No 763 “En mi opinión” Jueves
Octubre 9, 2014
U.S. Pushes Obama to Resign?
For months, Democrats have justified Obama’s unpopular policies
with his personal popularity in the polls.
Even when Americans expressed personal disgust with Obamacare,
they still said they liked Obama himself.
But consider those days officially over…
Americans are officially fed up with the president. And with the
major midterm elections less than 30 days away, the Democrat party is crumbling
Obama is hated by so many that even some Democrats are publicly
distancing themselves from the Commander-in-Chief… and demanding his immediate
False Hope
Obama’s situation is what pollsters call a
“dead-cat bounce,” a term used on Wall Street to describe a stock in decline
that has a momentary reversal.
In essence, “even a dead cat will bounce if it
falls from a great height,” and Barack Obama started his presidency in the
And despite his declining popularity, he did
experience a momentary improvement in the polls when he ordered the Navy and
Air Force to begin bombing Iraq and Syria in his feckless campaign against
But that didn’t last very long. When results
showed his efforts to be ineffective, his numbers sunk again.
Putting his popularity into perspective,
Obama’s numbers are lower than those of both George W. Bush and Bill Clinton
(directly after he admitted to the Monica Lewinsky affair).
It seems as though all of the president’s
failed policies are catching up with him, and both Democrats and Republicans
are ready to kick him out of office. They, too, are learning that all of his
promises and charisma mean nothing now that America is in ruins.
Predictably, Obama’s problems are worst with
Republicans. As Gallup explained in the commentary on its recent poll: “A
majority of Republican registered voters, 58%, say they will be sending a
message of opposition to Obama with their vote this fall. In contrast, 38% of
Democratic voters say they will support the president. Rather than supporting
Obama, most Democrats, 53%, say they won’t be sending a message with their
This determination to send a message is what
really frightens elected officials. You see, the prospect of reverse coattails
could swing the U.S. Senate dramatically in the GOP’s favor.
Here’s what Gallup says about Democrat voters:
“Democrats are a bit less likely now (38%) than in 2010 (45%) to say they will
be sending a message of support to Obama, while Republican opposition to the
president is the same.”
Nonetheless, both parties have lost hope in the
Six Years of Damage
We know the American people are
suffering, but let’s be honest: Six years as president hasn’t been good to
Obama, either. His hair is now grey, the lines on his face have deepened, and
you can’t help but believe he’s in way over his head.
Vladimir Putin has run rings
around him during the Ukraine crisis. After cheering his orders to have the
military leave Iraq, he’s now slowly stepping back into the quagmire (as a
result of his policies making matters worse on the ground).
Afghanistan is a mess, and
although we’re still leaving, it very well could look as stable as Iraq six
months after our exit.
Meanwhile, Obama has tried to
befriend China, and that country has made a mockery of him in the eyes of Asian
leaders. The United States used to sail the South China Sea, and our Navy
controlled it. Now, the Chinese are pressuring their neighbors out of
historically settled maritime borders.
It’s never ending… North Korea is
continuing to stockpile missiles and nuclear bombs. Africa is a hot bed of the
Ebola virus, and after promising the country it would never come here, we’re
witnessingquarantines and panic in Dallas, Texas.
In hindsight, maybe Barack Obama
shouldn’t have bragged so much about his high standings in the polls. The
reason the cat bounces is because it’s dead (just like America’s hope in Obama).
Your eyes on the Hill,
Floyd Brown
AMENPER: Implementar la cuarentena del
Ébola es racista
¿Cómo es que sabíamos que esto iba a
Pero ya salió, implementar la cuarentena
del Ébola es racista
Tratar de poner en cuarentena cualquier
país asolado por Ébola en África occidental se puede cuantificar ahora como
La Dra. Margaret Chan, la directora
general de Organización Mundial de la salud, ha dicho que las interrupciones en
el transporte aéreo comercial al oeste de África obstaculizarían los esfuerzos
de organizaciones internacionales de salud para contener y luchar contra la
Esto es lo que dijo la Dra. Chan:
tener cuidadosos no caracterizar Ébola como enfermedad africana", dijo en
una teleconferencia el 3 de septiembre, advirtiendo que la estigmatización de
la enfermedad con cualquier clasificación racial sería perjudicial para los
esfuerzos de la ONU para controlarlo. "Esto es un problema internacional,
una amenaza global. Necesitamos hacer que pacientes de Ébola y países afectados
por el virus Ébola no son estigmatizados y aislados.
Así que debemos tener cuidado el no
caracterizar Ébola como enfermedad africana excepto que es una enfermedad
africana. Y, por supuesto, nunca se deben poner en cuarentena a infectados de
Justo cuando pensabas que las cosas no
podían ponerse más estúpidas en la ONU y entre los liberales, cómo decía
Reagan, aquí vienen ellos otra vez.
Esto trae una sensación de Déjà vu, un
vocablo del francés que literalmente quiere decir, “algo ya visto” un fenómeno
de tener una fuerte sensación de que un evento actual, ha sido experimentado en
el pasado.
Este Déjà vu trae un recuerdo del Sida.
Cuando empezó siempre trataron de decirnos que no era una epidemia de
homosexuales, y ponían unos pocos casos de heterosexuales infectados por
trasfusiones de sangre como ejemplo.
No se podía decir que era una enfermedad
homosexual y por supuesto, no se podía poner en cuarentena a los homosexuales
con la enfermedad, porque eso era racismo contra los homosexuales.
Ahora nos quieren convencer que esto no es
lo que es, una enfermedad africana.
Pero pudiera ser peor, a pesar de que ha
habido casos de Ébola en Kenia, la mayoría de los casos son en Liberia, así que
no se menciona el suspender los vuelos de Kenia.
Si fuera así nos estarían diciendo que no
sólo es un caso de racismo africano, pero es un caso de racismo contra el
presidente Obama.
AMENPER: Estrategia
del Plan de Obama
Funcionarios y militares de Estados Unidos, reconocieron que será difícil
defender a Kobani desde el aire, y que está en peligro de caer bajo el control
de ISIS con su importancia estratégica.
"Sabemos que los ataques aéreos solos no van a resultar.. No van a
arreglar esto. No van a salvar a la ciudad de Kobani” dijo el Contraalmirante
John Kirby, un portavoz del Pentágono, en un informe de noticias.
El secretario de estado John Kerry dijo: "tan horribles como es ver en
tiempo real lo que está sucediendo en Kobani..., hay que retroceder y entender
el objetivo estratégico."
