No 775 “En mi opinión” Octubre 24, 2014
Canada Parliament Locked Down After 'Multiple Gunmen' Attack
Wednesday, 22 Oct 2014 02:07 PM
A gunman shot and killed a soldier in
Ottawa Wednesday morning before entering the country's parliament buildings
chased by police, with at least 30 shots fired in dramatic scenes in the heart
of the Canadian capital.
A suspected gunman was shot dead inside the parliament building, a
government minister said.
Ottawa police were searching for more suspects near the National
War Memorial in central Ottawa where the soldier was shot, and on nearby
Parliament Hill, a police spokesman said.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper was in a caucus meeting in
parliament when gunfire erupted in the building, Veterans Affairs Minister
Julian Fantino, a former policeman, told the Toronto Sun.
Harper was later safely removed from the building, and parliament
was locked down.
Fantino said parliament's head of security, Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin
Vickers, a former member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), had shot
a suspect dead.
"All the details are not in, but the sergeant-at-arms, a
former Mountie, is the one that engaged the gunman, or one of them at least,
and stopped this," Fantino said. "He did a great job and, from what I
know, shot the gunman and he is now deceased."
Canadian cabinet minister Jason Kenney said the soldier who was
shot at the war memorial had died. He said a guard in parliament buildings had
been wounded. Canadian officials told CNN and other media outlets that there
were at least three separate shooting incidents at roughly the same moment —
just before 10 a.m. local time in Ottawa (the same as Eastern Standard Time).
The Ottawa Hospital says it has taken in three patients from the shootings, and two of them are in stable condition.
A member of parliament, Maurice Vellacott, told AFP that House of Commons security had told one of his aides that at least one suspect had been killed inside parliament.
The Ottawa Hospital says it has taken in three patients from the shootings, and two of them are in stable condition.
A member of parliament, Maurice Vellacott, told AFP that House of Commons security had told one of his aides that at least one suspect had been killed inside parliament.
Other lawmakers tweeted reports that an assailant had been shot.
"I literally had just taken off my jacket to go into caucus.
I hear this 'pop, pop, pop,' possibly 10 shots, don't really know,"
Liberal Party member John McKay told reporters.
"Suddenly the security guards come rushing down the hallways
and usher us all out to the back of the parliament buildings."
Video footage posted online by The Globe and Mail newspaper showed police ducking for cover as they advanced along a vaulted stone hallway, loud gunfire echoing among the gothic columns.
Police officers outside told AFP that one or more — possibly up to three — shooters were feared to be on the roof of the building.
One witness, Marc-Andre Viau, said he saw a man run into a caucus meeting of the parliament, chased by police who yelled "take cover!"
Video footage posted online by The Globe and Mail newspaper showed police ducking for cover as they advanced along a vaulted stone hallway, loud gunfire echoing among the gothic columns.
Police officers outside told AFP that one or more — possibly up to three — shooters were feared to be on the roof of the building.
One witness, Marc-Andre Viau, said he saw a man run into a caucus meeting of the parliament, chased by police who yelled "take cover!"
That was followed by "10, 15, maybe 20 shots," possibly
from an automatic weapon, he said.
"I'm shaken," said Viau, who works at the parliament.
Story continues below video.
Another witness, Raivo Nommik, said, "I was walking back. I heard the first shot and turned around and I thought at first it was just ceremonial. Then I just saw the guy with the rifle. The second soldier there running and he ran over one of the walls here and I just ducked down behind the wall here."
Story continues below video.
Another witness, Raivo Nommik, said, "I was walking back. I heard the first shot and turned around and I thought at first it was just ceremonial. Then I just saw the guy with the rifle. The second soldier there running and he ran over one of the walls here and I just ducked down behind the wall here."
The shooting comes two days after an Islamic convert ran down two
Canadian soldiers with his car near Montreal, killing one, before being shot
and killed by police.
Prime Minister Harper was safe and has left the parliament
buildings, his office said in an email.
A construction worker on the scene, Scott Walsh, told Reuters he
heard a gunshot, then saw a bearded man dressed in black with a scarf over his
face running toward parliament with a gun.
Walsh said the man stopped a black car at gunpoint and hijacked
it. The driver got out safely, and the bearded man drove the car to the Centre
Block on Parliament Hill, where construction work is underway.
The gunman rushed past a woman pushing a child in a stroller, who
ran away screaming. He did not attack the woman or child, Walsh said.
Centre Block is the main building at
Parliament Hill, a sprawling complex of buildings and open space in downtown
Ottawa. It contains the House of Commons and Senate chambers, as well as the
offices of some members of parliament, senators, and senior administration for
both legislative houses.
A Globe and Mail reporter in Centre Block tweeted that the
building was under lockdown after "at least one shooter burst in and
opened fire."
Authorities had raised the security threat
level from low to medium after that incident, which came as Canadian jets were
to join the US-led air armada bombarding Islamist militants in Iraq.
Outside parliament, police were seen taking cover behind vehicles
as others expanded a cordoned-off area to a city block around parliament.
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Terrorist Kills American Baby And Hospitalizes Several Other People
Is this a powder keg ready to blow?
Today, a Palestinian
terrorist rammed his car into
a crowd of people near a light rail station in a Jerusalem neighborhood.
He killed a three-month-old American infant and injured several other
In a statement released by police spokeswoman
Luba Samri stated, “A private car hit passengers from the light rail near
the police national headquarters. The car’s driver attempted to escape and was
shot, apparently by a police officer from the Jerusalem district.” The
man was ultimately killed by police as he tried to flee the scene afterwards on
Watch this startling footage of the attack:
After visiting Israel last summer, and in light
of it being rocketed by Hamas near Gaza, I can say that Jerusalem is a powder
keg ready to blow. Many Americans don’t know the history of the city and
are perplexed over the continuing violence there. Well, here is my take on the
In the center of the Old City, you have the
site of the five-thousand year old Jewish temple, the Temple Mount. Jews
believe the temple held the physical presence of God.
The original temple was destroyed by the
Babylonians several thousand years ago, before the Roman Empire. The temple was
rebuilt on the same site and was destroyed again by the Romans after Jesus’s
death. All that remains is one wall of the base of the temple, which must have
been immense if the remaining earthworks are any indication.
The Jews were then kicked out of Jerusalem; and
the city changed hands over the next thousand years, eventually being occupied
by several Muslim caliphates. The Muslims built a mosque on the site of the
Temple Mount, which Jews believe to be holy ground. It is at this same
remaining wall of the temple where Muslims believe Muhammad tied up his horse
before ascending into Heaven.
So Muslims and Jews believe the same site is
holy ground for different reasons. Now throw in the fact that Jesus
Christ was crucified a few hundred yards away from the Temple Mount, and you
have a volatile religious cocktail of dangerous proportions.
What most people don’t know is that to keep the
peace, the Jewish authorities forbid Jews from ascending to the top of the
Temple Mount. The Orthodox Jews are left to “wail” at the base of the wall,
praying for the eventual rebuilding of the temple. The only people allowed on
the Temple Mount are Muslims.
It’s quite the delicate situation, and it
frankly is fascinating that there has not been more violence in modern
Jerusalem. The different religions for the most part live in peace.
However, the status of Jerusalem is a problem that has not been able to
be solved by the Peace Process.
One could be forgiven for wondering if there is
a solution.
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of
their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by
How the CIA Controls Foreign Media
Written by Gary
This is an old story, but most people are unaware of it. If they
control foreign media, there is an outside possibility that they control big
chunks of it inside the USA.
of the German media are paid by the CIA in return for spinning the news in a
way that supports US interests, and some German outlets are nothing more than
PR appendages of NATO, according to a new book by Udo Ulfkotte, a former
editor of Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung, one of Germany’s largest newspapers.
is a serious mainstream journalist. Here he is on Germany’s leading political talk show a couple of years ago. The book
is a sensation in Germany, #7 on the bestseller list. Its political
dynamite, coming on the heels of German outrage of NSA tapping of their phones.
Check out the story on it in the video below.
at Russia Insider, it has long
been apparent to us that there is something distinctly odd about the German
media regarding Russia. We follow it, and it is much more strident than
even the anglo-saxon media regarding Russia, while German public opinion is
much more positive towards Russia than in other countries.
Another interesting thing about it is that it is very disparate.
Some major voices are very reasonable about Russia, but most are
negative, and some are comically apocalyptic. This is what one would
expect if there was some financial influence ginning the system.
We’ve been talking about this for a while now. German public
opinion is becoming more and more fed up with the what they increasingly
believe to be a rigged media, and its starting to come out everywhere.
The allegations, while shocking, are consistent with the CIA’s
long and well-established history of media infiltration.
Mockingbird, which began in the 1950’s, was a secret CIA operation which recruited journalists to serve
as mouthpieces for the American government. The program was officially
terminated after it was exposed by the famous Church Committee investigations, but evidence of
ongoing CIA influence over the media continues to accumulate.
Amenper: El Enemigo
Terrorista. Ayer y Hoy
El ataque
al parlamento de Canadá por un converso al Islam, y el hombre detenido cuando
saltó la cerca de la Casa Blanca, ambos hechos sucedidos en el
día de hoy, me recuerdan un caso de mi juventud cuando estudiaba en los
Estados Unidos en los años 50s.
primero de marzo de 1954, los nacionalistas puertorriqueños Lolita Lebron,
Rafael Miranda, Irving Flores Rodríguez y Andrés Figueroa Cordero entraron en
la cámara de representantes del Capitolio Estados Unidos y comenzaron a
disparar contra los miembros del Congreso, hiriendo a cinco.
persona que llamaba una atención especial fue Lolita Lebron, quien vestía
elegantemente con tacones altos y labios pintados de rojo brillante.
"La confusión inicial fueron los gritos de la mujer
puertorriqueña: ' Viva Puerto Rico!' Disparando una gran pistola
Luger, sujetándola con las dos manos y lo agitándola violentamente. Entonces
ella arrojó la pistola y mostró una bandera puertorriqueña, que ella saludó
pero nunca lograron desplegar plenamente".
Los cuatro
asesinos eran miembros del partido nacionalista puertorriqueño, una
organización que pedía y pide plena independencia para Puerto Rico-
habían a menudo utilizado medios violentos para hacer avanzar su causa,
incluyendo un intento de asesinato del Presidente Harry S. Truman
Rico aprobó su Constitución en 1952 y se convirtió en un territorio libre
asociado, de los Estados Unidos ,un concepto de autonomía concebido por
Muñoz Rivera y que después fue implementado por su hijo Muñoz
Marín. Pero esto lo que hizo fue enfurecer a los nacionalistas que
dijeron dijo que de acuerdo a estos términos los
puertorriqueños se convertían en "los esclavos felices".
obituario de los tiempos de la Sra. Lebron, ella "desestimó ese estatus
como solamente más colonización y exigió la independencia completa."
cuatro tiradores recibieron sentencias más largas, pero el Sr. Cordero, quien
estaba luchando contra el cáncer en el momento, fue libertado en 1978. Los
otros tres fueron liberados por el Presidente Jimmy Carter, típicamente, al año
siguiente en 1979, cambiándolos por la liberación de rehenes
estadounidenses en Cuba.
Rico sigue siendo un estado libre asociado. Los puertorriqueños son ciudadanos
estadounidenses que pueden servir en las fuerzas aliadas de los Estados Unidos
militares y votar en las primarias presidenciales, tienen todos los beneficios
económicos y ayudas sociales del gobierno Federal, pueden vivir y viajar en
Puerto Rico y los Estados Unidos indistintamente, y cuando residen en Estados
Unidos tienen todos los derechos de un ciudadano norteamericano incluyendo el
voto, pero si viven en Puerto Rico, no tienen representación del Congreso y no
pueden votar en las elecciones presidenciales. El nivel de vida y la libertad
de la democracia representativa son en Puerto Rico igual que en los Estados
Unidos, así como el nivel de vida del ciudadano medio.
Hoy, los
vientos socialistas que azotan al mundo, ha creado una simpatía nominal al
independentismo, pero el pueblo de Puerto Rico es más “aguzado” que el pensar
que la independencia es lo mejor para su nación.
El más
reciente plebiscito demostró que, aunque algunos apoyan la independencia, están
en una minoría, un porcentaje mucho mayor buscan su integración como un estado
y la mayoría apoya es status de ELA, el estado libre asociado.
El punto
es, ¿eran y son estos portorriqueños patriotas, o eran y son comunistas?’
El día
primero de Noviembre de 1950, nacionalistas puertorriqueños en Nueva York
atacaron a Blair House, el hogar temporal del Presidente Truman en la Plaza
Lafayette, frente a la casa blanca. Aunque el Presidente salió ileso, uno de
los dos asesinos y un oficial de policía de la casa blanca fueron asesinados.
El Comisionado Residente de Puerto Rico, Fernós-Isern condenó el atentado como
obra de una minoría pequeña, extremista y fue rápido a distanciar a Puerto Rico
de la violencia. Vinculó el ala violenta del Partido Nacionalista cómo
traidores portorriqueños aliados con comunistas de Estados Unidos en un
"matrimonio profano". En una visita a la casa blanca el 17 de
noviembre, Fernós Isern entregó una carta al Presidente Truman expresando las
excusas del pueblo puertorriqueño.
de que el asesino restante fue condenado a la ejecución, Fernós Isern entregó
una carta firmada por 119.000 Portorriqueños, que estaban agradecidos que
el Presidente se había salvado.
La carta
denuncia el "acto arbitrario de la violencia por un pequeño grupo de
fanático nacionalistas y comunistas”
Icen denunció los que atacaron al Congreso del mismo modo que había denunciado
a posibles asesinos de Truman- Los atacantes "son ciertamente ajenos a la
situación política en Puerto Rico," dijo. "¿Puede estos
ser realmente nacionalistas puertorriqueños?" preguntó retóricamente a un
periodista del Baltimore San. "¿Quién se beneficia? Ciertamente no Puerto
Gobernador Muñoz Marín también voló a Washington el 2 de marzo para expresar
sus condolencias. El gobernador visitó a todos los congresistas heridos, al
presidente Eisenhower en la Casa Blanca.
Mas más
tarde Muñoz Marín estuvo parado en el jardín de la Casa Blanca donde estrechó
la mano con los miembros del congreso y recibió una ovación de pie.
representante Joe Martin de Massachusetts, quien se había estado
presente cuando la masacre, expresó su apoyo al gobierno de Puerto Rico.
"Unos mafiosos no pueden romper la amistad de grandes naciones",
El apoyo
de Cuba a estos actos y a las personas que lo hicieron, así como el cambio de
rehenes por ellos, es una prueba de donde estaba la simpatía de estos
individuos. Ellos eran los militantes musulmanes de ahora, y sus
acciones se pueden repetir hoy en día.
