No 764 “En mi opinión” Viernes
Octubre 10, 2014
least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in
US Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA)
reported that Border Patrol agents told him that ten ISIS fighters were caught
trying to cross the southern border on Tuesday’s“On the Record” on the Fox News Channel.
“ISIS is coming across the
southern border” he said. And “at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught
coming across the Mexican border in Texas,” knowledge he stated was from his
conversations with Border Patrol agents.
He added that “if they [the
Border Patrol] catch five or ten of them, then you know there’s going to be
dozens more that did not get caught by the Border Patrol.”
Hunter further
declared “if you want to protect Americans from ISIS, you secure them from the
southern border…the only way that ISIS is going to harm Americans is by coming
in through the southern border, which they already have.”
En la carretera hacia Washington DC, un
conductor se encuentra con una multitud de automóviles y personas y, al
detenerse, pregunta qué es lo que sucede; le responden:
Un grupo de "delincuentes" ha
secuestrado a a Barack Husein Obama y
está solicitando 10 millones de dólares por su liberación, y si esta petición
no es cumplida en 2 horas, lo rociarán con combustible y le prenderán fuego,
por lo que estamos haciendo una colecta con todos los que llegan.
¿Y cuánto han logrado reunir hasta ahora?
Tenemos... 888 galones de gasolina Premium, 520
de gasolina regular, 350 de gasoil, 290 de keroseno, 270 de alcohol, 5000
galones de petróleo, 380 cajas de fósforos y 210 encendedores.
“EMO” el chiste no es mío,
lo juro. LRGM.
[Obama] Flojera,
Indecisión, Indiferencia => Una América Vulnerable
En las semanas después que los terroristas atacaron el World
Trade Center y el Pentágono, después de vuelo 93 cayó en picada en Pensilvania,
el Presidente George Bush W. — sin importar lo que la gente pensaba de él
políticamente se enfrentó al desafío. Nos pueden legítimamente debatir por qué
fuimos a Irak, el impacto de la Ley Patriota y un montón de cosas, pero en el
fondo no nos pueden debatir el que Bush actuó decisivamente y con voluntad
contra el acto de terrorismo.
Barack Obama, quien ganó la Presidencia en gran parte porque él no era
George Bush, y en gran parte porque era medio negro, quiere ser lo que sus
electores estaban buscando desesperadamente con un pensamiento de cobardía
escapista — un presidente que terminara con las guerras y no preocupado
con la gran política exterior y asuntos de seguridad nacional, y también
tratando de probar que es un negro completo con medidas económicas de
dependencia de las minorías y lucha de clases...
El problema es que esos electores que votaron por Obama no pensaron en que
huir una guerra contra un enemigo imperialista, cuyo imperio es un Califato
Mundial, es huir de la realidad. Querían a un nuevo Jimmy Carter, y
están sufriendo las mismas consecuencias de la administración Carter, y lo malo
es que no vemos a un Reagan en el horizonte.
Obama se ha enfrentado a la realidad que él y sus electores estaban
Puedes verlo en sus ojos, su voz, su lenguaje corporal, en el que enseña su
afeminada flojera, en la falta de convicción en sus palabras.
La razón por la que realmente no tiene una, como dijo, acerca de los
terroristas islamistas en Siria (y por qué es probable que no habrá uno) es que
sus cerebros — de Valerie Jarrett y personas clave en su Consejo de seguridad
nacional — que no está ni cerca de estar calificados ni tiene
voluntad para asesorarlo en temas de seguridad; se centran más en
los asuntos internos que en la política de seguridad nacional.
No es que se le fue, cuando dijo que no tenía estrategia fue una de las
pocas veces que hemos visto a Obama decir la verdad. La prueba es
que cuando nos ha dado una estrategia por la presión de los acontecimientos, la
estrategia ha sido incompleta e ineficiente.
Obama ha fusionado su modo campaña querido con su modo de gobernar, el
problema es que su modo de campaña resultó bueno, pero su manera de gobernar ha
resultado funesta. Obama como el Marxismos es bueno para convencer a las
personas incautas para tomar el poder, pero es una desgracia después que tiene
las riendas del poder-
En cualquier administración hasta ahora, las autoridades nacionales
decidían debe ser el deseado fin estratégico de los Estados Unidos, y luego los
militares hace la planificación estratégica y operativa alcanzar esa meta.
Pero el Presidente Obama se muestra absolutamente con ningún deseo, sin
voluntad, hacer lo que debe hacer; hasta ahora, la única voluntad que ha
mostrado es a partir sobre amenaza en el camino, no de ISIS pero del peligro de
perder las elecciones el próximo mes.
¿El miedo es, él seguirá pateando el balón terrorista hasta el final de su
Presidencia? Como si fuera uno de esos jugadores de soccer o de básquet ball
cuando están en los últimos minutos del juego para matar el tiempo.
Sí, sin lugar a dudas puede hacerlo si no pasa sin algo tan
horrible como el 9/11.
Pero es triste el reconocer que tenemos un presidente que para cumplir su
deber tenemos que sufrir las muerte de miles de ciudadanos.
Abordar la amenaza de ISIS en una manera que logre un fin estratégico no es
el camino de Obama.
Otro elemento evidente de lo que estamos viendo de este presidente es la
parálisis de decisión táctica. Si es cierto, y si eso llega a ser una completa
parálisis de decisión estratégica, como la que estamos viendo desarrollarse
¿qué pasará con nuestra seguridad nacional? ¿Eso contribuirá a otro 9/11? Sin
lugar a dudas, sucederá, no es cuestión que de si sucederá o no, es sólo la
incógnita de cuándo será.
Mira nuestra frontera sur: ISIS tiene el motivo y los medios para entrar en
la nación, y los cárteles de la droga lo ayudará. (Recuerde que Irán utilizó
esos carteles de intentar un asesinato de un oficial Saudita aquí en 2012). Ya
están aquí, sólo esperando las órdenes.
Nos estamos quedando sin tiempo y el espacio; la estrategia en el medio
oriente con los bombardeos no ha parado la ofensiva de ISIS. No es
inconcebible que ISIS esté ya en nuestro suelo con un objetivo terrorista.
Quizás otra vez a un Maratón como el de Boston, o a un congestionado Mall
comercial, o a grandes ciudades como Nueva York Chicago o Washington — o, aún
peor, a todos a la vez.
Y no nos llamemos a dudas, si esto no ha sucedido es porque los
terroristas, a diferencia de Obama, si tienen estrategia, y cuando esa
estrategia les diga que es el momento de atacarnos, lo harán, Es sólo cuestión
del tiempo y el lugar.
Lo que necesitamos es un el liderazgo- Lo que hemos estado recibiendo es un
tipo que puede dar un buen discurso divisivo sobre aumentar el salario mínimo,
pero que no ofrece nada acerca de su estrategia para protegernos-
Tenemos lo que los electores escogieron, un Jimmy Carter, la diferencia es
que este es un Jimmy Carter “new and improved”
Cuando el mundo compara a Obama a otros líderes y ve su flojedad, es un
peligro para América sobre todos cuando los otros líderes son nuestros enemigos
como en el caso de Vladimir Putin.
¿Cómo está Nora?
Una Dulce Abuelita
habla por teléfono al hospital y pregunta tímidamente:
¿Sería posible que alguien me informara, como está una paciente?
La Operadora contesta:
Encantada de ayudarla. ¿Cómo se llama la paciente y en qué cuarto está?
La Abuelita con su voz temblorosa dice:
-Nora Habitación 302
La operadora responde:
-Permítame ponerla en espera, mientras hablo con la Enfermera del piso para poder informarle.
Después de unos 2 minutos, le informa:
Tengo buenas noticias, la enfermera que en este momento está con ella me dijo que Nora va muy bien, su presión arterial y su glucosa ya están en su curso normal y su Doctor, que la vio esta mañana, dice que le darán de alta el martes.
La Abuelita dice:
-Que alegría… ya estaba preocupada, Dios la Bendiga señorita por las buenas noticias.
La Operadora dice:
-Fue un placer ayudarla. Disculpe, ¿Nora es su Hija?
La Abuelita le contesta:
No !!!! …Nora, soy yo, la de la habitación 302 !!!,
Lo que pasa es, que estoy internada por el obamacare de los jubilados y pensionados.
¿Sería posible que alguien me informara, como está una paciente?
La Operadora contesta:
Encantada de ayudarla. ¿Cómo se llama la paciente y en qué cuarto está?
La Abuelita con su voz temblorosa dice:
-Nora Habitación 302
La operadora responde:
-Permítame ponerla en espera, mientras hablo con la Enfermera del piso para poder informarle.
