No 770 “En mi opinión” Octubre
17, 2014
R González Miño
AMENPER: «Cosas veredes,
Sancho, que farán fablar las piedras»
Hace sólo seis años, Barack Obama vendió a la nación que sus cambios eran
la vanguardia de un nuevo movimiento político para transformar América.
Hoy en día, el movimiento político con la mayor energía no es una campaña
política en torno a un hombre carismático, sino una difusa idea que nadie
Ya no es la fuerza determinante en la política estadounidense. La
energía no está con él, va en contra de él. De los sonidos de sus
reclamaciones, su mirada, las encuestas, se refleja evidentemente que la
mayoría de los estadounidenses ya no creen en sus ideas.
En cuestión de semanas, América ha pasado de una nación en la cual el
Presidente dijo que era muy improbable que el mortal virus del Ébola se extendiera
a nuestras costas, y que las cabezas de los Centros para el control
y prevención de epidemias, tomaría medidas de contención rígidas en
esta nación, ante la posibilidad de un brote de Ébola, ha pasado a un gobierno
federal que no conoce lo que habla, y que ya son tres los casos de la epidemia
en los Estados Unidos.
Y ahora los funcionarios del gobierno y salud todavía se preguntan
¿por qué la opinión pública desconfía cada vez de nosotros?
Al mismo tiempo que el general Ray Odierno, el jefe de personal del
ejército, fue detallando la amenaza manifiesta de ISIS, el presidente estaba
detallando las supuestas "múltiples amenazas" del cambio climático
como el mayor problema de la nación.
Pero como The Wall Street Journal señaló sobre las declaraciones de Obama
que "las principales amenazas que se multiplican aquí son las
exageraciones y la histeria" Dice el editorial que el Presidente
Obama, continúa a teniendo un problema con lo que los expertos
gustan llamar "óptica" pero lo que la gente más razonable llaman un
escandaloso comportamiento — viajes interminables para recaudación de
candidatos, interrupciones para salidas de juegos de golf
sin fin, y una indiferencia ante los problemas que se multiplican cada día que
pasa. Las exageraciones son la cantidad de tiempo que Obama se pasa jugando y
la histeria debe de ser las de Michelle ordenando a sus numerosos
Hay cosas que levantan banderas rojas aún mayores, como informes de CBS
News, que la casa blanca se niega a decir específicamente cuánto de sus viajes
a jugar golf y los viajes de Michelle son pagados con el dinero de los
contribuyentes. Parece que es hora de pedir cuentas a Obama, hasta de sus
complacientes medios periodísticos.
Un sitio en la internet informa que un profesor de la
Universidad de Fordham que se opone vehementemente a convocatoria de la
Asociación Americana de estudios para un boicot contra Israel el único aliado
real en el Medio Oriente, es acusado de "discriminación religiosa contra
el Islam" por su postura.
La corrupción en el mundo académico ha alcanzado una nueva etapa
Hoy Obama por fin ha suspendido sus banquetes de recaudación por el peligro
de la epidemia de Ébola, y si ISIS sigue su campaña exitosa a pesar de los
bombardeos, no le quedará más remedio de tomar algunas medidas más efectivas
para callar un poco a la opinión pública. Pero no importan estas
rectificaciones tardías, lo que esto significa es que tenemos un presidente que
no tiene idea de cómo gobernar, sino fuera asi, no tuviera que rectificar.
Esto puede ser por incompetencia o por agendas ocultas.
Y se puede ocultar los hechos por un tiempo, pero son tantos y tan evidente
los errores, tan escandaloso el comportamiento, que no hay vocero que pueda
tapar el hecho que tenemos la peor administración en la historia de Estados
Pero ¿Qué nos dicen los voceros de la prensa complaciente? Como no pueden
tapar más la ineptitud de esta administración, ya están proyectando la
administración de Hillary Clinton como la mejor presidencia en la historia de
Estados Unidos. Por favor, ¿nos están diciendo que Bengazi-Hillary
va a ser mejor que Ronald Reagan? ¿Cómo pueden juzgar algo que no ha pasado?
Pero como dijo el Quijote a Sancho Panza «cosas veredes, Sancho, que farán fablar las
Y en estos tiempos ya hasta las piedras están fablando.
GEORGINA LOPEZ: Bob Menéndez al New York Times
- No es el momento de levantar el embargo…
Bob Menéndez al New York Times: no es
el momento de levantar el embargo "Cuba aún silencia a quienes
disienten en la isla, con más de 7.500 detenciones políticas documentadas
solo este año", sostiene Menéndez.
Ultima actualización 15.10.2014 16:22
El senador demócrata por el estado de New Jersey, Robert Menéndez, sostiene en una carta publicada este miércoles en The New York Times, bajo el título de "¿Es tiempo de levantar el embargo a Cuba?", que sería contraproducente aceptar y complacer las críticas en el exterior que enfrenta la política de Estados Unidos hacia Cuba, en relación con el tema del embargo, las cuales apuntan a levantar el embargo y normalizar las relaciones con la isla.
"¿Cuán ventajoso sería a nuestros intereses estratégicos que el presidente Obama desperdicie recursos hacia un país que abusa de los Derechos Humanos y se opone diametralmente a nuestros ideales
democráticos, en un momento en que el Estado Islámico está librando una guerra brutal en Oriente Medio y Rusia sigue socavando todas las normas internacionales a través de su continua invasión de Ucrania?", se pregunta el senador.
La mala reputación de Cuba y la política estadounidense no son reliquias del pasado, señala Menéndez. "Cuba aún silencia a quienes disienten en la isla, con más de 7.500 detenciones políticas documentadas solo este año. El contratista norteamericano Alan Gross, permanece encarcelado por cargos falsos y Cuba el año pasado intentó introducir de contrabando ilegal armas a Corea del Norte en clara violación de las sanciones que el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas ha impuesto al país asiático".
El anuncio de reformas económicas en Cuba es un eufemismo para los inversionistas extranjeros quienes pueden así invertir dinero en las empresas estatales y los monopolios militares, continúa el senador.
"Unos pocos disfrutan de prosperidad mientras los ciudadanos carecen de las necesidades básicas. Por el contrario, hemos visto un aumento de los cubanos que huyen en balsas, como se informó la semana pasada".
"Me he reunido con la oposición cubana, incluyendo a Berta Soler, líder de las Damas de Blanco, igual que el presidente Obama y el vicepresidente Joseph R. Biden Jr. Los disidentes apasionadamente se
pronuncian en contra de levantar sanciones sin reciprocidad por parte de Cuba".
"Si le otorgamos al gobierno cubano una pulgada, se tomará una milla", observa Menéndez.
Gratificar a la tiranía con compromisos políticos o económicos no es algo que represente los valores de Estados Unidos, ni son de su interés nacional.
Hasta aquí la carta del senador Robert Menéndez, presidente del Comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado, fechada el 14 de octubre de 2014 en Washington DC.
En otra carta al editor del periódico, Eric B. Lipps, de Staten Island afirma que:
"El embargo, que se inició en octubre de 1960 bajo el presidente Dwight D. Eisenhower y fue ampliado bajo el presidente John F. Kennedy, no ha hecho sino empobrecer al pueblo cubano, reforzar el apoyo de los cubanos por el régimen de Castro y hacer al gobierno totalmente dependiente de la Unión Soviética mientras existió".
Según Lipps, "su propósito –esencialmente, matar de hambre a la población cubana y provocar un levantamiento contra el gobierno, no ha funcionado y ya no funcionará en el futuro. Fidel Castro ya se ha
retirado debido a la vejez y su mala salud y no a causa del embargo, y Raúl, su hermano, que gobierna en su lugar, probablemente al final hará lo mismo".
"Es simplemente absurdo seguir una política que no ha funcionado y que no muestra ningún signo de que alguna vez va a funcionar", concluye EricB. Lipps en su correspondencia al editor del periódico, con fecha 12 de octubre de 2014
Ultima actualización 15.10.2014 16:22
El senador demócrata por el estado de New Jersey, Robert Menéndez, sostiene en una carta publicada este miércoles en The New York Times, bajo el título de "¿Es tiempo de levantar el embargo a Cuba?", que sería contraproducente aceptar y complacer las críticas en el exterior que enfrenta la política de Estados Unidos hacia Cuba, en relación con el tema del embargo, las cuales apuntan a levantar el embargo y normalizar las relaciones con la isla.