Tal parece que el objetivo de la estrategia del Plan de Obama es
retroceder con la esperanza de que ISIS se canse de tanto correr y no avance
Hay rumores que Obama está planeando una reunión con el verdugo de ISIS en
la casa blanca para a través de una negociación pacífica, tratar de convencerlo
que no lo haga más, tal como dijo que lo iba a hacer durante su
campaña presidencial.
¿Podrá lograr su cometido?
¿Cuándo será la reunión?.
El presidente Obama no ha hecho declaraciones sobre la situación.
Texas Ebola Patient Thomas Eric Duncan Has Died, Hospital Says
NBC News Special Report: Dallas Ebola Patient Dies. NBC News
Eric Duncan, the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, died
Wednesday morning, the Dallas hospital where he was being treated said.
42, was given the experimental Ebola drug brincidofovir, but his family said he was doing
poorly and the
hospital had downgraded his condition from serious to critical. When the family
visited Tuesday with the Rev. Jesse Jackson, they declined to view Duncan via
video link because the last time had been too upsetting.
we saw was very painful. It didn't look good," said Duncan's nephew
Josephus Weeks.
Kent Brantly, who donated plasma to
an NBC News freelancer being
treated for Ebola in Nebraska, was contacted by the hospital and said he would
be willing to donate blood if Duncan were a match. He never heard back from the
hospital and assumes his blood type was not a match, according to Samaritan's
may have contracted the virus in Liberia while taking a dying neighbor to the
hospital in a taxi. He left Monrovia on a Sept. 19 flight and arrived in the
U.S. the next day. He started showing
symptoms Sept. 24 and went to a Dallas hospital for treatment Sept. 26. He was sent home, only
to be brought back by ambulance on Sept. 28 and diagnosed with the deadly
is with profound sadness and heartfelt disappointment that we must inform you
of the death of Thomas Eric Duncan this morning at 7:51 am," Texas Health
Resources spokesman Wendell Watson said in a statement. "We have offered
the family our support and condolences at this difficult time."
and other family members have complained about
the delay in care. Doctors have said that early, supportive care
with IV fluids has been critical to improving the survival rate.
deepest sympathies go out to his father and family in Liberia and here in
America. Eric was a wonderful man who showed compassion toward all,"
Duncan's girlfriend Louise Troh said in a statement.
trust a thorough examination will take place regarding all aspects of his care.
I am now dealing with the sorrow and anger that his son was not able to see him
before he died. This will take some time, but in the end, I believe in a
merciful God."
David Lakey of the Texas Department of State Health Services called the past
week "an enormous test of our health system" and offered condolences
to the family. "The doctors, nurses and staff at Presbyterian provided
excellent and compassionate care, but Ebola is a disease that attacks the body
in many ways. We’ll continue every effort to contain the spread of the virus
and protect people from this threat.”
President warns
of ‘draconian’ military cuts
Amazing he dropped by the
pentagon, must be near the golf course.
Check it out:
Check it out:
President Obama warned Congress about the possible effects of sequestration during
a rare visit to the Pentagon on Wednesday, saying lawmakers needed to make sure
the military has “the equipment and the technology that’s necessary for them to
be able to succeed at their mission.”
“We have done some enormous
work, and I want to thank everybody sitting around this table to continue to
make our forces leaner, meaner, more effective, more tailored to the particular
challenges that we’re going to face in the 21st century,” Obama said following
a meeting with Pentagon leadership.
“But we also have to make sure
that Congress is working with us to avoid, for example, some of the draconian
cuts that are called for in sequestration.”
At least
17,316 American soldiers have been wounded in the Afghanistan war theater since
Obama was inaugurated for his first term, according to a count maintained by
the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).
Overall, according to the Pentagon, 20,017 United State
troops have been wounded in action (WIA) since Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)
began 13 years ago today.
OEF is the official name
of the Afghanistan war theater, which also involves military operations in
Guantanamo Bay (Cuba), Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan,
Pakistan, the Philippines, Seychelles, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan,
and Yemen.
Most, just about all,
OEF-related activity has taken place in Afghanistan.
An estimated 90 percent
of all the soldiers who have been wounded in the Afghanistan theater received
their injuries after Obama was sworn into office for his first term on January
20, 2009.
Restrictive Rules of
Engagement (ROA) in combination with other aspects of Obama's military strategy
have been accused of fueling a rise in fatalities and injuries in Afghanistan
since the president took office.
The number of troops
wounded in action has increased dramatically in the time that Obama has been
president — from 2,701 during the eight years of the previous administration to
20,017 now.
DOD’s count of wounded
heroes is not broken up by days, so Breitbart News began the injured soldiers
tally on Obama’s watch from the beginning of February 2009, eleven days after
he was inaugurated for his first term on January 20 of that year.
Breitbart News’ count of
17,316 injuries under Obama’s watch covers the period of February 2009 through
September 2014.
According to the
Pentagon, the most common wounds are caused by some form of explosion involving
land mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
Those injuries often
lead to amputations.
A February 2014 report
from the Congressional Research Service (CRS)
revealed that as of the end of 2013, a total of 762 “major limb” amputations
were traced to the Afghanistan theater.
Those amputations include
“the loss of one or more limbs, the loss of one or more partial limbs, or the
loss of one or more full or partial hand or foot.”
The majority, about 9
out of every 10 major limb amputations took place between 2009 and the end of
2013 with the number peaking at 248 in 2011.
Obama increased the U.S.
military footprint in Afghanistan immediately upon taking office in 2009.
U.S.-led combat operations will come to a conclusion at the end of
this year.
A residual force of about 10,000 will remain in the country
after that.
By the end of 2015, that force will be reduced by half.
Except for a small contingency force charged with U.S. embassy security, all
forces will be out of Afghanistan by 2017.
U.S. military deaths in
Afghanistan have reached 2,207, the majority of which
have occurred under Obama's watch.
Cuando oigo al presidente Obama, hablando a los hombres de negocios, y le
oigo decir cosas cómo que si "tienen algo es porque alguien lo
hizo por usted", u otra que también me gusta "que el objetivo de un
hombre de negocios es como utilizar sus oportunidades para el bien común".
Bueno permítame decirle algo al Señor presidente y a todos los que piensan
como él.
Primero, por desgracia lo que tengo, nadie me lo regaló, me hubiera
gustado, pero no fue así.
