No 804 “En mi
opinión” Noviembre 26, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR
Cuando los hombres malvados INTRIGAN, los hombres buenos deben de
Cuando los hombres malvados QUEMAN y PONEN BOMBAS, los buenos hombres deben
Cuando los hombres malvados gritan las feas palabras del ODIO, los hombres
buenos deben comprometerse con las glorias del AMOR.
Donde los hombres malvados pretenden perpetuar un statu quo INJUSTO, los
buenos hombres deben de buscar traer a la existencia un orden de
habla mucho del racismo a la inversa, o sea que ahora los negros son los
discriminadores contra los blancos cuando antes los blancos discriminaban
contra los negros durante la segregación y la esclavitud.
evidencias que presentan los que piensan que esto es una realidad.
que no vivimos bajo la segregación, y el Presidente de la República es negro, y
también lo es el Fiscal General por lo que no es necesario privilegios porque
no hay racismo ni opresión.
las leyes para proteger a los negros como en los beneficios sociales y
económicos y acción afirmativa, al proteger a los negros perjudica a los
blancos que pierden oportunidades de estudio y trabajo que pasan a los negros.
Esto en sí es algo discriminatorio contra los blancos.
algo que es curioso es la similitud inversa de la situación, que se hace
evidente cuando vemos las cosas del pasado y las comparamos con los problemas
raciales del presente.
palabras de Martin Luther King que copio arriba, fueron dichas en una época en que
las sociedades de supremacía blanca ponían bombas y quemaban las iglesias
negras, en que atacaban violentamente a los negros que se atrevían a protestar,
en que el tenían un constante discurso de Odio contra los negros, en que la
justicia siempre favorecía al blanco. A esta situación se refería Martin Luther
King en sus palabras. Estaba declarando que esto es algo malo y que no
debía suceder.
vamos a leer de nuevo el pensamiento de Martin Luther King, pensando en la
sociedad actual, y vemos que sus palabras cobran vigencias, con la
peculiaridad de que ahora los que intrigan, los que queman, los que
destruyen, los que tienen un mensaje de odio, y los que quieren una justicia
tramitada, son los negros contra los blancos.
curioso, no creo que a Martin Luther King le hubiera pasado por la
mente, que estas palabras se pudieran aplicar en la sociedad a las personas de
su raza que él quiso ayudar.
que el otro pensamiento que dijo en la marcha a Washington
"Yo tengo un sueño: que mis cuatro hijos vivirán
en una nación donde no se les juzgará por el color de la piel sino por sus
Lo siento Martin, pero tu sueño no es una realidad, y
no lo es porque es porque los negros han escogido odiar a las gentes por el
color blanco de la piel.
decir que lo hacen porque antes estuvieron discriminados, no tiene validez,
porque, fueron sus abuelos, no ellos los que sufrieron la discriminación.
todavía no he visto a un grupo de blancos en este tiempo que le quemen la
propiedad a un negro.
Ferguson Racists Burn American Flag

I have zero respect for these racist fools who are burning the American flag in protest over a thug. Absolutely
Check it out:
Check it out:
night the long awaited Grand Jury decision in the case of Michael Brown and
Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson was released. According to the decision,
there was no probable cause to file charges against Officer Wilson and
therefore he is exonerated and will not face indictment.
a result of the Grand Jury decision not to indict Wilson, rioters took to the
streets last night burning down dozens of buildings, looting, throwing rocks
and molotov cocktails at police, burning American flags, burning cars, and smashing
windows. Small businesses were completely destroyed and burned to the
ground.Twenty-nine people were arrested by police. The good news is nobody was killed.
really unfortunate this evening because we had really planned…and talked about
the fact that we were really hoping for peaceful protests and I mean that,” St.
Louis Police Department Chief Jon Belmar said during a press conference early
this morning.
Amenper: ¡RACISTAS!
cantidad de racistas estamos viendo gritando en las calles. Lo peor
es que ni se dan cuenta de que son racistas y dicen que están protestando en
contra del racismo.
alguien es racista es que juzga a otro por el color de su piel.
protestando por un incidente en que un policía mató a un delincuente que lo
estaba atacando.
es lo que sucedió, simplemente eso es lo que sucedió si no eres un
si eres un racista lo que ves es un policía BLANCO que mató a un hombre NEGRO,
lo ves así porque estás pensando en la raza no en seres humanos, o quizás lo
ves así porque discriminas a la policía porque las vez como la autoridad desde
el punto de vista de un delincuente.
cualquier manera poco puedes gritar JUSTICIA, de una manera racional, cuando lo
que pides es INJUSTICIA, porque injusticia sería condenar a un inocente por
ver que racismo más criminal estamos viviendo?