De hecho
los sucesos de hoy en Canadá y la Casa Blanca nos presentan un avance de cosas
por venir.
en guerra con el comunismo, y las medidas si se hubieran tomado a tiempo
hubieran evitados actos como estos, tomó muchos años hasta la presidencia de
Ronald Reagan para aceptar el peligro del enemigo y cómo enfrentarlo.
en guerra con el Islam, como en el caso de los independentistas de los 50s, es
una guerra declarada por ellos. Ignorarla no hará que no exista y
que no suframos las consecuencias.
Creo que la ilusión más grande la que nos produce la
negación. Es en realidad la mayor distorsión y mentira. De hecho, permanecer dormido
es lo que nos puede matar.
Eve Ensler
Usted encontrará paz no tratando de eludir los
problemas, sino enfrentándose a ellos con valentía. Usted no encontrará paz en
la negación, sino en la victoria.
J. Donald Walters
Virus outbreak independent of crisis in West
Published: 2 days ago
Since an outbreak of Ebola hit the Democratic
Republic of the Congo in July, the Obama administration has brought into the
U.S. at least 1,900 refugees from the disease-stricken nation, WND has learned.
Required medical screening for refugees may not
detect all diseases. The mandatory blood and urine tests for all refugees would
not detect Ebola.
The strain of Ebola found in the Congo is
slightly different from the virus that has been ravaging West Africa.
Researchers have concluded the Congolese outbreak is not connected to the
epidemic in West Africa.
The U.S. refugee program this year is on pace
to resettle 70,000 citizens, including a limit for the fiscal year of 2014 of
14,000 from Africa, with the State Department giving priority to Congolese
Since July, at least 1,900 Congolese refugees
have been resettled within the U.S., according to statistics provided by the
State Department.
A report from the Bureau of Population,
Refugees, and Migration shows
944 refugees were admitted from the Congo in July; 628 in August and 338 in September,
for a total of 1,910 Congolese refugees.
The exact number of arrivals from the Congo for
this month are not yet published. However, the total number of October arrivals
so far from the region of Africa, according to the State Department, is 934,
with most likely coming from the Congo.
The Congo has had its own outbreak of Ebola
that started in late-July reportedly after a hunter brought home an infected
bush animal carcass. Since then, 49 people have died in the Congo.
The latest confirmed case of Ebola was Oct. 4,
leading experts to believe the disease may have been contained there. There is
speculation the World Health Organization could declare the Ebola outbreak in
the Congo over by the middle of November if no new cases are presented.
Asked for comment on the issue, State
Department Spokesman Daniel Langenkamp referred WND to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
Langenkamp stated the CDC’s Immigrant, Refugee,
and Migrant Health Branch “has the delegated regulatory authority to oversee
the quality of overseas medical exams required of immigrants and refugees
coming to the United States.”
The CDC has not returned WND’s phone and email
inquiries on the subject for the past two days.
WND asked the CDC’s media relations department
whether the agency has taken any extra precautions before admitting Congolese
refugees after the Ebola outbreak there, including by providing any specific
antibody blood tests.
The CDC’s website explains all refugees
admitted to the U.S. must undergo a basic medical examination.
CDC mandates that all incoming refugees be given a complete blood count with a white blood cell differential,
platelets count and a general urinalysis. Newborn infants are also given a
metabolic screening, according to different state guidelines.
Congolese refugees
The CDC website documents the purpose of the
blood test is usually to determine the existence of Anemia, a common finding in
refugees. Those refugees found to be anaemic will be provided with treatment.
Diagnosing Ebola in an person who has been
infected for only a few days is usually difficult, with some remaining
asymptomatic for a small period of time.
Specific laboratory tests for Ebola-like
antibodies can sometimes detect the disease after a few days of symptoms.
If the CDC is relying in part on a patient’s
oral medical history to determine the presence of Ebola, there is concern a
refugee, eager to arrive in the U.S., could provide an inaccurate health
profile. The refugee can also take medication to reduce a fever prior to a
physical examination.
Thomas Duncan, the Liberian who became the
first Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S., reportedly lied about his history of
contact with Ebola when he filled out an airport questionnaire in Liberia
before boarding a Brussels Airlines flight to Brussels and then a transfer
flight to Washington and ultimately to Dallas/Fort Worth.
refugees are not the only Africans arriving to the U.S. from Ebola-plagues
nations. Last week, the
Daily Signal reported the
U.S. was still providing visas from the three West African countries at the
heart of the outbreak.
Meanwhile, according to the
State Department’s most recent report to Congress on the U.S. resettlement program,
refugee arrivals from Africa “are also strong and are on-pace to exceed our
regional projection of 12,000 refugees.”
The report documents the U.S. has given
priority to Congolese refugees, as the U.S. has joined the United Nations and
international resettlement community in an effort to resettle 50,000 Congolese
in coming years.
additional research by Brenda J. Elliott.
Amenper: El Enemigo Terrorista… Ayer y Hoy
El ataque
al parlamento de Canadá por un converso al Islam, y el hombre detenido cuando
saltó la cerca de la Casa Blanca, ambos hechos sucedidos en el
día de hoy, me recuerdan un caso de mi juventud cuando estudiaba en los
Estados Unidos en los años 50s.
primero de marzo de 1954, los nacionalistas puertorriqueños Lolita Lebron,
Rafael Miranda, Irving Flores Rodríguez y Andrés Figueroa Cordero entraron en
la cámara de representantes del Capitolio Estados Unidos y comenzaron a
disparar contra los miembros del Congreso, hiriendo a cinco.
persona que llamaba una atención especial fue Lolita Lebron, quien vestía
elegantemente con tacones altos y labios pintados de rojo brillante.
"La confusión inicial fueron los gritos de la mujer
puertorriqueña: ' Viva Puerto Rico!' Disparando una gran pistola
Luger, sujetándola con las dos manos y lo agitándola violentamente. Entonces
ella arrojó la pistola y mostró una bandera puertorriqueña, que ella saludó
pero nunca lograron desplegar plenamente".
cuatro asesinos eran miembros del partido nacionalista puertorriqueño, una
organización que pedía y pide plena independencia para Puerto Rico-
habían a menudo utilizado medios violentos para hacer avanzar su causa,
incluyendo un intento de asesinato del Presidente Harry S. Truman
Rico aprobó su Constitución en 1952 y se convirtió en un territorio libre
asociado, de los Estados Unidos ,un concepto de autonomía concebido por
Muñoz Rivera y que después fue implementado por su hijo Muñoz
Marín. Pero esto lo que hizo fue enfurecer a los nacionalistas que
dijeron dijo que de acuerdo a estos términos los
puertorriqueños se convertían en "los esclavos felices".
obituario de los tiempos de la Sra. Lebron, ella "desestimó ese estatus
como solamente más colonización y exigió la independencia completa."
cuatro tiradores recibieron sentencias más largas, pero el Sr. Cordero, quien
estaba luchando contra el cáncer en el momento, fue libertado en 1978. Los
otros tres fueron liberados por el Presidente Jimmy Carter, típicamente, al año
siguiente en 1979, cambiándolos por la liberación de rehenes
estadounidenses en Cuba.
Rico sigue siendo un estado libre asociado. Los puertorriqueños son ciudadanos
estadounidenses que pueden servir en las fuerzas aliadas de los Estados Unidos
militares y votar en las primarias presidenciales, tienen todos los beneficios
económicos y ayudas sociales del gobierno Federal, pueden vivir y viajar en
Puerto Rico y los Estados Unidos indistintamente, y cuando residen en Estados
Unidos tienen todos los derechos de un ciudadano norteamericano incluyendo el
voto, pero si viven en Puerto Rico, no tienen representación del Congreso y no
pueden votar en las elecciones presidenciales. El nivel de vida y la libertad
de la democracia representativa son en Puerto Rico igual que en los Estados
Unidos, así como el nivel de vida del ciudadano medio.
Hoy, los
vientos socialistas que azotan al mundo, ha creado una simpatía nominal al
independentismo, pero el pueblo de Puerto Rico es más “aguzado” que el pensar
que la independencia es lo mejor para su nación.
El más
reciente plebiscito demostró que, aunque algunos apoyan la independencia, están
en una minoría, un porcentaje mucho mayor buscan su integración como un estado
y la mayoría apoya es status de ELA, el estado libre asociado.
El punto
es, ¿eran y son estos portorriqueños patriotas, o eran y son comunistas?’
El día
primero de Noviembre de 1950, nacionalistas puertorriqueños en Nueva York
atacaron a Blair House, el hogar temporal del Presidente Truman en la Plaza
Lafayette, frente a la casa blanca. Aunque el Presidente salió ileso, uno de
los dos asesinos y un oficial de policía de la casa blanca fueron asesinados.
El Comisionado Residente de Puerto Rico, Fernós-Isern condenó el atentado como
obra de una minoría pequeña, extremista y fue rápido a distanciar a Puerto Rico
de la violencia. Vinculó el ala violenta del Partido Nacionalista cómo
traidores portorriqueños aliados con comunistas de Estados Unidos en un
"matrimonio profano". En una visita a la casa blanca el 17 de
noviembre, Fernós Isern entregó una carta al Presidente Truman expresando las
excusas del pueblo puertorriqueño.
de que el asesino restante fue condenado a la ejecución, Fernós Isern entregó
una carta firmada por 119.000 Portorriqueños, que estaban agradecidos que
el Presidente se había salvado.
La carta
denuncia el "acto arbitrario de la violencia por un pequeño grupo de
fanático nacionalistas y comunistas”
Icen denunció los que atacaron al Congreso del mismo modo que había denunciado
a posibles asesinos de Truman- Los atacantes "son ciertamente ajenos a la
situación política en Puerto Rico," dijo. "¿Puede estos
ser realmente nacionalistas puertorriqueños?" preguntó retóricamente a un
periodista del Baltimore San. "¿Quién se beneficia? Ciertamente no Puerto
Gobernador Muñoz Marín también voló a Washington el 2 de marzo para expresar
sus condolencias. El gobernador visitó a todos los congresistas heridos, al
presidente Eisenhower en la Casa Blanca.
Mas más
tarde Muñoz Marín estuvo parado en el jardín de la Casa Blanca donde estrechó
la mano con los miembros del congreso y recibió una ovación de pie.
representante Joe Martin de Massachusetts, quien se había estado
presente cuando la masacre, expresó su apoyo al gobierno de Puerto Rico.
"Unos mafiosos no pueden romper la amistad de grandes naciones",
El apoyo
de Cuba a estos actos y a las personas que lo hicieron, así como el cambio de
rehenes por ellos, es una prueba de donde estaba la simpatía de estos
individuos. Ellos eran los militantes musulmanes de ahora, y sus
acciones se pueden repetir hoy en día.
De hecho
los sucesos de hoy en Canadá y la Casa Blanca nos presentan un avance de cosas
por venir.
en guerra con el comunismo, y las medidas si se hubieran tomado a tiempo
hubieran evitados actos como estos, tomó muchos años hasta la presidencia de
Ronald Reagan para aceptar el peligro del enemigo y cómo enfrentarlo.
en guerra con el Islam, como en el caso de los independentistas de los 50s, es
una guerra declarada por ellos. Ignorarla no hará que no exista y
que no suframos las consecuencias.
Creo que la ilusión más grande la que nos produce la
negación. Es en realidad la mayor distorsión y mentira. De hecho, permanecer
dormido es lo que nos puede matar.
Eve Ensler
Usted encontrará paz no tratando de eludir los
problemas, sino enfrentándose a ellos con valentía. Usted no encontrará paz en
la negación, sino en la victoria.
J. Donald Walters
According to recent polling, the U.S. Senate race between conservative Joni Ernst (R-IA) and liberal Bruce Braley (D-IA) is within the margin of error.
Harry Reid (D-NV) and his liberal allies have been dumping millions of dollars into this race to destroy Joni Ernst, but she's holding strong.
However, she will lose if conservatives don't take action to help her.
Early voting begins today in Iowa and the Democrats are using their ground game to get people to vote by mail for Braley.
Please make a contribution to Joni Ernst's Senate campaign today.
This is one of the most important Senate races in the country.
The outcome in Iowa will not only decide whether we have another extreme liberal in the Senate or a strong conservative who will fight to stop the spending and debt. It will also determine whether Harry Reid and the Democrats continue to control the Senate.
The Republican establishment is spending millions to save weak incumbents like Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Pat Roberts (R-KS) – money that is not available to help conservatives like Joni Ernst.
We need to help her. We can't let her lose because Republicans in Washington value spineless Republicans over conservatives.
Please donate something – any amount – to Joni Ernst's campaign.
The Senate Conservatives Fund pays all processing fees so 100% of your donation to Joni Ernst goes directly to her campaign.
Unlike other groups that claim to support candidates, SCF gives you a direct line to the candidates. You can donate directly to multiple candidates with one online transaction, and the candidates know your donation is coming from someone who wants them to fight for conservative principles.
We only endorse select conservatives who ask for our support. These candidates want SCF's endorsement because they know we're serious about raising funds for their campaigns.
If every American who receives this email donates just $5, we can raise enough to push Joni Ernst over the top in this competitive race.
Please answer the call today. The election is in less than two weeks!
Thank you for fighting for the principles of freedom that make this country great and for helping us change Washington by changing the people we send there.
We're grateful for your support!
Ken Cuccinelli II
President, Senate Conservatives Fund
Former Attorney General of Virginia
P.S. Please forward this email to your family and friends so they can help us take America back!
According to recent polling, the U.S. Senate race between conservative Joni Ernst (R-IA) and liberal Bruce Braley (D-IA) is within the margin of error.
Harry Reid (D-NV) and his liberal allies have been dumping millions of dollars into this race to destroy Joni Ernst, but she's holding strong.
However, she will lose if conservatives don't take action to help her.
Early voting begins today in Iowa and the Democrats are using their ground game to get people to vote by mail for Braley.
Please make a contribution to Joni Ernst's Senate campaign today.
This is one of the most important Senate races in the country.
The outcome in Iowa will not only decide whether we have another extreme liberal in the Senate or a strong conservative who will fight to stop the spending and debt. It will also determine whether Harry Reid and the Democrats continue to control the Senate.
The Republican establishment is spending millions to save weak incumbents like Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Pat Roberts (R-KS) – money that is not available to help conservatives like Joni Ernst.
We need to help her. We can't let her lose because Republicans in Washington value spineless Republicans over conservatives.
Please donate something – any amount – to Joni Ernst's campaign.
The Senate Conservatives Fund pays all processing fees so 100% of your donation to Joni Ernst goes directly to her campaign.
Unlike other groups that claim to support candidates, SCF gives you a direct line to the candidates. You can donate directly to multiple candidates with one online transaction, and the candidates know your donation is coming from someone who wants them to fight for conservative principles.
We only endorse select conservatives who ask for our support. These candidates want SCF's endorsement because they know we're serious about raising funds for their campaigns.