Después de unos 2 minutos, le informa:
Tengo buenas noticias, la enfermera que en este momento está con ella me dijo que Nora va muy bien, su presión arterial y su glucosa ya están en su curso normal y su Doctor, que la vio esta mañana, dice que le darán de alta el martes.
La Abuelita dice:
-Que alegría… ya estaba preocupada, Dios la Bendiga señorita por las buenas noticias.
La Operadora dice:
-Fue un placer ayudarla. Disculpe, ¿Nora es su Hija?
La Abuelita le contesta:
No !!!! …Nora, soy yo, la de la habitación 302 !!!,
Lo que pasa es, que estoy internada por el obamacare de los jubilados y pensionados.
Como nadie me hace
caso con el ¡timbrecito de mierda éste!, no me dan medicamentos, no
me sirven comida, la enfermera no viene a verme y el Médico hace tres días que
no aparece, entonces antes de ayer me vine para mi casa.
Estoy llamando para saber si ya estoy bien y si en ese ¡hospital de mierda! alguien se dió cuenta ¡de que me fui!
Estoy llamando para saber si ya estoy bien y si en ese ¡hospital de mierda! alguien se dió cuenta ¡de que me fui!
Barack Obama: the end of a love
Six years after offering hope and change,
polls show the American public has fallen out of love with their president – so
where did it all go wrong?
Barack Obama romped to the presidency of the United States in 2008 on a tidal wave of ‘hope and
change’. Back then, the financial crisis was raging and US troops were still
engaged in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, but a fresh-faced Mr Obama brimmed
with confidence.
predicted that future generations would look back on his election and see the
moment “when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to
heal…when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the
last, best hope on earth.”
years later, Mr Obama is weary and greyed and finds his job
approval ratings stuck in the low-40s. This October is the 17th consecutive
month in which polls show that a majority of Americans disapprove of his
November’s mid-term elections less than a month away, even fellow Democrats
won't be seen dead with the man who once transformed their party's fortunes.
Apart from some closed-door fundraisers, Mr Obama is all but invisible on the
campaign trail.
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It was the economy, stupid…
Mr Obama took office facing the worst economic crisis since the Great
Depression, unemployment has fallen from 10pc to 6pc and American businesses
have created 10 million new jobs – that’s more than Japan, Europe and every
other advanced economy combined.
why do only 39pc of Americans approve of his handling of the economy, according
to YouGov?
It’s because too many of those jobs are “McJobs” – that is, low-paid and
part-time work that don’t leave people feeling better off.
numerical terms, GDP has risen by 8pc since Mr Obama took office, but median
household incomes are down 4pc and – unlike during the George W Bush years –
there is no housing boom or easy credit make up the difference.
Then there were healthcare
reforms…that were bad for a president’s health
on a wave of euphoria, Mr Obama bet the house on reforming America’s Byzantine
healthcare system – quite literally as it turned out.
succeeded in forcing the Obamacare reforms through Congress, but the payback
came in the 2010 mid-term elections. The Tea Party movement was born and a
fired-up Republican base took back the House of Representatives. Washington has
been gridlocked pretty much ever since.
big hurdle was the ‘individual mandate’ that forced all Americans to buy health
insurance on pain of a fine. Mr Obama appeared to underestimate how little
Americans, born to be free, like being mandated to do anything.
Then came the roll-out fiasco…
Obama had promised America they could go online and buy insurance “the same way
you'd shop for a plane ticket on Kayak or a TV on Amazon”. In the event all
they got was error messages and spinning egg timers as the Obamacare website
crashed day after day.
are naturally suspicious about the role of big government, and the disastrous
Obamacare rollout only confirmed many in that prejudice. Suffice to say Amazon
and Kayak would have filed for bankruptcy long ago if they handled their
product launches like Mr Obama’s department of Health and Human Services rolled
out Obamacare.
To confirm the Obama administration’s
reputation for incompetence…
George W Bush after Hurricane Katrina, Mr Obama’s approval numbers never
recovered from the sight of his flagship piece of legislation capsizing so ignominiously
before it had even left the harbour.
ship has been righted and re-floated, but with further legal challenges pending
no-one is too confident of her structural integrity.
to that the Benghazi disaster, where Mr Obama lost his ambassador to Libya, and
the on-going crisis in the administration of Veterans Affairs, and it seems
many voters are no longer inclined to give Mr Obama the benefit of the doubt.
And all this, just as everyone was
getting sick of him anyway…
it the whip-lash effect, but as the saying goes, “nothing turns to hate so
bitter as what once was love.” Having been elected on a wave of such
stratospheric adulation, it was perhaps inevitable Mr Obama would disappoint
more deeply.
America elected to give him a second shot, and at the start of Mr Obama's
second term the nation was brimming with hopes for a grand bargain on American
finances and for a bolder, more engaged President Obama.
second honeymoon didn’t last long: from a January 2013 high of +13, the
presidential ratings – the difference between those who approve or disapprove
of the president – had slipped underwater by June and in November hit a rock
bottom: -15. They have been gurgling along in the -10 region ever since.
And then along comes Islamic State to
blow up the Obama foreign policy doctrine…
the past, second-term presidents facing trouble at home – think Ronald Reagan
after Iran Contra, Bill Clinton after impeachment – have turned to events
abroad to restore their presidential credibility. For Mr Obama, the reverse has
proved true.
a president who campaigned on ending foreign entanglements, it has been nothing
short of humiliating for Mr Obama to be forced to intervene in Syria and Iraq.
It didn't help matters when he admitted in August that "we don't have a
strategy yet" for confronting Isil.
two former top aides have released books criticising Mr Obama for his lack of
leadership over Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, and for the hands-off foreign policy
doctrine which the president once memorably summarised as “don’t do stupid
stuff”. Hillary Clinton stuck the knife in ever further: “Great nations need
organising principles,” she observed, “and ‘Don’t do stupid stuff’ is not an
organising principle.”
But there is always golf to take your
mind of things…
is usually a retirement option, but to many observers Mr Obama seems to have
taken his early, completing nearly 200 rounds since taking office – including
nearly 40 this year alone.
not that the president doesn’t have a right to relax, but it wasn’t just
Republicans who were angered by the sight of Mr Obama laughing and joking on a
golf cart just minutes after making an announcement condemning the beheading of
the journalist James Foley.
Which perhaps explains why it’s
personal now…
much of the Obama presidency, voters have tended to draw a distinction between
the man and the problems faced by the nation – many of which, like high
deficits, wars and unemployment, were blamed either on the George W Bush era or
global factors beyond the president’s control.
was that buffer that explained how Mr Obama broke all historical precedent and
won re-election with unemployment running at nearly 8pc. While some of his
policies were unpopular, a strong majority still found the president to be an
"honest and trustworthy" leader.
those ratings too are under water, and Mr Obama is identified as part of the
problem, with only 27 per cent of Americans believing that “things in the
United States are heading in the right direction” according to a CBS/New York
Times poll this week.
Democrats hoping keep control of the Senate in November that’s a horrible number.
The Obama love affair looks well and truly over.
for the web by David Lawler
No a la mariguana: Vota NO
en la enmienda #2
The terrible truth about cannabis: Expert's
devastating 20-year study finally demolishes claims that smoking pot is
One in six teenagers who regularly smoke the drug
become dependent
It doubles risk of developing psychotic disorders,
including schizophrenia
Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair
intellectual development
Driving after smoking cannabis doubles risk of having
a car crash
Study's author said: 'If cannabis is not addictive
then neither is heroin'
A definitive 20-year study into the effects of
long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe.
Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health
problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.
The paper by Professor Wayne Hall, a drugs advisor to
the World Health Organisation, builds a compelling case against those who deny
the devastation cannabis wreaks on the brain. Professor Hall found:
Scroll down for video
Lasting effects: One in six teenagers who regularly
smoke the drug become dependent on it and cannabis users do worse at school.
Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual development. (File
One in six
teenagers who regularly smoke the drug become dependent on it,
doubles the risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia,
Cannabis users
do worse at school. Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual
One in ten
adults who regularly smoke the drug become dependent on it and those who use it
are more likely to go on to use harder drugs,
Driving after
smoking cannabis doubles the risk of a car crash, a risk which increases
substantially if the driver has also had a drink,
Smoking it
while pregnant reduces the baby’s birth weight.
Police confirm decomposed body found in West London park is prime
suspect in Alice Gross murder...
Last night Professor Hall, a professor of addiction
policy at King’s College London, dismissed the views of those who say that
cannabis is harmless.
‘If cannabis is not addictive then neither is heroin
or alcohol,’ he said.