Además, mi objetivo principal y la de la mayor parte de los empresarios que
conozco, no están dirigidos al objetivo del bien común, el objetivo principal
es hacer dinero para nosotros y hacer crecer nuestras empresas. Eso
es lo que un empresario hace.
Si en el proceso, y siempre ocurre en los pequeños negocios, se ayuda a
hacer crecer la economía del país y se crean nuevos puestos de trabajo, o
ayudamos a los que lo necesitan cuando pagamos los impuestos al gobierno que
utiliza este dinero en servicios sociales, esos son unos beneficios
colaterales, unos efectos secundarios, de los cuales nos sentimos satisfechos y
orgullosos, pero que no fue nuestro objetivo original.
Si consideran esta actitud como que somos egoístas o avariciosos, es su
privilegio, pero creo que la ambición, dentro de los cánones de la legalidad y
la moral, es el motor que genera el libre mercado, y por ende la economía y las
riquezas de una nación.
Pero lo que vemos en Obama y su administración es que en esas reuniones
para aparecer como amigo de las empresas privadas, en lugar de sentarse y
llevar a cabo la necesaria tarea de reformar un poco competitivo código
tributario de Estados Unidos, y flexibilizar las regulaciones no
necesarias, prefiere públicamente demonizar los negocios con más impuestos
y regulaciones, para hacer lo que sea necesario, no para ayudarlas,
pero para perjudicarlas.
Pero este es el camino que está tomando el mundo, no sólo con Obama en
Estados Unidos, pero especialmente en Europa. En los seis años desde la crisis
financiera, no se puede nombrar un país desarrollado que haya hecho algo
en serio reformar su código fiscal, seriamente cortar las regulaciones que
impiden el negocio, reestructurar su estado benefactor generoso o eliminado las
leyes arbitrarias y demagógicas de protección trabajador, algo poco atractivo
que desalientan la contratación.
Sin embargo, se pueden nombrar numerosos bancos centrales de los
países desarrollados, incluyendo los Estados Unidos, que han apoyado el
crecimiento sin fin del gobierno por la compra de deuda gubernamental
directamente o imprimir dinero para mantener la tasa de interés a la baja de
deuda del gobierno, o ambos, todo en beneficio de los gobiernos mientras
castiga a sus ciudadanos.
Señores, eso no es capitalismo como lo soñó Adam Smith.
El "crony capitalism" o el capitalismo de amigotes está más
presente ahora que nunca.
Siempre el capitalismo de amiguismo ha existido, pero ahora se ha
sofisticado con los adelantos tecnológicos y la cibernética y es peor de lo que
habíamos visto anteriormente.
El sencillo capitalismo de amigotes lo veíamos más en nuestros países de
Latinoamérica, con Somoza a la cabeza en Nicaragua y otros dictadores en otras
En Cuba siempre tuvimos capitalismo de amigotes, hasta en los gobierno
democráticamente electos, como cuando Grau y Prio, culminando después con
Recuerdo que cuando me casé y puse mi casa, compré en un almacén de la
Habana los artículos eléctricos que eran mucho más barato en ese
establecimiento que en las agencias autorizadas. Pensé que era por
el incipiente método comercial que empezaba en esa época, de hacer volumen
bajando la utilidad, pero después me enteré, para mi pesar y vergüenza que la
razón de los bajos precios era que la mercancía entraba por el aeropuerto del
campamento de Columbia sin pagar aranceles, compitiendo deslealmente con los
comerciantes cumplidores. ¿Que clase de capitalismo era ese?
Lo de ahora tampoco es capitalismo, es una complicidad entre los
capitalistas del socialismo del siglo XXI, con capitalistas oportunistas.
Por eso no podemos sorprendernos cuando vemos las encuestas que
dicen que el 45% de los encuestados en los países desarrollados
dicen que "las empresas tienen demasiada influencia sobre el
gobierno". Gobierno y capitalismo de amigos van en la mano.
Obama reconoce de boca, que son las pequeñas empresas las que impulsan a la
economía y crean los puestos de trabajo, pero a la hora de ayudar a la
verdadera clase media, a los pequeños comerciantes que por su estructura de
impuestos cataloga implícitamente de ricos cuando en realidad son clase media,
Obama no sólo los ignora, pero los ataca, mientras protege y provee de
beneficios y estímulos financieros a los empresarios millonarios que se ajustan
a su agenda.
Por eso vemos a una bolsa de valores inflada por sentirse protegida por las
políticas del gobierno, a pesar de mantenerse el país en una economía inestable
y débil.
Lo que hace falta urgentemente es comprender que lo que tenemos hoy no es
el verdadero capitalismo, es como un perro sato con un padre socialista y una
madre capitalista.
Vote Against Obama
Last week, during a speech at
Northwestern University Barack Obama exclaimed,
“I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make
no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.”
It took no time at all for Republicans
to respond. GOP spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski said of Obama’s statement: “some
not so great news for 2014 Democrats: president Obama
just nationalized all of their races. As president Obama made clear by
declaring that his agenda was on the ballot this fall, a vote for a Democrat is
a vote for him and his failed policies.”
Ms. Kukowski is in fact right. A Gallup
poll found that nearly 60% of Republicans said their vote would be to oppose
Obama. I suppose this is good news for establishment Republicans, although
nationalizing the race may not be as great as the establishment thinks.
Nationalizing an election can be a good
thing when a national party has something to offer, as in 1994, the year of the
“Contract with America”. This time around, Republicans have nothing to offer
other than we’re not as bad as Obama.
Very rarely does one win with a
platform of “We’re not as bad as the other guy”. But that’s all the Republicans
have. They have no original ideas – no positive message. Instead they appear to
be doing exactly what Mitt Romney did in 2012. “You’re in the lead. Now just
don’t make any waves, don’t say or do anything and the people’s disdain for
Obama will carry the day.”
That always brings the conservative
base out to vote. Speaking as the unelected, self-appointed voice of the
“conservative base”, that’s not going to cut it.
But for the establishment, it’s going
to have to. Us conservatives have no, or very few, candidates to vote for. And
that’s the fault of you all on Capitol Hill.
Over the past several years you folks
in the House and Senate have simply abdicated your constitutional governing
authority to the president.
You’ve allowed Obama to dictate
immigration policy that he has no right to. This past June, Democrat Dick
Durbin said, “I don’t know how much more time he thinks he needs, but I hope
that Speaker Boehner will speak up today. And if he does not, the president
will borrow the power that is needed to solve the problems of immigration…”
Obama has no authority to do that, but
you all just sit back and let it happen.