"¿Cuán ventajoso sería a nuestros intereses estratégicos que el presidente Obama desperdicie recursos hacia un país que abusa de los Derechos Humanos y se opone diametralmente a nuestros ideales
democráticos, en un momento en que el Estado Islámico está librando una guerra brutal en Oriente Medio y Rusia sigue socavando todas las normas internacionales a través de su continua invasión de Ucrania?", se pregunta el senador.
La mala reputación de Cuba y la política estadounidense no son reliquias del pasado, señala Menéndez. "Cuba aún silencia a quienes disienten en la isla, con más de 7.500 detenciones políticas documentadas solo este año. El contratista norteamericano Alan Gross, permanece encarcelado por cargos falsos y Cuba el año pasado intentó introducir de contrabando ilegal armas a Corea del Norte en clara violación de las sanciones que el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas ha impuesto al país asiático".
El anuncio de reformas económicas en Cuba es un eufemismo para los inversionistas extranjeros quienes pueden así invertir dinero en las empresas estatales y los monopolios militares, continúa el senador.
"Unos pocos disfrutan de prosperidad mientras los ciudadanos carecen de las necesidades básicas. Por el contrario, hemos visto un aumento de los cubanos que huyen en balsas, como se informó la semana pasada".
"Me he reunido con la oposición cubana, incluyendo a Berta Soler, líder de las Damas de Blanco, igual que el presidente Obama y el vicepresidente Joseph R. Biden Jr. Los disidentes apasionadamente se
pronuncian en contra de levantar sanciones sin reciprocidad por parte de Cuba".
"Si le otorgamos al gobierno cubano una pulgada, se tomará una milla", observa Menéndez.
Gratificar a la tiranía con compromisos políticos o económicos no es algo que represente los valores de Estados Unidos, ni son de su interés nacional.
Hasta aquí la carta del senador Robert Menéndez, presidente del Comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado, fechada el 14 de octubre de 2014 en Washington DC.
En otra carta al editor del periódico, Eric B. Lipps, de Staten Island afirma que:
"El embargo, que se inició en octubre de 1960 bajo el presidente Dwight D. Eisenhower y fue ampliado bajo el presidente John F. Kennedy, no ha hecho sino empobrecer al pueblo cubano, reforzar el apoyo de los cubanos por el régimen de Castro y hacer al gobierno totalmente dependiente de la Unión Soviética mientras existió".
Según Lipps, "su propósito –esencialmente, matar de hambre a la población cubana y provocar un levantamiento contra el gobierno, no ha funcionado y ya no funcionará en el futuro. Fidel Castro ya se ha
retirado debido a la vejez y su mala salud y no a causa del embargo, y Raúl, su hermano, que gobierna en su lugar, probablemente al final hará lo mismo".
"Es simplemente absurdo seguir una política que no ha funcionado y que no muestra ningún signo de que alguna vez va a funcionar", concluye EricB. Lipps en su correspondencia al editor del periódico, con fecha 12 de octubre de 2014
AMENPER: Bula Papal de
Obamus I y su Obispo Monseñora Sor Tortillera
Cuando se escribió la Constitución en 1787, algunos temían que le daba
demasiado poder al gobierno federal. La libertad individual corría riesgo. Por
lo tanto, la Carta de derechos, que consiste en las diez primeras
enmiendas, se añadió a la Constitución. La Primera Enmienda protege las
libertades fundamentales como la libertad de culto y expresión
Pero esto no parece que es algo aceptado por la primera tortillera de
Houston, Texas. Y no estoy hablando de las cocineras tortilleras que
hacen las tortillas de los restaurants de Ninfa, la mejicana republicana amiga de
Bush, y que disfrutamos en nuestras visitas a Houston, estoy hablando del otro
tipo de tortillas
Estoy hablando de las tortillas que hace la primera Alcaldesa lesbiana de
Houston, una ciudad republicana que de una manera masoquista la eligió como
alcalde en las pasadas elecciones.
Señores, ha comenzado la persecución de los pastores cristianos en este
país. Y ha comenzado en uno de los Estados más rojo de los Estados
Unidos, en el condado más republicano de Texas, en Houston, Harris County,
Tal parece que ha comenzado un nuevo ataque a las instituciones religiosas
que recuerda el tiempo de Enrique VIII cuando se declaró que no sólo era Rey
pero Jefe de la Iglesia, el único Papa reconocido en Inglaterra.
¿Habemus Papam? ¿Tendremos
al Papa Obamus I ?
Pastores de denominaciones cristianas han recibido una citación de la corte
por el IRS, que tienen que presentar una copia de sus sermones antes de darlos,
para escudriñar su "actividad política". Si ellos
detectan una actividad política, le quitarán la excepción de impuestos y hasta
pueden ser demandados por estafa.
Pero ¿Qué cosa es lo que es considerado actividad política? El
condenar la homosexualidad, el condenar el aborto, el condenar los
anticonceptivos. Estas doctrinas, estas creencias religiosas, ahora en este
mundo en que vivimos, no son derechos de la libertad de culto, ahora son
actividades políticas.
Todos tenemos nuestras creencias y algunos tienen una fidelidad completa a
su denominación religiosa.
Pero hay algo que está claro para el que lo quiera ver, no importa si a mí
me parece que usar anticonceptivos no es un pecado contra Dios, si a un
profesante Católico Romano por convicción doctrinal le parece eso, no puedo yo
ni el IRS decir que está teniendo una actividad política, porque la política y
la religión están separadas por la constitución.
Según informa Fox News, "la ciudad de Houston ha emitido citaciones
exigiendo un grupo de pastores entregar cualquier sermones relacionados con la
homosexualidad, identidad de género o Annise Parker, primer alcalde
abiertamente lesbiana de la ciudad.
Y los ministros que no cumplan podrían celebrarse en desacato al
tribunal. La abogado Christina Holcomb de la “Alianza para defender
la libertad” dijo a la prensa "la citación de la ciudad de los sermones y
otras comunicaciones pastoral es innecesaria y sin precedentes", dijo en
un comunicado. "El Concejo Municipal y sus abogados están participando en
una Inquisición diseñada para sofocar cualquier crítica de sus acciones".
ADF, una firma conocida a nivel nacional especializada en casos de libertad
religiosa, representa a cinco pastores de Houston. Presentaron una moción en el
Tribunal del Condado de Harris para detener los citatorios argumentando que son
"excesivamente ancha, excesivamente onerosa, acosa y vejatoria".
Si hay algo que debe unificar a los estadounidenses, debería ser un asalto
a ministros cristianos. Es absolutamente increíble que la administración Obama
envía una nota de felicitación personal al centro islámico en Oklahoma que
generó Nolen Alton quien decapitó a una abuela de 54 años de edad americana — y
tenemos este tirano socialista progresista abiertamente lesbiana permitiendo
una citación contra pastores cristianos.
Si este caso es exitoso, será replicado en otros lugares — y ¿dónde está la
izquierda gritando sobre los derechos de la primera enmienda de estos pastores:
"libertad de religión y el libre ejercicio de la misma? ¿Dónde está la
ACLU? Después de todo, les importa mucho sobre los derechos de los combatientes
enemigos ilegales aka la Jihad y terroristas, negros asesinos ejecutados, y
derechos matrimonial de los maricones y tortilleras, pero no les importa nada
la libertad de expresión de creyentes de religiones que no asesinan ni están en
guerra con la nación.
Mucha gente se rió cuando los socialistas progresivos salieron con su
campaña "Volver a Texas azul" – ¿quién se ríe ahora? El Capitolio del
estado de Texas, Austin, es conocida como un bastión de progresistas
socialistas y ahora mira lo que ha ocurrido en Houston — tal vez el gobernador
Rick Perry debe dejar de pedir a los ciudadanos de los Estados azules que se
muden a Texas. Los izquierdistas progresistas son como langostas; ¿dónde migran
traen a lo largo de sus políticas destructivas y agenda para infestar su nuevo
huésped — Mira cómo la migración de los izquierdistas progresistas de
California ha afectado Colorado? Y ahora está pasando a Texas.