‘It is often harder to get people who are dependent on
cannabis through withdrawal than for heroin – we just don’t know how to do
Those who try to stop taking cannabis often suffer
anxiety, insomnia, appetite disturbance and depression, he found. Even after
treatment, less than half can stay off the drug for six months.
The paper states that teenagers and young adults are
now as likely to take cannabis as they are to smoke cigarettes.+5
Addiction: Those who try to stop taking cannabis often
suffer anxiety, insomnia, appetite disturbance and depression, the study found.
(File image)
Professor Hall writes that it is impossible to take a
fatal overdose of cannabis, making it less dangerous at first glance than
heroin or cocaine. He also states that taking the drug while pregnant can
reduce the weight of a baby, and long-term use raises the risk of cancer,
bronchitis and heart attack.
But his main finding is that regular use, especially
among teenagers, leads to long-term mental health problems and addiction.
‘The important point I am trying to make is that
people can get into difficulties with cannabis use, particularly if they get
into daily use over a longer period,’ he said. ‘There is no doubt that heavy
users experience a withdrawal syndrome as with alcohol and heroin.
‘Rates of recovery from cannabis dependence among
those seeking treatment are similar to those for alcohol.’
Mark Winstanley, of the charity Rethink Mental
Illness, said: ‘Too often cannabis is wrongly seen as a safe drug, but as this
review shows, there is a clear link with psychosis and schizophrenia,
especially for teenagers.
‘The common view that smoking cannabis is nothing to
get worked up about needs to be challenged more effectively. Instead of
classifying and re-classifying, government time and money would be much better
spent on educating young people about how smoking cannabis is essentially
playing a very real game of Russian roulette with your mental health.’
Cannabis was given a Class B rating when the
classification system for illegal drugs was set up in 1971, putting it below
Class A substances heroin and cocaine in seriousness but above Class C drugs
such as steroids.
The Labour government downgraded the drug to Class C
in 2004 – meaning officers did not normally arrest those caught with it – but
reversed its decision within five years. Other failed attempts to liberalise
the approach to cannabis include that of former Metropolitan Police chief Brian
Paddick, who spearheaded a ‘softly, softly’ scheme while borough commander in
Lambeth in 2001.
His party leader, Nick Clegg, has previously backed
moves to partially decriminalise the sale of cannabis. At the Liberal Democrat
conference yesterday, he called for people to be spared jail if they are caught
with small amounts of drugs.
Widespread: Teenagers and young adults are now as
likely to take cannabis as they are to smoke cigarettes. Regular use,
especially among teens, leads to long-term mental health problems and
addiction. (File image)
In 2005, David Cameron, when he ran for the Tory
leadership, said it would be ‘disappointing’ if radical options on the law on
cannabis were not looked at. He said he favoured ‘fresh thinking and a new
approach’ towards drugs policy.
Mr Cameron also voted, when he was a member of the
Home Affairs Select Committee, for the UN body on drugs policy to look at
whether to legalise and regulate the drugs trade. Today, he no longer supports
Professor Hall last night declined to comment on the
decriminalisation debate.
But in his paper, published in the journal Addiction,
he wrote that the rise of medical treatment for cannabis ‘dependence syndrome’
had not been stopped by legalisation. The number of cannabis users seeking help
to quit or control their cannabis use has increased during the past two decades
in the United States, Europe and Australia,’ he wrote. ‘The same increase has
occurred in the Netherlands, where cannabis use was decriminalised more than 40
years ago.’
David Raynes, of the National Drug Prevention
Alliance, added: ‘There is no case for legalisation and we hope that this puts
an end to the matter. The two main parties agree that cannabis needs to remain
illegal – we hope the Liberal Democrats see this research and re-examine their
The celebrities and campaigners who
claimed cannabis was safe
For years, activists and celebrities trying to
decriminalise cannabis have campaigned on the claim that the real health damage
to users is done by the legal ban on drugs. They have dismissed the growing
evidence that smoking cannabis is a serious risk to mental health.
Prominent supporters of decriminalisation have
included comedian Russell Brand, singer Sting, writer Will Self and left-wing
barrister Michael Mansfield.
A key figure has been David Nutt, who was chairman of
the Home Office Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, until sacked for his
campaigning five years ago. The professor said the risk of lung cancer from
smoking was vastly greater than the risk of psychosis from cannabis.
Personal: Sir Richard Branson (left) has a
long-running campaign against the legal ban on drugs and comedian Russell
Brand, pictured right last night, has been a prominent supporter of
He gave a lecture in 2009 in which he said: ‘The
analysis we came up with was that smokers of cannabis are about 2.6 times more
likely to have a psychotic-like experience than non-smokers. To put that figure
in proportion, you are 20 times more likely to get lung cancer if you smoke
tobacco than if you don’t.
‘The other paradox is that schizophrenia seems to be
disappearing from the general population, even though cannabis use has
increased markedly in the last 30 years.
‘So, even though skunk has been around now for ten
years, there has been no upswing in schizophrenia. Where people have looked,
they haven’t found any evidence linking cannabis use in a population and
The claim that cannabis is harmless is repeated in a
documentary shortly to be released in Britain called The Culture High, which
features interviews with Sir Richard Branson and Mike Trace, Britain’s deputy
drugs czar under Tony Blair. He was sacked after the Mail revealed he was
planning to launch a decriminalisation pressure group.
The film contains an interview with an academic who
states that ‘marijuana is the most non-toxic medicine I have ever come across’
and maintains, according to reports, that ‘scientific evidence overwhelmingly
shows it has medical benefits’.
Sir Richard’s appearance in the film is part of a
long-running personal campaign against the legal ban on drugs. Sir Richard is
also part of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, a pressure group which says legalisation
would ‘safeguard the health and security of citizens’. Read
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Withhold Evidence & That Is Just Fine
Gee, and what would happen to a mere mortal, like me, if I were to “withhold
evidence” from a Federal investigation? I’m sure I’d get to keep my freedom,
and my job… Yeah, right! –Bob Allen
Bob is absolutely right. He is
commenting on this story at
the Washington Post website: “Aides knew of
possible White House link to Cartagena, Colombia, prostitution scandal.”
nearly two dozen Secret Service agents and members of the military were
punished or fired following a 2012 prostitution scandal in Colombia, Obama
administration officials repeatedly denied that anyone from the White House was
But new details drawn from government documents and interviews show that senior
White House aides were given information at the time suggesting that a
prostitute was an overnight guest in the hotel room of a presidential
advance-team member — yet that information was never thoroughly investigated or
publicly acknowledged.
But that is only a tame part of the scandal!
The real scandal is that political
power was used to thwart an investigation and nothing is
being done about this malfeasance!
the new details also show that a separate set of investigators in the inspector
general’s office of the Department of Homeland Security — tasked by a Senate
committee with digging more deeply into misconduct on the trip — found
additional evidence from records and eyewitnesses who had accompanied the team
member in Colombia.
lead investigator later told Senate staffers that he felt pressure from his
superiors in the office of Charles K. Edwards, who was then the acting
inspector general, to
withhold evidence —
and that, in the heat of an election year, decisions were being made with
political considerations in mind.
were directed at the time . . . to delay the report of the investigation
until after the 2012 election,”
David Nieland, the lead investigator on the Colombia case for the DHS inspector
general’s office, told Senate staffers, according to three people with
knowledge of his statement.
added that his
superiors told him “to withhold and alter certain information in the report of
investigation because
it was potentially embarrassing to the administration.”
He felt pressure withhold evidence in an investigation? But
I doubt he felt much pressure to do his job and not obstruct justice. Those who
wield power for evil purposes are unopposed.
There are many other aspects of the
scandal listed in this article, including how people were put on
“administrative leave” in the Administration for asking the wrong questions.
Also, the Secret Service, interestingly, was angry that their people got
punished while White House staffers got by with no investigation. That has all kinds of possible ramifications for recent events.
4 Islamic
terrorists found in Texas
You can be sure that these
aren’t the only ones who have made it into our country.
Check it out:
Check it out:
A noted Washington watchdog
organization on Wednesday said four “Islamic terrorists” have been caught in
Texas after coming into the U.S. across the Mexican border in just the last 36
Judicial Watch announced its sources within
the Department of Homeland Security say the arrests were made by federal
authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr.
The announcement came only
hours after a member of Congress, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., disclosed in a
TV interview that jihadists with the Middle Eastern group ISIS have been caught
coming into the U.S. from Mexico.
He said his information came
from the Border Patrol.