New York Times publicó la dirección del oficial Wilson en la tirada de ayer.
nombre del racismo estamos viendo cómo impunemente una publicación oficial
incita a la violencia y pone en peligro a una persona y su familia, todo a
nombre del racismo.
he sido racista, siempre he tratado de controlar mis prejuicios, ya sea por
raza, status social o económico, nacionalidad, o cualquier otra cosa, siempre
esperando a conocer al individuo y su carácter antes de juzgarlo. Porque
de esto estamos hablando, de que se está tratando un hecho que sucede a diario
y se está tratando desde un punto de vista racial.
qué podemos esperar? Por desgracia a pesar de la indiscutible grandeza del
pueblo y el sistema americano, el racismo siempre ha sido un problema en la
nación, Hasta las nacionalidades fundidas en el crisol americano, cada una tuvo
que sufrir el racismo y discriminación es su primera etapa al fundirse en la
nación americana.
racismo, una reacción de autodefensa del ser humano hacia lo que es
diferente a él, siempre ha existido y existirá, per es más controlable cuando
se reconoce por la persona.
si no se reconoce el racismo es una de las bajas pasiones que más daño ha
producido a la humanidad y estamos viendo a estos seres humanos desbocados
en su racismo, y ni siquiera se dan cuenta que son racistas.
equivocadamente el pueblo americano pensó que eligiendo a un presidente negro,
demostraban que no eran racistas, lo que hicieron es demostrar que eran
racistas, y están pagando las consecuencias.
fueron racistas cuando eligieron un presidente por su color, no por sus
cualidades para ejercer la primera magistratura de la mayor nación del mundo.
voté por Obama, no porque era negro, pero porque era una persona con
antecedentes que no me merecían la confianza para darle mi voto. Racistas
son los que votaron por Obama porque era negro.
vez que pones la raza por el medio de tu relación con esa persona o para juzgar
a una persona eres racista.
si sinceramente no eres racista, puedes ver el problema de lo injusto del
esos que están gritando en las calles no lo pueden ver, porque son racistas..
This Woman’s Incredible Journey To Honor The USA Ends With A Bang Before
90 seconds, no matter who we voted for, or what team we want to win - we are as
August 28th, standing in a downpour on Nashville’s LP Field, Janine Stange took
the microphone and led the stadium in “The Star-Spangled Banner,” completing what had been a two-year long journey.
Long Island native began singing the national anthem at events during high
school and had always loved the spirit of the song and what it represented.
day, I thought, ‘You know what, I’ve sung in a couple of states, I should sing
in every state,’” Stange said. That led her on a journey around the country,
beginning on July 3, 2012 at the Tampa Yankees vs Dunedin Blue Jays MiLB game.
Without the help of a booking agent, and paying for her travels out of pocket,
Stange sometimes visited more than six states a month to reach her goal of
singing in every state before the 200th anniversary of the patriotic song.
September 14th, 2014, after completing her mission, Stange was taken to the
“Star-Spangled Buoy,” which marks the location of Francis Scott Key when he saw
“that our flag was still there,” where she sang “The Star Spangled Banner”–200
years to the day since it was penned.
known in the media and on her Facebook and Twitter pages as The National Anthem
Girl, reflected on what
the anthem means to her:
“For 90
seconds, no matter who we voted for, or what team we want to win – we are as
one. When we stand with our hands over our hearts, we are singing ‘our song.’
That is always to be regarded as a privilege, not a formality. I hope this
mission brings a renewed awareness, honor and respect for those who have fought
and sacrificed their time, well being, families…and lives for our freedom.”
each event Stange sings at, she sets up a booth where she encourages fans to
write thank you notes to active duty and veteran military. She then gives those
cards to Operation Gratitude, where they are put into military care
believe gratitude is the core of patriotism,” Stange said. “Giving others the
opportunity to personally thank those who keep us free to sing our nation’s
anthem is an honor. Seeing parents explain what the word ‘patriotism’ or
‘veteran’ means to their children as they write out a thank you note together
is priceless.”
her record-breaking journey is over, Stange says she will continue singing the
national anthem and is now focused on promoting patriotism and sharing the
stories of the Americans she has met along the way. She wrote on her IndieGoGo
page that she would be surprised when she looked
out into the audience and saw kids who didn’t seem to know why they were
standing and adults talking to their friends and ignoring the singing of the
is a real risk of current and future generations becoming numb to the reality
that someone – someone’s dad, brother, husband, sister, wife or mother…made a
sacrifice so we could enjoy the freedoms we have,” she wrote. “I don’t want
that to happen.”
asked what her takeaway from the whole experience has been, Stange, who
maintains that the song never gets old or tired for her and that
she still gets teary-eyed every time she sings it, said there are two
is beautiful, and Americans are beautiful.”