Alcalde Parker no explica por qué quiere inspeccionar los sermones — y lo
que nos hace creer que tiene el poder para hacerlo de todos modos.
Fox, informa que "abogado ADF Stanley sospecha que el alcalde quiere
avergonzar públicamente a los ministros. Dijo que anticipa presentarán los
sermones para el escrutinio público. En otras palabras – lo que quieren es
hurgar por evidencia para presentar a los pastores como intolerantes contra los
homosexuales. Como ellos no aceptan la diferencia entre la homosexualidad
y el homosexual como lo hacen los cristianos, la diferencia entre el pecado y
el pecador, cualquier referencia sobre el homosexualismo es un ataque a los
homosexuales. Entre los que recibieron una citación está Steve Riggle, el
pastor principal de Grace Community Church. Se le ordenó a producir todos los
discursos y sermones relacionados con la identidad alcalde Annise Parker, la homosexualidad
y género.
Al pastor también ordenó entregar a "todas las comunicaciones con los
miembros de su congregación" con respecto a la ley de no discriminación.
"Esto es un intento por enfriar los pastores de hablar de las cuestiones
culturales del día", me dijo Riggle. "El alcalde gustaría callar
nuestra voz. Es una matona". El reverendo Dave Welch, director ejecutivo
del Consejo de Texas Pastor, también recibió una citación. Dijo que no se deja
intimidar por el alcalde".
Lo he dicho antes que Estados Unidos están bajo el asalto de la Alianza de
los socialistas progresivos, Islamo-fascistas y los humanistas seculares. Lo
que está sucediendo en Houston está equivocado en muchos niveles, desafía la
lógica y la razón, pero es de esperar de la tiranía de la izquierda.
Por eso hay que votar en las próximas elecciones, sino nos veremos como en
el tiempo de Enrique VIII, quien se proclamó jefe de Estado y jefe de la
Iglesia. No queremos ver al Presidente y Papa Hilaria I sucesora del Papa
Obamus I
5 Key Implications if
Baghdad Falls to ISIS.
By Patrick Poole
Reports that ISIS has surrounded Baghdad and is quickly closing in on the Baghdad International Airport (armed with MANPADS, no less) are troubling. Baghdad itself has been rocked by a series of VBIED attacks in the past 24 hours by ISIS, indicating that the battle for Baghdad has begun.
The possible fall of Baghdad could be the most significant development in the War on Terror since 9/11. And yet many among the D.C. foreign policy “smart set” were not long ago mocking such a scenario.
So what happens if such a situation comes to pass? Here are five key implications (by no means limited to these) if Baghdad falls to ISIS:
By Patrick Poole
Reports that ISIS has surrounded Baghdad and is quickly closing in on the Baghdad International Airport (armed with MANPADS, no less) are troubling. Baghdad itself has been rocked by a series of VBIED attacks in the past 24 hours by ISIS, indicating that the battle for Baghdad has begun.
The possible fall of Baghdad could be the most significant development in the War on Terror since 9/11. And yet many among the D.C. foreign policy “smart set” were not long ago mocking such a scenario.
So what happens if such a situation comes to pass? Here are five key implications (by no means limited to these) if Baghdad falls to ISIS:
ISIS will
not be claiming to the be the Islamic State, they will BE the Islamic State
Symbolism doesn’t matter much to your average post-modern Westerner, but it still does in the Islamic world, and the capture of Baghdad will hold enormous value. For 500 years Baghdad was the seat of the Abbasid caliphate, and its fall to ISIS would allow the terrorist group to reclaim that mantle. Such an event will electrify the Middle East and beyond, with many Muslims holding firmly to the belief that the abolition of the Ottoman caliphate in 1924 by Ataturk was one of the key contributing factors in the decline of the Muslim world over the past century. No amount of State Department hashtags or tweets, or pronouncements by Sheikh Barack Obama and Imam John Kerry that there is nothing Islamic about the Islamic State, will be able to negate any claims by ISIS to be the revived caliphate.
The Great
Reconciliation between jihadist groups will begin
Much of the Obama administration’s anti-ISIS efforts have been trying to leverage other “vetted moderate” groups in Syria against ISIS, with some “smart set” thinkers even advocating engaging “moderate Al-Qaeda” to that end. We are already seeing jihadist groups gravitating towards ISIS, such as the announcement this week by Pakistani Taliban leaders pledging their allegiance to the Islamic State. Other groups of younger jihadis are breaking away from Al-Qaeda franchises in North Africa and defecting to ISIS. Despite bitter rivalries between ISIS and other jihadist groups in Syria, namely Al-Qaeda’s official Syrian affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, these other groups will be hard-pressed to deny ISIS’ caliphate claims if they do take Baghdad. In that part of the world, nothing succeeds like success. If Baghdad falls, jihadist groups, some of whom have been openly hostile or remained neutral, will quickly align behind ISIS. And the horrid sound coming out of Washington, D.C., will be of foreign policy paradigms imploding.
What of
U.S. personnel in Iraq?
The US Embassy in Baghdad is the largest embassy on the planet. And afterObama sent 350 more U.S. military personnel to guard the U.S. Embassy last month, there are now more than 1,100 US service members in Baghdad protecting the embassy and the airport. That doesn’t include embassy personnel, American aid workers, and reporters also in Baghdad. ISIS doesn’t have to capture the airport to prevent flights from taking off there (remember Hamas rockets from Gaza prompting the temporary closure of Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport this past summer). If flights can’t get out of Baghdad, how will the State Department and Pentagon evacuate U.S. personnel? An image like the last helicopter out of Saigon would be of considerable propaganda value to ISIS and other jihadist groups. Former CNN reporter Peter Arnett, who witnessed the fall of Saigon in April 1975,raised this possibility back in June. It’s not like the U.S. has prestige to spare internationally, and the fall of Baghdad will mark the beginning of the end of American influence in the Middle East, much like the case in Southest Asia in 1975.
captures Baghdad, it will be with weapons provided by the U.S. to the Iraqi
army and “vetted moderate” Syrian rebel groups
Since their push back into Iraq this summer, ISIS has regularly paraded captured weapons and vehicles that have been provided by the U.S. to the Iraqi army, which rapidly collapsed in the face of the ISIS advance. ISIS has subsequently used these U.S.-provided weapons to repel attacks by Iraqi forces. A report published last month by the UK-based Conflict Armament Research documented the use of U.S.-provided Humvees, armored personnel carriers, and firearms by ISIS. In addition, ISIS has at least 52 U.S.-made M198 howitzers with GPS aiming systems that have a 20 mile range that will undoubtedly be used in their assault on Baghdad. Yesterday, Charles Lister of the Brookings Institute tweeted out recent images of ISIS fighters equipped with M79 Osa anti-tank weapons that had been provided by Saudi Arabia to the “vetted moderate” Free Syrian Army. The potential propaganda value of ISIS capturing Baghdad with U.S. weapons will be enormous.
The fall of
Baghdad will herald an unparalleled sectarian war in the Middle East and
widescale regional instability
The fighting in Syria and Iraq has been part of the regional sectarian competition of Sunni Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states against Shia Iran and its allies in Iraq, the Assad regime in Syria and Hezbollah. ISIS and Sunni Syrian rebel groups have been proxies in this fight. If Baghdad falls to ISIS, it will be all-hands-on-deck across the entire Middle East, with a sectarian war not seen since the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s and sectarian/ethnic cleansing not seen since the Balkan wars. We are already seeing Shiite militias killing Sunnis indiscriminately in Iraq and widespread ethnic and religious cleansing by ISIS in Northern Syria and Iraq. Meanwhile, our NATO ally Turkey is now bombing the same Kurds who are fighting ISIS. Because of these sectarian attacks millions of refugees have already flooded to Syria’s neighboring states, destablizing countries like Lebanon and Jordan. The ISIS push in Anbar province in Iraq has caused 180,000 more to flee,according to the UN. The potential humanitarian disaster from the dislocation of millions in the region could be without parallel.