If every American who receives this email donates just $5, we can raise enough to push Joni Ernst over the top in this competitive race.
Please answer the call today. The election is in less than two weeks!
Thank you for fighting for the principles of freedom that make this country great and for helping us change Washington by changing the people we send there.
We're grateful for your support!
Ken Cuccinelli II
President, Senate Conservatives Fund
Former Attorney General of Virginia
P.S. Please forward this email to your family and friends so they can help us take America back!
Trump Blames Obama for NYC Ebola
Outspoken billionaire Donald Trump, who for weeks has been ranting about
what he characterizes as the Obama administration's feeble response to Ebola,
has taken to Twitter to blame Obama for the newest U.S. Ebola patient and call
for the president's resignation.
About three hours later, Trump blasted another Tweet, blaming the president for allowing Dr. Craig Spencer, the most recent American diagnosed with Ebola, back into the U.S. from Guinea, where Spencer traveled to treat Ebola patients.And seven minutes after that he weighed in again, calling Obama "a total incompetent" for not issuing a travel ban.He tweeted that Obama "is a far worse president than Jimmy Carter!"Trump has been calling for a travel ban since August, when Dr. Kent Brantly and aide worker Nancy Writebol returned to the U.S. after contracting Ebola in West Africa.
"Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S. Treat them, at the highest level, over there. THE UNITED STATES HAS ENOUGH PROBLEMS," Trump tweeted on Aug. 1.
"The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infected people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences!"
Trump is especially steamed about Spencer, the New York City doctor. With 8.4 million residents, New York is the most populous U.S. city.
Trump, and Republicans, aren't the only ones critical of Obama's response to the emerging crisis.
In a Bloomberg Businessweek article with the headline "Obama is Too Cool for Crisis Management," senior national correspondent Josh Green writes that the administration's handling of the Ebola situation follows the Obama White House's familiar pattern of inadequate crisis management.
"The failure is mostly Obama's," according to Green, who notes that the president "was hampered by the same things that have plagued him all along: a liberal technocrat's excess of faith in government's ability to solve problems and an unwillingness or inability to demonstrate the forcefulness Americans expect of their president in an emergency."
About three hours later, Trump blasted another Tweet, blaming the president for allowing Dr. Craig Spencer, the most recent American diagnosed with Ebola, back into the U.S. from Guinea, where Spencer traveled to treat Ebola patients.And seven minutes after that he weighed in again, calling Obama "a total incompetent" for not issuing a travel ban.He tweeted that Obama "is a far worse president than Jimmy Carter!"Trump has been calling for a travel ban since August, when Dr. Kent Brantly and aide worker Nancy Writebol returned to the U.S. after contracting Ebola in West Africa.
"Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S. Treat them, at the highest level, over there. THE UNITED STATES HAS ENOUGH PROBLEMS," Trump tweeted on Aug. 1.
"The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infected people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences!"
Trump is especially steamed about Spencer, the New York City doctor. With 8.4 million residents, New York is the most populous U.S. city.
Trump, and Republicans, aren't the only ones critical of Obama's response to the emerging crisis.
In a Bloomberg Businessweek article with the headline "Obama is Too Cool for Crisis Management," senior national correspondent Josh Green writes that the administration's handling of the Ebola situation follows the Obama White House's familiar pattern of inadequate crisis management.
"The failure is mostly Obama's," according to Green, who notes that the president "was hampered by the same things that have plagued him all along: a liberal technocrat's excess of faith in government's ability to solve problems and an unwillingness or inability to demonstrate the forcefulness Americans expect of their president in an emergency."
He adds that it's "hard not to suspect that Obama's lack of
executive experience before becoming president is one reason why he often
struggles to strike the right tone."
The response to Ebola "echoes the fitful efforts to address the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, the chemical weapons attacks in Syria, the advance of Islamic State, the rollout of, and even the shooting of Michael Brown by police in Ferguson, Mo.," according to Green.
Obama, Green writes, "still seems caught off guard when things go wrong. In the case of Ebola, you also sense his annoyance at the panic over what remain extremely long odds of a serious outbreak."
The response to Ebola "echoes the fitful efforts to address the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, the chemical weapons attacks in Syria, the advance of Islamic State, the rollout of, and even the shooting of Michael Brown by police in Ferguson, Mo.," according to Green.
Obama, Green writes, "still seems caught off guard when things go wrong. In the case of Ebola, you also sense his annoyance at the panic over what remain extremely long odds of a serious outbreak."
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Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
Obama Caught Covering Up Dirty Laundry From His Past…
we think back to when I first took office..."
Given the number of misstatements and gaffes
that have emanated from the current administration, it would seem the spin
doctors behind the scenes face a herculean task each day. While critics charge
many embarrassing remarks are dutifully buried by a sycophantic press, a recent
revelation indicates the White House is doing its part to cover up such
comments before they ever reach newsrooms.
During a recent fundraising event in Chicago,
Barack Obama spoke about leaving the city to move into the White House.
“When we think back to when I first took
office,” he said, according to an official transcript, “one of the nice things
about being home is actually that it’s a little bit like a time capsule because
Michelle and I and the kids, we left so quickly that there’s still junk on my
desk, including some – newspapers and all kinds of stuff.”
A pool reporter, however, recorded the sentence
somewhat differently. In addition to the newspapers he apparently left on his
Chicago desk, Obama reportedly also left “some unpaid bills,” the reporter
“I think eventually they got paid,” Obama said,
according to the longer transcript. Though CNN reported
that the White House issued an updated transcript, it still failed to include
the disputed line, suggesting the deleted phrase was inaudible. In any case,
the damage has been done as media – and
social media – critics blast the administration for the apparent cover-up,
wondering what else the White House might be hiding.
Amenper: YA VOTÉ
Ya voté,
como el voto es secreto, no voy a decir por quién voté no sabrán nunca si voté
demócrata o republicano.
ustedes saben que estoy bromeando, mi voto no es tan secreto.
Pero hay
miles de casos que no son como yo, estos son los “indecisos”. Estos
blanditos de sesera que no saben lo que quieren y cambian de opinión cada vez
que van a orinar.
cuentan en la votación, por desgracia son importantes.
Por eso
siempre me pregunto si esto de la votación anticipada es prudente, es
conveniente, si es necesaria y hasta si es legal en una democracia.
Según las
noticias, unos 2 millones de personas ya han votado. Aproximadamente un tercio
de los votantes elegibles en la Florida han depositado su boleta en las
elecciones. Personas en 35 Estados pueden votar temprano sin tener que dar una
excusa para faltar el día de las elecciones y la mitad de las Estados permite
“no-excusas-boleta” para electores ausente, o sea la votación por correo.
Lo que yo
considero poco prudente de esto es que estamos viviendo sucesos que pasan cada
día, como ayer un hombre saltando la cerca de la Casa Blanca y un converso
musulmán atacando el parlamento Canadiense. Todas estas cosas
influyen en el voto de los independientes y hasta de partidistas, la decisión
debiera ser el día de las elecciones, no antes.
un solo día de las elecciones no es simplemente "una tradición", pero
parte del artículo II, sección 1, de la Constitución, que los mandatos de las
elecciones presidenciales deben de ser en el mismo día en todos los Estados Unidos. Otro
argumento de prudencia es que votación anticipada cuesta más dinero
y realmente sirve mejor para proteger a los titulares, aumenta la posibilidad
de fraude y conduce a votación desinformada antes de los hechos que como mencioné,
pueden ocurrir.
pensar un poco y analizar la situación antes de redefiniros como una nación de
votantes de conveniencia y abandonar una de las ocasiones restantes que
quedan en que los estadounidenses salen juntos todos como una nación
para realizar un deber cívico colectivo.
votaba ayer cómodamente, realmente sentí nostalgia por las largas colas,
comentando con los de adelante y los de atrás, los sucesos del día, todos nos
sentíamos importantes porque estábamos cumpliendo con un deber cívico con un
derecho ciudadano. Hoy lo recuerdo como un inconveniente agradable y
me siento culpable con mi comodidad..
que es poco saludable, esta conveniencia poco prudente, que puede empañar los
resultados, para una nación que ahora más que nunca depende de la transparencia
de unas elecciones para enderezar su futuro, que cada día se tuerce más
‘Obama Administration Hiding the Truth’
Ordering all the green cards might be a indication of what Mr.
Transparency is planning.
Check it out:
Check it out:
The Obama administration is trying to keep the truth from the
American people about what it has planned on immigration, House Speaker John
Boehner’s office declared Thursday, in part citing Breitbart News’ reporting on
the administration’s quiet preparations for a “surge” of immigrant IDs.
“Obama Administration Hiding the Truth about Immigration Actions,”
a Speaker’s office memo authored by Boehner spokesman Matt Wolking reads.
“After delaying his announcement until after the election,
President Obama promised liberal activists he will go around Congress and grant
amnesty by executive action ‘between the November elections and the end of the
year.’” Wolking wrote. “In response, Speaker Boehner denounced the president’s
scheme to hide the truth from the public, saying, “The American people deserve
honesty, transparency, and accountability,”
3 Of The Last Americans You Would Ever Expect Just Got Caught Trying To Join
...trying to join up with ISIS in Syria
after stealing...
Three teenage girls from suburban
Denver may have been trying to join up with ISIS in Syria after stealing their parents’ money and flying to
The girls were reported missing
after they skipped school Friday; but their families had no idea where they had
gone, according to Glenn Thompson, bureau chief of the Araphoe County Sheriff’s
However, FBI spokeswoman Suzie
Payne said that the girls were stopped in the Frankfurt, Germany airport over
the weekend and then returned to Colorado.
One official said the girls were
heading to Turkey en route to Syria.
Another US official called the
case “concerning” both to the community and the country. That official said
that they would be trying to determine if there were “like-minded” people in
the girls’ social circles.
The girls took their passports
and $2,000 of their parents’ money.
What do you think? Why would
three teenage girls from Colorado want to join up with the group of thugs known
as ISIS?
Amenper: Mónica otra vez
se llena la boca
Estaba viendo anoche a Mónica Lewinsky en la televisión dando un discurso
en un programa de la revista Forbes, llenándose la boca para decir que ella
había sido una de las primeras víctimas del abuso de los chismes
cibernéticos. Por favor Mónica, tu problema es que te llenas la boca
de muchas cosas con las que no te debieras haber llenado la
boca. Esto y el hecho que el hecho por la persona que te llenó la
boca era el presidente de la república, el hecho se convirtió en una noticia,
no un chisme. Además la conducta de Clinton agravó el hecho, cuando
bajo juramento negó el hecho que después tú mismo demostraste con el famoso
“vestido con el lechazo”. Después vino la impugnación y las evasivas
de Clinton, diciendo que lo que había dicho era que no había tenido coito, y
creando el lema de que “una mamada no es nada” que ha cambiado el concepto
sexual de dos generaciones.
Abajo hay un editorial del Journal, que dice lo mismo que les he dicho,
pero de una manera más articulada y moderada. Pero también explica
que ahora parece que Mónica está acostándose en la cama, no con Bill, pero con
Hillary. Estoy diciendo esto en forma figurada, no estoy diciendo
que Mónica se ha vuelto tortillera, pero está en la cama con Hillary porque se
está convirtiendo en parte de la campaña para suavizar los problemas de la
agitada vida de los Cintons. Como dice el editorial, Hillary está tratando
de re-escribir la historia para evitar que se descubra lodos los problemas y
errores tan aberrantes.
Los Cinton son una desgracia para la nación, en tiempos normales sólo
pudieran haber obtenido fama como artistas de un Burlesco. Hubieran
sido buenos artistas para el teatro Shanghái de la Habana.
Abajo pueden leer el editorial del Journal.
An Affair to Remember
As Hillary gears
up to run, look for attempts to rewrite 1990s history.
As Hillary and
Bill Clinton prepare for another White House ramble, the country is fated to
endure more than a few 1990s flashbacks, often including attempts to whitewash
the real history. The latest character to re-emerge is Monica Lewinsky, the
former intern who is doffing her beret to reinvent herself as an
anti-cyberbullying activist.
In a speech this
week at a Forbes magazine conference that went viral on the Web, Ms. Lewinsky
describes herself as a “survivor” of online abuse—she became “the creature from
the media lagoon.” As the worst abusers, she cited Matt Drudge and the New York
Post, which gave Ms. Lewinsky a term of tabloid endearment as “the portly pepperpot.” Another
culprit was “a politically motivated independent prosecutor,” or Ken Starr.
The problem is
that Ms. Lewinsky was actually the victim of the Clinton lagoon, as White House
operatives tried to destroy her reputation when the scandal broke. The real
bullies weren’t online but in the West Wing.
On Jan. 21, 1998,
Mr. Clinton told his aide Sidney Blumenthal that Ms. Lewinsky “came on to me
and made a sexual demand on me,” according to Mr. Blumenthal’s deposition to
Mr. Starr. Mr. Clinton added that he “rebuffed her” and then she
“threatened him. She said that she would tell people they’d had an affair, that
she was known as the stalker among her peers, and that she hated it and if she
had an affair or said she had an affair then she wouldn’t be the stalker any
Mr. Blumenthal
then repeated this tale to anyone in the press corps who would listen, and the
“stalker” smear soon made it into multiple media reports under the authority of
“a White House source.” Mrs. Clinton for her part described Ms. Lewinsky
as “a narcissistic loony toon,” as the first lady’s friend Diane Blair
recounted in the personal papers archive opened in 2010 by the University of
Arkansas library.
Meanwhile, Mr.
Clinton fanned out across the talk shows to deny that he had any romantic or
otherwise improper relationship, which he continued to insist until he was
forced to admit his lies by the blue DNA dress. Then the Clintons flipped
to attacking the respected jurist Mr. Starr as a rabid partisan. Mr. Clinton
was impeached for obstruction of justice and lying under oath, and he later was
stripped of his law license.
We correct the
record not least to point out that the Clintons weren’t above falsely smearing
a young woman not much older than their daughter as an oversexed psycho blackmailer. Since
Ms. Lewinsky brought it up, we also wonder what the modern feminists applauding
her address think about men in positions of power publicly shaming a female
subordinate without her consent.
But the story is
especially instructive for what it reveals about the Clinton family mores of
saying or doing whatever it takes to win. Mr. Blumenthal and the rest of
the Clinton menagerie are rested and ready for another run at political power.
As the 2016 election nears, Americans should be prepared for more attempts to
rewrite 1990s history.
Doctor in New York Tests Positive for Ebola
A New York City doctor has tested positive for Ebola
after returning from work in West Africa with an aid agency, the first case of
the deadly disease diagnosed in the most populous U.S. city.
The doctor, Craig Spencer, 33, is being treated in an isolation unit at Bellevue Hospital Center.