13 Facts About Ferguson the Media Will Never Tell You
According to protesters who erupted in violence after
a grand jury declined to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of
Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., this was the case of a white policeman shooting
an unarmed black teenager with his hands in the air in a community plagued by
racial tension.
That's an account promoted by many in the mainstream media as well. But here are several facts about the case that are harder to find:
1. Surveillance video showed that shortly before the confrontation, 18-year-old Brown stole cigarillos from a convenience store and shoved a clerk who tried to stop him.
2. The autopsy report showed that Brown had marijuana in his system when he died.
3. Officer Wilson, driving to the call of a medical emergency, first encountered Brown walking in the middle of a street and told Brown and his friend to walk on the sidewalk. Brown responded with an expletive.
4. Wilson chose to confront Brown only after he saw the cigarillos in his hand and recalled the radio report of a robbery at the convenience store.
5. Wilson said when he tried to open his car door, Brown slammed it back shut, then punched Wilson in the face.
6. Fearing another punch could knock him out, Wilson drew his gun, he told the grand jury, and Brown grabbed the gun, saying "you are too much of a pussy to shoot me."
7. An African-American witness confirmed that Brown and Wilson appeared to be "arm-wrestling" by the car.
8. Another witness saw Brown leaning through the car's window and said "some sort of confrontation was taking place."
9. After Wilson fired a shot that struck Brown's hand, Brown fled and Wilson gave chase. Brown suddenly stopped. An unidentified witness told the grand jury that 6-foot-4, 292-pound Brown charged at Wilson with his head down. Wilson said Brown put his hand under the waistband of his pants as he continued toward Wilson. That's when Wilson fired.
10. A witness testified that Brown never raised his hands.
11. Gunpowder found on the wound on Brown's hand indicated his hand was close to the gun when it fired. According to a report, the hand wound showed foreign matter "consistent with products that are discharged from the barrel of a firearm."
12. Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist who reviewed the autopsy for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, said the gunpowder "supports the fact that this guy is reaching for the gun, if he has particulate matter in the wound."
13. Wilson said Brown was physically uncontrollable and "for lack of a better word, crazy." He said that during the confrontation, he was thinking: "He's gonna kill me. How do I survive?" Legal experts say police officers typically have wide latitude to use deadly force when they feel their safety is threatened.
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That's an account promoted by many in the mainstream media as well. But here are several facts about the case that are harder to find:
1. Surveillance video showed that shortly before the confrontation, 18-year-old Brown stole cigarillos from a convenience store and shoved a clerk who tried to stop him.
2. The autopsy report showed that Brown had marijuana in his system when he died.
3. Officer Wilson, driving to the call of a medical emergency, first encountered Brown walking in the middle of a street and told Brown and his friend to walk on the sidewalk. Brown responded with an expletive.
4. Wilson chose to confront Brown only after he saw the cigarillos in his hand and recalled the radio report of a robbery at the convenience store.
5. Wilson said when he tried to open his car door, Brown slammed it back shut, then punched Wilson in the face.
6. Fearing another punch could knock him out, Wilson drew his gun, he told the grand jury, and Brown grabbed the gun, saying "you are too much of a pussy to shoot me."
7. An African-American witness confirmed that Brown and Wilson appeared to be "arm-wrestling" by the car.
8. Another witness saw Brown leaning through the car's window and said "some sort of confrontation was taking place."
9. After Wilson fired a shot that struck Brown's hand, Brown fled and Wilson gave chase. Brown suddenly stopped. An unidentified witness told the grand jury that 6-foot-4, 292-pound Brown charged at Wilson with his head down. Wilson said Brown put his hand under the waistband of his pants as he continued toward Wilson. That's when Wilson fired.
10. A witness testified that Brown never raised his hands.
11. Gunpowder found on the wound on Brown's hand indicated his hand was close to the gun when it fired. According to a report, the hand wound showed foreign matter "consistent with products that are discharged from the barrel of a firearm."
12. Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist who reviewed the autopsy for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, said the gunpowder "supports the fact that this guy is reaching for the gun, if he has particulate matter in the wound."
13. Wilson said Brown was physically uncontrollable and "for lack of a better word, crazy." He said that during the confrontation, he was thinking: "He's gonna kill me. How do I survive?" Legal experts say police officers typically have wide latitude to use deadly force when they feel their safety is threatened.