If, in fact, Baghdad falls to ISIS and the Sunni-Shia sectarian war in Syria and Iraq metastasizes across the Middle East and North Africa, the U.S. will likely find itself an ancillary player. War-weary Americans have no appetite for boots on the ground (fueled in no small measure by the Obama administration’s stoking anti-Iraq war sentiments as part of their political strategy).
And yet one remarkable feature I personally witnessed last month while in Washington, D.C., briefing members of Congress on the proposal to fund more training and weapons for Syrian rebels, is the absence of any acknowledgement by the political and media elite that we lost the Iraq war. The fact is that we left, and ISIS stayed. Our options are increasingly limited in Iraq and the region, and most of those options are horrible options. We don’t even have lesser-of-two-evils options because of our reckless bipartisan foreign policy. The U.S. will also face a dilemma: at the very same time this administration has been sidling up to Iran and trying to strike a deal over its nuclear weapons program, we very well may be faced with calls from our longtime allies in the region, almost all Sunni, for assistance. And then we have Turkey, which, as a NATO partner, we have treaty obligations to honor.
And faced with a nuclear Iran amidst a growing sectarian war, many Sunni countries will start their own crash nuclear programs in response, leading to the regional proliferation of nuclear weapons. No sane person would contend that a nuclear arms race in the Middle East would be a benefit to our own national security (though undoubtedly there will be some D.C. foreign policy “experts” who will dismiss its importance).
The coming days and weeks in the fight for Baghdad are fraught with enormous implications for the U.S. And yet our ability to influence those events is rapidly waning.
JIHAD IN THE USA: Obama Defines US as
“Muslim Country”
In an interview with
French TV station, Obama says that a number of Muslims residing in US justifies
regarding it as a Muslim Country. Check it out…
A few days ago President
Obama, in an interview he gave France’s Canal+ TV Channel, said that the
American people need to be better educated about Islam, since US could and
should be regarded as a Muslim country. He said that the number of Muslims
residing in the US makes it “one of the biggest Muslim nations”.
In reality the US has
one of the smallest percentages of Muslims of any Western country. The number
of Muslims in the US is approximately 4.5 million, 1.5% of the population, one
of the smallest minorities in the US. Since there are approximately 1.5
billion Muslims in the world, the number of Muslims in the US is approximately
0.3% of the world Muslim population. By comparison there are between
approximately 6 million Jews in the US, who account for approximately a third
of the world’s Jewish population. Whereas many Americans regard it as a society
based on “Judeo-Christian values”, it is doubtful if there is one sane American
who would define it as a Jewish country.
'In 1976 I discovered Ebola - now I fear an
unimaginable tragedy' by Rafaela von Bredow and Veronika Hackenbroch . The
Observer, Saturday 4 October 2014 17.00 EDT.
I found these today in one of the Web pages
I receive on a daily basis and they are very interesting, trust you will enjoy
them and pass them if you like is a matter of public domain.
'In 1976 I discovered Ebola - now I fear an
unimaginable tragedy'
Peter Piot was
a researcher at a lab in Antwerp when a pilot brought him a blood sample from a
Belgian nun who had fallen mysteriously ill in Zaire
Professor Peter Piot, the Director of the
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: ‘Around June it became clear to
me there was something different about this outbreak. I began to get really
worried’ Photograph: Leon Neal/AFP
Piot, as a young scientist in Antwerp, you were part of the team that
discovered the Ebola virus in 1976. How did it happen?
I still remember exactly. One day in September,
a pilot from Sabena Airlines brought us a shiny blue Thermos and a letter from
a doctor in Kinshasa in what was then Zaire. In the Thermos, he wrote, there
was a blood sample from a Belgian nun who had recently fallen ill from a
mysterious sickness in Yambuku, a remote village in the northern part of the
country. He asked us to test the sample for yellow fever.
days, Ebola may only be researched in high-security laboratories. How did you
protect yourself back then?
We had no idea how dangerous the virus was.
And there were no high-security labs in Belgium. We just wore our white lab
coats and protective gloves. When we opened the Thermos, the ice inside had
largely melted and one of the vials had broken. Blood and glass shards were
floating in the ice water. We fished the other, intact, test tube out of the
slop and began examining the blood for pathogens, using the methods that were
standard at the time.
the yellow fever virus apparently had nothing to do with the nun's illness.
No. And the tests for Lassa fever and
typhoid were also negative. What, then, could it be? Our hopes were dependent
on being able to isolate the virus from the sample. To do so, we injected it
into mice and other lab animals. At first nothing happened for several days. We
thought that perhaps the pathogen had been damaged from insufficient
refrigeration in the Thermos. But then one animal after the next began to die.
We began to realize that the sample contained something quite deadly.
you continued?
Other samples from the nun, who had since
died, arrived from Kinshasa. When we were just about able to begin examining
the virus under an electron microscope, the World Health Organization
instructed us to send all of our samples to a high-security lab in England. But
my boss at the time wanted to bring our work to conclusion no matter what. He
grabbed a vial containing virus material to examine it, but his hand was
shaking and he dropped it on a colleague's foot. The vial shattered. My only
thought was: "Oh, shit!" We immediately disinfected everything, and
luckily our colleague was wearing thick leather shoes. Nothing happened to any
of us.
the end, you were finally able to create an image of the virus using the
electron microscope.
Yes and our first thought was: "What
the hell is that?" The virus that we had spent so much time searching for
was very big, very long, and worm-like. It had no similarities with yellow
fever. Rather, it looked like the extremely dangerous Marburg virus, which,
like Ebola, causes a hemorrhagic fever. In the 1960s, the virus killed several
laboratory workers in Marburg, Germany.
you afraid at that point?
I knew almost nothing about the Marburg
virus at the time. When I tell my students about it today, they think I must
come from the Stone Age. But I actually had to go the library and look it up in
an atlas of virology. It was the American Centers for Disease Control which
determined a short time later that it wasn't the Marburg virus, but a related,
unknown virus. We had also learned in the meantime that hundreds of people had
already succumbed to the virus in Yambuku and the area around it.
few days later, you became one of the first scientists to fly to Zaire.
Yes. The nun who had died and her fellow
sisters were all from Belgium. In Yambuku, which had been part of the Belgian
Congo, they operated a small mission hospital. When the Belgian government
decided to send someone, I volunteered immediately. I was 27 and felt a bit
like my childhood hero, Tintin. And, I have to admit, I was intoxicated by the
chance to track down something totally new.
A girl is led to an ambulance after showing
signs of Ebola infection in the village of Freeman Reserve, 30 miles north of
the Liberian capital, Monrovia. Photograph: Jerome Delay/AP
there any room for fear, or at least worry?
Of course, it was clear to us that we were
dealing with one of the deadliest infectious diseases the world had ever seen –
and we had no idea that it was transmitted via bodily fluids! It could also
have been mosquitoes. We wore protective suits and latex gloves and I even
borrowed a pair of motorcycle goggles to cover my eyes. But in the jungle heat,
it was impossible to use the gas masks that we bought in Kinshasa. Even so, the
Ebola patients I treated were probably just as shocked by my appearance as they
were about their intense suffering. I took blood from around 10 of these
patients. I was most worried about accidentally poking myself with the needle
and infecting myself that way.
you apparently managed to avoid becoming infected.
Well, at some point I did actually develop
a high fever, a headache and diarrhea …
Similar to Ebola symptoms?
Exactly. I immediately thought, "Damn,
could be from something completely different and harmless. And it really would
have been stupid to spend two weeks in the horrible isolation tent that had
been set up for us scientists for the worst case. So I just stayed alone in my
room and waited. Of course, I didn't get a wink of sleep, but luckily I began
feeling better by the next day. It was just a gastrointestinal infection.
Actually, that is the best thing that can happen in your life: you look death
in the eye but survive. It changed my whole approach, my whole outlook on life
at the time.
You were also the one who gave the virus
its name. Why Ebola?On that day our team sat together late into the night – we had also had a couple of drinks – discussing the question. We definitely didn't want to name the new pathogen "Yambuku virus", because that would have stigmatized the place forever. There was a map hanging on the wall and our American team leader suggested looking for the nearest river and giving the virus its name. It was the Ebola River. So by around three or four in the morning we had found a name. But the map was small and inexact. We only learned later that the nearest river was actually a different one. But Ebola is a nice name, isn't it?
the end, you discovered that the Belgian nuns had unwittingly spread the virus.