“They were caught at the border
… therefore, we know that ISIS is coming across the border,” he said. “If they
catch five or 10 of them, we know there are dozens more that did not get
Judicial Watch said it
confirmed its information after Hunter, a member of the House Armed Services
Committee, was interviewed by the Fox News Channel’s Greta Van Susteren.
Hunter said that if the
administration really wants to protect Americans from ISIS, it needs to secure
the southern border.
Mystery Virus Found Where Illegal-Alien Kids
More blood on Obama’s hands. Will he be held accountable for his
Check it out:
Check it out:
Enterovirus D68 has killed five U.S. children and infected
hundreds more in the past month and a half, doctors confirm, and some believe
there may be a connection between the sudden outbreak and the throngs of
unaccompanied, illegal-alien children now being housed across the country.
A 2013 study published in Virology Journal found EV-D68 in a small
proportion of young people with flu-like symptoms in eight Latin American
According to investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, there are
significant numbers of unaccompanied illegal minors in Kansas City and Chicago,
the two cities where the current EV-D68 outbreak was first identified.
The outbreak happened in mid- to late August, right around the
time when many children would have gone back to school and come into contact
with their new illegal-alien classmates for the first time.
While not proving the Enterovirus outbreak originated with the
Central American children, the CDC reports on its website confirmed EV-D68
cases in 44 states and the District of Columbia since mid-August. That includes
states, such as Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming, which have very few illegal
minors. Meanwhile, Arizona, a common crossing point and holding ground for
illegal aliens, is one of the six states that have not had a confirmed case of
"This Could Get Beyond Our
Control... " -Senator Rand Paul
And yet... in spite of the fact that Barack Obama has already called the Ebola outbreak a "national security priority" ... and in spite of the fact that he has the statutory and legal authority to do so... Barack Obama is REFUSING to ENFORCE THE LAW by implementing reasonable travel bans and visa and entry restrictions on people coming into the United States from Ebola infected countries.
There's only one way to stop this insanity. Our elected officials need to step up to the plate. They need to pound on their bully pulpits every second of every day until they SHAME Mr. I-Have-A-Pen-And-I-Have-A-Phone into enforcing the law and implementing a reasonable travel ban. But make no mistake, our elected officials WON'T do it on their own, they must hear from you... and they need to hear from you now... before it is too late.
Government Is Lying To You.
But before we delve into our government's half-truths and half-measures, let us state, for the record, that if you believe our government is not being straight with you, you're not in a panic and you're not giving in to to irrational fears.
Far from it and, in spite of what you may be hearing from the Obama Regime, the lame-stream media and even some Obama apparatchiks who have medical degrees, demanding that our government take reasonable precautions and temporarily restrict travel into the United States to avoid what Mr. Obama has already called a "national security priority" does not make you a kook or a wing-nut with a tin-foil hat. It's just common sense.
And you don't need to be a medical doctor or a microbiologist to understand that our government is not being totally straight with you. When it comes to the possibility of an Ebola outbreak in the United States, our government is allowing politics to trump public safety. As Senator Paul stated:"This could get beyond our control ... I think because of political correctness we're not really making sound, rational, scientific decisions..."
We're being told that no one who is showing outward signs of Ebola is being allowed into the United States. But wait a minute, if Ebola can incubate inside of a human host for up to 21 days, how are we stopping the infected, who show no outward symptoms, from coming into the country?
The short answer is, we're not, but we're told that's okay because the same people who told you that you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor... the same people who told you that ISIS is a"jayvee team" ... the same people who told you that there was not a "smidgen of corruption" at the IRS... the same people who allowed untold numbers of veterans to die as they waited on "secret lists"for essential medical care... is now telling us that everything is okay... we're being told that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will somehow be able to locate these people after they've become contagious and isolate them to control the spread of the disease.
Thousands of people from Ebola-infected countries and adjacent countries come into the United States every day. Are we to believe that our government has the resources to track thousands... tens-of-thousands...?
Keep in mind, the CDC is called the Centers for Disease Control for a reason and the crucial question that no one is asking in this case is; what exactly constitutes an acceptable level of disease control? That's a question we don't want answered and the power to ensure that we don't get an answer to that question lies with you and the action you take now.
But before we delve into our government's half-truths and half-measures, let us state, for the record, that if you believe our government is not being straight with you, you're not in a panic and you're not giving in to to irrational fears.
Far from it and, in spite of what you may be hearing from the Obama Regime, the lame-stream media and even some Obama apparatchiks who have medical degrees, demanding that our government take reasonable precautions and temporarily restrict travel into the United States to avoid what Mr. Obama has already called a "national security priority" does not make you a kook or a wing-nut with a tin-foil hat. It's just common sense.
And you don't need to be a medical doctor or a microbiologist to understand that our government is not being totally straight with you. When it comes to the possibility of an Ebola outbreak in the United States, our government is allowing politics to trump public safety. As Senator Paul stated:"This could get beyond our control ... I think because of political correctness we're not really making sound, rational, scientific decisions..."
We're being told that no one who is showing outward signs of Ebola is being allowed into the United States. But wait a minute, if Ebola can incubate inside of a human host for up to 21 days, how are we stopping the infected, who show no outward symptoms, from coming into the country?
The short answer is, we're not, but we're told that's okay because the same people who told you that you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor... the same people who told you that ISIS is a"jayvee team" ... the same people who told you that there was not a "smidgen of corruption" at the IRS... the same people who allowed untold numbers of veterans to die as they waited on "secret lists"for essential medical care... is now telling us that everything is okay... we're being told that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will somehow be able to locate these people after they've become contagious and isolate them to control the spread of the disease.
Thousands of people from Ebola-infected countries and adjacent countries come into the United States every day. Are we to believe that our government has the resources to track thousands... tens-of-thousands...?
Keep in mind, the CDC is called the Centers for Disease Control for a reason and the crucial question that no one is asking in this case is; what exactly constitutes an acceptable level of disease control? That's a question we don't want answered and the power to ensure that we don't get an answer to that question lies with you and the action you take now.
While We're On The Topic Of Government Lies...
Even if you believe that the CDC is capable of identifying and isolating all of the infected after the fact, how does the CDC propose to monitor all of the people who had direct and indirect contact with the infected individual? The short answer is, they can't.
Oh yes, we're being reassured that Ebola can't be spread through the air and that transmission is only possible through "direct contact with body fluids," but one of the pesky facts about Ebola that the government is downplaying is that the Ebola virus can live outside of a human host.
It's not necessary to come in contact with the infected individual... you only need to come in contact with an infected individual's body fluids.
Here's what the Public Health Agency of Canada says: "Filoviruses have been reported capable to survive for weeks in blood and can also survive on contaminated surfaces... Ebolavirus dried onto glass, polymeric silicone rubber, or painted aluminum alloy is able to survive in the dark for several hours under ambient conditions... When dried in tissue culture media onto glass and stored at 4C [approximately 40 degrees Farenheit], Zaire ebolavirus survived for over 50 days."
In other words, is it possible for a man carrying the Ebola virus to enter the country, show symptoms of the disease and become contagious days later, sneeze or cough on his hand, touch a door-knob (or some other surface) and infect others... perhaps hundreds... who touch that door-knob hours (or even days) later?
The short answer is, the government doesn't know, and even the medical community is unwilling to totally discount the possibility. The only response to that question has been equivocation... begrudging admissions that it's "possible."
The truth of the matter is that the medical community knows very little about Ebola and, in light of what is not known, why is the Obama Regime refusing to implement reasonable travel restrictions on those who are coming from countries in West Africa or have recently travelled to countries in West Africa?
Even if you believe that the CDC is capable of identifying and isolating all of the infected after the fact, how does the CDC propose to monitor all of the people who had direct and indirect contact with the infected individual? The short answer is, they can't.
Oh yes, we're being reassured that Ebola can't be spread through the air and that transmission is only possible through "direct contact with body fluids," but one of the pesky facts about Ebola that the government is downplaying is that the Ebola virus can live outside of a human host.
It's not necessary to come in contact with the infected individual... you only need to come in contact with an infected individual's body fluids.
Here's what the Public Health Agency of Canada says: "Filoviruses have been reported capable to survive for weeks in blood and can also survive on contaminated surfaces... Ebolavirus dried onto glass, polymeric silicone rubber, or painted aluminum alloy is able to survive in the dark for several hours under ambient conditions... When dried in tissue culture media onto glass and stored at 4C [approximately 40 degrees Farenheit], Zaire ebolavirus survived for over 50 days."
In other words, is it possible for a man carrying the Ebola virus to enter the country, show symptoms of the disease and become contagious days later, sneeze or cough on his hand, touch a door-knob (or some other surface) and infect others... perhaps hundreds... who touch that door-knob hours (or even days) later?