Justice Kennedy blocks gay marriage
ruling in Idaho, Nevada
In this Monday, Oct. 6, 2014 photo, people wait to enter the
Supreme Court in Washington as it begins its new term. (AP)
WASHINGTON – Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy on
Wednesday temporarily blocked an appeals court ruling that declared gay
marriage legal in Idaho and Nevada.
order came a little more than an hour after Idaho filed an emergency request
for an immediate stay and about 10 minutes before the state said that state and
county officials would otherwise have been required to begin issuing marriage
licenses to same-sex couples.
order also applies to Nevada, where marriage licenses to same-sex couples were
going to start to be issued later Wednesday.
delay could last just a few days. Kennedy's order requested a response from the
plaintiffs involved in Idaho's gay marriage lawsuit by the end of day Thursday.
full court almost certainly would weigh in to extend the delay much beyond the
weekend. That has been the justices' practice in other cases in which a single
justice initially blocked a ruling from taking effect.
The 9th
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco declared gay marriage legal in
Idaho and Nevada on Tuesday. A day earlier, the Supreme Court let similar
rulings from three other appeals courts become final and effectively raised to
30 the number of states where same-sex couples can marry, or soon will be able
to do so.
allowed those other rulings to take effect without a full review by the Supreme
Court, it would be surprising if the justices were to put the 9th circuit
ruling on hold for any length of time.
high court's action Monday suggested that only an appellate ruling upholding a
gay marriage ban would prompt the court to step in
Tax Refunds Could Be Delayed Next Year
The IRS could be forced to delay tax
refunds next year if Congress doesn’t strike a deal on dozens of expired tax
provisions by the end of next month, the agency’s commissioner said this week.
IRS chief John Koskinen said the agency
might have to postpone the 2015 filing season if lawmakers don’t act any sooner
on the expired tax provisions known as extenders.
The uncertainty over the fate of the
extenders, Koskinen said, has already raised “serious operational and
compliance risks.” The IRS is currently upgrading technology systems, offering
new instructions to customer service staff and revising forms in preparation
for the next filing season, Koskinen added.
“Continued uncertainty would impose
even more stress not only on the IRS, but also on the entire tax community,
including tax professionals, software providers, and tax volunteers, who are
all critical to the successful operation of our nation’s tax system,” Koskinen
wrote in a letter dated Monday.
State Dept. Just Promoted An ‘Anti-Terror’ Handbook That Calls Islamic Jihad
Despite the rejection of the controversial work by Canadian
law enforcement...
Endorsed by federal bureaucrats in America…after
being rejected by law enforcement in Canada.
“United Against Terrorism” is the title of a
new handbook reportedly written to combat the radicalization of young people
who might be tempted to join ISIS and fight for the Islamic State. explains
that the controversial publication was co-created by Muslim organizations in
Canada in collaboration with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). But
at the last minute — just before the handbook was to be released — the RCMP had
serious second thoughts, backed away from the publication and refused to use
it, calling the contents “adversarial.”
The “United Against Terrorism” booklet was
unveiled at a news conference in Winnipeg Monday. The logos of the Islamic
Social Services Association, National Council of Canadian Muslims and RCMP are
on the cover, but there was no RCMP representative at the event.
In a news release posted on its website
Tuesday, the RCMP says “After a final review of the handbook, the RCMP could
not support the adversarial tone set by elements of the booklet and therefore
directed RCMP Manitoba not to proceed with this initiative.”
The Washington
Free Beacon reports
on the potentially inflammatory sections of the handbook that raised red flags
for the Canadian authorities who ultimately decided not to distribute it:
The handbook itself recommends that
“intelligence and law enforcement officials” should “avoid terms such as
‘Islamist terrorism’, ‘Islamicism’, and ‘Islamic extremism’ in favor of more
accurate terms such as ‘al Qaeda inspired extremist,’” according to one section
of the handbook, which still bears RCMP’s official logo.
“Do not refer to terrorists as ‘jihadis,’” the
manual states. “This only emboldens them and gives them a legitimate status in
the eyes of the vulnerable. Terrorism is not jihad. Jihad is a noble concept in
Other sections in “United Against Terrorism”,
according to the Free Beacon, tell
the Muslim community that they are under no obligation to speak to the police
about individuals who may be suspected of having extremist ties.
And yet, despite the rejection of the
controversial work by Canadian law enforcement at the highest levels, John
Kerry’s U.S. State Department has just issued what amounts to a positive review
and thumbs up for the handbook.
…the State Department’s official anti-terrorism
Twitter feed, called Think Again Turn Away, appeared to endorse the
controversial handbook on Twitter and linked to a positive article about it.
That “positive article” cited in the U.S. State
Department tweet to more than 12,000 followers doesn’t mention the controversy
or the fact that the RCMP has rejected the “adversarial” publication.
This is not the first time that Kerry’s State
Department has run into trouble as a result of its social media postings. As
the Washington Free Beacon notes:
The department’s Counterterrorism Bureau (CT
Bureau) was forced to issue multiple apologies earlier
this year after it endorsed on Twitter a radical Muslim cleric who backed a
fatwa calling for the murder of U.S. troops.
One Of Obama’s Biggest Supporters Just Became One Of Obama’s Biggest Enemies In
2 Minutes
"It just struck me that Obama, when he
threw James Clapper under the..."
CNN host Piers Morgan, who is now an editor-at-large for the US operation of The Daily Mail, slammed Obama on Sean Hannity’s
television show Monday after having been “reasonably supportive of him.”
was critical of President Obama throwing Director of National Intelligence
James Clapper under the bus in a 60 Minutes interview last month, his strategy to
defeating the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and the president’s view
on America’s role in the world, especially with reference to combating the
Ebola crisis
Morgan: Take the piece I wrote for Mail Online this week. It just
struck me that Obama, when he threw James Clapper under the bus and the entire
200,000 people —
Hannity: He blames everybody but himself.
Morgan: — Yeah. It was an extraordinary moment to me. Why a
president would say ‘they’ about his own intelligence services and not ‘we,’
why he would want people to think, ‘this has nothing to do with me, guv.’ And
when I look at the spread of ISIS through the Middle East, a lot of it comes
back, it seems to me, to Obama’s foreign policy strategy of, ‘I like
to lead from behind. America should go away from being the global policeman
to being the leader from behind.’ America shouldn’t be leading anything
from behind. America is, at its best, a great superpower. And when it’s at
its best, whether it’s dealing with Ebola on a humanitarian level, or ISIS
on a terrorism foreign policy level, America has to be confident, bold, and
strong and decisive.