How did that happen?
In their hospital, they regularly gave
pregnant women vitamin injections using unsterilized needles. By doing so, they
infected many young women in Yambuku with the virus. We told the nuns about the
terrible mistake they had made, but looking back, I would say that we were much
too careful in our choice of words. Clinics that failed to observe this and
other rules of hygiene functioned as catalysts in all additional Ebola
outbreaks. They drastically sped up the spread of the virus or made the spread
possible in the first place. Even in the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa, hospitals unfortunately
played this ignominious role in the beginning.
Yambuku, you spent the next 30 years of your professional life devoted to
combating Aids. But now Ebola has caught up to you again. American scientists
fear that hundreds of thousands of people could ultimately become infected. Was
such an epidemic to be expected?
No, not at all. On the contrary, I always
thought that Ebola, in comparison to Aids or malaria, didn't present much of a
problem because the outbreaks were always brief and local. Around June, it
became clear to me that there was something fundamentally different about this
outbreak. At about the same time, the aid organization Médecins Sans Frontières
sounded the alarm. We Flemish tend to be rather unemotional, but it was at that
point that I began to get really worried.
did WHO react so late?
On the one hand, it was because their
African regional office isn't staffed with the most capable people but with
political appointees. And the headquarters in Geneva suffered large budget cuts
that had been agreed to by member states. The department for hemorrhagic fever
and the one responsible for the management of epidemic emergencies were hit
hard. But since August WHO has regained a leadership role.
is actually a well-established procedure for curtailing Ebola outbreaks:
isolating those infected and closely monitoring those who had contact with
them. How could a catastrophe such as the one we are now seeing even happen?
I think it is what people call a perfect
storm: when every individual circumstance is a bit worse than normal and they
then combine to create a disaster. And with this epidemic, there were many
factors that were disadvantageous from the very beginning. Some of the
countries involved were just emerging from terrible civil wars, many of their
doctors had fled, and their healthcare systems had collapsed. In all of Liberia,
for example, there were only 51 doctors in 2010, and many of them have since
died of Ebola.
fact that the outbreak began in the densely populated border region between
Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia...
… Also contributed to the catastrophe.
Because the people there are extremely mobile, it was much more difficult than
usual to track down those who had had contact with the infected people. Because
the dead in this region are traditionally buried in the towns and villages they
were born in, there were highly contagious Ebola corpses travelling back and
forth across the borders in pickups and taxis. The result was that the epidemic
kept flaring up in different places.
the first time in its history, the virus also reached metropolises such as
Monrovia and Freetown. Is that the worst thing that can happen?
In large cities – particularly in chaotic
slums – it is virtually impossible to find those who had contact with patients,
no matter how great the effort. That is why I am so worried about Nigeria as well. The country is home to
mega-cities like Lagos and Port Harcourt, and if the Ebola virus lodges there
and begins to spread, it would be an unimaginable catastrophe.
we completely lost control of the epidemic?
I have always been an optimist and I think
that we now have no other choice than to try everything, really everything.
It's good that the United States and some other countries are finally beginning
to help. But Germany or even Belgium, for example, must do a lot more. And it
should be clear to all of us: This isn't just an epidemic any more. This is a
humanitarian catastrophe. We don't just need care personnel, but also logistics
experts, trucks, jeeps and foodstuffs. Such an epidemic can destabilize entire
regions. I can only hope that we will be able to get it under control. I really
never thought that it could get this bad.
can really be done in a situation when anyone can become infected on the
streets and, like in Monrovia, even the taxis are contaminated?
We urgently need to come up with new
strategies. Currently, helpers are no longer able to care for all the patients
in treatment centers. So caregivers need to teach family members who are
providing care to patients how to protect themselves from infection to the
extent possible. This on-site educational work is currently the greatest
challenge. Sierra Leone experimented with a three-day curfew in an attempt to
at least flatten out the infection curve a bit. At first I thought: "That
is totally crazy." But now I wonder, "why not?" At least, as
long as these measures aren't imposed with military power.
three-day curfew sounds a bit desperate.
Yes, it is rather medieval. But what can
you do? Even in 2014, we hardly have any way to combat this virus.
you think we might be facing the beginnings of a pandemic?
There will certainly be Ebola patients from
Africa who come to us in the hopes of receiving treatment. And they might even
infect a few people here who may then die. But an outbreak in Europe or North
America would quickly be brought under control. I am more worried about the
many people from India who work in trade or industry in West Africa. It would
only take one of them to become infected, travel to India to visit relatives
during the virus's incubation period, and then, once he becomes sick, go to a
public hospital there. Doctors and nurses in India, too, often don't wear
protective gloves. They would immediately become infected and spread the virus.
virus is continually changing its genetic makeup. The more people who become
infected, the greater the chance becomes that it will mutate...
... which might speed its spread. Yes, that
really is the apocalyptic scenario. Humans are actually just an accidental host
for the virus, and not a good one. From the perspective of a virus, it isn't
desirable for its host, within which the pathogen hopes to multiply, to die so
quickly. It would be much better for the virus to allow us to stay alive
the virus suddenly change itself such that it could be spread through the air?
Like measles, you mean. Luckily, that is
extremely unlikely. But a mutation that would allow Ebola patients to live a
couple of weeks longer is certainly possible and would be advantageous for the
virus. But that would allow Ebola patients to infect many, many more people
than is currently the case.
that is just speculation, isn't it?
Certainly. But it is just one of many
possible ways the virus could change to spread itself more easily. And it is
clear that the virus is mutating.
and two colleagues wrote a piece for the Wall
Street Journal supporting the
testing of experimental drugs. Do you think that could be the solution?
Patients could probably be treated most
quickly with blood serum from Ebola survivors, even if that would likely be
extremely difficult given the chaotic local conditions. We need to find out now
if these methods, or if experimental drugs like ZMapp, really help. But we
should definitely not rely entirely on new treatments. For most people, they
will come too late in this epidemic. But if they help, they should be made
available for the next outbreak.
of two vaccines is also beginning. It will take a while, of course, but could
it be that only a vaccine can stop the epidemic?
I hope that's not the case. But who knows?
Zaire during that first outbreak, a hospital with poor hygiene was responsible
for spreading the illness. Today almost the same thing is happening. Was Louis
Pasteur right when he said: "It is the microbes who will have the last
Of course, we are a long way away from
declaring victory over bacteria and viruses. HIV is still here; in London
alone, five gay men become infected daily. An increasing number of bacteria are
becoming resistant to antibiotics. And I can still see the Ebola patients in
Yambuku, how they died in their shacks and we couldn't do anything except let
them die. In principle, it's still the same today. That is very depressing. But
it also provides me with a strong motivation to do something. I love life. That
is why I am doing everything I can to convince the powerful in this world to
finally send sufficient help to West Africa. Now!
Der Spiegel
This American With Ebola Did May Have Already Spread Ebola Without Anyone
of the two Dallas American healthcare workers diagnosed with Ebola...
of the two Dallas American healthcare workers diagnosed with Ebola flew on a
plane with 132 passengers the day before she was diagnosed, in what Breitbart News calls
a “potential nightmare scenario.”
CDC is reaching out to all passengers who flew on the Frontier Airlines flight
from Cleveland to Dallas Fort Worth. All passengers are being asked to call
1-800-CDC-INFO. They will begin to interview passengers after 1 PM Eastern
CDC has admitted that it failed to send teams with the necessary equipment,
protocols, and procedures to handle the disease.
are saying that the woman exhibited no Ebola symptoms during her flight, and
they continue to reassure that Ebola is not an airborne disease.
will America wake up to the federal government’s failure to combat the spread
of Ebola?
The President Said Proves He Has No Clue About The Ebola Virus. Fortunately,
Glenn Beck Does
felt perfectly safe doing so."
Obama told reporters Wednesday he not only shook hands with doctors and nurses
in care of Ebola patients at Emory University, but kissed the nurses as well.