The diagnosis was made by the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene and announced by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio at a news conference. Samples of Spencer’s blood will be sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta for confirmation, the CDC said.
A CDC team will help health workers at Bellevue safely care for him while trying to track down anybody he may have had close contact with while he was sick.
“We have a team that’s readying to deploy to New York,” said Tom Skinner, a spokesman for the CDC. “It’s composed of epidemiologists, infection control, data management, and communications officers.”
The doctor, Craig Spencer, 33, is being treated in an isolation unit at Bellevue Hospital Center.
The diagnosis was made by the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene and announced by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio at a news conference. Samples of Spencer’s blood will be sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta for confirmation, the CDC said.
A CDC team will help health workers at Bellevue safely care for him while trying to track down anybody he may have had close contact with while he was sick.
“We have a team that’s readying to deploy to New York,” said Tom Skinner, a spokesman for the CDC. “It’s composed of epidemiologists, infection control, data management, and communications officers.”
Note: PBS Doctor: You Can Boost Your Immunity – Protect Yourself Today
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said health officials have been preparing for an Ebola case to turn up in the state.
“We are as ready as one can be for this circumstance,” Cuomo said. “New York is a dense place, a lot of people on top of each other, but the more you know, the less frightening it is.”
Spencer, a fellow in international emergency medicine at Columbia University-New York Presbyterian Hospital, according to a LinkedIn profile, returned to New York this month from Guinea after working there with Doctors Without Borders, the aid organization fighting the outbreak raging in West Africa. He hasn’t been working with patients at the hospital since returning, New York Presbyterian said in a statement.
Bellevue, an 828-bed hospital, has been designated as one of four facilities for Ebola treatment in New York, a city of 8.4 million residents. It has four single-bed rooms in its infectious-disease ward to receive high-probability or confirmed cases and a laboratory to handle blood samples, according to New York City Health and Hospitals Corp.
Mount Sinai Hospital and New York Presbyterian in Manhattan, and Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, are the other New York City facilities for patients. Four others are on Long Island and in Syracuse and Rochester.
Spencer was brought to Bellevue in a special ambulance after developing a fever and gastrointestinal symptoms earlier today, said the New York City health department and Doctors Without Borders.
“The individual engaged in regular health monitoring and reported this development immediately,” Tim Shenk, a Doctors Without Borders spokesman, said by e-mail.
Cuomo said health authorities believe four people had contact with Spencer during the “relevant period” while he may have exposed others to the infection.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said health officials have been preparing for an Ebola case to turn up in the state.
“We are as ready as one can be for this circumstance,” Cuomo said. “New York is a dense place, a lot of people on top of each other, but the more you know, the less frightening it is.”
Spencer, a fellow in international emergency medicine at Columbia University-New York Presbyterian Hospital, according to a LinkedIn profile, returned to New York this month from Guinea after working there with Doctors Without Borders, the aid organization fighting the outbreak raging in West Africa. He hasn’t been working with patients at the hospital since returning, New York Presbyterian said in a statement.
Bellevue, an 828-bed hospital, has been designated as one of four facilities for Ebola treatment in New York, a city of 8.4 million residents. It has four single-bed rooms in its infectious-disease ward to receive high-probability or confirmed cases and a laboratory to handle blood samples, according to New York City Health and Hospitals Corp.
Mount Sinai Hospital and New York Presbyterian in Manhattan, and Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, are the other New York City facilities for patients. Four others are on Long Island and in Syracuse and Rochester.
Spencer was brought to Bellevue in a special ambulance after developing a fever and gastrointestinal symptoms earlier today, said the New York City health department and Doctors Without Borders.
“The individual engaged in regular health monitoring and reported this development immediately,” Tim Shenk, a Doctors Without Borders spokesman, said by e-mail.
Cuomo said health authorities believe four people had contact with Spencer during the “relevant period” while he may have exposed others to the infection.
Special: Scientist Attacked for Exposing ‘Global Warming Lie
The four are Spencer’s fiancee, two friends, and an Uber car service driver who had Spencer as a passenger, New York City Health Commissioner Mary Bassett said. The fiance and friends are healthy and under quarantine, she said. The Uber driver had no direct physical contact and isn’t considered at risk, she said.
Spencer was identified by a New York City official who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly about the matter. A person with the same name on Facebook posted a picture on Sept. 18, saying he was going to Guinea with Doctors Without Borders.
“Please support organizations that are sending support or personnel to West Africa, and help combat one of the worst public health and humanitarian disasters in recent history,” read the caption of a photo showing a man wearing a protective gown, face shield, eye mask and gloves.
The man next posted on Oct. 16 from a hotel in Brussels. On LinkedIn, Spencer said he has worked at New York Presbyterian since July 2011.
The West Africa outbreak has infected about 10,000 people, mostly in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, killing half, according to the World Health Organization.
New York state officials said they’d been planning for an Ebola patient for months and in recent weeks ordered hospitals to go through practice drills and enhance safety protocols.
There’s no approved cure for Ebola in the U.S., though some patients have received experimental drugs. The current standard of care involves supporting patients by replacing fluids and electrolytes, and using antibiotics to fight off any opportunistic infections.
Early symptoms can be similar to those of malaria such as fever and chills. Ebola also causes headache, stomach pain, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and bleeding. During later stages, patients can lose many liters of bodily fluid each day. The virus spreads through direct contact with a victim.
Patients are most infectious at late stages when large quantities of the virus are present inside the body. This explains why health-care workers and relatives tending to the gravely ill are most at risk of infection.
The four are Spencer’s fiancee, two friends, and an Uber car service driver who had Spencer as a passenger, New York City Health Commissioner Mary Bassett said. The fiance and friends are healthy and under quarantine, she said. The Uber driver had no direct physical contact and isn’t considered at risk, she said.
Spencer was identified by a New York City official who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly about the matter. A person with the same name on Facebook posted a picture on Sept. 18, saying he was going to Guinea with Doctors Without Borders.
“Please support organizations that are sending support or personnel to West Africa, and help combat one of the worst public health and humanitarian disasters in recent history,” read the caption of a photo showing a man wearing a protective gown, face shield, eye mask and gloves.
The man next posted on Oct. 16 from a hotel in Brussels. On LinkedIn, Spencer said he has worked at New York Presbyterian since July 2011.
The West Africa outbreak has infected about 10,000 people, mostly in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, killing half, according to the World Health Organization.
New York state officials said they’d been planning for an Ebola patient for months and in recent weeks ordered hospitals to go through practice drills and enhance safety protocols.
There’s no approved cure for Ebola in the U.S., though some patients have received experimental drugs. The current standard of care involves supporting patients by replacing fluids and electrolytes, and using antibiotics to fight off any opportunistic infections.
Early symptoms can be similar to those of malaria such as fever and chills. Ebola also causes headache, stomach pain, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and bleeding. During later stages, patients can lose many liters of bodily fluid each day. The virus spreads through direct contact with a victim.
Patients are most infectious at late stages when large quantities of the virus are present inside the body. This explains why health-care workers and relatives tending to the gravely ill are most at risk of infection.
Two nurses in Dallas were infected at Texas Health
Presbyterian Hospital while caring for Thomas Eric Duncan, the first man to die
of the virus in the U.S. One of the nurses, Amber Vinson, 29, is now free of
the virus. She is being treated at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. The
other nurse, Nina Pham, 26, is in good condition at a National Institutes of
Health medical center in Maryland.
“There is no reason for New Yorkers to be alarmed, Ebola is an extremely hard disease to contract,” de Blasio said at the news conference. “New Yorkers who haven’t been exposed to an infected person’s bodily fluids aren’t at all at risk.”
Yesterday, the CDC said anyone traveling to the U.S. from Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea would be monitored for 21 days, the maximum incubation period for the virus. Travelers leaving the countries are already checked at the airport before boarding a plane, and about 36,000 people have been screened.
Despite strict safety measures by Doctors Without Borders, 14 of their staff members have been infected with Ebola and eight have died since March, the organization said Sept. 24. The greatest risk is believed to be when they are out in the community rather than when working with patients, the group said.
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“There is no reason for New Yorkers to be alarmed, Ebola is an extremely hard disease to contract,” de Blasio said at the news conference. “New Yorkers who haven’t been exposed to an infected person’s bodily fluids aren’t at all at risk.”
Yesterday, the CDC said anyone traveling to the U.S. from Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea would be monitored for 21 days, the maximum incubation period for the virus. Travelers leaving the countries are already checked at the airport before boarding a plane, and about 36,000 people have been screened.
Despite strict safety measures by Doctors Without Borders, 14 of their staff members have been infected with Ebola and eight have died since March, the organization said Sept. 24. The greatest risk is believed to be when they are out in the community rather than when working with patients, the group said.
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Amenper: Is One Party System Coming?
I have been reading and
watching to Dick Morris in the Internet.
Mysteriously Morris has
disappeared from all programs in television where he used to appear.
I don´t think that his views
are well taken; his views are too close to reality to be of comfort to the
present establishment.
Morris, who's gone from
Democrat strategist for President Bill Clinton's landslide 1996 re-election to
Republican strategist and conservative pundit — says “Power Grab” is for
Republicans and conservatives. He urges them to ensure election of a GOP
president in 2016 and fight “a new kind of political guerrilla war” in the
Morris tells us that
Obamacare, income redistribution and Obama's other socialist policies are “only
means to an end,” Morris says. “His end, ultimately, is permanent political
power for the left of the Democratic Party” in a one-party system.
What Morris is describing here
is familiar to us, it is a communist system like the one we have in Cuba.
Morris sees Obama's
immigration policies as shifting demographics to make America more
Democrat-friendly. He says that's part of a larger design that includes illegal
aliens fraudulently voting as Americans, replacing the Electoral College with
direct election of presidents via “national popular vote” state laws and moving
“as much of the country as possible from employment to entitlement” to produce
more government-dependent Democrat voters
Nov. 4's midterm elections are
a key battle in Morris' “political guerrilla war.” He thinks Republicans will
take back the Senate from Democrats, enabling them — along with a still-GOP
House — to defund Obama's programs, including those resulting from executive
orders. “We can forestall and reverse much of his power grab by controlling the
Senate,” Morris says.
He hopes ongoing litigation
will lead to a Supreme Court ruling as 2016 nears that will invalidate
subsidies for health insurance purchased in states that didn't establish their
own Obamacare exchanges. He says that would cause millions to “raise bloody
murder” and Obamacare to come “crashing down” in a Republican Congress. And
that would help the GOP candidate win, preventing another Democrat president
from advancing Obama's agenda.
I couldn´t agree more with
Dick Morris.
10 Things About The U.S. News Media That They Do Not Want You To Know
Source: Michael Snyder, Guest Post
Do you trust the news media? Do you
believe that the information that they are giving you is true and
accurate? If you answered yes to either of those questions, that places
you in a steadily shrinking minority. Yes, on average Americans watch
approximately 153 hours of
television a month, but for their news they are increasingly turning to
alternative sources of information such as this website. Big news
channels such as CNN, MSNBC and Fox News are losing hordes of viewers, and they
are desperately searching for answers. Things have gotten so bad at CNN
that they have been forced to lay off hundreds of workers. The mainstream media is slowly
dying, but they will never admit it. They are still convinced that they
can find some way to turn this around and regain the trust of the American
people. But it simply is not going to happen. The following are 10
things about the U.S. news media that they do not want you to know...
#1 The
level of trust in the U.S. news media is at an all-time low.
According to a Gallup survey that was
conducted last month, only 40 percent of
all Americans have a "great deal/fair amount" of confidence in the mass
media. That ties the lowest level that Gallup has ever recorded.
#2 The
news media is far more liberal than the American people.
We hear much about the supposed
"conservative bias" of Fox News, but the truth is that overall the
U.S. public considers the news media to be extremely liberal. Gallup
found that 44 percent of
all Americans consider the news media to be "too liberal", and only 19 percent of
all Americans consider the news media to be "too conservative".
And it is a fact that
"journalists" are far more likely to give money to Democrats than to
Republicans. The following comes from an
MSNBC report... identified 143 journalists who
made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign,
according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the
newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and
liberal causes. Only 16 gave to Republicans. Two
gave to both parties.
#3 Fox
News is not nearly as "conservative" as you think that it is.
Fox News may be constantly promoting a
"Republican agenda", but that does not mean that it is
conservative. This is especially true when it comes to social
issues. Some of their anchors are extremely socially liberal, one of the
top executives at Fox News is a big Hillary Clinton supporter, and 21st Century
Fox/News Corp. has given the Clintons more than 3 million dollars since 1992.
is in a death spiral.
After years of lying to the American
people, the credibility of MSNBC is absolutely shot. Pretty much all
MSNBC does is endlessly spew establishment propaganda. One study found that
MSNBC only engages in 15 percent "factual
reporting" and the other 85 percent is
So it should be no surprise that only 6 percent of Americans consider
MSNBC to be their most trusted source for news...
NBC News and sister cable network MSNBC
rank at the bottom of media outlets Americans trust most for news, with Fox
News leading the way, according to a new poll from the Democratic firm Public
Policy Polling.
In its fifth trust poll, 35 percent said
they trusted Fox news more than any other outlet, followed by PBS at 14
percent, ABC at 11 percent, CNN at 10 percent, CBS at 9 percent, 6 percent for
MSNBC and Comedy Central, and just 3 percent for NBC.
Americans are increasingly turning to Facebook and other Internet sources for
their news.
At least that is what one recent survey
discovered. It found that an astounding 48 percent of
Americans got news about government and politics from Facebook within the past
week. The numbers for CNN and Fox News were just 44 percent and 39 percent respectively.
#6 Over
the past year or so the big three cable news networks have lost an
unprecedented number of viewers.
According to a Pew
Research study, the number of prime time viewers for all
three networks combined declined by 11 percent in 2013...
In 2013, the cable news audience, by
nearly all measures, declined. The combined median prime-time viewership of the
three major news channels—CNN, Fox News and MSNBC—dropped 11% to about 3
million, the smallest it has been since 2007. The Nielsen Media Research data
show that the biggest decline came at MSNBC, which lost nearly a quarter (24%)
of its prime-time audience. CNN, under new management, ended its fourth year in
third place, with a 13% decline in prime time. Fox, while down 6%, still drew
more viewers (1.75 million) than its two competitors combined (619,500 at MSNBC
and 543,000 at CNN).
The decline was even more dramatic for the
critical 25 to 54-year-old demographic. From November 2012 to November
2013, CNN's ratings for that demographic plunged by a whopping 59 percent,
and MSNBC's ratings for that demographic plummeted by 52 percent.
#7 The
big news networks have a love affair with the Obama administration.
Yes, there are reporters that get annoyed
by the petty press rules that Obama makes them follow and by their lack of
access to the president, but overall there is a tremendously incestuous
relationship between the Obama administration and the mainstream news media.