Hannity: I totally agree.
Morgan: And it’s that lack of decision-making that I think leads to
the issues we now face.
noted President Obama spent more time on golf outings than he did in
intelligence briefings, which he said was “terrible imagery.”
Morgan: And this is all just nonsense rhetoric, because ISIS clearly
is an Islamic fundamentalist organization. It’s a terror group. And when they
start beheading American and British citizens in these gruesome snuff movies
that they’re making and releasing them to the world taunting —
Hannity: It’s horrible.
Morgan: — taunting these countries, it’s not good enough to simply
say, ‘yeah, I’m really upset about this beheading,’ and then seven minutes
later, as Obama did, go to a golf course and be seen goofing around on the
first tee. That really hit home to me. Someone did a survey this week. They
counted up the number of hours that Obama has been playing golf since he was
president. It was about 850 hours if you base it on a five-hour round.
Hannity: More than the time he spent in his intelligence briefings.
Morgan: He attended 42 percent of his daily intelligence briefings,
total hours of that 650 or something. So he’s actually spent 200 more hours
whacking a golf ball than attending his daily briefings. Now, it’s not as
simplistic as that. Obviously he would get other briefings. But it sent such
terrible imagery to me.
Hannity: Horrible.
Morgan: And I’m basically, have always been reasonably supportive of
him. What the hell is it doing to groups like ISIS and others intent on causing
America and Britain serious harm? It sends an action to me of lethargy and
Justice Kennedy Blocks Gay Marriage Ruling in Idaho, Nevada
Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy
Court Justice Anthony Kennedy on Wednesday temporarily blocked an appeals court
ruling that declared gay marriage legal in Idaho and Nevada.
order came a little more than an hour after Idaho filed an emergency request
for an immediate stay and about 10 minutes before the state said that state and
county officials would otherwise have been required to begin issuing marriage
licenses to same-sex couples.
order also applies to Nevada, where marriage licenses to same-sex couples were
going to start to be issued later Wednesday.
delay could last just a few days. Kennedy's order requested a response from the
plaintiffs involved in Idaho's gay marriage lawsuit by the end of day Thursday.
full court almost certainly would weigh in to extend the delay much beyond the
weekend. That has been the justices' practice in other cases in which a single
justice initially blocked a ruling from taking effect.
9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco declared gay marriage legal
in Idaho and Nevada on Tuesday. A day earlier, the Supreme Court let similar
rulings from three other appeals courts become final and effectively raised to
30 the number of states where same-sex couples can marry, or soon will be able
to do so.
allowed those other rulings to take effect without a full review by the Supreme
Court, it would be surprising if the justices were to put the 9th circuit
ruling on hold for any length of time.
high court's action Monday suggested that only an appellate ruling upholding a
gay marriage ban would prompt the court to step in.
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Carter Criticizes Obama for Failing to Intervene Earlier on ISIS
Hunger/Reuters/Landov) By Melanie Batley
Former President Jimmy Carter blamed the
rapid rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) on President Barack Obama, saying he
didn't act soon enough to stop the militant organization from gaining strength.
"[W]e waited too long. We let the Islamic State build up its money, capability, and strength and weapons while it was still in Syria," the 39th president told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "Then when [ISIL] moved into Iraq, the Sunni Muslims didn't object to their being there, and about a third of the territory in Iraq was abandoned."
"[W]e waited too long. We let the Islamic State build up its money, capability, and strength and weapons while it was still in Syria," the 39th president told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "Then when [ISIL] moved into Iraq, the Sunni Muslims didn't object to their being there, and about a third of the territory in Iraq was abandoned."
Carter said he believed there was a chance that the airstrikes could succeed if troops were on the ground to bolster the effort.
"If we keep on working in Iraq and have some ground troops to follow up when we do our bombing, there is a possibility of success," he said.
"You have to have somebody on the ground to direct our missiles and to be sure you have the right target," he added. "Then you have to have somebody to move in and be willing to fight ISIS after the strikes."
Carter also criticized Obama for changing his position on the Middle East numerous times, something which former defense secretaries Robert Gates and Leon Panetta have also said.
"It changes from time to time," Carter told the Star-Telegram. "I noticed that two of his secretaries of defense, after they got out of office, were very critical of the lack of positive action on the part of the president."
In the wide-ranging interview, Carter voiced his opposition to the administration's killing of four U.S. citizens in drone strikes in the Middle East. Anwar al-Awlaki, for example, aterrorist informant linked to the 9/11 attacks, was one who in 2011 was killed by the U.S. government in Yemen.
"I really object to the killing of people, particularly Americans overseas who haven't been brought to justice and put on trial," Carter said, adding that the killings violate "our constitutional and human rights."
Last month, Carter changed his own longstanding position toward pacifism in the Middle East to advocate for attacking ISIS, saying during a speech, "I'm really concerned about them, you know. Is the bombing of ISIS justified? I say yes."
Meanwhile, Leon Panetta has given a series of interviews since the release of his book,"Worthy Fights: A Memoir of Leadership in War and Peace," earlier this week in which he criticized Obama for pulling troops out of Iraq and failing to arm Syrian rebels to prevent the rise of ISIS.
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Police: Man shot in front of family during
home invasion
A father is
still in critical condition after being shot in front of his family during a
home invasion Monday night, Fulton County police said.
Police said
two masked men kicked in the back door of the 28-year-old man’s home Monday
night on Sandbar Lane. The homeowner tried to fight off the men but was shot in
front of his wife, mother and three children.
The man was
taken to Grady Memorial Hospital in critical condition. No other people were
Police have
not made any arrests in the case.
Valerie Jarrett
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Valerie Jarrett
Assumed office
January 20, 2009 |
Preceded by
Assumed office
January 20, 2009 |
Preceded by
Personal details
Political party
William Jarrett (1983–1988)
Valerie Bowman Jarrett (born
November 14, 1956) is a Senior Advisor to the President
of the United States and Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs in
the Obama
administration. She is a Chicago lawyer, businesswoman, and civic
leader. Prior to that she served as a co-chairman of the Obama–Biden
Transition Project.[1][2]
Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, to African American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman.