President said:
shook hands with, hugged and kissed not the doctors, but a couple of the nurses at Emory, because of the valiant work
that they did in treating one of the patients. They followed the
protocols, they knew what they were doing, and I felt perfectly safe doing so.”
The President kissed the nurses
at Emory University in Atlanta, where the second Ebola patient, Amber
Vinson, is currently being treated.
President Obama has cancelled a scheduled campaign trip to Connecticut to
focus on the Ebola crisis.
Media personality Glenn Beck posted to his Facebook Page Thursday that
an audience member was kept outside of his studio in Dallas for the taping of
his television program because he was a healthcare worker who provided care for
Thomas Eric Duncan.
“This is how
close Ebola hits home. We just finished our Ebola show and I walked off
the soundstage. I asked about the audience etc.
“I was then
informed that just before the audience was loaded in, an audience member was
kept outside the building due to security.
was a nurse who worked with the sick nurses and in the room with the victim who
just died from Ebola. One of the team members. Really?”
This Biker Gang Is Doing Something That Will Have ISIS Fighters Crying For
Their Moms
Members of a Dutch motorcycle gang have...
of a Dutch motorcycle gang have traveled to northern Iraq to fight alongside
Kurds against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
to Agence-France Presse (AFP) reports, three members of the Dutch motorcycle
gang, No Surrender, are near Mosul to aide Kurds in their efforts
against ISIS. Head of the gang, Klaas Otto, told state broadcaster NOS Friday
the three members were from the Dutch cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and
law had forbidden its citizens to take up arms for another country, but Dutch
public prosecutor spokesperson Wim de Bruin told AFP this is no longer the
a foreign armed force was previously punishable, now it’s no longer forbidden.”
Bruin added, “You can’t just fight against the Netherlands,” noting the bikers
were fighting against ISIS insurgents. He cautioned that Dutch citizens would
be subject to prosecution if they committed crimes including torture or rape.
tweet from the team’s website shows Ron, one of the bikers, holding an assault
rifle next to a Kurdish fighter.
Dallas Nurse Reveals Shocking Hospital Blunder That Exposed Her And Others To
“I watched them violate basic principles of nursing..."
nurse who cared for one of the recently infected Ebola patients told NBC’s Matt
Lauer Thursday that she “couldn’t believe” the lack of protocols in place at
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, and could “no longer defend” her place of
on Today Thursday in an interview with
Matt Lauer, Briana Aguirre said officials at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital
did not properly treat patient Thomas Eric Duncan.
watched them violate basic principles of nursing… I would try anything and
everything to refuse to go there to be treated. I would feel at risk by going
there. If I don’t actually have Ebola, I may contract it there.”
asserted that no one in the hospital’s administration stressed education on the
Ebola virus.
never talked about Ebola and we probably should have… [Instead], they gave us
an optional seminar to go to. Just informational, not hands on. It wasn’t even
suggested we go… We were never told what to look for.
can no longer defend my hospital at all.
Texas nurse did not care for Duncan, but did provide care for Nina Pham,
who will be soon transferred to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) facility in
Bethesda, Maryland. Aguirre said Duncan was placed in an area with “up to seven
other patients,” and co-workers who did care for Duncan said the scene was
was just a little chaotic scene. Our infectious disease department was
contacted to ask, ‘What is our protocol?’ And their answer was, ‘We don’t know.
We’re going to have to call you back.’”
providing care for Pham, Aguirre said she “couldn’t believe” the lack of
protection she was issued to provide care for the patient. While every other
part of her body was protected, the front part of her neck was exposed.
be honest, I threw a fit. I just couldn’t believe it… In the second week of an
Ebola crisis at my hospital, the only gear they were offering us at that time,
and up until that time, is gear that is allowing our necks to be uncovered?
would I be wearing two pairs of gloves, three pairs of booties, a plastic suit
covering my entire body, and then leave my neck hanging out this much so that
something can potentially go close to my mouth or nose?”
told Lauer that, when she expressed her concern to an infectious disease nurse,
she was advised to place tape around the exposed area to cover up.
is the second nurse to reveal questionable on-goings at Texas Health
Presbyterian Hospital after a group of nurses who have not revealed their
identities released a statement through National Nurses United.
Man Refuses To Take Down American Flags
“It just reminded me of my family.”
hardware store employee who honored his six family members serving in the
United States Armed Forces with American flags on the lawn outside of his
storefront received local and national praise after a code enforcement officer
ordered them to be taken down earlier this week.
Verzi, 56, who works at Family Hardware in Cape Coral, Florida, was told by a
code enforcement officer that six flags on display outside the storefront
violated a city ordinance that prohibits placing banners in the right-of-way,
after an anonymous complaint was received. Verzi politely refused to do so,
according to The News-Press.
said on Fox and Friends Thursday, “It just reminded me of my family.”
initial plan was to put more than 500 American flags in the neighborhood. Eric
Strange, Verzi’s supervisor at Family Hardware, told The News-Press he stood
with his employee and commended his stance.
all about the veterans.”
spokesperson for the city said no further action would be taken and that it’s a
good thing to see the community come together.
told The News-Press he plans to attend the next regular city council meeting
next week to propose amending the ordinance to exclude the American flag.
Members of the local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and American Legion plan on
attending in uniform to show support.
Obama Ebola Czar:
Zero Medical Experience
Obama surrounds himself with yes men who
have no business being in the position they are in.
Check it out:
Check it out:
White House Homeland Security
adviser Lisa Monaco, who has no professional medical expertise, was named by
the White House as the point person in charge of coordinating the government’s
response to the Ebola outbreak.
this month, prior to widespread criticism of the handling of the first Ebola
case in the U.S., Monaco assured the public the government had the outbreak
under control.
know how to do this, and we will do it again,” Monaco said at a press briefing.
very important to remind the American people that the U.S. has the most capable
health-care system and the most capable doctors in the world, bar none,” Monaco
describing Monaco’s role, press secretary Josh Earnest seemed to anticipate
criticism of her lack of medical credentials, explaining each agency has its
own medical experts.
Monaco is the president’s Homeland Security adviser, and she is the one that,
from here at the White House, continues to play the role of coordinating the
efforts of all of those agencies. But ultimately, each of those agencies
understands exactly what they’re responsible for, and they have experts in this
field that can ensure the American people remain safe,” Earnest said.
pointed out Monaco was in charge of coordinating the government’s response
after Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., urged the White House over the weekend to name
an Ebola “czar.”
Criticized for a lack of a
“czar,” Earnest told reporters “the inter-agency coordination effort is
something that is being monitored and run – very capably, I might add – by Lisa
Obama Will Institute Ebola Travel Restrictions … On Our Military
This precaution is in line with Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention and World Health Organization protocols for Ebola, but stand in
stark contrast with the Obama administration’s reluctance to
institute the same precautions for civilians from western Africa countries
currently experiencing the worst Ebola epidemic on record.
The Obama
administration steadfastly refuses to
institute a travel ban from Ebola epidemic countries, saying it would somehow
make the outbreak worse. But they have authorized the U.S. military to
quarantine personnel in those countries for up to 21 days, should commanders
feel it necessary.
Last month, the president authorized
the deployment of up to 4,000 U.S. troops to the region for support and
logistical issues. They are not expected to be involved directly with patients,
but should commanders suspect they have been exposed to Ebola, they are now
authorized to order the troops be held in seclusion and monitored for three
CNN reports, “In an unprecedented move to protect U.S. troops that
might be exposed to Ebola, U.S. military commanders are being given the
authority to quarantine troops for 21 days at a Defense Department facility
where they will be monitored for signs of the disease and treated if they do
contract the virus, a Defense Department memo explained.”