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Dems worried about Obama going to jail
Democrats know that Obama has pushed his weight around about as much as any
skinny Kenyan can, and soon his day of reckoning may come.
Many are
worried that Obama’s posturing will land him behind the rock, and them behind
the hard place.
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) sent an email to Obama
supporters, and the email suggested that unless liberals show that they are
“still standing with President Obama,” he could end up where he should
have been for at least two years: in prison.
The email
(shown below) has the subject line, “Impeachment? Prison??? — Sign now, stand
with President Obama.”
The Democrat’s
official campaign arm for Congress claims that the Republicans are attempting
“to destroy the President.” From this vantage point, I’d say Obama is
attempting to destroy himself, and unfortunately for the Democrats, he’s
scuttling the ship, wrecking the car, plunging the plane…pick your metaphor.
Their claim, however
is the Republicans want retribution for Obama’s “Constitutionally granted power
to take bold steps to overhaul our nation’s broken immigration system.”
Because of
the GOP “threatening lawsuits, shutdowns [and] impeachment,” and one
congressman’s suggestion that “Obama be thrown in jail,” the DCCC implores
Democrats to show they’re “still standing with President Obama” and “have his
Given the
fact that most
Americans do not support Obama’s power-grab, and even members of his own party
disapprove, impeachment should be
on the table.
it’s not. Fresh out of overwhelming mid-term victories, the GOP is once again
moving tepidly. Even on the issue that arguably provided their margin of
success – Obamacare – leadership
has stated that a vote on repeal will not even be held.
Do the Democrats
really believe Obama will go to jail? Of course not. This is but a
fund-raising gimmick, and of course an attempt to test the water on Obama’s
waning popularity.
The Democrats may
have unwittingly unleashed a bit of karma into the universe, and I for one will
be hopeful that justice gets served to Obama
Kevin Jackson's hilarious take onRace-Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism!
Kevin Jackson's hilarious take onRace-Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism!
Enjoy this excerpt from the book:
"In actuality, black people will go to
substandard hospitals, wait in long lines behind illegal immigrants, and be
treated like non-citizens, as there simply won’t be enough healthcare to go
around. There will be the occasional lucky few who will receive treatment, and
we will parade them around like championship rings, thus continuing the ruse.
As you can see, we’ve left out nothing. We touch more on this in Chapter 10:
Promise Everything, Deliver Nothing. If for some reason we happen to run out of
blacks, we will be able to apply our trade to the Mexicans with little
disruptions. Plans are already underway for our next edition in this “How To”
series: How to be a Latino "Race Pimp for
Fun and Profit…even if you’re Illegal."
Owner of looted store shares confusion, heartbreak
The vaunted agreement
about “rules of engagement” Ferguson’s mayor reached with protesters didn’t
amount to much, as the city was promptly sacked after a grand jury declined to
indict Officer Darren Wilson on any charges in the death of Michael Brown.
Happily, and somewhat miraculously, no one appears to have been killed.
Fox News surveys the wreckage:
There were
more than 80 arrests made in the St. Louis area overnight as protesters fired
more than 100 gunshots, burned and looted as many as 25 buildings and
vandalized police cars in Ferguson, Mo. after a grand jury did not indict a
police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in August,
authorities said Tuesday morning.
St. Louis
County police released records early Tuesday showing 61 people were arrested in
Ferguson on charges including burglary and trespassing. And St. Louis Mayor
Francis Slay said 21 people were arrested in the city.
armed police fired pepper spray and smoke canisters to disperse the crowds of
protesters. Police seized a .45 mm automatic handgun as well.
“We have
no loss of life, but I am disappointed the night turned out this way,” St.
Louis Police Department Chief Jon Belmar said.
said he heard more than 150 shots ring off in the night.
“What I’ve
seen tonight is probably worse than the worst night we had in August,” Belmar
Gov. Jay
Nixon ordered more Missouri National Guardsmen to provide security at the
Ferguson Police Department.
Where were all the
National Guard units and riot response troops while the city was being burned
down? Firefighters actually fell back from battling the blazes because
they were taking fire from looters. All the hand-wringing about the
insensitivity of “militarized police” deprived law-abiding citizens, and especially
shop owners, of their protection at a time when it was most needed: a
carefully-orchestrated, well-organized, media-fueled crisis everyone knew
was coming. The only people with a legitimate grievance worth protesting
about today are the hard-working shop owners who saw their businesses go up in
smoke, and the employees who just lost their jobs. They paid exorbitant
taxes to the multiple layers of flabby, useless government tottering over us –
from local authorities to Barack Obama’s worse-than-useless federal apparatus –
and their reward was getting to watch their property looted and destroyed, with
scarcely a thought given to protecting them.