One of her maternal
great-grandfathers, Robert Robinson
Taylor, was an architect who is sometimes cited as the first
accredited African American architect. Her father, a
pathologist and geneticist, ran a hospital for children in Shiraz in 1956, as part of a program where American physicians and
agricultural experts sought to help communitize developing countries’ health
and farming efforts. When she was 5, the family moved to London for one year,
later moving to Chicago in 1963.[3]In 1966, her mother was one of four
child advocates that created theErikson Institute.
The Institute was established to provide collective knowledge in child
development for teachers and other professionals working with young children.[4]
Jarrett graduated from Northfield Mount
Hermon in 1974. She earned a B.A. in psychology from Stanford University in
1978 and a juris doctor (J.D.) from the University of Michigan Law School in
In 1983 Jarrett married William
Robert Jarrett, son of Chicago Sun-Times reporter Vernon Jarrett.
She attributes her switch from a private to a public career to their daughter
Laura’s birth and her own desire to do something that would make their daughter
To one reporter’s emailed question
about her divorce, she replied, “Married in 1983, separated in 1987, and
divorced in 1988. Enough said.”[8] In
a Vogue profile,
she further explained, “We grew up together. We were friends since childhood.
In a sense, he was the boy next door.
I married without really appreciating how hard divorce would be.”[8]
Chicago municipal politics[edit]
Jarrett got her start in Chicago
politics in 1987 working for Mayor Harold Washington[9] as Deputy
Corporation Counsel for Finance and Development.[10]
Jarrett continued to work in the
mayor’s office in the 1990s. She was deputy chief of staff for Mayor Richard Daley,
during which time (1991) she hired Michelle Robinson,
then engaged to Barack Obama, away from a private law firm. Jarrett served as
commissioner of the department of planning and development from 1992 through
1995, and she was chairman of the Chicago Transit Board from 1995 to 2005.[10]
Aunque la
gente hace mucho tiempo comenzó a preguntarse si los "canales" de
Marte eran la creación de ingenieros cósmicos, por alguna extraña razón no se
les ha ocurrido a mirar con los mismos ojos las peculiaridades del paisaje
lunar mucho más de cerca.
Y todos los argumentos acerca de las posibilidades de que exista vida inteligente en otros cuerpos celestes se han limitado a la idea de que otras civilizaciones deben necesariamente vivir en la superficie de un planeta, y que el interior, como hábitat, está fuera de la cuestión.
Abandonando los tradicionales caminos de "sentido común", nos hemos sumido en lo que a primera vista puede parecer una fantasía desenfrenada e irresponsable. Pero cuanto más minuciosamente estudiamos toda la información recopilada por el hombre sobre la Luna, más estamos convencidos de que no hay un solo hecho para descartar nuestra suposición.
No sólo eso, sino muchas cosas hasta ahora consideradas como enigmas lunares son explicables a la luz de esta nueva hipótesis.
Y todos los argumentos acerca de las posibilidades de que exista vida inteligente en otros cuerpos celestes se han limitado a la idea de que otras civilizaciones deben necesariamente vivir en la superficie de un planeta, y que el interior, como hábitat, está fuera de la cuestión.
Abandonando los tradicionales caminos de "sentido común", nos hemos sumido en lo que a primera vista puede parecer una fantasía desenfrenada e irresponsable. Pero cuanto más minuciosamente estudiamos toda la información recopilada por el hombre sobre la Luna, más estamos convencidos de que no hay un solo hecho para descartar nuestra suposición.
No sólo eso, sino muchas cosas hasta ahora consideradas como enigmas lunares son explicables a la luz de esta nueva hipótesis.
origen de la Luna es uno de los problemas más complicados de la cosmogonía.
Hasta el momento han existido básicamente tres hipótesis en discusión.
HIPÓTESIS I: la luna fue alguna vez parte de la
Tierra y se separó de ella. Esto ahora ha sido refutado por la evidencia.
HIPÓTESIS II: La Luna se formó de manera
independiente a partir de la misma nube de polvo y gas que la Tierra, y de
inmediato se convirtió en el satélite natural de la Tierra.
entonces ¿por qué hay una diferencia tan grande entre la gravedad específica de
la Luna (3,33 gramos por centímetro cúbico) y la de la Tierra (5,5 gr.)?
Además, según la información más reciente (análisis de las muestras traídas por
los astronautas estadounidenses del Apolo), la roca lunar no es de la misma
composición que la Tierra.
HIPÓTESIS III: La Luna entró separadamente a la
existencia, y, por otra parte, muy lejos de la Tierra ( quizás incluso fuera
del sistema solar).
significaría que la luna no tendría que ser formada a partir de la misma
"arcilla" como nuestro propio planeta. Navegando a través del
Universo, la Luna entró en la proximidad de la Tierra, y por una compleja
interacción de las fuerzas de la gravedad fue llevada dentro de una órbita
geocéntrica, muy cerca de ser circular. Pero una captura de este tipo es
prácticamente imposible.
hecho, los científicos que estudian el origen del Universo hoy no tienen una
teoría aceptable para explicar cómo el sistema Tierra-Luna llegó a existir.
NUESTRA HIPÓTESIS: La Luna es un satélite artificial de
la Tierra puesto en órbita alrededor de la Tierra por unos seres inteligentes
desconocidos para nosotros mismos.
negamos a entrar en especulaciones acerca de quién exactamente escenificó este
experimento único, del que sólo una civilización altamente desarrollada es
capaz es hacer.
¿Un Arca De Noé?
Al mismo
tiempo sería ingenuo imaginar que alguien capaz de tal tremendo proyecto
espacial estaría satisfecho simplemente con una especie de gigantesco baúl
vacío lanzado en una trayectoria cercana a la Tierra.
Es más
probable que lo que tenemos aquí es una muy antigua nave espacial, cuyo interior estaba lleno de
combustible para los motores, materiales y aparatos para el trabajo de
reparación, navegación, instrumentos, equipos de observación y todo tipo de
maquinaria... en otras palabras, todo lo necesario para habilitar esta
"carabela del Universo" sirviendo como una especie de Arca de Noé
inteligente, tal vez incluso como el hogar de toda una civilización que concibe
una prolongada (miles de millones de años) existencia y largos viajes a través
del espacio (miles de millones de kilómetros).
el casco de una nave espacial de este tipo debe ser super-resistente con el fin de hacer frente a los golpes de meteoritos y fuertes fluctuaciones entre extremo
calor y extremo y frío.
el casco es un asunto de doble capa -siendo la base una densa armadura de unos
20 kilómetros de espesor, y fuera de ella algún tipo de recubrimiento más menos
compacto (una capa más delgada - promediando unos cinco kilómetros). En ciertas
zonas -donde están los "mares" lunares y "cráteres", la
capa superior es bastante delgada, en algunos casos, inexistente.