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Después del asesinato por terroristas al Embajador de los EEUU, y dos agentes de seguridad fue a California a hacer campaña política. Lo mismo sucedió después de que un avión civil, fuera derrumbado por asociados del líder Ruso Putin. El decapitamiento de un joven periodista norteamericano no impidió que minutos después fuera a jugar Golf. Múltiples crisis anteriores, incluyendo el comienzo de una guerra contra el Estado Islámico, no han impedido que nuestro Presidente Obama viaje por placer, o para recaudar fondos para su partido político. Esta supuesta falta de liderazgo, mayormente ignorada por la prensa, fue justificada como una acción para evitar una nota de alarma y “un pánico” a la población en general. En las últimas semanas surgió una nueva aprensión, la posible contaminación por el virus de la enfermedad Ebola. La prensa, que en términos generales ha abandonado su misión de defensores de la verdad para convertirse en comentaristas/voceros de ambos partidos políticos, se ha unido exagerando, a mi juicio, este peligro. Súbitamente Obama cancelo dos funciones de su campaña electoral para quedarse en Washington. Concordante con sus propias ideas, esta conducta aumentara nuestro temor a esa enfermedad con el “pánico” consiguiente. En esta ocasión, no podrá culpar a nadie, puesto que al igual que Chacumbele “el mismito se mato”.
Fernando J Milanés MD
Houston, We have a




We have a Problem!
Absolute tyranny by the
democrats. It is chilling and an assault on the First Amendment. CARLOS BRINGUIER <>
Nolan Rowald <>
The city of Houston
has issued subpoenas demanding a group of pastors turn over any sermons dealing
with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker, the city’s first openly
lesbian mayor. And those ministers who fail to comply could be held in contempt
of court.
“The city’s subpoena
of sermons and other pastoral communications is both needless and
unprecedented,” Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Christina Holcomb said in a statement. “The city council and its attorneys are engaging in an
inquisition designed to stifle any critique of its actions.”
ADF, a
nationally-known law firm specializing in religious liberty cases, is
representing five Houston pastors. They filed a motion in Harris County
court to stop the subpoenas arguing they are “overbroad,
unduly burdensome, harassing, and vexatious.”
“Political and social
commentary is not a crime,” Holcomb said. “It is protected by the First
The subpoenas are just
the latest twist in an ongoing saga over the Houston’s new non-discrimination
ordinance. The law, among other things, would allow men to use the ladies room
and vice versa. The city council approved the law in June.
The Houston Chronicle
reported opponents of the ordinance launched a petition drive that generated
more than 50,000 signatures – far more than the 17,269 needed to put a
referendum on the ballot.
After opponents of the
bathroom bill filed a lawsuit the city’s attorneys responded by issuing the
subpoenas against the pastors.
The pastors were not
part of the lawsuit. However, they were part of a coalition of some 400
Houston-area churches that opposed the ordinance. The churches represent a
number of faith groups – from Southern Baptist to non-denominational.
“City council members
are supposed to be public servants, not ‘Big Brother’ overlords who will
tolerate no dissent or challenge,” said ADF attorney Erik Stanley. “This
is designed to intimidate pastors.”
Mayor Parker will not
explain why she wants to inspect the sermons. I contacted City Hall for a
comment and received a terse reply from the mayor’s director of communications.
“We don’t comment on
litigation,” said Janice Evans.
However, ADF attorney
Stanley suspects the mayor wants to publicly shame the ministers. He said he
anticipates they will hold up their sermons for public scrutiny. In other words
– the city is rummaging for evidence to “out” the pastors as anti-gay bigots.
Among those slapped
with a subpoena is Steve Riggle, the senior pastor of Grace Community Church.
He was ordered to produce all speeches and sermons related to Mayor Annise
Parker, homosexuality and gender identity.
The mega-church pastor
was also ordered to hand over “all communications with members of your
congregation” regarding the non-discrimination law.
“This is an attempt to
chill pastors from speaking to the cultural issues of the day,” Riggle told me.
“The mayor would like to silence our voice. She’s a bully.”
Rev. Dave Welch,
executive director of the Texas Pastor Council, also received a subpoena. He
said he will not be intimidated by the mayor.
“We’re not afraid of
this bully,” he said. “We’re not intimidated at all.”
He accused the city of
violating the law with the subpoenas and vowed to stand firm in the faith.
“We are not going to
yield our First Amendment rights,” Welch told me. ‘This is absolutely a
complete abuse of authority.”
Tony Perkins, the head
of the Family Research Council, said pastors around the nation should rally
around the Houston ministers.
“The state is
breaching the wall of separation between church and state,” Perkins told me.
‘Pastors need to step forward and challenge this across the country. I’d like
to see literally thousands of pastors after they read this story begin to
challenge government authorities – to dare them to come into their churches and
demand their sermons.”
Perkins called the
actions by Houston’s mayor “obscene” and said they “should not be tolerated.”
“This is a shot across
the bow of the church,” he said.
This is the moment I
wrote about in my book, “God Less
America.” I predicted that
the government would one day try to silence American pastors. I warned that
under the guise of “tolerance and diversity” elected officials would attempt to
deconstruct religious liberty.
Sadly, that day
arrived sooner than even I expected.
Tony Perkins is
absolutely right. Now is the time for pastors and people of faith to take a
stand. We must rise up and reject this despicable strong-arm attack on
religious liberty. We cannot allow ministers to be intimidated by government
The pastors I spoke to
tell me they will not comply with the subpoena – putting them at risk for a
“fine or confinement, or both.”
Heaven forbid that
should happen. But if it does, Christians across America should be willing to
descend en masse upon Houston and join these brave men of God behind bars.
Pastor Welch compared
the culture war skirmish to the 1836 Battle of San Jacinto, fought in
present-day Harris County, Texas. It was a decisive battle of the Texas
“This is the San
Jacinto moment for traditional family,” Welch told me. “This is the place where
we stop the LGBT assault on the freedom to practice our faith.”
We can no longer
remain silent. We must stand together - because one day – the government might
come for your pastor.
Holder Gives DOJ Lawyers ‘Exceptional Service Award’ For Gay Marriage
Soon-to-be-retired Attorney General
Eric Holder gave the Department of Justice gay marriage implementation team the
department’s top award at the Annual Attorney General’s Awards Ceremony, a
Wednesday press release announced.
The Attorney General’s Award for
Exceptional Service, “the department’s highest award for employee performance,”
was given to the 29 people “responsible for outstanding achievement in U.S.
v. Windsor implementation.”
The 2013 Supreme Court decision in U.S.
v. Windsor gutted the Defense of Marriage Act, a 1996 federal law which defined
marriage as “a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife.”
The case was brought by Edith Windsor, who argued that she shouldn’t have to
pay estate taxes on the inheritance left her by her female partner because they
were married. Shortly after she filed suit against the government, President Barack Obama famously
instructed Holder not to defend DOMA’s constitutionality, since he had determined
it to be unconstitutional all by himself. “I fully concur with the President’s
determination,” Holder said at the time. Less than two years later, the
law was struck down.
“Among many others, this year’s award
recipients include those who have helped lead the fight to extend equal
protection, and equal rights, to our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
brothers and sisters – from enforcing civil rights laws to securing a historic
victory before the Supreme Court, the impact of which continues to radiate
through courts and communities across the country,” Holder said at the
“EMO” Sera que todos sean una bandada
de “patos” LRGM
Sugerencia de Oscar
Fraga sobre las próximas elecciones:
elecciones del próximo martes 4 de noviembre son de suma importancia para el
futuro de nuestro gran país. No debemos pensar como demócratas ni como
repúblicanos, sino como americanos. Tenemos que votar por candidatos que
representen los mismos valores que hicieron a los Estados Unidos la gran nación
que siempre fué. Tenemos que tener en mente que los ciudadanos son el gobierno,
"We the People." El presidente, los miembros del congreso y
nuestros jueces son solo parte de ese gobierno y no una entidad que tiene el poder
absoluto sobre cada uno de sus ciudadanos.
que es vital que cada uno de nosotros salgamos a votar ese día y que nos
eduquemos acerca de cada uno de los candidatos. Lo mismo digo sobre cada
una de las enmiendas que aparecerán en la boleta. Lo importante es salir a
anuncios que estamos viendo en la televisión y oyendo en la radio dejan mucho
que desear. Atácan al oponente pero ellos mismos no nos dicen que piensan
hacer si ellos son electos. Mucho de estos anuncios estan llenos de
mentiras y de información totalmente errónea y mal intencionada.
vivir en diferentes distritos, cada uno de nosotros tendremos candidatos y
enmiendas diferentes. También habrá casos en los cuales hay candidatos y
enmiendas por lo que todos nosotros votaremos.