For example, did you know that the
president of CBS and the president of ABC both have brothers that
have served as top officials in the Obama administration?
And needless to say, Barack Obama does not
care for the alternative media much at all. The following is an excerpt
from a WND article...
NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd
says President Obama was making it “clear” at the White House Correspondents’
Dinner over the weekend how he feels about the rise of Internet news sites like
Politico, Buzzfeed and … well, WND.
“He hates it.”
Appearing on “Meet the Press” Sunday
morning following Saturday night’s media, politics and celebrity soiree, Todd
explained the president’s disdain for independent online news sources was
showing during his speech.
“It did seem … I thought his pot shots,
joke-wise, and then the serious stuff about the Internet, the rise of the
Internet media and social media and all that stuff – he hates it, OK? He hates
this part of the media,” Todd said. “He really thinks that the, sort of, the
buzzification – this isn’t just about Buzzfeed or Politico and all this stuff –
he thinks that sort of coverage of political media has hurt political discourse.
He hates it. And I think he was just trying to make that clear last night.”
Newspaper ad revenues are about a third of what they were back in the year
Yes, you read that correctly. As
Americans have discarded the print versions of their newspapers, newspaper ad
revenues have experienced a decline that is absolutely unprecedented...
It took a half century for annual
newspaper print ad revenue to gradually increase from $20 billion in 1950
(adjusted for inflation in 2013 dollars) to $65.8 billion in 2000, and then it
took only 12 years to go from $65.8 billion in ad revenues back to less than
$20 billion in 2012, before falling further to $17.3 billion last year.
#9 News
magazines are also experiencing a dramatic multi-year decline in ad
Once upon a time, news magazines such as
Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report were must reads.
But those days are long gone.
Ad revenues are way down across the entire
industry, and any magazine that can keep their yearly losses to the single
digits is applauded for it...
For a third year in a row, news magazines
faced a difficult print advertising environment. Combined ad pages (considered
a better measure than ad revenue) for the five magazines studied in this
report were down 13% in 2013, following a decline of 12.5% in 2012, and about
three times the rate of decline in 2011, according to the Publishers
Information Bureau. Again, hardest hit was The Week, which suffered a 20% drop
in ad pages. The Atlantic fell 17%, The Economist 16%, and Time about 11%, while
The New Yorker managed to keep its ad pages losses in single digits (7%).
#10 Even
though the mainstream media is dying, they still have an overwhelmingly
dominant position.
What would you say if I told you that
there are just six enormous media conglomerates that combine to produce about
90 percent of all the media that Americans consume?
If you do not believe this, please see my
previous article entitled "Who
Owns The Media? The 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We
Watch, Hear And Read"?
This is why "the news" seems to
be so similar no matter what channel you watch.
But we aren't just talking about control
of the news media. These giant media corporations also own movie studios,
newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, video game makers, music labels and
even many of our favorite websites.
So we should be thankful that their media
monopoly is finally crumbling.
Nobody should have that much power over
what the American people see, hear and think about.
What is your perspective on all of
this? Please feel free to share your thoughts on the U.S. news media by
posting a comment below...
M Aleman: 1º La frase de la década:
2º La frase del siglo:
“Antiguamente las nalgas venían dentro de los calzones.......
Hoy en día, los calzones vienen dentro de las nalgas!”
..............Y LA MEJOR ES...
3º La frase del milenio:
"Antiguamente los carteles en las calles con rostros de criminales
ofrecían recompensas.......
Hoy en día piden votos y nos gobiernan!".
Amenper: Esquizofrenia Política
En los discursos durante el memorial durante la muerte de Nelson Mandela en
2013, un intérprete de lenguaje de signos empezó a dar unos raros signos
Thamsanqa Jantjie, subió al escenario durante horas, realizando un
galimatías de señales, en proximidad cercana a varios líderes mundiales,
“traduciendo a los oradores, incluyendo a Obama.
Jantjie dijo más tarde que sufrió un episodio esquizofrénico en el
memorial: "lo que pasó ese día, fue que vi a ángeles volando en
el estadio.
Empiezo a darme cuenta de que el problema está aquí. Y el problema, no sé
cómo atacar este problema, cuando viene. A veces me pongo violento en ese
lugar. A veces veo cosas que me persiguen."
Las declaraciones de Jantie explicando su episodio esquizofrénico nos
recuerda la manera en que Obama se enfrenta a los problemas que se le han
presentado durante su administración, sobre todo a los que casi a diario se le
están presentando ahora, tal parece que los problemas se han convertido en algo
cotidiano, casi diariamente. Y la reacción de Obama se parece a la de Jantjie.
Rara vez hemos presenciamos una andanada tal de fallas organizativas que
amenazan la seguridad fundamental de los Estados Unidos, ni siquiera durante la
administración de Jimmy Carter.
Desde los errores garrafales del servicio secreto en la seguridad de la
Casa Blanca donde dos veces personas han brincado la cerca y uno entró por una
puerta abierta del edificio, pasando por las respuestas inefectivas a la
propagación del virus Ébola, donde ya ha habido cuatro casos incluyendo el
doctor de ayer. Lo que demuestra que hace falta el control de las personas que
llegan de África, y la cuarentena que debiera de haber de todos los que han
entrado en contacto con pacientes de Ébola a los avances militares
de ISIS, el gobierno federal ha disminuido las respuestas o reduciendo nuestras
estructuras de protección llevándonos a un estado de desorden potencialmente
Con respecto a la del Ébola, un reciente artículo en USA Today resume la
ausencia de una estrategia nacional coordinada: "U.S. carece de una norma
única para respuesta de Ébola”. La única respuesta de Obama fue poner un
activista político, porque todas las respuestas son políticas.
Con respecto a la seguridad presidencial, en la Casa Blanca se despidió a
la directora del programa pero el que la sustituyó no pudo impedir que una
segunda persona brincara la cerca.
Con respecto a ISIS, el gobierno hace énfasis en que todavía ISIS no ha
ocupado la ciudad fronteriza con Turquía, mientras ISIS avanza por todo el
territorio, encontrándose en las puertas de Bagdad.
En lo doméstico, un converso musulmán arranca la cabeza de una mujer y
hiere a otra y el gobierno responde al hecho como un accidente de trabajo,
igual que consideró un accidente de trabajo cuando otro musulmán mató a docenas
de personas en un cuartel del ejército, igual que posiblemente considere un
accidente público el ocurrido anoche cuando un converso musulmán mató a
hachazos a un policía e hirió a otro.
Estos errores no son nuevos, lo que estamos hablando es de hechos que han
pasado en los últimos días. Pero desde el principio de su
administración, el presidente Obama se ha caracterizado en tergiversar
políticamente la realidad de los hechos acaecidos, culpando a otros de sus
errores, no sólo al siempre presente George Bush, pero hasta sus más cercanos
Eso nos recuerda las palabras del traductor del memorial de Mandela:
“Empiezo a darme cuenta de que el
problema está aquí. Y el problema, no sé cómo atacar este problema, cuando
viene. A veces me pongo violento en ese lugar. A veces veo cosas que me
¿Será esto lo que siente Obama? ¿Será esta las respuestas de esta
administración a la seguridad nacional? ¿Será nuestro presidente
The CIA Manchurian Candidate Groomed by Communists to Destroy America
The Common Sense Show.
Former FBI Weatherman Task Force supervisor, Max
Noel, noted that the FBI utilized a CARL test when it conducted background
checks on various suspects. The acronym CARL stands for Character, Associates,
Reputation, and Loyalty is used to assess candidates fitness to hold the
highest office in the country. On each of these four points of power, Obama
fails and fails miserably. Like many FBI law enforcement agents and officials, Noel was alarmed by the fact that someone like
Barack Obama could capture the presidency. For some unexplained reason, Obama
was never vetted before he became a candidate for the presidency by the FBI. This is an unacceptable result of our national security system and is
wholly suggestive of internal plot to allow the installation of a blatantly
communist advocate into the highest political position in America.
Today, many people have been in a position to
now vet the President after Obama’s first five years in office and observed his
“fundamental transformation of
America“. This particular series
will continue to connect the dots of the secretive and nefarious communist
background of Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama was the right man, at the right time to
engineer a total communist subversion of the United States are these are not
merely the words of journalistic rhetoric designed to sensationalize the
sentiment which has grown in opposition to the communist policies of an
unpopular president. The allegations of Obama’s communists affiliations and
political philosophy have concrete ties to reality and fact.
Soviet Defectors Warn of Deception and the Emergence of a
Manchurian Candidate
Through the testimony of high-ranking Soviet
defectors, it can clearly be established that the Russians have been engaged in
a multi-generational plot to destroy the United States from within and from
without. Domestically, the Russian communists are in the midst of completing
a coup d’état, with the help their communist stooge, Barack Obama. In the
following paragraphs, the verbatim statements of high ranking Soviet defectors
are offered as proof of these claims. The first three defectors tell how the
Soviets are setting the table for America’s demise. Stunningly, the fourth
defector warns our country of a Manchurian candidate type of leadership whose
job it will be to hand over a weakened America to the Russians.
After he defected to England, Viktor Suvorov, a
former Russian intelligence analyst and GRU’s elite Russian special forces
leader, revealed Russia’s top-secret plans to attack the United States. Suvorov
has repeatedly warned the Americans of Russia’s true
intentions after the Russian high
command had succeeded in getting Pentagon officials to let down their guard and
engage in a high level, but mostly one-sided, technology
In 1970, another Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov,
a well renowned media/propaganda expert defected to the United States, and
subsequently exposed the KGB’s “ideological subversion” tactics against
American society. Bezmenov conducted a number of interviews in which he
explains how Marxist ideology is deconstructing America’s values by controlling the media resulting in the Russian doctrine of the demoralization
the country. Bezemenov stated that
this would ultimately destabilize the economy. How about 101 million Americans
on welfare by the year 2013? I would say that this would count as
The Bezmenov claims are bolstered when one
consider that when he defected in 1970, abortion was not yet legal in the
United States, Americans, by and large, trusted their government, the
comparative use of profanity in the media was rare and there were over 250 corporations
controlling 95% of the media instead of the five corporations which own the
same percentage today. This media consolidation and the presence of prominent
media plants, such as CNN’s Anderson Cooper, an admitted ex-CIA operative, have
gone a long way towards achieving these Russian goals. Bezmenov’s account also
casts serious doubts upon the severe decline of America’s moral base as being
the product of a normal societal, evolutionary process which accidentally
transpired. Conversely, Bezmenov has clearly identified the Leninist propaganda
techniques which have been rolled out in the United States.
Stanislav Lunev, the highest ranking Soviet official to defect to the
United States.
Soviet defector, Colonel Stanislav Lunev, has
the distinction of being the highest ranking Russian military officer to defect
from to the United States after doing so in 1992, after Boris Yeltsin came to
power. Lunev’s information was considered to be so volatile, but accurate, that
the CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA placed Lunev, where he remains to this day, in the FBI’s
Witness Protection Program.
Lunev served as the top GRU agent in America in
the 1980′s and 1990′s. While in the United States, Lunev mission involved
gathering intelligence information about America’s defenses and recommending
Russian war strategies against America. Some of Lunev’s information came to
light, when in the 1997, he published his bestselling book Through
the Eyes of the Enemy. In the book, Lunev reported that Russia’s military, despite “losing the
cold war”, continues in its war preparations which are designed to conquer the
United States by stealth.
Since his defection, Lunev has served as a special
agent to the FBI, CIA as well as many large corporations. Lunev is best known
for revealing the missing 100+ missing suitcase nuclear bombs and the threat
they would pose to the United States if they were to be smuggled across the
Mexican border.
Anotoliy Golitsyn
Anatoliy Golitsyn, is a high-ranking KGB
defector who fled to the United States in order to warn Americans about the
secret Russian plan to attack the United States. Golitsyn is generally
considered to be among the first and most revealing sources on the subject of
the secret Russian plans to attack. Having authored the The
Perestroika Deception in which Golitsyn wrote about the deceitful intent behind the Leninist
strategy which the present-day Communists are actively pursuing as they fake
American style democratization efforts in Russia. According to Golitsyn, the
short-term strategic objective of the Russians is to achieve a technological
convergence with the West solely on Russian terms and mostly through a series
of one-sided disarmament agreements and infiltration of key American governmental
positions. Did you really think Alger Hiss would be the last communist traitor to serve in a high
level US governmental position?
According to Golitsyn, after the United States
military is eliminated as a strategic threat to Russia, the long-range
strategic Russian plan is to pursue Lenin’s goal of replacing nation states
with collectivist model of regional governments as a stepping stone to
global governance. Isn’t that exactly what we see with the European Union, the
North American Union and the emerging African Union? In order to achieve their
final goal, Golitsyn stated that Russia, after lulling America to sleep, will join with China
in order to attack the United States from both the outside and inside as he
detailed that “In
each of these the scissors strategy will play its part; probably, as the final
stroke, the scissors blades will close. The element of apparent duality in
Soviet and Chinese policies will disappear. The hitherto concealed coordination
between them will become visible and predominant. The Soviets and the Chinese
will be officially reconciled. Thus the scissors strategy will develop
logically into the strategy of one clenched fist to provide the foundation and
driving force of a world communist federation…before long, the communist
strategists might be persuaded that the balance had swung irreversibly in their
favor. In that event they might well decide on a Sino-Soviet ‘reconciliation.’
The scissors strategy would give way to the strategy of “one clenched fist.” The enemies now are gathered from within.
At that point. the shift in the political and military balance will be plain
for all to see. This is includes the compromising of key American politicians
who will be used to further the communist takeover agenda.
The decades of Russian stealth planning have
arrived and the forces are primed for battle over Syria and Iran. The opportune
(Petrodollar) crisis has magically appeared and it is only a matter of time
until hostilities break out. The Russians are prepared to meet the United
States at the gates of Syria and Iran along with their new found Chinese allies
as they have both threatened to nuke America for military incursions into Syria
and Iran. Ultimately, this conflict is over which currency, the Petrodollar or
gold, will prevail for the payment of Iranian oil. The economic futures of both
sides hangs in the balance. However, when one considers the cumulative message
from the Soviet defectors, Syria and Iran are merely a grand theater designed
to commence the final demise of the United States.
All In the Family
With the general warning by Russian defectors
that a traitor was waiting in the wings, it is time to reveal the true nature
of the Manchurian candidate who sits in the Oval office through a brief
examination of his family members with CIA affiliations along with their
exposure to the MKULTRA mind control experiments being conducted at the
University of Hawaii.
With the stroke of his executive order pen, President Obama quickly moved to
seal off his records from public view after his
election. However, he was too late to completely hide his background as
researchers, such as Wayne Madsen, have found significant information to demonstrate that
what Obama has omitted, is that his rare rise to power can only be explained by
his family’s CIA roots.