Once again, Obama
had absolutely nothing to say to
the People Who Work Hard and Play By the Rules. He gave a little statement that began with
praise for the “rule of law” that should have come with a laugh track, given
who was speaking, and rather mildly advised the protesters to eschew violence –
advice they completely ignored. His entire brief appeal to the better
angels of the rioters’ nature – delivered tepidly so as not to jeopardize his useful
political connection with them – rested on the moral authority of Michael
Brown’s parents and the self-interest of the rioters, not respect for the law
First and
foremost, we are a nation built on the rule of law. And so we need to accept
that this decision was the grand jury’s to make. There are Americans who agree
with it, and there are Americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It’s
an understandable reaction. But I join Michael’s parents in asking anyone who
protests this decision to do so peacefully. Let me repeat Michael’s father’s
words: “Hurting others or destroying property is not the answer. No
matter what the grand jury decides, I do not want my son’s death to be in vain.
I want it to lead to incredible change, positive change, change that makes the
St. Louis region better for everyone.”
Brown’s parents have lost more than anyone. We should be honoring their wishes.
A robust defense of
the rule of law requires a lot more
than merely saying it’s important and the nation was built on it. You
have to explain what it means right
now. But as his own actions have amply demonstrated, the
“rule of law” is an entirely abstract concept to Obama – something to be
discussed in a classroom or used as a rhetorical prop during a speech, not
something to be embraced and lived.
After spending an
equal amount of time admonishing the
police to show restraint, Obama delivered a windy homily to
the “lessons that we draw from these tragic events,” assuring us “there are
good people on all sides of this debate.” Really? Including the
side that insists on pretending Officer Wilson is a racist killer who murdered
Brown for fun, no matter what the forensic evidence and hundreds of hours of
testimony say? The moral equivalence Obama engages in to make it look
like he’s down with The Struggle are grotesque and disgusting. This was a
moment when a real leader, a real President, would have stood tall and made it
clear that there was nothing to protest, no good reason to keep a bloody myth
alive because a wagonload of political issues can be hitched to it. Such
a declaration would have meant a lot at this moment, coming from the First
Black President. Alas, it would have crimped his poll numbers with one of
the few groups that still ardently supports him, so instead of emphasizing that
the “hands up, don’t shoot” stuff was a fairy tale, he went along with the idea
that a long list of simmering grievances give the agitators a license to
promote whatever hateful garbage they think is necessary to hold the media
spotlight and keep people fired up.
Instead we got this:
But what
is also true is that there are still problems, and communities of color aren’t
just making these problems up. Separating that from this particular decision,
there are issues in which the law too often feels as if it is being applied in
discriminatory fashion. I don’t think that’s the norm. I don’t think that’s
true for the majority of communities or the vast majority of law enforcement
officials. But these are real issues. And we have to lift them up and not deny
them or try to tamp them down. What we need to do is to understand them and
figure out how do we make more progress. And that can be done.
That won’t
be done by throwing bottles. That won’t be done by smashing car windows. That
won’t be done by using this as an excuse to vandalize property. And it
certainly won’t be done by hurting anybody. So, to those in Ferguson, there are
ways of channeling your concerns constructively and there are ways of
channeling your concerns destructively. Michael Brown’s parents understand what
it means to be constructive. The vast majority of peaceful protesters, they
understand it as well.
Those of
you who are watching tonight understand that there’s never an excuse for
violence, particularly when there are a lot of people in goodwill out there who
are willing to work on these issues.
On the
other hand, those who are only interested in focusing on the violence and just
want the problem to go away need to recognize that we do have work to do here,
and we shouldn’t try to paper it over. Whenever we do that, the anger may
momentarily subside, but over time, it builds up and America isn’t everything
that it could be.
“America isn’t
everything that it could be?” Such inspiring leadership! The lawful,
hard-working people of this country feel just great knowing that you’ve got their backs, Mr.
Obama. Notice again that his entire case against violence is premised
not in the slightest on
the notion that rioting is absolutely wrong and would be met by a justifiably
aggressive response from law enforcement and the military, if necessary.
No, the entire weaksauce argument he offered is that rioting is counter-productive to
the fine and noble cause of the rioters, and might turn off people otherwise
inclined to take their side. Does anyone remember Obama displaying even a
microscopic portion of this sympathy for the issues, causes, and moral
authority of the entirely peaceful, neat-as-a-pin Tea Party?