Le sugieron
que consideren a los siguientes candidatos y a las explicaciones que los
acompañan en la mayoria de los casos. Tambión les sugieron que consideren
como votar en las enmiendas y las explicaciones que las acompañan. Pero
cada uno de Uds. sabrá como quieren votar ese día.
Para gobernador y vicegobernador: Rick Scott y Carlos López
Cantera. Rick Scott tomó las riendas del estado en un momento en que el
desempleo estaba sumamente alto y miles de familias tenian sus propiedades en
foreclosure. Charlie Crist fué republicano, independiente y ahora
demócrata. Dice que va a subir el salario mínimo y ésto suena muy lindo,
pero eso es una función del gobierno federal y no el de un estado.
Ninguno de los candidatos son santos pero hay veces que hay que
elegir el menos de dos males.
Para fiscal general: Pam Bondi
Para Funcionario Principal de Finanzas: Jeff Atwater
Para Comisionado de Agricultura: Adam Putnam
Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 23: Joseph "Joe"
6. Representante
ante el Congreso, Distrito 24: Carlos Curbelo. José "Joe"
García es su oponente. Esta en estos momentos siendo investigado por un
caso federal y no olvidemos que el dice que "Communism works."
Representante Estatal, Distrito 100: Martin a. "Marty"
Representante Estatal, Distrito 103: Manny Díaz, Jr. No tiene
nada que ver con el que fué alcalde de la Ciudad de Miami y terminó siendo
millonario en pocos años.
Representante Estatal, Distrito 105: Carlos Trujillo
Representante Estatal, Distrito 110: Jose Oliva
Representante Estatal, Distrito 111: Votar por uno
Representante Estatal, Distrito 112: Daniel Díaz Leyva
Representante Estatal, Distrito 114: Erik Fresen
Representante Estatal, Distrito 115: Michael Bileca
Representante Estatal, Distrito 116: Jose Felíx Díaz/Carmen Sotomayor
Representante Estatal, Distrito 118: Frank Artiles
Representante Estatal, Distrito 119: Jeanette M. Nuñez
Tasador de Inmuebles: Pedro J. García. El ha estudiado toda su vida
para esa posición. Gracias a el, nuestros impuestos a la propiedad
bajaron cuando el estaba en ese cargo. Su contrincante es Eddy Gonzalez,
no luce una mala persona, pero no sabe mucho sobre la posición de tasador ya
que por años fué un Representante Estatal.
Enmienda #1-Water and Land Convervation-Conservación de Aguas y Tierras:
No. (Suena bonito, sobre todo cuando dicen que no nos subiran
nuestros impuestos. Aqui es para que el gobierno sigan comprando tierras
y más tierras y hacer más y más regulaciones. ¿Sabian que apróximadamente
el 80% de las tierras del estado de Nevada han sido compradas por el gobierno?
Todo en nombre del calentamiento global, etc.- Esto se pica y se
extiende!!!) Tengan mucho cuidado porque el lobo viene vestido de obeja.
Enmienda #2-Marihuana: No. Ya el estado de la Florida tiene la ley
Charlotte Webb firmada por el gobernador Rick Scott que permite la venta de la
marihuna medicinal a personas que de verdad lo necesitan. Lean lo que ha
pasado en el estado de Colorado después que ellos votaron a favor. Ahora
la mayoria de los usuarios son jovenes entre los 20 y los 35 años. Ya
estan haciendo galleticas de marihuana y hasta un aceite de cocinar de marihuana.
La marihuana es adictiva, afecta al cerebro y es el primer paso al uso de
drogas mas fuertes. Suena muy bonito como no las quieren vender.
Enmienda #3-Nombramiento Eventual para Ciertos Cargos Judiciales
Vacantes: No. Esta perfecto de la manera que se hace. No hace
falta que cambien el proceso que esta en vigencia hoy en día. Eso le
daria un poder a los gobernadores de poner a sus amigos ya Uds. saben para que.
Preguntas del Condado-Enmienda para permitir bibliotecas en parques:
No. Ya tenemos suficientes bibliotecas y con las que tenemos ellos
tienens problemas asi que como ahora ellos quieren bibliotecas en los parques.
Parece que le esta patinando el coco.
Preguntas del Condado- Eximir al Parque Regional de Fútbol de
Miami-Dade del Articulo 7: No. Esto es un arma de doble filo.
Preguntas del Condado- Permitir terrenos para acampar y
alojamientos/cabañas en el Parque de Matecumbe: No. Esto también
esta dudoso.Ya tenemos bastantes lugares de alojamientos y para acampar.
Esto impactaria negativamente el medio ambiente de la zona. ¿Quién
sera el contratista y el dueño de esos alojamientos y lugares de acampar?
Enmienda para eximir del Articulo 7 la ampliación de la Universidad
Internacional de la Florida en los predios de la Fería de la Juventud:
No. FIU ya tiene bastante tierra. Ya estan tomando tierras
del otro lado de la Calle 8. Tienen un Campo Universitario en el Norte
que hay que decirle Ud. Quiere tomar los mangos bajitos con el hecho de
que le den esos terrenos. En esos terrenos se llevan a caba muchas
actividades para nuestra comunidad. Pienso que lo mudarian para
Homestead. ¿Cuantas familias pueden ir a Homestead? También FIU ha
hecho muchas cosas en contra de los estudiantes. Cursos lo dividen en dos
sesiones para cobrar más, se quedan con parte del dinero de Florida
Pre-paid,etc. En fin, son un pulpo que lo quiren acaparar todo.
Imponer otro impuesto a la propiedad para cubrir el gasto de construir
una Corte que reemplaze el edificio del Cielito Lindo: No. Ya no
podemos con otro impuesto mas. Si el edificio de la corte esta asi es
porque el Condado la dejo ponerse asi. ¿Dónde han estado los inspectores
todos estos años? Solo piensen lo que le pasaria a Uds. si pusieran algo
fuera de codigo en su propiedad o no cortaran el pasto por un tiempo. . . Si,
le iban a poner una tremenda multa. Recuerden lo que paso con el impuesto
al Jackson Hospital. Ahora tenemos que pagar ese impuesto y el dinero que
el hospital recibia del estado se lo han quitado y se los han dado a otros
hospitales alrededor del estado.
Juez del Condado, Grupo 19: Frank Bocanegra
¿Se deberian retener en sus cargos los tres jueces del Tribunal de
Apelaciones: Thomas Logue, Barbara Lagoa, y Vance E. Salter? (He
tratado de encontrar información sobre ellos y la poca información que esta
disponible dice que han desempeñado bien su cargo).
en todos los puntos antes mencionados. Recuerden, la decisión es suya.
Compartan cualquier información que piensen que es importante con sus
familiares y amigos. Pidanles que voten por cualquiera de los candidatos
que ellos merecen que se merecen su voto, pero que voten.
Están son mis sugerencias para
las próximas elecciones el martes 4 de noviembre del 2014.
Usted debe votar por quien
usted desee.
Esta es Boleta electoral del próximo Noviembre Martes 4, 2014 en Miami Dade.
DISTRITO 23 Joseph Kaufman REP 10
DISTRITO 24 Carlos Curbelo REP 15
REP 17 Carlos Lopez-Cantera
Atwater REP 25
REP 27
REPRESENTANTE ESTATAL, DISTRITO 100 Martin A. “Marty” Feigenbaum REP 30
Trujillo REP 35
Jose Oliva REP 40
Diaz Leyva REP 44
Fresen REP 46
REPRESENTANTE ESTATAL, DISTRITO 116 Jose Felix Diaz REP 52 Carmen Sotomayor REP 54
Artiles REP 56
M. Nuñez REP 58
No voten por Eddie González
para tasador de inmuebles, porque es un aliado de Carlos Giménez para subirnos
los impuestos.
Financiamiento de Proyectos del
Tribunal mediante la Emisión de Bonos de
Obligación General: Hacer una nueva corte con dinero de los
contribuyentes. Vote NO/.
Lázaro R. González
“En mi opinión”v
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