The short answer is, the government doesn't know, and even the medical community is unwilling to totally discount the possibility. The only response to that question has been equivocation... begrudging admissions that it's "possible."
The truth of the matter is that the medical community knows very little about Ebola and, in light of what is not known, why is the Obama Regime refusing to implement reasonable travel restrictions on those who are coming from countries in West Africa or have recently travelled to countries in West Africa?
We're Not Done Yet. Here's What The Scientific And Medical Community Is Saying
Behind Closed Doors.
The New York Times published an Opinion Editorial last month by Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Here's what Osterholm says: "What is not getting said publicly, despite briefings and discussions in the inner circles of the world's public health agencies, is that we are in totally uncharted waters and that Mother Nature is the only force in charge of the crisis at this time."
Osterholm outlines a scenario "that virologists are loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private," namely, "that an Ebola virus could mutate to become transmissible through the air. You can now get Ebola only through direct contact with bodily fluids. But viruses like Ebola are notoriously sloppy in replicating, meaning the virus entering one person may be genetically different from the virus entering the next. The current Ebola virus's hyper-evolution is unprecedented; there has been more human-to-human transmission in the past four months than most likely occurred in the last 500 to 1,000 years. Each new infection represents trillions of throws of the genetic dice."
Osterholm goes on to discuss a very recent case in which the Ebola virus has spread through the"respiratory route" from pigs to monkeys. In other words, mutations of Ebola that can be spread through the air already exist in the animal world!
And Osterholm adds: "Why are public officials afraid to discuss this? They don't want to be accused of screaming 'Fire!' in a crowded theater — as I'm sure some will accuse me of doing. But the risk is real, and until we consider it, the world will not be prepared to do what is necessary to end the epidemic."
Osterholm penned this editorial weeks ago, long before Ebola hit the news cycle in the United States. Keeping in mind that so much is unknown, is it unreasonable to demand that our elected officials shame the Obama Regime into implementing travel restrictions from infected countries and barring entry into the United States from those who have recently travelled to infected countries?
Do not trust the Obama Regime and don't let anyone tell you that you're nuts for demanding that our government act in a reasonable manner. It's time to call some elected officials on the carpet and if you're reading this alert, then you're among an elite group of patriotic Americans and activists who are willing and able to exert the necessary pressure to make them act in a reasonable manner.
The New York Times published an Opinion Editorial last month by Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Here's what Osterholm says: "What is not getting said publicly, despite briefings and discussions in the inner circles of the world's public health agencies, is that we are in totally uncharted waters and that Mother Nature is the only force in charge of the crisis at this time."
Osterholm outlines a scenario "that virologists are loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private," namely, "that an Ebola virus could mutate to become transmissible through the air. You can now get Ebola only through direct contact with bodily fluids. But viruses like Ebola are notoriously sloppy in replicating, meaning the virus entering one person may be genetically different from the virus entering the next. The current Ebola virus's hyper-evolution is unprecedented; there has been more human-to-human transmission in the past four months than most likely occurred in the last 500 to 1,000 years. Each new infection represents trillions of throws of the genetic dice."
Osterholm goes on to discuss a very recent case in which the Ebola virus has spread through the"respiratory route" from pigs to monkeys. In other words, mutations of Ebola that can be spread through the air already exist in the animal world!
And Osterholm adds: "Why are public officials afraid to discuss this? They don't want to be accused of screaming 'Fire!' in a crowded theater — as I'm sure some will accuse me of doing. But the risk is real, and until we consider it, the world will not be prepared to do what is necessary to end the epidemic."
Osterholm penned this editorial weeks ago, long before Ebola hit the news cycle in the United States. Keeping in mind that so much is unknown, is it unreasonable to demand that our elected officials shame the Obama Regime into implementing travel restrictions from infected countries and barring entry into the United States from those who have recently travelled to infected countries?
Do not trust the Obama Regime and don't let anyone tell you that you're nuts for demanding that our government act in a reasonable manner. It's time to call some elected officials on the carpet and if you're reading this alert, then you're among an elite group of patriotic Americans and activists who are willing and able to exert the necessary pressure to make them act in a reasonable manner.
Republicans See The Danger And Which Are Equivocating?
Rand Paul is not the only politician who respects the danger we are facing. A small - much too small - number of elected officials already see the handwriting on the wall:
"Due to the Obama administration's unclear approach to addressing
the threat of the Ebola virus, Americans — particularly the Texans who have
possibly been exposed — deserve specific answers to how the administration is
addressing travel to and from the countries impacted by the disease." -Senator Ted Cruz
"The president's priorities are all mixed up here. All you got to
do is shut down traffic in and out of places where there's high risk of
Ebola." -Congressman Louie
"President Obama said it was 'unlikely' that Ebola would reach the
U.S. Well, it has, and we need to protect our people." -Bobby Jindal
Congressman Lamar Smith says that it's totally "appropriate to
review our policies for travel to and from the countries most affected by the
Ebola outbreak" and Politico reports: "Rep. Tom Cotton,
who's running against Sen. Mark Pryor in one of the tightest Senate races in
the country — suggested suspending thousands of visas for people from the
African countries affected by the outbreak."
While some are waking up and see the dangers, there is a huge problem. The liberal media is beating up any politician who is daring to challenge the Obama Regime's do-nothing narrative and far too many in the Republican leadership are getting the message... loud and clear... and they are equivocating.
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy proclaimed: "How could we possibly stop all that? I don't know that [flight restrictions on] planes does that. We've got to go to the core of the problem... and invest in a vaccine and a treatment so we cure it once and for all." Newsflash Congressman McCarthy, epidemics do not wait on vaccines.
But wait until hear what Paul Ryan did. After clearly suggesting on a radio show that people who are coming from infected countries should be quarantined, Ryan's staff rushed to issue a "clarification." Politico reported: "A spokesman for Ryan says the congressman misspoke and was referencing a recommendation to be monitored for 21 days."
How's that for a politically correct back-track? What spooked Ryan's staff? Answer: the liberal media. Make no mistake, the lame stream media is defining the narrative for our elected officials and the media will continue to set the narrative unless patriotic Americans, like you, confront these elected officials. They fear the media and if you don't speak up, they will back down.
Matthew Continetti, the Editor in Chief of the Washington Free Beacon, outlined the dangers and the steps our elected officials must take best: "It is not Ebola I am afraid of. It is our government's ability to deal with Ebola. ... The only response to a virus this deadly is to quarantine it. Stop flights, suspend visas, and beef up customs and security. It can be done."
Rand Paul is not the only politician who respects the danger we are facing. A small - much too small - number of elected officials already see the handwriting on the wall:




While some are waking up and see the dangers, there is a huge problem. The liberal media is beating up any politician who is daring to challenge the Obama Regime's do-nothing narrative and far too many in the Republican leadership are getting the message... loud and clear... and they are equivocating.
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy proclaimed: "How could we possibly stop all that? I don't know that [flight restrictions on] planes does that. We've got to go to the core of the problem... and invest in a vaccine and a treatment so we cure it once and for all." Newsflash Congressman McCarthy, epidemics do not wait on vaccines.
But wait until hear what Paul Ryan did. After clearly suggesting on a radio show that people who are coming from infected countries should be quarantined, Ryan's staff rushed to issue a "clarification." Politico reported: "A spokesman for Ryan says the congressman misspoke and was referencing a recommendation to be monitored for 21 days."
How's that for a politically correct back-track? What spooked Ryan's staff? Answer: the liberal media. Make no mistake, the lame stream media is defining the narrative for our elected officials and the media will continue to set the narrative unless patriotic Americans, like you, confront these elected officials. They fear the media and if you don't speak up, they will back down.
Matthew Continetti, the Editor in Chief of the Washington Free Beacon, outlined the dangers and the steps our elected officials must take best: "It is not Ebola I am afraid of. It is our government's ability to deal with Ebola. ... The only response to a virus this deadly is to quarantine it. Stop flights, suspend visas, and beef up customs and security. It can be done."
The Government Really Lie To Us?
Perhaps the more appropriate question to ask is; when was the last time the Obama Regime told us the truth about anything?
So what's the problem with stopping flights and suspending visas? Politico reports the Obama Regime's response: "At a White House briefing Friday, Lisa Monaco, a White House adviser on homeland security and counterterrorism, argued that a flight ban would 'actually impede the response' because it would make it harder to get medical help to the region."
Is she kidding? Reasonable people could ask, why not stop flights and suspend visas for everyone EXCEPT medical personnel who go to affected countries to combat the disease? We could fly them in directly on government planes, fly them back to the United States on government planes and quarantine them... deluxe, five-star accommodations... for 21 days upon their return?