Puesto que
el diámetro de la Luna es de 2,162 millas, entonces, observada desde nuestro
punto de vista es una esfera de pared delgada. Y, como es comprensible, no una
vacía. Puede haber todo tipo de materiales y equipos en su superficie interna.
Pero la mayor proporción de la masa lunar se concentra en la parte central de
la esfera, en su núcleo, que tiene un diámetro de 2,062 millas.
Así, la
distancia entre el núcleo y el casco de esta 'nuez' está en la región de 30
millas. Este espacio fue, sin duda, llenado con los gases necesarios para
respirar, y con fines tecnológicos y otros.
Con tal
estructura interna de la Luna, ésta podría tener un peso específico promedio si
3,3 gramos por centímetro cúbico, que difiere considerablemente delde la Tierra
(5,5 gramos por centímetro cúbico).
¿Una Nave Acorazada de Guerra que no Pudieron Torpedear?
más numerosas e interesantes de las formaciones en la superficie lunar son los
diámetro varían considerablemente. Algunos son de menos de un metro de
diámetro, mientras que otros son de más de 120 millas (el más grande tiene un
diámetro de 148 km). ¿Cómo llego la Luna a ser tan picada de viruela ?
dos hipótesis -- la volcánica y la meteórica. La mayoría de los científicos
votan por esta última.
Kirill Stanyukovich, un físico soviético, ha escrito una
serie de obras a partir de 1937 en las que expone la idea de que los cráteres son el resultado del bombardeo de
la Luna durante millones de años.
realmente significa bombardeo, incluso para el cuerpo celeste más pequeño,
cuando está inmerso en una de esas colisiones frontales rápidas, tan comunes en
el cosmos, se comporta en sí como una ojiva cargada con dinamita, o incluso una
ojiva atómica a veces. La combustión instantánea es producida en el impacto,
convirtiéndola en una densa nube de gas incandescente, en plasma, y hay una
explosión muy definida.
el profesor Stanyukovich, un "misil" de un tamaño importante (por
ejemplo 6 millas de diámetro) debería, en colisión con la Luna, penetrar a una
profundidad igual a 4 o 5 veces su propio diámetro (24 a 30 millas).
sorprendente es que, por muy grandes que puedan haber sido los meteoritos que
cayeron en la Luna (algunos han sido de más que 60 millas de diámetro), y sin
importar lo rápido que deben haber estado viajando (en algunos casos la
velocidad combinada era tanta como 38 millas por segundo), los cráteres que
dejaron atrás son por alguna extraña razón, todos de la misma profundidad, 1.2- de 2
millas, aunque varían enormemente de diámetro.
ese cráter 148 millas de diámetro. En área supera a Hiroshima cientos de veces más. Cuán poderosa explosión debe haber sido para
enviar millones de toneladas de roca lunar chorreando lo largo de decenas de
vista de ello, se podría esperar encontrar un cráter muy profundo aquí, pero
nada de eso: hay tres kilómetros a lo sumo entre los niveles superior e
inferior, y un tercio de eso es explicado por la pared de roca lanzada hasta
alrededor del cráter como una corona dentada.
tal gran agujero, es demasiado superficial. Además, el fondo del cráter es convexo, siguiendo la curva de la
superficie lunar. Si usted fuera a pararse en el medio del cráter ni siquiera
será capaz de ver el alza del borde - estaría más allá del horizonte. Un hueco
que más bien parece una colina es un asunto bastante extraño, tal vez.
no, si uno supone que cuando el meteorito golpea la cubierta externa de la
luna, esta hace el papel de un tampón y el cuerpo extraño se encuentra ante una
impenetrable barrera esférica. Sólo ligeras abolladuras estropean la capa de 20
millas de blindaje, habiendo la explosión lanzado trozos de su
"revestimiento" por todas partes.
en cuenta que el recubrimiento de defensa de la Luna es, según nuestros
cálculos, de 2,5 millas de espesor, se ve que esto es aproximadamente la máxima
profundidad de los cráteres.
¿Una nave espacial que se fue al Traste?
vamos a considerar las peculiaridades químicas de la roca lunar.
el análisis, los científicos estadounidenses han encontrado cromo, titanio y
circonio en ella. Todos estos son metales con propiedades refractarias, mecánicamente
resistentes y anticorrosivas. Una
combinación de todos ellos tendría una envidiable resistencia al calor y la
capacidad de resistir agresiones, y se podrían utilizar en la Tierra como
revestimientos para hornos eléctricos.
un material tuvo que ser concebido para proteger a un gigantesco satélite
artificial de los efectos desfavorables de las temperatura, de la radiación
cósmica y del bombardeo de meteoritos, los expertos probablemente habrían
llegado precisamente en estos metales.
ese caso, no está claro por qué la roca lunar es un conductor de calor
extraordinariamente pobre - un factor que ha sorprendido a los astronautas. ¿No
era eso lo que buscaban los diseñadores del super-satélite de la Tierra?
el punto de vista de los ingenieros, esta nave espacial de tiempos eternos que
llamamos la Luna está muy bien construida.
haber una buena razón para su extrema longevidad. Es posible incluso que sea
anterior a nuestro propio planeta. En cualquier caso, algunos trozos de roca
lunar han resultado más antiguos que las rocas más
antiguas en la Tierra, si bien esto es cierto, esto se aplica a la edad
de los materiales y no de la estructura para la que fueron utilizados. Y a
partir del número de cráteres en su superficie, la Luna misma no es tan joven.
por supuesto, difícil decir cuando comenzó a brillar en el cielo sobre la
tierra, pero sobre la base de algunas estimaciones preliminares uno podría
aventurar fue hace alrededor de dos mil millones de años.
por supuesto, no nos imaginamos que la luna está todavía habitada, y
probablemente muchos de sus dispositivos automáticos han dejado de funcionar,
también. Los estabilizadores han dejado de funcionar y los polos se han desplazado.
pesar de que la luna mantiene ese mismo lado hacia nosotros, desde hace algún
tiempo ha sido inestable sobre su propio eje, en ocasiones nos muestra parte de
su lado reverso, que fue alguna vez invisible para los observadores en la
Tierra - por ejemplo, los propios selenitas si hacían expediciones aquí.
