una gran fiesta de inauguración de la escuela y una importante cena de agasajo para su fundador. A los postres, el alcalde le entregó las llaves de la ciudad y el intendente lo abrazó y le dijo:
- Es con gran orgullo y gratitud que le pedimos nos conceda el honor de poner su firma en la primera hoja del libro de actas de la nueva escuela.
- El honor sería para mí - dijo el hombre - Creo que nada me gustaría más que firmar allí, pero yo no sé leer ni escribir. Yo soy analfabeto.
- ¿Usted? - dijo el intendente, que no alcanzaba a creerlo - ¿Usted no sabe leer ni escribir? ¿Usted construyó un imperio industrial sin saber leer ni escribir? Estoy asombrado. Me pregunto ¿Qué hubiera hecho si hubiera sabido leer y escribir?
- Yo se lo puedo contestar - respondió el hombre con calma - ¡Si yo hubiera sabido leer y escribir... ¡Sería portero del prostíbulo!
No había en aquel pueblo un oficio peor conceptuado y peor pagado que el de portero del prostíbulo. Pero... ¿Qué otra cosa podría hacer aquel hombre?
De hecho, nunca había aprendido a leer ni a escribir, no tenía ninguna otra actividad ni oficio. En realidad, era su puesto porque su padre había sido el portero de ese prostíbulo y también antes, el padre de su padre. Durante décadas, el prostíbulo se pasaba de padres a hijos y laportería se pasaba de padres a hijos.
Un día, el viejo propietario murió y se hizo cargo del prostíbulo un joven con inquietudes, creativo y emprendedor. El joven decidió modernizar el negocio. Modificó las habitaciones y después citó al personal para darle nuevas instrucciones.
Al portero, le dijo:
- A partir de hoy, usted, además de estar en la puerta, me va a preparar una planilla semanal. Allí anotará usted la cantidad de parejas que entran día por día. A una de cada cinco, le preguntará cómo fueron atendidas y qué corregirían del lugar. Y una vez por semana, me presentará esa planilla con los comentarios que usted crea convenientes.
El hombre tembló, nunca le había faltado disposición al trabajo pero...
- Me encantaría satisfacerlo, señor - balbuceó - Pero yo... yo no sé leer ni escribir.
- ¡Ah! ¡Cuánto lo siento! Como usted comprenderá, yo no puedo pagar a otra persona para que haga estoy y tampoco puedo esperar hasta que usted aprenda a escribir, por lo tanto...
- Pero señor, usted no me puede despedir, yo trabajé en esto toda mi vida, también mi padre y mi abuelo...
No lo dejó terminar.
- Mire, yo comprendo, pero no puedo hacer nada por usted. Lógicamente le vamos a dar una indemnización, esto es, una cantidad de dinero para que tenga hasta que encuentre otra cosa. Así que, lo siento. Que tenga suerte.
Y sin más, se dio vuelta y se fue.
El hombre sintió que el mundo se derrumbaba. Nunca había pensado que podría llegar a encontrarse en esa situación. Llegó a su casa, por primera vez, desocupado. ¿Qué hacer?
Recordó que a veces en el prostíbulo cuando se rompía una cama o se arruinaba una pata de un ropero, él, con un martillo y clavos se las ingeniaba para hacer un arreglo sencillo y provisorio. Pensó que esta podría ser una ocupación transitoria hasta que alguien le ofreciera un empleo.
Buscó por toda la casa las herramientas que necesitaba, sólo tenía unos clavos oxidados y una tenaza mellada. Tenía que comprar una caja de herramientas completa. Para eso usaría una parte del dinero que había recibido.
En la esquina de su casa se enteró de que en su pueblo no había una ferretería, y que debería viajar dos días en mula para ir al pueblo más cercano a realizar la compra. ¿Qué más da? Pensó, y emprendió la marcha. A su regreso, traía una hermosa y completa caja de herramientas. No había terminado de quitarse las botas cuando llamaron a la puerta de su casa. Era su vecino.
- Vengo a preguntarle si no tiene un martillo para prestarme.
- Mire, sí, lo acabo de comprar pero lo necesito para trabajar... como me quedé sin empleo...
- Bueno, pero yo se lo devolvería mañana bien temprano.
- Está bien.
A la mañana siguiente, como había prometido, el vecino tocó la puerta.
- Mire, yo todavía necesito el martillo. ¿Por qué no me lo vende?
- No, yo lo necesito para trabajar y además, la ferretería está a dos días de mula.