But to ask such a question would confound the Obama Regime narrative.
William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University, gave the real reason our elected officials are not acting in our best interest, perhaps without realizing the implications of what he was saying: "We can't just isolate ourselves from the world..."
There it is. To the Kumbaya crowd, the political elites and the United Nations types in our government, it is far better to sacrifice the lives of Americans than to insult the despotic dictators of third-world countries.
And if you have to ask if such a sentiment, on the part of our elected officials, is possible, then you've already forgotten the recent Veterans Administration scandal... and you've already forgotten that Barack Hussein Obama felt compelled to apologize, on bended knee, after brave Americans were brutally slaughtered in Benghazi.
Karin McQuillan, writing for the American Thinker sums up the sentiment as follows:"Democrats are okay with some dead Americans. Americans in their own homes, sacrificed on the altar of liberal hubris about the power of government and political correctness.... For liberals, multiculturalism trumps protecting American's lives. Democrats tell us it is unthinkable to suspend air travel from West Africa. We must continue to allow thousands of West Africans to fly here every month."
Continetti agrees: "If the FAA can cancel flights to Israel, why can't it cancel flights to and from the West African countries whence the outbreak originated? Simple: because doing so would violate the sacred principles by which our bourgeois liberal elite operate. To deny an individual entry to the United States over fears of contamination would offend our elite's sense of humanitarian cosmopolitanism. For them, 'singling out' nations or cultures from which threats to the public health or safety of the United States originate is illegitimate. It 'stigmatizes' those nations or cultures, it 'shames' them, it makes them feel unequal. It's judgmental. It suggests that America prefers her already existing citizens to others."
Well... it's time to shame some politicians. American lives must not be sacrificed on the altar of one-world-order political correctness and if our elected leaders don't instinctively understand such a simple concept, it's up to us as patriotic Americans to make sure that they get the message!
Perhaps the more appropriate question to ask is; when was the last time the Obama Regime told us the truth about anything?
So what's the problem with stopping flights and suspending visas? Politico reports the Obama Regime's response: "At a White House briefing Friday, Lisa Monaco, a White House adviser on homeland security and counterterrorism, argued that a flight ban would 'actually impede the response' because it would make it harder to get medical help to the region."
Is she kidding? Reasonable people could ask, why not stop flights and suspend visas for everyone EXCEPT medical personnel who go to affected countries to combat the disease? We could fly them in directly on government planes, fly them back to the United States on government planes and quarantine them... deluxe, five-star accommodations... for 21 days upon their return?
But to ask such a question would confound the Obama Regime narrative.
William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University, gave the real reason our elected officials are not acting in our best interest, perhaps without realizing the implications of what he was saying: "We can't just isolate ourselves from the world..."
There it is. To the Kumbaya crowd, the political elites and the United Nations types in our government, it is far better to sacrifice the lives of Americans than to insult the despotic dictators of third-world countries.
And if you have to ask if such a sentiment, on the part of our elected officials, is possible, then you've already forgotten the recent Veterans Administration scandal... and you've already forgotten that Barack Hussein Obama felt compelled to apologize, on bended knee, after brave Americans were brutally slaughtered in Benghazi.
Karin McQuillan, writing for the American Thinker sums up the sentiment as follows:"Democrats are okay with some dead Americans. Americans in their own homes, sacrificed on the altar of liberal hubris about the power of government and political correctness.... For liberals, multiculturalism trumps protecting American's lives. Democrats tell us it is unthinkable to suspend air travel from West Africa. We must continue to allow thousands of West Africans to fly here every month."
Continetti agrees: "If the FAA can cancel flights to Israel, why can't it cancel flights to and from the West African countries whence the outbreak originated? Simple: because doing so would violate the sacred principles by which our bourgeois liberal elite operate. To deny an individual entry to the United States over fears of contamination would offend our elite's sense of humanitarian cosmopolitanism. For them, 'singling out' nations or cultures from which threats to the public health or safety of the United States originate is illegitimate. It 'stigmatizes' those nations or cultures, it 'shames' them, it makes them feel unequal. It's judgmental. It suggests that America prefers her already existing citizens to others."
Well... it's time to shame some politicians. American lives must not be sacrificed on the altar of one-world-order political correctness and if our elected leaders don't instinctively understand such a simple concept, it's up to us as patriotic Americans to make sure that they get the message!
Floyd Brown
The Western
Center for Journalism is a 501©3 educational organization. Contributions are
tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations. Personal and corporate
contributions are allowed.
Amenper: Hablando de
Perros y perros muertos…
En el
medievo, se consideraba al perro de una manera negativa, al menos así aparece
en sus representaciones artísticas, que se encuentran revestidas de contenidos
con simbolismos relacionados con lo maléfico y lo dañino.
un tema tan amplio y complejo como el de la simbología animal es difícil por su
variación según la cultura y la situación del animal.
Pero un
“perro muerto” si tiene una simbología muy negativa en nuestra cultura.
decimos que alguien nos dio un “perro muerto” queremos decir que alguien dos
dio una larga perorata, algo que significa que resultó en una posición
desagradable por lo poco oportuna o intrascendente, causando molestias e
incomodidades. El término suele aplicarse a aquellos discursos o monólogos que
no aportan información valiosa y que terminan por aburrir o fastidiar al
oyente. Este “perro muerto” lo podemos recibir de cualquier persona, de alguien
conocido o de nuestro presidente, y de hacho tenemos que soportar estos “perros
vemos un perro muerto en la calle, todos se alejan del área. Sin
lugar a dudas la fetidez en muchos casos es la razón, pero vemos que personas
en automóviles con las ventanillas cerradas, también se alejan del inofensivo
perro muerto. Quizás la simbología negativa del perro muerto es la
que aleja a las personas. Un perro muerto se puede asociar con la
muerte, ya sea física, espiritual o política, y nadie quiere que este perro
muerto se asocie a su persona.
vemos que hasta sus aliados se están alejando de Obama. Todos los
discursos de los candidatos en estas elecciones nos envían la idea implícita o
directa que ellos no son como Obama, que ellos no quieren que los comparen a
Obama. Esto también va hasta en personas que han ocupado posiciones
claves en la administración, y que no están aspirando en estas elecciones como
León Panetta, Hillary Clinton y últimamente, (agárrense a la silla para no caerse,
porque yo me caí) JIMMY CARTER…… si,,,esta vez no estoy
inventando nada, no es un chiste, es la pura verdad y pueden comprobarlo.
Carter, en una entrevista en el Forth Worth Star Telegram, el pasado
martes 7 de Octubre, dijo que el problema de Iraq era que ISIS había tomado las
posiciones porque los Estados Unidos las había abandonado, pero que si seguimos
bombardeando y le damos seguimientos con tropas en el terreno, todavía podemos
pude creer que podría haber visto esto, hasta Jimmy critica a Obama por su
débil estrategia.
Que me
queda por ver, ¿cuál será la próxima crítica de personas cerca de Obama?
Será su
esposa Michelle, o será una de sus hijas, quizás Malia o pudiera
ser Sacha, cualquier cosa es posible cuando vemos un “perro muerto”
Al Qaeda Working
with Latin American Drug Cartels
And with our open border, these terrorists will be able to do
anything they want.
Check it out:
Check it out:
The commander of the U.S. Southern Command said al Qaeda raises “a
lot of money” by allowing Latin American drug cartels to traffic cocaine into
Europe through West Africa, explicitly associating the two enterprises.
“We know that the cocaine that flows out of Bolivia and Peru, the
number one and number two producer, feeds the cocaine habit around the world,”
said U.S. Marine Gen. John Kelly, commander of Southcom, during an October 7
speech delivered to an audience at the National Defense University in
Washington, D.C.
“So we know that much of the cocaine that moves through West
Africa, up the Maghreb and into Western Europe — al Qaeda and al Qaeda
affiliates take a fair share, some amount of money, we don’t know how much, but a lot of money to allow it to flow,”
he continued. “We know that some of the [cocaine] money that comes out of the
United States is laundered into the coffers of Hezbollah.”
94 Year
Old Prophecy Fulfilled! “Downright Moron” In The White House
By Susan
Duclos – All
News PipeLine
An eRumor which was confirmed as true in August 2013 by Snopes,
but originally started in 2004, then started making the rounds again inMay
2014, is now more relevant than ever
before. Henry
Louis Mencken, a prominent newspaperman and political commentator during the
first half of the 20th century, wrote an article for Baltimore Evening
Sun on 26 July 1920 titled “Bayard vs. Lionheart,” which stated the following: The larger the mob, the harder
the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man
occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of
his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged
chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so
readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is,
intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most easily
adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.