As for the moral
authority of Brown’s parents, while it’s true, and helpful, that they called
for a non-violent response, they’re also doing nothing to dispel the ugly
mythology that drove these protests. “We are profoundly disappointed that
the killer of our child will not face the consequence of his actions,” said a
statement from the Brown family. “While we understand that many others share
our pain, we ask that you channel your frustration in ways that will make a
positive change. We need to work together to fix the system that allowed this
to happen.” That would be the system that “allows” a police officer to
defend himself against a violent assailant who tries to gain control of his
weapon. Unless you want to live in a bloody scrum of unending gang
violence without the protection of armed law enforcement, I strongly suggest
you do not change that particular system.
Monday night in
Ferguson offered a little glimpse of what that police-free world might look
like. From local news station KSDK:
reported heavy automatic gunfire in the area of W. Florissant and Canfield,
police said. A University City police officer was shot at the
intersection of Canton Avenue and Lamb Avenue, according to police.
Asst. Fire
Chief Steve Fair with the Ferguson Fire Department said they found structure
fires along the corridor of Florissant, West Florissant, and Halls Ferry roads.
“We have
been fighting approximately 25 structure fires tonight, along with a car
dealership where we lost 10 cars that were burned up,” said Fair.
department had help from all over St. Louis and St. Charles counties, but said
it was difficult to make offensive attacks because they were run out by gunfire.
“Not just
a little bit of gunfire, a lot of gunfire,” said Fair. “We do everything that
we can, and we’ll continue to do everything we can, but we are limited to what
we can do.”
3:30 a.m. Fair said crews were still battling five or six active fires. They
were still putting out hot spots and mopping up the scenes at others.
An elderly man was
carjacked and run over with his own car in the name of “social justice.”
Social justice was also pursued by burning and looting a variety of
stores, including Little Ceasar’s Pizza, Federal Express, Toys R Us, the St.
Louis Bread Company restaurant, a pawn shop, and a Metro PCS cell phone store,
at which the looters paused to take a few selfies:
cell-phone store owner, an Israeli immigrant named Sonny Dayan, stood in the
ruins of his looted shop and expressed his disappointment in both rioters and
the police to the L.A.
shattered both of his front windows, he said when he got off the phone. “They
took everything — phones, cases, everything.”
told him police had stood by and watched.
he said, “I talked to people on the street and they said not to worry. They
said this time the focus will be on institutions, not businesses.”
most merchants on West Florissant, Dayan didn’t cover his windows.
didn’t want to be another boarded-up store on this strip,” he said, adding that
customers had thanked him for staying open as the grand jury worked.
also ransacked a liquor store they also struck in August, during the last round
of major vandalism. At least five major fires were burning along the street,
including another cellphone store, a public storage business, an auto parts
store and a title company.
said police had promised him there would be more security this time, more
told us they would try to root that kind of violence out. I don’t know
how much success they had,” he said Monday. “They had promised to
eliminate this but it happened right across from them.”
said he figured that by not boarding up the windows, he would demonstrate his
trust in the community and not be targeted. As he drove to the store after
being alerted to the looting, he said he realized he had underestimated the
criminal element in the area.
opportunity like that arises, they’re going to take it,” he said, his voice
calm as he mused, “Maybe we’ll learn something from this.
hard. It’s just a tough kick to your gut – you’re trying to do the right thing,
and you know there’s so much good in the area,” he said.
The good in
any given area has no chance to flourish without the unapologetic and absolute
defense of the law. Accept no substitutes, especially not vague promises
from prospective rioters.
The enduring
image of the night for me wasn’t the images of buildings coming down in flames
and looters running wild in the streets, but Natalie DuBose, the owner of a
cake shop in Ferguson, weeping helplessly as her livelihood was destroyed.
Over the weekend,
DuBose – a single mother with two children – begged the mob to spare her little
shop: “If I can’t open my doors every morning, I can’t feed my kids in the
evening. Just don’t burn my shop down. Don’t destroy it.” She
shouldn’t have needed to plead with the thugs who ignored her. That’s
what the “rule of law” means. That’s what real “justice” means. The
government she spent her working life paying for was supposed to protect her,
and Sonny Dayan, and the rest of them.
But the ruling elite
was too busy playing footsie with the rioters, feeling them out for useful
political connections, playing into their paranoid fantasies in the hopes of
goosing them to the ballot box to vote Democrat, preserving the influence of
the organizers, and peddling an ideology of helpless victimization that
relieves even violent assailants of responsibility for their actions.
There were also violent demonstrations in California, plus a more peaceful
march in Times Square that nevertheless violated New York City ordinances,
which were of course waived without comment. What were any of those
people “protesting ” for? The right of people with a certain skin color
to assault police officers of a certain skin color, without repercussions?
What they need, more than anything else, is for some people they respect
to tell them they’re acting like fools.