The election of Barack Hussein Obama is the
culmination of what the Soviet defectors have been warning America about for
decades in that Obama’s ascendency to the Presidency was part of a documented
long-term strategic plan to recruit selected candidates into intelligence,
while guiding these individuals and their families into high-ranking
intelligence community positions before executing the meteoric rise to power by
one of their own. For example, George H. W. Bush was a former CIA director, and
CIA member going back to the 1950’s and thanks to Wayne Madsen, we now know
that Obama’s family was CIA and not just CIA, but a CIA mind controlled family.
Obama is the Soviet messiah as he will eventually become known as the
Second Coming of Stalin. He has been prophesied by Soviet defectors Lunev,
Golitsyn, Suvorov and Bezmenov, and now he is here to fulfill his mission.
What Has Obama Done for You?
I have concluded that one has to be in the right
frame of mind to be able to accept the totality of this plot because I first
rejected it as too conspiratorial. In order to open my mind to the possibility
that Obama is the communist fulfillment of the planned takeover of America from
within, I had to ask myself if Obama has done even one thing that has helped
America? Has Obama instituted even one plan which assisted the beleaguered
plight of the American middle class?
Ask Not What Your Mother Russia Can Do for You, Ask What You Can Do for
Mother Russia
Obamacare will directly compromise 20% of the
nation’s GDP while dramatically raising rates while cutting essential medical
treatment. Under Obama, welfare recipients now outnumber full time workers in
America. Unable to ram through his economy killing cap and trade policies,
Obama is getting these policies implemented in local Agenda 21 programs at the
state and county level and we are beginning to see a corresponding rise in
skyrocketing utility rates. This is exacerbated by the record number of coal
plants that Obama has targeted for extinction. The dangerous practice known as
fracking is increasing at an alarming rate. Fifty million Americans are now on
food stamps. Obama led the ushering in of the NDAA and as a result, there is no
longer an American Constitution. If you are, or were a member of the American
middle class, Obama is your decided enemy. But the greatest threat of Obama’s
treason against the rank and file of this country does not lie solely in
economic betrayal, it lies in the compromising of American military defenses
and this will be the topic of discussion in part two.
Phase I of Obama’s Grooming for Treason: The Obama Family’s CIA
The following paragraph represents quoted
excerpts from Wayne Madsen’s exceptional investigation into the Obama family CIA background:
“President Obama’s own work in 1983 for Business
International Corporation, a CIA front that conducted seminars with the world’s
most powerful leaders and used journalists as agents abroad, dovetails with CIA
espionage activities conducted by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham in 1960’s
post-coup Indonesia on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including
the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation. Dunham met and
married Lolo Soetoro, Obama’s stepfather, at the East-West Center in 1965.
Soetoro was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and
assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President
Sukarno…. Soetoro
worked for the elitist Ford Foundation, World Bank, Asian Development Bank,
Bank Rakyat (the majority government-owned People’s Bank of Indonesia), and the
CIA-linked USAID while she lived in Indonesia and later, Pakistan….. Barack
Obama, on the other hand, cleverly masked his own CIA connections as well as
those of his mother, father, step-father, and grandmother (there is very little
known about Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham.“
Madsen painstakingly and conclusively
demonstrated that virtually all of Obama’s relatives were CIA operatives.
Madsen has found even more CIA connections to Obama’s first employer. Madsen further went on to describe how
Obama’s family was clearly exposed and was intimately connected to MKULTRA’s
mind control program at the University of Hawaii. Info Wars also carried Madsen’s expose and it is available here.
It’s a Small World, After All
Obama’s family and former Ex-Goldman Sachs executive, Ex-Treasury Secretary and
World Bank leader,Tim Geithner and his family have been joined together at the hip for decades. Tim Geithner’s father
worked for the CIA in the Rockefeller funded Ford Foundation in Asia. Geitner’s father was in charge of
micro-finance for the Ford Foundation for all of Asia. From Wayne Madsen’s
work, we know that President Obama’s mother was in charge of micro-finance in
Indonesia. The Hollywood producers could not make this plot up. Geithner’s father was Obama’s mother’s boss. It is likely that Geithner’s father tagged Obama as a potential
presidential CIA Ford Foundation, well-groomed Manchurian candidate.
Additional information comes from the discovery
that the two universities that Obama attended, Harvard and Columbia, were prime
CIA recruiting grounds. The Ford
and Rockefeller Foundations continued to fund Columbia’s Soviet studies programs
through the early 1980s, where Obama was a student. And would anyone care to
guess what Obama was studying?
Trilateral Commission co-founder, former National Security Adviser to
Carter and Obama’s former professor and now political handler.
Obama was enrolled in a Soviet studies program
taught by Zbigniew Brzezinski. And to those who are new to NWO conspiracies,
one might wonder who is Brzezinski? Brzezinski
was the former National Security Adviser under President Carter. But more
importantly, he was also the co-founder of one of the most influential
globalist organizations in all of history, the Trilateral Commission. If you
know your New World Order history, you have chills going up and down your spine
as you read these words. We should be mindful that Brzezinski, in his book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in
the Technetronic Era (1970),
that he laid out the NWO conspiracy to control all nation states and usher in a
totalitarian world government. .
Historians now know that Brzezenski was
President Jimmy Carter’s handler and almost single handedly wrecked Carter’s
legacy. Brzezenski is also running Obama and is the President’s handler.
And what lessons did Brzesenski impart to young Barack? The two following
quotes from Brzesinski makes it clear that he was preparing Obama to rule over
a national police state surveillance grid in America.
“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance
of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite,
unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost
continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information
about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by
the authorities.”
“In the technetronic society the trend would seem to
be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of
uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive
personalities exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate
emotions and control reason.”
In the second quote, Brzezinski is clearly
calling for the installation of CIA/MKULTRA mind control leaders. Today,
Brzezinski would his former understudy, Obama, a President with an undeniable
“magnetic and attractive personality exploiting the latest communications
techniques designed to manipulate emotions and control reason.”
School to Work, Obama’s Manchurian Candidacy Continued
Comrade Obama’s ascension to the presidency has
been a long time in the making. Interestingly, Barack Obama’s past associates
especially the communist terrorists which funded his Harvard legal education
and ultimately launched his political career as an Illinois state senator,
namely, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, have been in lockstep with Obama his
entire adult life. However, Dohrn and Ayers were not the first to indoctrinate
Obama with the Marxist communist philosophy. For that information, we have to begin
with Frank Marshall Davis.
Obama’s real father, Frank Marshall
Davis, was a member of the
Communist Party and a former Soviet Agent who was under FBI
investigation for a total of 19 years. In 1948, Davis moved from Chicago to
Hawaii leaving behind a colleague named Vernon Jarrett, father-in-law of Senior
White House adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Yes, the Jarrett’s are communists as
well. Both Jarrett and Davis wrote for a left wing newspaper called theChicago
Defender in which they espoused a
communist takeover of the United States Government. In 1971, Davis,
according to Joel Gilbert, reunited with his then nine-year-old son, Barack Obama, and schooled
him in the ways of being a good communist for the next nine years.
The Final Stages of Training the Manchurian Candidate
Adding more fuel to this communist fire, it is
interesting to note that both Senior White House Advisers, David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett were
both also “Red Diaper Babies, in which they were the sons and daughters of well-to-do parents
who desired communism and lived out their dreams through their children’s
revolutionary activities. Other notable red-diaper babies also include such
notables as Rahm Emanuel and Eric Holder. Jarrett’s situation is particularly interesting in that her family and
the Ayers family have been multi-generational friends which also included a
marriage between the two families. Much of the Obama administration is a nest
of well-established communists and this should serve to gravely concern every
American citizen.
Following the nine years of mentoring and
parenting by Frank Davis, Obama made some very important communist connections
which ultimately led to him obtaining an impressive college education financed
by some very familiar communist activists, namely, Bill Ayers and Bernardine
Dohrn. You remember Bill and Bernardine, don’t you?
The Prairie
Fire book was
co-authored by Dohrn and Ayers, and, quite unbelievably, it was dedicated to
Sirhan Sirhan, Robert Kennedy’s assassin. A former FBI informant, while
appearing on The Common
Sense Show,Larry Grathwohl, revealed
that he testified in a court of law that Ayers and Dohrn had direct involvement
in a terrorist plot which killed San Francisco police sergeant, Brian V.
McDonnell, by a bomb made and planted by these Weathermen Underground
terrorists. How are Bernadine Dohrn and husband Bill Ayers not in prison? The
only logical explanation is that Ayers and Dohrn are and were CIA assets whose
mission it was consisted of guiding the young communist, Barack Obama, and his
legal education and later, launching his political career. If Dohrn was not a
CIA asset, then how can anyone explain how she teaches at a prominent
university with her felony background, conviction and the time she briefly
served in prison?
Grathwohl also revealed that he asked
Ayers, in a meeting of about 25 well-to do Weatherman, most with advanced
degrees from Ivy League Universities, what the Weathermen planned to do when they
achieved their goal of a communist take over the government. Grathwohl stated
that Ayers paused for a moment and then said that it was likely that about 50
million Americans will have to be re-educated in concentration camps located in
the American Southwest and that about 25 million would have to be eliminated,
meaning that they would have to be murdered. Bill and Bernardine’s Weather
Underground had the support of Cuba, East German intelligence and the North
Vietnamese. I believe that Obama could end up being the fulfillment of the
Ayers “re-education prediction, and with the power granted to Obama by the
NDAA, that he will fulfill Ayers’ promise to Grathwohl to murder 25 million
Americans who cannot be “re-educated”.
During the Vietnam war era, Ayers championed
black civil rights and he and Dohrn further chastised white society for their
treatment of blacks. Grathwohl also revealed that Ayers wanted to support the
beginning of a race war by killing whites, from supposed black villains, and
then blaming whites in order to begin a race war. How eerily similar does this
sound to the Charles Manson Family and their Helter Skelter plans to execute
that very same objective? While Grathwohl was infiltrating the Weathermen,
Ayers ordered FBI infiltrator, Grathwohl, to blow up a Detroit police
substation to which Grathwohl said that a nearby restaurant, where many blacks
ate would suffer many casualties. Ayers replied that some have to die for a
revolution to proceed.
Ayers and Dohrn raised a foster son, Chesa Boudin,
who worked for the late Hugo Chavez, communist dictator in charge of Venezuela.
Chesa Boudin was the child of Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, members of a
Weather Underground spin-off group who went to prison for an armored car
robbery that resulted in the murders of two police officers and a security
guard. Dohrn served seven months for her role in the robbery and this is the
reason that she is ineligible to become bar certified as an attorney. Is anyone
else uncomfortable with the fact that Ayers
and Dohrn were the ones primarily responsible for educating Obama with the
communist funds and then subsequently launched his political career from their
living room? Well, it is true, please read on.
Allen Hulton, a 39 year veteran of the postal service, provided a sworn affidavit to
Maricopa County, AZ. Sheriff investigators, led by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, in an
effort toward determining whether or not former FOREIGN
college student, Barack Obama, was
eligible to be placed on Arizona’s 2012 election ballot. After reviewing
Hulton’s affidavit, it is apparent that Ayers and Dohrn were in fact the
de facto adoptive parents to this foreign student destined to become the first
illegitimate President of the United States. As a result, Obama was treated to
the finest Ivy League education that communist backed money could buy as
Hulton maintains that the Ayers’ repeatedly told him that they were financing
the education of a promising young black FOREIGN student at Harvard. Hulton also
testified that he met Obama while at the Ayer’s home and he asked Obama what he
was going to do with all his education, to which Obama politely answered:
“I am going to become the President”. Readers should
take note that this is an affidavit, and as such, is formally considered to be
evidence, not conjecture or hearsay. There can be no other conclusion that the
communist terrorist, Bill Ayers, and his father, the former head of Con Edison,
Tom Ayers, began grooming Obama to become America’s first communist President. Bill
Ayers and President Obama’s relationship continues into the present time as it
is on record that Ayers visited
the White House in
August of 2009.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
I think it is likely that the Weatherman
Underground was a CIA created false flag operation simply designed to assist
the communist inspired group with the ability to undermine the country and that
Obama represents the Weatherman’s finest achievement. The Weathermen were
nothing more than mere Soviet collaborators that Soviet defectors had
previously us warned about.
We also know that Obama’s communist affiliations
continued well into his adulthood because of the good work of Joel Gilbert who
discovered that Obama was active with a Weathermen Underground support group
known as The May
19th Communist Organization, in New York. Perhaps, this is why Ayers was visiting the White House in 2009.
The Communists Openly Declare Victory Upon Obama’s Election
Frank Chapman, a communist activist and a member of the communist front group known
as the World Peace Council. Chapman clearly used the term “mole” to
describe Obama. He said Obama’s political climb and subsequent success in
the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries was “a dialectical leap ushering in
a qualitatively new era of struggle.” Chapman further stated that, “Marx once
compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes
burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on
the surface. This is the old revolutionary ‘mole,’ not only showing his traces
on the surface but also breaking through. The Communist
Party USA backs Obama to the hilt.” It is clear that Obama is
their man!
Because of the psychological principal, cognitive dissonance, no amount
of direct or circumstantial proof would convince some people that the highest
political position in the country has been compromised by a communist plot
spanning several decades. The term cognitive dissonance refers to a person who
received information so shocking, so upsetting, that they cannot adequately
process that information and then instead deny the validity of the proof that
anyone else could see. If you are one of the cognitive dissonance types, please
allow me to ask you a few questions.
Obama and former NBA player, Clark Kellogg, play a game of pig, aired on
a tape-delayed segment, in an obviously staged victory for the President. When
was the last time you played basketball while wearing business clothes?
Who was Obama’s basketball coach in high school? The President has some
degree of basketball skills as he defeated former NBA player and sports
broadcaster, Clark Kellogg, in a game of pig (how appropriate) in front of a
national TV audience. Who was Obama’s history teacher in high school? Why don’t
we see interviews with his former professors, teachers, coaches, childhood
friends and his first girl friend? Who in the hell is he? There are no visible
answers to these questions are there? But still the cognitive dissonance crowd
still persists with their abject denials. To them, I say let’s judge a man by
his actions, not his words. Has Obama’s actions served to help or hurt America?
Do his Presidential actions match up with his communist background? The answer
to these questions will be the topic of part two of this series.
How and Why Many Americans Became so Stupid and Gullible
This guy could work as a morning news anchor
on FOX.
Someone once said that Americans are the best educated and least
informed people on the planet. I think that's an understatement.
By accident or design, most likely the latter, many Americans have become dumbed down to the point they shouldn't be allowed to handle sharp objects.
Ignorance is one thing and it's curable. You can educate yourself online, by going to the library and reading a book or take classes at local college, tech school or if you're lucky enough to live in or near a progressive city, they offer adult education classes on a variety of subjects.