The Presidency tends,
year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office
represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward
a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will
reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a
downright moron. The
new 2014 meme has been altered to show the quote as “As democracy is perfected, the
office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of
the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will
reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a
downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.”
While the
first rounds of this “prophecy” were emailed out during the Bush presidency,
looking through the Obama presidency offers a variety of examples that have
many believing these prophetic words from Mencken have finally come true in
reality….. examples include the multiple instances when scandal has rocked the
Obama administration, yet Obama and his talking heads insisted he and/or his
administration only “found out about it from the news,” or was unaware,
or was taken off guard by (insert scandal here).
1.) NSA spying
on foriegn leaders: President Obama news
conference with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan (5/16/2013):
“I can assure you that I certainly did not know anything about the I.G. report
before the I.G. report had been leaked through press — through the press.” 2)
VA waiting list scandal where Jay
Carney claimed
”You mean the specific allegations that I think were reported first by
your news network out of Phoenix, I believe. We learned about them through the
reports. I will double check if that is not the case. But that is when we
learned about them and that is when I understand Secretary Shinseki learned
about them, and he immediately took the action that he has taken.” 3.) IRS
targeting scandal where Obama
in a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Cameron (May
13, 2013) said “”Well, let me take the IRS situation first. I first learned
about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about
this. I think it was on Friday.” 4.) DOJ obtaining AP phone records and during
a WH press briefing Jay Carney was asked when Obama found out about it,
where Carney
claimed “Yesterday.
Let me just be clear. We don’t have any independent knowledge of that. He found
out about the news reports yesterday on the road. 5.) Fast and Furious scandal
where Jay Carney stated during a White House press briefing “”The
president did not know about this tactic until he heard about it through the
media; the attorney general did not know about it.” 6.) Air Force One fly over
in Manhattan, when Obama was asked about it, he
said “ It
was a mistake, as was — as was stated. It was something we found out about
along with all of you and it will not happen again. Thank you.”
The most recent example of this type of “moronic” behavior was included
in a report by All News PipeLine this morning, where Obama claimed he had not
been briefed on the rise of ISIS and the threat the terror group posed,
contrary to assertions from intelligence services that they had been sending
him briefs for over a year, warning of those dangers….. to which Lt. Col. Ralph
Peters offered some harsh criticisms and declared that Barack Obama has a “psychological problem.”
Then we have Obama’s Gaffe-ridden presidency, shown in the video below,
which adds depth to the charge that finally, the 94 year old prophecy of H. L.
Mencken, has indeed, been proven true.
Hillary’s Nightmare: Scandal
Resurfaces, Threatens to Make Hillary Clinton’s White House Dream a Nightmare
Just one of the many
scandals keeping Hillary awake at night. Check it out.
Whitewater — a term that many associate with the long-running investigations
into a handful of scandals that surrounded Bill and Hillary Clinton during the
early years of the Clinton presidency — Whitewater may once again rear its
ominous head.
This Friday, the Clinton library is due to release new
documents, including some that are expected to include Whitewater files. And
very soon a new book will be published, authored by the first federal
prosecutor to probe the financial dealings of the former president and his wife
who wants to be a future president.
In the memoir, Robert Fiske, a former U.S. attorney who served
as the original independent counsel in charge of the Whitewater investigation,
says he had quickly uncovered “serious crimes” in the Whitewater investigation.
Fiske claims that his probe was cut short, and he was replaced as the lead
investigator, after he was falsely accused of a “cover up.”
White House Allegedly Concealed Ties to Colombian Prostitution
The White House knew but refused to acknowledge that a
member of the president's staff had been involved in the Colombian prostitution scandal that
saw dozens of Secret Service agents and military personnel punished or fired in
2012, The Washington Postreported.
The Obama administration had repeatedly denied at the time that anyone at the White House was involved, but new documents reveal that senior aides were told by the Secret Service that a prostitute stayed overnight in the Cartagena hotel room of a member of the presidential advance team, Jonathan Dach.
The Obama administration had repeatedly denied at the time that anyone at the White House was involved, but new documents reveal that senior aides were told by the Secret Service that a prostitute stayed overnight in the Cartagena hotel room of a member of the presidential advance team, Jonathan Dach.
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According to the Post's analysis of government documents along with interviews, the Secret Service had provided the White House with a wide range of evidence against Dach.
It included hotel records, interviews of all advance team members, testimony from executives at the hotel, and hotel logs indicating the prostitute was registered to the aide's room overnight, along with her photo ID.
Nevertheless, top officials at the White House, including then-White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler, questioned the staff member but concluded there was no wrongdoing.
Then-White House press secretary Jay Carney also insisted "there have been no specific, credible allegations of misconduct by anyone on the White House advance team or the White House staff."
There is evidence to suggest, however, that some in the administration went to great lengths to ensure the White House was not part of the formal investigation and the resulting report to Congress.
"We were directed at the time ... to delay the report of the investigation until after the 2012 election," David Nieland, the lead investigator on the case for the Department of Homeland Security, told Senate staffers, according to three people with knowledge of his statement, the Post reported.
According to the Post's analysis of government documents along with interviews, the Secret Service had provided the White House with a wide range of evidence against Dach.
It included hotel records, interviews of all advance team members, testimony from executives at the hotel, and hotel logs indicating the prostitute was registered to the aide's room overnight, along with her photo ID.
Nevertheless, top officials at the White House, including then-White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler, questioned the staff member but concluded there was no wrongdoing.
Then-White House press secretary Jay Carney also insisted "there have been no specific, credible allegations of misconduct by anyone on the White House advance team or the White House staff."
There is evidence to suggest, however, that some in the administration went to great lengths to ensure the White House was not part of the formal investigation and the resulting report to Congress.
"We were directed at the time ... to delay the report of the investigation until after the 2012 election," David Nieland, the lead investigator on the case for the Department of Homeland Security, told Senate staffers, according to three people with knowledge of his statement, the Post reported.
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Nieland also said that his superiors told him "to withhold and alter certain information in the report of investigation because it was potentially embarrassing to the administration."
In response to the Post's report Wednesday, White House spokesman Eric Schultz denied that anyone in the White House interfered with the investigation.
"As was reported more than two years ago, the White House conducted an internal review that did not identify any inappropriate behavior on the part of the White House advance team," Schultz said, according to the Post.
It still remains unclear whether Dach, who currently works as a policy adviser in the administration, was involved in the prostitution scandal. He continues to deny hiring a prostitute or bringing anyone to his hotel room, the Post reported.
"The underlying allegations about any inappropriate conduct by Jonathan Dach in Cartagena are utterly and completely false," Dach attorney Richard Sauber told the Post. "In addition, neither he nor anyone acting on his behalf ever contacted the DHS IG's [inspector general's] office about its report."
At the time of the investigation, the issue of Dach's possible involvement caused rifts and infighting in the inspector general's office. Those who advocated pursuing his involvement were put on administrative leave as punishment, according to the Post.
Nieland also said that his superiors told him "to withhold and alter certain information in the report of investigation because it was potentially embarrassing to the administration."
In response to the Post's report Wednesday, White House spokesman Eric Schultz denied that anyone in the White House interfered with the investigation.
"As was reported more than two years ago, the White House conducted an internal review that did not identify any inappropriate behavior on the part of the White House advance team," Schultz said, according to the Post.
It still remains unclear whether Dach, who currently works as a policy adviser in the administration, was involved in the prostitution scandal. He continues to deny hiring a prostitute or bringing anyone to his hotel room, the Post reported.
"The underlying allegations about any inappropriate conduct by Jonathan Dach in Cartagena are utterly and completely false," Dach attorney Richard Sauber told the Post. "In addition, neither he nor anyone acting on his behalf ever contacted the DHS IG's [inspector general's] office about its report."
At the time of the investigation, the issue of Dach's possible involvement caused rifts and infighting in the inspector general's office. Those who advocated pursuing his involvement were put on administrative leave as punishment, according to the Post.
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Meanwhile, former and current Secret Service agents continue to be angry at the White House's denials and decision not to conduct a full investigation while members of the agency were implicated and punished for their actions.
They were treated "radically differently by different parts of the same executive branch," Larry Berger, a lawyer who represented a number of the agents, told the Post.
Dach was a volunteer who helped coordinate drivers for the White House travel office. He was not privy to the highly sensitive information about the president handled by Secret Service staff, but those in his position are told that their conduct reflects on the president, the Post reported.
Related Stories: Secret Service Director Apologizes for Prostitution Scandal
Meanwhile, former and current Secret Service agents continue to be angry at the White House's denials and decision not to conduct a full investigation while members of the agency were implicated and punished for their actions.