We’ll get plenty more
of the lawlessness our ruling elite and their sensationalist media indulge
(and, as the Ferguson prosecutor pointed out in his statement Monday
night, cultivate.)
Things were only hideous on Monday night because of all the indulgence
and cultivation given to previous outbursts and false narratives. This
thing was allowed to fester for a long time
before it blew up. Whatever progress we might have made on various issues
in America, our political and media class, and their favored constituencies,
are still a long way from growing up. Many of them will spend the days to
come showing us just how dangerously infantile they can be.
Cada segundo La Nación
Americana se sigue empeñando en millones de dólares más por una pésima
administración. Este es El Reloj Oficial de la Deuda Externa. Que no deja de
aumentar gracias a obama:
Racists Destroy
The evidence did not support charging the
police officer with anything. But the racists want him charged because the
criminal is black. It is disgusting that this is where race relations are in
our country.
Check it out:
Check it out:
There were more than 80 arrests made in the
St. Louis area overnight as protesters fired more than 100 gunshots, burned and
looted as many as 25 buildings and vandalized police cars in Ferguson, Mo.
after a grand jury did not indict a police officer who shot and killed an
unarmed black teenager in August, authorities said Tuesday morning.
St. Louis County police released records early
Tuesday showing 61 people were arrested in Ferguson on charges including
burglary and trespassing. And St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay said 21 people were
arrested in the city.
Heavily armed police fired pepper spray and
smoke canisters to disperse the crowds of protesters. Police seized a .45 mm
automatic handgun as well.
“We have no loss of life, but I am
disappointed the night turned out this way,” St. Louis Police Department Chief
Jon Belmar said.
Belmar said he heard more than 150 shots ring
off in the night.
“What I’ve seen tonight is probably worse than
the worst night we had in August,” Belmar said.
Brown’s Stepfather Changes his Tune After Grand Jury Decision
So much for peaceful protesting.
Just Gave Americans A Thanksgiving Surprise That Is The Last Thing Most People
Obama administration has released its...
White House is now focused on releasing
its massive regulatory agenda-
the fifth time the Obama administration has released its regulatory agenda
before a holiday.
Schudtz, Executive Director of the Center for Progressive Reform, said:
become an unfortunate tradition of this administration and others to drop these
regulatory agendas late on a Friday and right before a holiday.”
The group of regulations is called the
Unified Agenda, and it lays out thousands of regulations to be finalized in the
coming months.
The White House’s Unified Agenda for
fall 2014 contains some 3,415 regulations, 189 of which will cost more than $100
According to the released agenda, the
EPA rules to limit greenhouse emissions from new and existing power plants will
be finalized in 2015.
Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell said:
president said his policies were on the ballot, and the American people spoke
up against them. It’s time for more listening, and less job-destroying red
tape. Easing the burden already created by EPA regulations will continue to be
a priority for me in the new Congress.”
The most fought-over rule to be
finalized in 2015 will probably be the “Waters of the United States” bill under
the Clean Water Act.
Louisiana Republican Senator David
Vitter said: “The ‘waters of the U.S.’ rule may be one of the most significant
private property grabs in U.S. history. They want to take another step
toward outright permitting authority over virtually any wet area in the
country, while at the same time providing a new tool for environmental groups
to sue private property owners.”
“Very important information”
Big Banks Conspire with Gov't to
Confiscate Accounts
Written by Damon Geller
Think your
money is safe in the bank? Think again. A new bombshell from
the New York Times exposes that the nation's biggest banks have
willingly turned bank accounts over to the government for total confiscation.
It's all done in secrecy, often initiated by the bankers. Tragically,
bank account holders don't even know they're being targeted until after the
money is seized from their accounts. The banks' deplorable actions have
resulted in millions of dollars stolen from U.S. citizens without a shred of
due process. And in 80% of the cases, no criminal charges were ever
filed. Even more alarming -- in a matter of just a few years -- these cases of
unconstitutional bank account seizures have risen over 500%! Experts advise
that you have only ONE choice if you want to protect your savings and
retirement from corrupt banks.
Government on the Brink of Disaster
The U.S.
government and the Fed pumped trillions of dollars of YOUR money into the banks
and stock market over the last several years, catapulting the U.S. debt to $28
trillion by 2018. But now, the U.S. government and the Fed are completely out
of ammo, with the Fed no longer able to buy U.S. treasuries. They
desperately need money to maintain their own power, and taxes are not enough.