But stupidity is another story. It's a nasty virus that has infected America like the Black Plague, killing off our brain cells 24/7 and there's no known cure.
Try to engage the typical American about the Federal Reserve or the Wall Street Casinos that stole TRILLIONS of dollars of OUR wealth and are living like royalty on the stolen loot, with hardly anyone being prosecuted and most will get a blank look on their face.
But ask them about their favorite sports team and their face will light and they'll start spewing out stats, like they were an ESPN sports anchor.
Same thing about Zionist MSM psyop distractions, like the Casey Anthony trial. They'll know all about that sordid murder, and be more than happy to let you know how educated they are on the subject.
And it won't be long before the Zionist MSM finds another heartbreaking tale of some brutal kidnapping, rape and murder of some poor child. Is that news? Yes, on a local basis, but when the media constantly blabs about something that happened 800 miles away from where you live, you know the 'fix' is in and the PTB are distracting the feeble-minded and gullible so they can get away with theft and murders.
Around 800,000 kids go missing each year in the USA, and many are never seen again.
That's around 2,000 each and every day... You could say a 9/11 happens to children each day of the year in the USA.
Now that's a story that should be broadcast nationwide, informing the public over a week or so with solid reporting and turning up the heat on the FBI on what in the hell is going on and why are you sitting on your duffs when our innocent children get 'disappeared.'
That type of story will never see the light of day.
Our apathetic, indolent ways and choosing to stay ignorant about subjects vital to keeping what's left of our democratic republic alive are condemning us to a fate worse than death.
That's one thing, we're adults and WE let this situation get out of hand while we watched last night's 'Big Game,' or NASCAR or read the latest dirt on Lindsay Lohan. But we are also condemning our kids and grandkids to a lifetime of poverty, slavery and brutal tyranny and that ain't right.
Another disturbing aspect is that at least one, maybe two generations of Americans have been trained to be as ferocious as new born kittens.
That's something the PTB just love and have nurtured over the decades, by putting out their psyops messages on TALMUD-Vision, or the 'Boob Tube' that are slyly inserted in Saturday morning cartoons.
I've watched some of that m ind-numbing slop. They're always getting across the messages to submit to authority; never question what your government does or says and the police are your best friend, etc.
Gone are the REAL cartoons, like the "Bugs Bunny-Road Runner" show and the "Looney Tunes cartoons where you had a variety of characters who stood up to power and the little guy, like 'Tweety Bird," was never afraid to fight off the predatory nature of "Sylvester the Cat," and win.
Guess those types of cartoons send the wrong message these days, the PTB don't want people thinking they can actually fight back against two-legged predators and WIN.
Here's a small sampling of the 'good old days' when cartoons were for fun and not brainwashing little ones.
Foghorn Leghorn - Leghorn Swoggled
Little Henery the Chicken Hawk wants to trap Foghorn Leghorn for his dinner, and the barnyard dog says he will help Henery to catch Foghorn on one condition - that Henery find him a bone. Henery's effort to find the dog a bone involves obtaining cheese for a mouse and a fish for a cat, with Foghorn's help! Once the dog is given his bone, he uses it to knock Foghorn out so that Foghorn can be carried away by Henery on a toy train
By accident or design, most likely the latter, many Americans have become dumbed down to the point they shouldn't be allowed to handle sharp objects.
Ignorance is one thing and it's curable. You can educate yourself online, by going to the library and reading a book or take classes at local college, tech school or if you're lucky enough to live in or near a progressive city, they offer adult education classes on a variety of subjects.
But stupidity is another story. It's a nasty virus that has infected America like the Black Plague, killing off our brain cells 24/7 and there's no known cure.
Try to engage the typical American about the Federal Reserve or the Wall Street Casinos that stole TRILLIONS of dollars of OUR wealth and are living like royalty on the stolen loot, with hardly anyone being prosecuted and most will get a blank look on their face.
But ask them about their favorite sports team and their face will light and they'll start spewing out stats, like they were an ESPN sports anchor.
Same thing about Zionist MSM psyop distractions, like the Casey Anthony trial. They'll know all about that sordid murder, and be more than happy to let you know how educated they are on the subject.
And it won't be long before the Zionist MSM finds another heartbreaking tale of some brutal kidnapping, rape and murder of some poor child. Is that news? Yes, on a local basis, but when the media constantly blabs about something that happened 800 miles away from where you live, you know the 'fix' is in and the PTB are distracting the feeble-minded and gullible so they can get away with theft and murders.
Around 800,000 kids go missing each year in the USA, and many are never seen again.
That's around 2,000 each and every day... You could say a 9/11 happens to children each day of the year in the USA.
Now that's a story that should be broadcast nationwide, informing the public over a week or so with solid reporting and turning up the heat on the FBI on what in the hell is going on and why are you sitting on your duffs when our innocent children get 'disappeared.'
That type of story will never see the light of day.
Our apathetic, indolent ways and choosing to stay ignorant about subjects vital to keeping what's left of our democratic republic alive are condemning us to a fate worse than death.
That's one thing, we're adults and WE let this situation get out of hand while we watched last night's 'Big Game,' or NASCAR or read the latest dirt on Lindsay Lohan. But we are also condemning our kids and grandkids to a lifetime of poverty, slavery and brutal tyranny and that ain't right.
Another disturbing aspect is that at least one, maybe two generations of Americans have been trained to be as ferocious as new born kittens.
That's something the PTB just love and have nurtured over the decades, by putting out their psyops messages on TALMUD-Vision, or the 'Boob Tube' that are slyly inserted in Saturday morning cartoons.
I've watched some of that m ind-numbing slop. They're always getting across the messages to submit to authority; never question what your government does or says and the police are your best friend, etc.
Gone are the REAL cartoons, like the "Bugs Bunny-Road Runner" show and the "Looney Tunes cartoons where you had a variety of characters who stood up to power and the little guy, like 'Tweety Bird," was never afraid to fight off the predatory nature of "Sylvester the Cat," and win.
Guess those types of cartoons send the wrong message these days, the PTB don't want people thinking they can actually fight back against two-legged predators and WIN.
Here's a small sampling of the 'good old days' when cartoons were for fun and not brainwashing little ones.
Foghorn Leghorn - Leghorn Swoggled
Little Henery the Chicken Hawk wants to trap Foghorn Leghorn for his dinner, and the barnyard dog says he will help Henery to catch Foghorn on one condition - that Henery find him a bone. Henery's effort to find the dog a bone involves obtaining cheese for a mouse and a fish for a cat, with Foghorn's help! Once the dog is given his bone, he uses it to knock Foghorn out so that Foghorn can be carried away by Henery on a toy train
El cardenal conservador que criticó con dureza
al papa Francisco

La Nación
© Copyright 2012 SA LA NACION | Todos los derechos reservados El
cardenal conservador que criticó con dureza al papa FranciscoEl
cardenal conservador estadounidense Raymond Burke reveló su temor a ser
apartado de su cargo en el Vaticano después de criticar la forma en que el papa
Francisco gestionó el sínodo sobre la familia.
Entrevistado por Buzzfeed el viernes por la noche, antes del cierre del
sínodo, el cardenal, que desde 2009 es prefecto del Supremo Tribunal de la
Signatura Apostólica (el más alto de la Santa Sede), aseguró que va a ser
transferido al puesto de jefe de la Orden de Malta, aunque todavía no recibió
la notificación formal. Ese cargo es honorífico y está fuera de la Curia, la
administración vaticana.
"No he recibido aún la notificación oficial de traslado. Mientras no
tenga la carta en mano, me resulta difícil hablar de esto", dijo.
"He disfrutado mucho y he estado muy contento de dar este servicio,
por lo que es una decepción dejarlo", se adelantó Burke en la entrevista.
"Por otro lado, en la Iglesia como sacerdotes, siempre tenemos que estar
dispuestos a aceptar cualquier tarea que se nos da. Y así lo espero, al aceptar
esta misión, confío en que Dios me bendigará, y eso es lo más importante al
En diciembre úlitmo, a Burke no se le renovó el mandato de miembro de la
Congregación para los Obispos (un ministerio del Vaticano encargado de éstos),
después de cuestionar que Francisco no condenara más explícitamente cuestiones
como el aborto o los casamientos homosexuales.
Pese a esa situación, el Sumo Pontífice lo nombró "padre
sinodal", por lo que dirigió un grupo de trabajo anglófono en el sínodo
sobre la familia, que finalizó el sábado último con un texto que da señales de
apertura, aunque con un tono mucho más moderado que un primer borrador que fue
difundido hace una semana.
En la entrevista, además, Burke criticó al Papa y dijo que "ha hecho
mucho daño" al no dejar en declarar "abiertamente cuál es su
posición" sobre los temas más debatidos en la Iglesia.
"El Papa, más que nadie como el pastor de la iglesia universal, está
obligado a servir a la verdad -dijo Burke-. El Papa no es libre de cambiar las
enseñanzas de la iglesia con respecto a la inmoralidad de los actos
homosexuales o la insolubilidad del matrimonio o cualquier otra doctrina de la
En una entrevista publicada el viernes en el semanario francés Famille
Chrétienne, el cardenal Burke había advertido que el texto final del sínodo
podría "no ser aprobado" al día siguiente si no se tenían en cuenta
una serie de rectificaciones.
"Los padres sinodales han considerado inaceptables las afirmaciones
sobre las relaciones sexuales fuera del matrimonio y entre personas del mismo
sexo", dijo el cardenal Burke. "El mensaje está claro: hay que
cambiar el texto radicalmente", agregó el principal promotor del ala
conservadora del sínodo.
Como cardenal de St. Louis, Burke causó polémica en Estados Unidos al
afirmar que los católicos que votaron por los políticos que apoyan el derecho
al aborto no deberían comulgar.
Hace dos semanas, Burke consideró que los "actos" homosexuales
"siempre y en cualquier lugar están mal y son dañinos".
Response Action Network Newsletter
Here is your weekly update on the politics and policies affecting our liberties.
Is there a big rate hike in health care premiums coming to the Obamacare exchanges in November? Possibly . . . but the White House has decided it won't release any price information until well after the November elections:
"The open enrollment period begins Nov. 15, over a week after the Nov. 4 elections, and lasts just three months - half as long as the first open enrollment run. The GOP has urged the administration to release the rates as soon as they're finalized so that customers have more time to budget (and presumably because hikes would be detrimental to Obamacare supporters come election time).
"'The administration will know exactly what health insurance plans cost on November 3, and they should release that information to the public on that day so families can start to plan,' Tennessee Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander said last week, fearing the administration would 'hide' rates until after the election.
"Average premiums across the country are higher than last year on the Obamacare exchanges. The left has applauded lower rate increases in certain states; other states have been hit with ongoing double-digit rate hikes."
The only reason to keep the new rates secret - and to ban health insurance companies from talking about anything they find on the website - is politics.
If rates were coming down, the Obama administration would put the information out right now to help congressional Democrats who are reeling from their Obamacare votes.
Here is your weekly update on the politics and policies affecting our liberties.
Is there a big rate hike in health care premiums coming to the Obamacare exchanges in November? Possibly . . . but the White House has decided it won't release any price information until well after the November elections:
"The open enrollment period begins Nov. 15, over a week after the Nov. 4 elections, and lasts just three months - half as long as the first open enrollment run. The GOP has urged the administration to release the rates as soon as they're finalized so that customers have more time to budget (and presumably because hikes would be detrimental to Obamacare supporters come election time).
"'The administration will know exactly what health insurance plans cost on November 3, and they should release that information to the public on that day so families can start to plan,' Tennessee Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander said last week, fearing the administration would 'hide' rates until after the election.
"Average premiums across the country are higher than last year on the Obamacare exchanges. The left has applauded lower rate increases in certain states; other states have been hit with ongoing double-digit rate hikes."
The only reason to keep the new rates secret - and to ban health insurance companies from talking about anything they find on the website - is politics.
If rates were coming down, the Obama administration would put the information out right now to help congressional Democrats who are reeling from their Obamacare votes.
What do
you thing about this: 



Obama scars
To: Lazaro
Gonzalez, [I received from anonymous sender. Do you know anything about
Wayne Madsen: Rahm
Emanuel's Family Ties to Mossad, and His Links to The Chicago Mob 2/2
Prison Planet editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson, talks to
investigative journalist and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report, Wayne
Madsen about Rahm Emanuel and his ties to mossad & the…
Meet the
Mind-controlled Obama Twins
It's an open secret that acting-President Obama uses
one or more doubles. What if Obama�s double is
not just a double? What if he�s Obama�s twin, and what if neither of them is �in charge� in the White
Just in case you�re not up to
speed on the Obama double part, take a look at the photos on this page and at
the following links. (here) and (here)
Mr. Obama has scars that appear to be cranial surgery
scars. As if that weren�t curious
enough, the scars are inconsistent from one photo to the next, suggesting that
"Obama" is more than one person, and that both persons are Manchurian
One person commenting to a blog entry wrote that Obama�s scars are consistent with the scars a person would
have after being implanted with a cranial transmitter/transponder (CTT).
I couldn�t find enough
articles on CTT�s to come to a
conclusion on that one, but I did find that a patent for a CTT does
exist. Its official title in the patent is �Apparatus and method for detecting neural signals and
using neural signals to drive external functions,� and the patent number is 7187967. (here)
Notice also the photos of Mr. Obama
waving. In one photo he has long, thin fingers. In another, his fingers are short and stubby.
Someone has said that Obama�s ears don�t stick out in
some photos the way they do in others. I really couldn�t tell the difference.
It�s a fairly
safe bet, then, that Obama uses a double or more than one. That doesn�t mean, though, that the double is his twin. The
thought that Obama may be twins stems from my little investigation of his
hidden past.
As I�m sure you
know, he has left almost no paper trail. Most of the documents he claims
as his own are forged. Most people have only one official birth
record. Obama claims two, and both were clumsily
Photoshopped. Most American men get their first Selective Service
cards when they�re
young. Obama got his about the time he declared his candidacy for
President. Most Americans have only one Social Security number.
Obama has several, including one that had been issued to a woman who died
during the 1930s. Unlike names of hurricanes, Social Security numbers are
not reused.
The National Review Online attempts to explain away
the layers in the most recent Obama forged birth certificate, but techno savvy
readers commenting on the article shoot that set of excuses to hell and
back. (here)
As far as I know, the only lawful document
recording Obama�s existence
prior to his achieving national prominence was an elementary school record from
You may also be aware that no one from his classes at
Harvard remembers him. I did, however, find one person who claims to
remember him from his time at Occidental College. Her name is Lisa Jack.
Who is Lisa Jack? She�s a psychologist who is almost as enshrouded in
mystery as Barack Obama.