tiempo ha cobrado su precio. Tanto el cuerpo como el aparejo se han
desintegrado en cierta medida; algunas costuras de la cubierta interna
evidentemente divergieron. Suponemos
que las largas cadenas de pequeños cráteres (de hasta 940 millas) que
antiguamente habían sido atribuidos a la actividad volcánica fueron provocados
por las erupciones de gas a través de las grietas que aparecen en el blindaje
como consecuencia de accidentes.
duda, una de las características más espléndidas del paisaje lunar - un
"muro" recto de casi 500 metros de altura y de más de 60 millas de
largo – se formó como resultado de una de las placas de armadura doblándose
bajo el impacto de torpedos celestes y elevando uno de sus bordes rectos y
población de la Luna presumiblemente tomó las medidas necesarias para poner
remedio a los efectos del bombardeo de meteoritos, por ejemplo, remendando la
pantalla exterior que cubre el casco interior. Para estos efectos probablemente
se utilizó una sustancia desde el núcleo lunar, una especie de un cemento hecho
de esto. Después de procesar habría sido llevado por tuberías a los sitios de
la superficie donde se requerían.
hace mucho tiempo los astrónomos descubrieron variaciones en los campos
gravitacionales cerca de los grandes "mares". Creemos que la razón es
esta: los mares secos de la Luna se encuentran en áreas factuales desde donde
se rasgó el revestimiento de armadura de la capa protectora.
reparar el daño a estas vastas extensiones, la instalación que produjo la
sustancia de reparación habría tenido que ser llevada inmediatamente debajo del
sitio, de modo que pudiera inundar el área con su "cemento". Los
tramos planos resultantes son lo que parecen ser mares para el observador
existencias de materiales y maquinaria para hacer esto, sin duda, todavía están
allí donde estaban, y son lo suficientemente masivos para dar lugar a estas anomalías gravitacionales.
es la Luna hoy en día? ¿Es una colosal necrópolis, una "ciudad de los
muertos", donde alguna forma de vida se extinguió? ¿Es un tipo de holandés
errante cósmico? ¿Una nave abandonada por su tripulación y controlada de forma
sabemos y no vamos a tratar de adivinarlo.
presentado en este artículo sólo algunas de las razones - desafortunadamente,
la evidencia hasta ahora, es sólo circunstancial - para nuestra hipótesis, que
a primera vista pudiera parecer una locura.
idea "loca" similar fue presentada en 1959 por el profesor Iosif
Shklovski, un eminente científico, en relación con las "lunas" que
giran alrededor de Marte.
de sopesar cuidadosamente las pruebas, concluye que ambos son huecos y por lo tanto satélites
que las interrogantes que hemos planteado en relación a nuestra Luna
proporcionan alimentos suficientes para una reflexión seria sobre el asunto;
el resultado puede ser la iluminación de nuestros muchos enigmas lunares.
por supuesto, tenemos que esperar a que la evidencia directa apoye nuestra
idea. O la refute...
no habrá que esperar mucho.
Voter ID vs. Concealed Carry – Liberal Hypocrisy Unmasked
hypocrisy is so blatant it is painful.
me be clear,” Attorney General Eric Holder emphatically declared in a 2012
speech to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, “we
will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their
most precious rights.” Holder’s remarks were a call to arms against efforts by
Republicans to require that voters show identification when they go to vote.
His words reflect a belief that the right to vote is so “precious” that
requiring individuals to show an ID before casting a vote is tantamount to being
when it comes to protecting the right to “keep and bear arms” – which, unlike
the right to vote, is a right expressly guaranteed in the Constitution itself –
the Attorney General of the United States is nowhere to be found. Apparently
our Second Amendment rights are just not “precious” enough to worry about when
governments engage in actions expressly designed to “disenfranchise”
individuals from exercising those rights.
32 states have implemented some variation of voter ID laws to curb election
fraud. Nevertheless, these reasonable requirements — well within states’ Tenth
Amendment rights to implement — have been the targets of repeated Justice
Department threats and legal challenges. The Department argues that simply
requiring a valid ID in order to vote — the same that is required for
purchasing alcohol, or attending Obama fundraisers
— places an unfair, racially-biased burden that threatens the constitutional
rights of minorities. Read
the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
“En mi opinión” Asi es como votare yo en las
próximas elecciones martes 6 de noviembre del 2014.
Usted debe votar por quien
usted desee… Pero
Esta es Boleta electoral del próximo Noviembre Martes 4, 2014 en Miami Dade.
Joseph “Joe” Kaufman REP 10
Carlos Curbelo REP 15
Rick Scott REP 17
Carlos Lopez-Cantera
Pam Bondi REP 22
Jeff Atwater REP 25
Adam Putnam REP 27
Martin A. “Marty” Feigenbaum REP 30
Manny Diaz, Jr. REP 33
Carlos Trujillo REP 35
Jose Oliva REP 40
Daniel Diaz Leyva REP 44
Erik Fresen REP 46
(Vote for One) (Vote por uno) (Vote pou youn)
Michael Bileca REP 50
Jose Felix Diaz REP 52
Carmen Sotomayor REP 54
Frank Artiles REP 56
Jeanette M. Nuñez REP 58
Pedro J. Garcia 70
No voten por Eddie González
porque es un aliado de Carlos Gimenes para subirnos los impuestos.
Uso de marihuana para algunas
enfermedades Permite el uso médico de la marihuana a las personas con
enfermedades debilitantes, según lo determine un médico autorizado por el
Estado de Florida. Permite a los
cuidadores asistir a los pacientes en el
uso médico de marihuana.
Yo Voto “No”
Financiamiento de Proyectos del
Tribunal mediante la Emisión de Bonos de
Obligación General
¿Deberá el Condado financiar
reparaciones de urgencia al Tribunal de 1928 y la adquisición y la construcción
de nuevas instalaciones para el tribunal mediante la emisión, en una o varias
series, de Bonos de Obligación General pagados o garantizados con impuestos
derivados del valor tasado de los inmuebles que se encuentran en el Condado
(impuestos ad valórem), con lo que podrá generarse un
aumento de los impuestos
inmobiliarios, por un monto de capital hasta de 393 millones de dólares, que
devenguen intereses a una tasa que no supere la máxima permitida por la ley, y
con vencimiento en un plazo de 30 años desde su emission?
Yo voto “NO”
Carlos Giménez y algunos comisionados de Miami Dade
apoyan a González para poder aumentar los impuestos
Lázaro R. González Miño
“En mi opinión”
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