They were treated "radically differently by different parts of the same executive branch," Larry Berger, a lawyer who represented a number of the agents, told the Post.
Dach was a volunteer who helped coordinate drivers for the White House travel office. He was not privy to the highly sensitive information about the president handled by Secret Service staff, but those in his position are told that their conduct reflects on the president, the Post reported.
Related Stories: Secret Service Director Apologizes for Prostitution Scandal
Sen. Johnson Accuses Secret Service Head
of Misleading Congress
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Ebola ‘Suicide’ Bombs: Experts
Concerned ISIS Planning To Infect Themselves With Ebola To Spread Disease
This virus is very convenient for ISIS to use
at their disposal. God help us if they do try this.
ISIS may already be thinking of using Ebola as a low-tech weapon of
bio-terror, says a national security expert, who notes that the “Islamic State
of Iraq and Syria” and terror groups like it wouldn’t even have to
weaponize the virus to attempt to wreak strategic global infection.
Such groups could simply use human carriers to intentionally infect
themselves in West Africa, then disseminate the deadly virus via the world’s
air transportation system. Or so says Capt. Al Shimkus, Ret., a Professor of
National Security Affairs at the U.S. Naval War College.
“The individual exposed to the Ebola Virus would be
the carrier,” Shimkus told Forbes. “In the
context of terrorist activity, it doesn’t take much sophistication to go to
that next step to use a human being as a carrier.”
And with a significant portion of West Africa now in an open
epidemic, it arguably wouldn’t be difficult for a terrorist group to simply
waltz in and make off with some infected bodily fluids for use elsewhere at
another time.
They wouldn’t even have to “isolate” it, says Shimkus, who teaches a
course in chemical and biological warfare. He says that if ISIS wanted to send
half a dozen of its operatives into an Ebola outbreak region and intentionally
expose themselves to the virus, they very well could. The idea is then once
they had intentionally infected themselves, they would try to interact with as
many people in their target city or country of choice.
1. Es hora de usar el dinero que
usted ahorro durante toda su vida.
Usarlo para usted, no para guardarlo para que lo disfruten los
que no conocen el sacrificio de haberlo conseguido, generalmente personas que
ni siquiera son de la familia: Yernos y nueras!! Recuerde que no hay nada mas
peligroso que un Yerno con ideas. Cuidado: No es época de inversiones por
maravillosas que parezcan, estas solo le traerán angustias y esta época
es para tener mucha paz y tranquilidad.
2. Deje
de preocuparse con la situación financiera de hijos y nietos;
no se sienta culpable de gastar su dinero en usted mismo.
Probablemente, usted ya les ofreció lo que fue posible en la infancia y
juventud como una buena educación. Ahora por tanto, la responsabilidad es de
3. Ya
no es época de sostener a nadie de su familia;
sea un poco egoísta, mas no usurero. Tenga una vida saludable,
sin grandes esfuerzos físicos. Haga gimnasia moderada y aliméntese bien.
4. Compre
siempre lo mejor y mas fino, al fin y al cabo es para usted.
Recuerde que en esta época, un objetivo clave es gastarse el dinero en
usted, en sus gustos y caprichos. Después de muerto el dinero solo genera
odios y rencores.
5. Nada
de angustiarse por poca cosa.
En la vida todo pasa, sean los buenos momentos que deben ser
recordados, sean los malos que deben ser rápidamente olvidados.
6. Independiente
de la edad, mantenga vivo el amor siempre.
7. Esté
en todo momento limpio, tome un baño diario; sea vanidoso.
frecuente al peluquero, arréglese las uñas, vaya al dermatólogo,
al dentista, y use perfumes y cremas con moderación. Ya que ahora usted
no es guapísimo, esté por lo menos bien cuidado.
8. Nada
de ser muy moderno, intente ser clásico.
Es triste ver gente mayor con peinados y atuendos hechos para
9. Manténgase
siempre actualizado.
Lea libros y periódicos, oiga radio, vea buenos programas en la
TV, ingrese a internet, envíe y responda e-mails, llame a los amigos.
10. Respete
la opinión de los jóvenes a pesar que a veces pueden estar equivocados.
11. Jamás
use la expresión “en mis tiempos”. Su tiempo es hoy.
12. No
caiga en la tentación de vivir con los hijos o nietos aunque de vez en cuando vaya unos días como invitado.
Consiga más bien un ama de llaves que le acompañe y colabore con las tareas
del hogar y solo tome esta decisión cuando no de más o el fin esté bien próximo.
Puede ser muy divertido convivir con gente de su generación y lo más
importante, no dará trabajo a nadie.
14. Cultive
un “hobby”
como viajar,caminar, cocinar, leer, danzar, criar un gato, un
cachorro, cuidar de plantas, jugar cartas, golf, ingresar a Internet, pintar,
ser voluntario o coleccionar algo. Haga lo que le gusta y lo que sus recursos
le permitan.
15. Acepte
todas las invitaciones
de bautizo, grado, cumpleaños, casamiento, conferencias. Visite
museos, vaya al campo.... lo importante es salir de casa por un rato. Pero no
se disguste si no lo invitan porque a veces no se puede. Seguramente cuando
usted era joven tampoco invitaba a sus padres a TODO.
16. Hable
poco,.... y oiga más
pues su vida y su pasado sólo le interesan a usted mismo. Si
alguien le pregunta sobre esos asuntos, sea breve y procure hablar de cosas
buenas y agradables. Jamás se lamente de algo. Hable en tono bajo y con
cortesía. No critique nada, acepte las situaciones tal como son. Todo es
pasajero. Recuerde que pronto volverá a su casa y a su rutina.
17. Los
dolores y las molestias estarán siempre presentes, no las vuelva más problemáticas de lo que son hablando
sobre ellas. Trate de minimizarlas. Al final, ellas lo afectan solamente a
usted y son problemas suyos y de sus médicos.
18. No
permanezca tan apegado a la religión ahora de viejo, rezando e implorando
todo el tiempo como un fanático. Lo
bueno es que en breve,podrá hacer sus pedidos personalmente.
19. Ría,
ría mucho, ría de todo,.... y por todo.
usted es un suertudo, usted ha tenido una vida, una larga vida ,
y la muerte será solamente una nueva etapa incierta, así como fue incierta
toda su vida.
20. Si alguien le dice que ahora usted no hace
nada de importancia, no se preocupe. Lo
más importante ya fue hecho: usted y su historia, buena o mala, ya sucedió!
“No te rindas, por favor no cedas aunque el
frío queme, aunque el miedo muerda, aunque el sol se ponga y
se calle el viento.
Aún hay fuego en tu alma, aún hay
vida en tus sueños, porque cada día es...... un comienzo nuevo,
porque ésta es la hora y el mejor momento”.........
Syrian airstrikes and the new case for
Congressional term limits
Check it out:
George Will wrote an article last week in which he makes a compelling case for Congressional
term limits at the national level.
Congressmen, he says, are
increasingly reticent to stand up to executive power, and nothing proves this
more clearly than the President’s recent decision to, essentially, bypass
Congress and launch airstrikes on Syria.
Though the idea seems
counterintuitive, Will makes the case that term limits would actually
motivate Congressmen to reclaim their constitutional authority and restore a
balance of power at the federal level.
Instead of running for office
year after year to maintain the perks of the job, term limits would encourage
members of Congress to use their power while they have it.
Read more at |
Están son mis sugerencias para
las próximas elecciones el martes 4 de noviembre del 2014.
Usted debe votar por quien
usted desee.
Esta es Boleta electoral del próximo Noviembre Martes 4, 2014 en Miami Dade.
DISTRITO 23 Joseph Kaufman REP 10
DISTRITO 24 Carlos Curbelo REP 15
REP 17 Carlos Lopez-Cantera
Atwater REP 25
REP 27
REPRESENTANTE ESTATAL, DISTRITO 100 Martin A. “Marty” Feigenbaum REP 30
Trujillo REP 35
Jose Oliva REP 40
Diaz Leyva REP 44
Fresen REP 46
REPRESENTANTE ESTATAL, DISTRITO 116 Jose Felix Diaz REP 52 Carmen Sotomayor REP 54
Artiles REP 56
M. Nuñez REP 58
No voten por Eddie González
para tasador de inmuebles, porque es un aliado de Carlos Giménez para subirnos
los impuestos.
Financiamiento de Proyectos del
Tribunal mediante la Emisión de Bonos de
Obligación General: Hacer una nueva corte con dinero de los
contribuyentes. Vote NO/.
Lázaro R. González
“En mi opinión”
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