Lisa Jack is credited with having taken about a dozen
photos of Obama in 1980, when he was supposedly attending Occidental
College. The background in the photos is devoid of anything suggesting
the place they were taken. Those pictures could have been taken anywhere
except my teenage son�s bedroom.
I searched out the name Lisa Jack on the
Internet. Her bio says that she has a PhD in psychology and works at
Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (here)
Curiously enough, she has the thinnest bio I�ve ever seen for a member of a college faculty.
Her bio says nothing of her classes, conferences, academic papers, or much of
anything else. All that�s listed is
what you see below:
Lisa Jack
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Southern California (Counseling Psychology)
Office: Memorial Hall 329
phone: 612-330-1221
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Southern California (Counseling Psychology)
Office: Memorial Hall 329
phone: 612-330-1221
for any academic papers Lisa Jack may have
written. I found no papers for which she was listed as first author or
corresponding author, but I found close to a dozen that listed her a bit
further down among the authors. Most of them concerned psychological
studies of twins. Two of them concern psychological studies of cigarette
smokers. (Obama is a cigarette smoker.)
I checked Google Scholar
Okay, so what�s the story on
Augsburg College? Augsburg College is in Minnesota, quietly nestled among�no, not anything as pastoral as trees or rolling hills�it�s quietly
nestled among classified government buildings. Their Physics Department
could have kept Mulder and Scully, of X-Files fame, busy for an entire
season. Professor Cyndi Jones is joined at the hip with the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC), and her specialties include nuclear terrorism. (here)Does that include false flags? Professor
Mark J. Engebretson is in cahoots with NASA and the National Science
Foundation, and is an unindicted co-conspirator for what sounds like the HAARP
project. (here)
Did college pranksters in his classes have anything to do with the collapse of
a nearby bridge at both ends? (here)
Professor David Murr came to Augsburg College from the
State Department and monitors activity in space. (here) Agent
Mulder would have a field day with that guy! Like, what does a physicist
from the State Department do with activity in outer space, conduct
Several faculty members, including two with Russian-sounding names, don�t have links to their pages. Hmmm. The Cold War ended barely twenty years ago, and this place is packed with people sporting Eastern European-sounding names. One can be excused for wondering if Augsburg College has more �rabbits� than a fake chinchilla farm. (A "rabbit" is the CIA term for a defector.)
Several faculty members, including two with Russian-sounding names, don�t have links to their pages. Hmmm. The Cold War ended barely twenty years ago, and this place is packed with people sporting Eastern European-sounding names. One can be excused for wondering if Augsburg College has more �rabbits� than a fake chinchilla farm. (A "rabbit" is the CIA term for a defector.)
Let�s recap this
thing before moving ahead. We have a �President� and his double�possibly a
twin. Both have cranial surgery scars, meaning that some sawbones has
been playing around with their brains. One �Obama� has no known
history; the other �Obama�s� history is
forged or hidden. The only person who remembers Barack Obama from his
college years is a woman whose profession involves rummaging through people�s brains, who specializes in twins and smokers, and
who works for a college that CIA spooks and other spooky types would
love. The name of one of Bela Lugosi's last movies comes to mind: Spooks
Run Wild.
Are there any indications that the Obama twins are
mind controlled? Yes, there are. For one, the guy is not able to
speak for more than a minute without a teleprompter. For another, his
voice has the same sonorous tone regardless of what he�s saying. It�s as if he
doesn�t know or care what he�s saying.
The following paragraph reads like a description
of the crumbling personality of someone who is controlled by others:
Obama finished the speech, walked off the stage, was escorted to the back
corridor where he collapsed into a seat against the wall. Both hands went
to each side of his head which was leaning down almost between his knees. You
could see marks on the sides of his face where the stage makeup had been rubbed
off by his hands. He wears that stuff everywhere these days. A staffer
walked up and leaned over the president and told him it was time to go.
The president looked up, gave a little smile, and got to his feet slowly. Very
slowly. The only word he said was 'Yeah.' There was no excitement.
No energy from him. The people around the president seemed to ignore his
condition. They looked right through him until he started walking down
the hallway toward the outside. They followed alongside him and seemed to
kind of push him out the door. The president looked incredibly
tired. Used up.� (source)
I wonder if the other Obama twin feels like that.
Wall Street fixer Timothy Geithner recently announced,
�He (Obama) is not in charge. I am!� (here) Check out the Stanley Ann Dunham Obama and Timothy
Geithner goings on when they lived in Indonesia. You�ll find Rockefellers, the CIA, and a deliberately
created financial crisis. (here)
Before CIA-connected Geithner was �in charge� of Obama,
Mossad-connected Rahm Emanuel was in charge of him.(here) and (here)
So where�s all this
heading? An entertainment critic, upon hearing of the alleged death of
Elvis Presley, commented, �Good career
move.� Really.
The Book of Revelation suggests a possible career move
for the sock puppet Obama twins in the event that �Obama�s� poll numbers sag below that of telemarketers.
Revelation says that the Anti-Christ would be �killed� by a wound in the head but would be resurrected three
days later. Gullible people would be told that this is evidence of his
divinity, and they'd believe it and worship him (the way they worshiped Obama
during his first few months in office).
Obama�s handlers
have a ready made double to pull off the trick. That�s the way stage magicians do it, except that they don�t assassinate their stage doubles when they disappear
and reappear. A stunt like that would work wonders for Obama�s poll numbers.
Another possibility is that his
handlers will pull a JFK on us. The assassination of President Kennedy
was an inside job. After bumping off JFK, his assassins reshaped the
Kennedy image and evoked that false image of Kennedy as a martyr to the very
goals that Kennedy had opposed during the last few months of his
life. Toward that end, the Obama twins could be worth more to Wall
Street dead than they are alive.
“EMO” What do you think about this??? LRGM
Sugerencia de Oscar
Fraga sobre las próximas elecciones
Noviembre Martes 4:
elecciones del próximo martes 4 de noviembre son de suma importancia para el futuro
de nuestro gran país. No debemos pensar como demócratas ni como republicanos,
sino como americanos. Tenemos que votar por candidatos que representen
los mismos valores que hicieron a los Estados Unidos la gran nación que siempre
fue. Tenemos que tener en mente que los ciudadanos son el gobierno, "We
the People." El presidente, los miembros del congreso y nuestros
jueces son solo parte de ese gobierno y no una entidad que tiene el poder
absoluto sobre cada uno de sus ciudadanos.
vital que cada uno de nosotros salgamos a votar ese día y que nos eduquemos
acerca de cada uno de los candidatos. Lo mismo digo sobre cada una de las
enmiendas que aparecerán en la boleta. Lo importante es salir a votar.
anuncios que estamos viendo en la televisión y oyendo en la radio dejan mucho
que desear. Atacan al oponente pero ellos mismos no nos dicen que piensan
hacer si ellos son electos. Mucho de estos anuncios están llenos de
mentiras y de información totalmente errónea y mal intencionada.
vivir en diferentes distritos, cada uno de nosotros tendremos candidatos y
enmiendas diferentes. También habrá casos en los cuales hay candidatos y
enmiendas por lo que todos nosotros votaremos.
Le sugiero
que consideren a los siguientes candidatos y a las explicaciones que los
acompañan en la mayoría de los casos. También les sugiero que consideren
como votar en las enmiendas y las explicaciones que las acompañan. Pero
cada uno de Uds. sabrá cómo quieren votar ese día.
Para gobernador y vicegobernador: Rick Scott y Carlos López Cantera.
Rick Scott tomó las riendas del estado en un momento en que el desempleo
estaba sumamente alto y miles de familias tenían sus propiedades en
foreclosure. Charlie Cris fue republicano, independiente y ahora
demócrata. Dice que va a subir el salario mínimo y ésto suena muy lindo,
pero eso es una función del gobierno federal y no el de un estado.
Ninguno de los candidatos son santos pero hay veces que hay que
elegir el menos de dos males.
Para fiscal general: Pam Bondi
Para Funcionario Principal de Finanzas: Jeff Atwater
Para Comisionado de Agricultura: Adam Putnam
Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 23: Joseph "Joe"
Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 24: Carlos Curbelo.
José "Joe" García es su oponente. Esta en estos momentos
siendo investigado por un caso federal y no olvidemos que el dice que
"Communism works."
Representante Estatal, Distrito 100: Martin a. "Marty"
Representante Estatal, Distrito 103: Manny Díaz, Jr. No tiene
nada que ver con el que fué alcalde de la Ciudad de Miami y terminó siendo
millonario en pocos años.
Representante Estatal, Distrito 105: Carlos Trujillo
Representante Estatal, Distrito 110: Jose Oliva
Representante Estatal, Distrito 111: Votar por uno
Representante Estatal, Distrito 112: Daniel Díaz Leyva
Representante Estatal, Distrito 114: Erik Fresen
Representante Estatal, Distrito 115: Michael Bileca
Representante Estatal, Distrito 116: Jose Felíx Díaz/Carmen Sotomayor
Representante Estatal, Distrito 118: Frank Artiles
Representante Estatal, Distrito 119: Jeanette M. Nuñez
Tasador de Inmuebles: Pedro J. García. El ha estudiado toda su vida
para esa posición. Gracias a el, nuestros impuestos a la propiedad
bajaron cuando el estaba en ese cargo. Su contrincante es Eddy Gonzalez,
no luce una mala persona, pero no sabe mucho sobre la posición de tasador ya
que por años fué un Representante Estatal.
Enmienda #1-Water and Land Convervation-Conservación de Aguas y Tierras:
No. (Suena bonito, sobre todo cuando dicen que no nos subiran
nuestros impuestos. Aqui es para que el gobierno sigan comprando tierras
y más tierras y hacer más y más regulaciones. ¿Sabian que apróximadamente
el 80% de las tierras del estado de Nevada han sido compradas por el gobierno?
Todo en nombre del calentamiento global, etc.- Esto se pica y se
extiende!!!) Tengan mucho cuidado porque el lobo viene vestido de obeja.
Enmienda #2-Marihuana: No. Ya el estado de la Florida tiene la ley
Charlotte Webb firmada por el gobernador Rick Scott que permite la venta de la
marihuna medicinal a personas que de verdad lo necesitan. Lean lo que ha
pasado en el estado de Colorado después que ellos votaron a favor. Ahora
la mayoria de los usuarios son jovenes entre los 20 y los 35 años. Ya
estan haciendo galleticas de marihuana y hasta un aceite de cocinar de
marihuana. La marihuana es adictiva, afecta al cerebro y es el primer
paso al uso de drogas mas fuertes. Suena muy bonito como no las quieren
Enmienda #3-Nombramiento Eventual para Ciertos Cargos Judiciales
Vacantes: No. Esta perfecto de la manera que se hace. No hace
falta que cambien el proceso que esta en vigencia hoy en día. Eso le daria
un poder a los gobernadores de poner a sus amigos ya Uds. saben para que.
Preguntas del Condado-Enmienda para permitir bibliotecas en parques:
No. Ya tenemos suficientes bibliotecas y con las que tenemos ellos
tienens problemas asi que como ahora ellos quieren bibliotecas en los parques.
Parece que le esta patinando el coco.
Preguntas del Condado- Eximir al Parque Regional de Fútbol de
Miami-Dade del Articulo 7: No. Esto es un arma de doble filo.
Preguntas del Condado- Permitir terrenos para acampar y
alojamientos/cabañas en el Parque de Matecumbe: No. Esto también
esta dudoso.Ya tenemos bastantes lugares de alojamientos y para acampar.
Esto impactaria negativamente el medio ambiente de la zona. ¿Quién
sera el contratista y el dueño de esos alojamientos y lugares de acampar?
Enmienda para eximir del Articulo 7 la ampliación de la Universidad
Internacional de la Florida en los predios de la Fería de la Juventud:
No. FIU ya tiene bastante tierra. Ya estan tomando tierras
del otro lado de la Calle 8. Tienen un Campo Universitario en el Norte
que hay que decirle Ud. Quiere tomar los mangos bajitos con el hecho de
que le den esos terrenos. En esos terrenos se llevan a caba muchas
actividades para nuestra comunidad. Pienso que lo mudarian para
Homestead. ¿Cuantas familias pueden ir a Homestead? También FIU ha
hecho muchas cosas en contra de los estudiantes. Cursos lo dividen en dos
sesiones para cobrar más, se quedan con parte del dinero de Florida Pre-paid,etc.
En fin, son un pulpo que lo quiren acaparar todo.
Imponer otro impuesto a la propiedad para cubrir el gasto de construir
una Corte que reemplaze el edificio del Cielito Lindo: No. Ya no
podemos con otro impuesto mas. Si el edificio de la corte esta asi es
porque el Condado la dejo ponerse asi. ¿Dónde han estado los inspectores
todos estos años? Solo piensen lo que le pasaria a Uds. si pusieran algo
fuera de codigo en su propiedad o no cortaran el pasto por un tiempo. . . Si,
le iban a poner una tremenda multa. Recuerden lo que paso con el impuesto
al Jackson Hospital. Ahora tenemos que pagar ese impuesto y el dinero que
el hospital recibia del estado se lo han quitado y se los han dado a otros
hospitales alrededor del estado.
Juez del Condado, Grupo 19: Frank Bocanegra
¿Se deberian retener en sus cargos los tres jueces del Tribunal de
Apelaciones: Thomas Logue, Barbara Lagoa, y Vance E. Salter? (He
tratado de encontrar información sobre ellos y la poca información que esta
disponible dice que han desempeñado bien su cargo).
en todos los puntos antes mencionados. Recuerden, la decisión es suya.
Compartan cualquier información que piensen que es importante con sus
familiares y amigos. Pidanles que voten por cualquiera de los candidatos
que ellos merecen que se merecen su voto, pero que voten.
Están son mis sugerencias para
las próximas elecciones el martes 4 de noviembre del 2014.
Usted debe votar por quien
usted desee.
Esta es Boleta electoral del próximo Noviembre Martes 4, 2014 en Miami Dade.
DISTRITO 23 Joseph Kaufman REP 10
DISTRITO 24 Carlos Curbelo REP 15
REP 17 Carlos Lopez-Cantera
Atwater REP 25
REP 27
REPRESENTANTE ESTATAL, DISTRITO 100 Martin A. “Marty” Feigenbaum REP 30
Trujillo REP 35
Jose Oliva REP 40
Diaz Leyva REP 44
Fresen REP 46
REPRESENTANTE ESTATAL, DISTRITO 116 Jose Felix Diaz REP 52 Carmen Sotomayor REP 54
Artiles REP 56
M. Nuñez REP 58
No voten por Eddie González
para tasador de inmuebles, porque es un aliado de Carlos Giménez para subirnos
los impuestos.
Financiamiento de Proyectos del
Tribunal mediante la Emisión de Bonos de
Obligación General: Hacer una nueva corte con dinero de los
contribuyentes. Vote NO/.
Lázaro R. González
“En mi opinión”
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