- Hagamos un trato - dijo el vecino - Yo le pagaré a usted los dos días de ida y los dos días de vuelta, más el precio del martillo, total usted está sin trabajar. ¿Qué le parece?
Realmente, esto le daba un trabajo por cuatro días... Aceptó. Volvió a montar su mula.
Al regreso, otro vecino lo esperaba en la puerta de su casa.
- Hola, vecino. ¿Usted le vendió un martillo a nuestro amigo?
- Sí...
- Yo necesito unas herramientas, estoy dispuesto a pagarle sus cuatro días de viaje y una pequeña ganancia por cada herramienta. Usted sabe, no todos podemos disponer de cuatro días para nuestras compras.
El ex-portero abrió su caja de herramientas y su vecino eligió una pinza, un destornillador, un martillo y un cincel. Le pagó y se fue.
No todos disponen de cuatro días para hacer compras, recordaba. Si esto era cierto, mucha gente podría necesitar que él viajara a traer herramientas.
En el siguiente viaje decidió que arriesgaría un poco del dinero de la indemnización, trayendo más herramientas que las que había vendido. De paso, podría ahorrar algún tiempo en viajes.
La voz empezó a correrse por el barrio y muchos quisieron evitarse el viaje. Una vez por semana, el ahora corredor de herramientas viajaba y compraba lo que necesitaban sus clientes.
Pronto entendió que si pudiera encontrar un lugar donde almacenar las herramientas, podría ahorrar más viajes y ganar más dinero. Alquiló un galpón. Luego le hizo una entrada más cómodo y algunas semanas después con una vidriera, el galpón se transformó en la primera ferretería del pueblo. Todos estaban contentos y compraban en su negocio. Ya no viajaba, de la ferretería del pueblo vecino le enviaban sus pedidos. Él era un buen cliente.Con el tiempo, todos los compradores de pueblos pequeños más lejanos preferían comprar en su ferretería y ganar dos días de marcha.
Un día se le ocurrió que su amigo, el tornero, podría fabricar para él las cabezas de los martillos. Y luego, ¿por qué no? las tenazas y las pinzas y los cinceles. Y luego fueron los clavos y los tornillos.
Para no hacer muy largo el cuento, sucedió que en diez años aquel hombre se transformó con honestidad y trabajo en un millonario fabricante de herramientas. El empresario más poderoso de la región. Tan poderoso era, que un año para la fecha de comienzo de las clases, decidió donar a su pueblo una escuela. Allí se enseñarían además de lectoescritura, las artes y los oficios más prácticos de la época.
El intendente y el alcalde organizaron una gran fiesta de inauguración de la escuela y una importante cena de agasajo para su fundador. A los postres, el alcalde le entregó las llaves de la ciudad y el intendente lo abrazó y le dijo:
- Es con gran orgullo y gratitud que le pedimos nos conceda el honor de poner su firma en la primera hoja del libro de actas de la nueva escuela.
- El honor sería para mí - dijo el hombre - Creo que nada me gustaría más que firmar allí, pero yo no sé leer ni escribir. Yo soy analfabeto.
- ¿Usted? - dijo el intendente, que no alcanzaba a creerlo - ¿Usted no sabe leer ni escribir? ¿Usted construyó un imperio industrial sin saber leer ni escribir? Estoy asombrado. Me pregunto ¿Qué hubiera hecho si hubiera sabido leer y escribir?
- Yo se lo puedo contestar - respondió el hombre con calma - ¡Si yo hubiera sabido leer y escribir... ¡Sería portero del prostíbulo!
Esta historia es
verdadera, y se refiere a un gran industrial
llamado Valentín Tramontina, fundador de Industrias Tramontina,
que hoy cuenta con más de 10 fábricas, miles de empleados, y produce millones
de unidades de más18.000 items de productos al mes y exporta bajo su
propia marca a más de 120 países - es la única empresa brasileña en esta
condición. La ciudad que se menciona es Carlos Barbosa, y está en el
interior de Rio Grande do Sul.
Por lo general, las
oportunidades son vistas como adversidades.
Las crisis están llenas de oportunidades.
Is alguien le bloquea la puerta, no gaste energía en la confrontación, busque las ventanas.
Recuerde la sabiduría del agua: " El agua nunca discute con sus obstáculos, sino que los rodea”.
Las crisis están llenas de oportunidades.
Is alguien le bloquea la puerta, no gaste energía en la confrontación, busque las ventanas.
Recuerde la sabiduría del agua: " El agua nunca discute con sus obstáculos, sino que los rodea”.
Virtual President- Gun Control
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