So government officials are doing everything they can to keep the Ponzi scheme
going, such as seizing the public’s money through inflation, deficits, and
outright confiscation. And now they have enlisted their old pals -- the
bankers -- to help them get unfettered access to YOUR money without due
The 4th Amendment
under Siege
The 4th Amendment of the Constitution reads
clearly: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,
papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
violated.” But according to this shocking New York Times report, the 4th Amendment is under siege.
By law,
banks are required to report cash deposits over $10,000 to the IRS. But now,
banks are voluntarily -- without any requirement from the government --
reporting millions of cash deposits under $10,000. From there, the IRS is
arbitrarily deeming these deposits suspiciousand seizing
all the money in these accounts -- without any evidence of a crime, without
filing criminal charges, and without allowing the account holder to fight the
confiscation in court.
As the New
York Times reported, the big banks are allowing over 100 multiagency task
forces to comb through your bank reports on a daily basis, looking for accounts
to seize. Under the Bank Secrecy Act, banks filed more than 700,000 suspicious
activity reports last year alone! So do you really think you can trust your
local bank?
The number
of IRS seizures has increased over 500% in just a few years, and in 80% of the
cases the IRS never files a criminal complaint against the individual being
seized. The median amount seized by the IRS is $34,000, while legal costs
can easily mount to $20,000 or more. Individuals who are the victims of
seizure often cannot afford to fight.
How big
are the accounts the bankers turn over to the government for seizure? The
following are just a few of the horrifying cases exposed by the New York Times:
- The government confiscated $447,000 from a family
business in New York
- The government confiscated $33,000 from a small
restaurant owner in Iowa
- The government confiscated $66,000 from an army
sergeant in Virginia who was saving the money for his daughter's college
This giant
asset forfeiture program gives the government the authority to confiscate your
money without due process, even if you’ve committed no crime! And the
bankers are more than happy to aid the government in this outright THEFT.
Bankers and the government
have gone after run-of-the-mill business owners and wage earners without so
much as an allegation that they have committed serious crimes. The government
just takes the money without ever filing a criminal complaint, and the owners
are left to prove they are innocent. Many give up and never get their money
The Banker-Gov't
Conspiracy Goes Much Further
banker-government conspiracy to confiscate citizen wealth doesn’t stop with
seizures by the IRS, Justice
Department and local police.
As was recently reported, the U.S. government has conspired with the banks to
nationalize retirement accounts like IRAs, 401Ks, pensions, 403Bs, as well as
savings accounts worldwide:
- FATCA requires foreign financial institutions such as banks, stock
brokers, hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies, and trusts to
report all U.S. citizens’ accounts directly to the IRS. FATCA even
requires reporting to the IRS by foreign private companies on any income
made by a citizen of the U.S. whether they live here or not.
- Obama announced the creation of the MyRA – your retirement money
will now be used to pay for U.S. debt. MyRA is nothing more than an
investment scam being sold to the American people as a you-can’t-lose,
zero-risk investment by the pitchman-in-chief himself.
- The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which oversees how investments
are sold, proposed what it calls CARDS – Comprehensive Automated Risk Data
System – which is an electronic system that will regularly collect data on
balances and transactions in all 4100 brokerages nationwide.
So for the
first time ever, the U.S. government is directing you where to invest your
savings & retirement and has gained full access to the activity in every
single citizen’s bank accounts, retirement accounts, brokerage accounts and
trading accounts. The IRS will also have full visibility on any oversees
accounts, income, equity or other earnings, effectively giving them access to
all the wealth of every American citizen no matter where they reside on earth.
Protect Yourself from
Gov't Confiscation Now
With our
desperate government leaning on their banker friends to gain unprecedented
access to your money everywhere in the world, you need to take action NOW to
protect your savings & retirement. But when can't trust your local
bank, and when the government has its hands in your bank accounts, retirement
accounts, brokerage accounts, and even
the cash in your pocket –
is any place safe?
There’s ONE asset class this sits outside the financial system and is
completely secure from banker corruption, government confiscation and global
economic collapse: Gold & Silver. Gold & Silver have been
the best wealth protectors for over 5,000 years and have survived every
government & currency collapse in history. And when you own PHYSICAL
gold & silver, the banks and the government CANNOT seize your savings with
a click of a button.
So with
the government spending way beyond its limits and seizing control of your
financial accounts, the time is now. Protect your savings &
retirement with physical gold & silver before you have nothing left to
protect. (Call 800-226-8106 to receive your free copy of Damon Geller's
popular book, "Rescue Your Money from the National Debt Disaster," or
see below)
Check: Who is getting in line to sue President Obama?
Lyle Denniston, the National
Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, explains why there may
be no early constitutional resolution to lawsuits against the Obama administration for everything
from Obamacare to immigration.